Chapter 234: : Cheng Bufan

"Only five dinosaur eggs can be put in one time? Can it be hatched in one month?"
Du Qingke uttered aloud.
"Yes, boss, it's like that in general. However, the specific situation may be different according to the classification of the dinosaur eggs."
Niu Inston explained.
"This, too!"
Du Qingke was delighted, and immediately took out from the dragon ring: five sixth-order dinosaur eggs.
The sixth-order dinosaur eggs, in Du Qingke's dragon ring, are considered the worst grade, and the number is more than three thousand.
Like Tier 6 dinosaurs, once they reach adulthood, they are comparable to the masters of the human race!
Du Qingke put five Tier 6 dinosaur eggs into the incubator.
"You set the value and get the incubator up and running! I want to see results as soon as possible!"
Du Qingke ordered.
Niu Inston was also taken aback.
This dinosaur incubator, but he saw the recent rampant dinosaurs.
This machine was created specifically.
For this incubator, more aspects are just Niu Inston in order to explore the use of source energy.
Niu Inston did not expect that Du Qingke actually had dinosaur eggs.
This incubator is really: it can be used immediately.
Niu Inston started to set the value in accordance with Du Qingke's request.
Soon, the incubator began to work.
This incubator has started to work.
"Well, boss, your dinosaur egg, the level is not low. It has reached the highest level this incubator can withstand at present."
Niu Inston was slightly surprised.
"Um, how long will it take to incubate?"
Du Qingke asked.
"The time may be extended by a few days, but it will only be around a month, not more than a month and a half at most."
Niu Inston estimated.
"it is good!"
"Then you pay close attention! Once the incubation is complete, you immediately notify me!"
Du Qingke said slowly.
"Okay, boss!"
Niu Inston nodded.
"By the way, I will give you an extra task. While you are studying the source energy, you will also produce more incubators like this for me. I especially need such incubators now! Moreover, the level and capacity must be given to me. Go up!"
Du Qingke gave Niu Inston a task.
Now, just test the waters.
After all, this incubator must be improved as soon as possible.
If not, it is good.
Relying on this efficiency, it is too low.
Du Qingke still has so many dinosaur eggs. Otherwise, it will only be possible to hatch until the year of the monkey.
"Okay, no problem at all! I will try my best to do it."
Niu Inston agreed.
"Nuo, research on this kind of high technology will definitely need funding. Come, give: 100,000 golden apricots, you take it!"
Du Qingke took out one hundred thousand golden apricots from the dragon ring and gave them to Niu Inston.
Niu Inston was naturally very happy.
Those who do scientific research and experiments actually lack money most.
Without research funding, some projects will certainly not be implemented.
There will be clever women: cooking without rice!
Say goodbye to Niu Inston here.
Du Qingke immediately returned to the 101 defense zone.
This time around, the 101 defense zone was also overcrowded.
Many people are here.
One after another, applicants ran over.
Tao Xiaobai has also set up some facilities and stages.
"Well, it seems that everyone is coming here very quickly!"
Du Qingke smiled slightly.
"Now, start interviewing applicants!"
Du Qingke sat in the main position and began interviewing applicants one after another.
"Name? Xiu is the strength? Why join our 101st camp?"
Du Qingke asked about the routine.
Most of the applicants are in the silver tier to the golden tier.
Du Qingke delineated these personnel separately.
The number of these personnel is about two thousand.
"You guys start fighting freely now!"
"When I call to stop. You stop again. When that time, those who can stand up can join our 101st Battalion. I will grant you the rank of Corporal!"
Du Qingke announced.
"Now, start! Fight!"
Du Qingke gave an order.
"Xiaobai, you are watching here to maintain order. Finally, you can hold it and see the number of people present. When there is one third left, you will stop!"
Du Qingke ordered.
"Okay, boss, don't worry. I will watch!"
Tao Xiaobai nodded.
Next, Du Qingke then began to sit in the position of the chief judge.
At this time, Du Qingke is going to review the next line of achievement: the strong above the golden rank.
Those strong men who have reached the golden rank are the objects Du Qingke will focus on this time.
These people have a relatively high status in Du Qingke's heart.
Like: squad leader, platoon leader, company commander, Du Qingke is going to select from the golden ranks.
For example, Du Qingke will let him become a squad leader for a beginner in the golden rank.
Even stronger, if it reaches the golden rank, Du Qingke will make him: platoon leader!
If it has reached the golden rank, Du Qingke will make him a company commander.
Originally, the 101st Battalion had three companies, but now there are so many people.
Du Qingke is naturally no longer satisfied with the three Du Qingke is going to expand. This time, he is going to expand at once.
Expand the three companies and upgrade them to four companies.
For these strong players in the golden ranks, they all have to take up leadership positions in the 101st camp.
Du Qingke can't let these people fish in troubled waters.
For some casual people, or people with impure ideas.
Du Qingke wants to eliminate them all.
Those people can't be in the team.
Du Qingke mainly examines the hearts of those people.
If the motivation is simple, the character is good.
Du Qingke will let them join.
If people with impure motives, Du Qingke will let them get rid of them all.
Du Qingke deliberately downloaded a lot of psychological knowledge questionnaires from the Internet to examine the spiritual problems of these people.
Prepare to kick out some of the bad-hearted people.
At the same time, Du Qingke also used some of his mental power to observe in secret.
Du Qingke was able to perceive some subtle changes.
As long as that person has a problem.
Du Qingke can see it from the perspective of mental power.
After a round of simple screening, through the use of psychological knowledge and the exploration of spiritual power.
Du Qingke eliminated dozens of people.
For the rest of the people, Du Qingke was preparing for the next round of questioning.
If, appropriate, these people will immediately join the 101st camp.
They will also get higher positions.
But right now!
One person ran over with two axes, shouting.
"My Cheng Bufan, I'm late! Wait for me! Wait for me!"
A big man ran over hastily.
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