Chapter 297: : Haitang City

"I also want to give Du Qingke an official rank, and give him a territory? It's really unreasonable!"
Shuai Lu roared angrily.
"Immediately raise an objection! Report to the Military Tribunal, I will make a small report and put on Du Qingke shoes!"
Shuai Lu slammed the table.
Although he had never met Du Qingke, he was very clear: Du Qingke and the Tenth Independent Regiment were both students of the Raksha instructor, and they were inextricably related to the Raksha instructor.
Between Lu Shuai and Rakshasa, because of the "Villa of Evil" incident, the two sides are already deadly enemies.
"Sir, but General Luo Ba, General Li Yunhu, and Young Master Mo Ming, these heavyweights are personally recommending them. At this time, we are going to make a small report, there is no evidence, I am afraid it is wrong!"
As a bystander, the adjutant's mind was fairly clear.
"Fight! Report it immediately! This time, even if Du Qingke and his subordinates cannot be arrested, I will let their awards go to waste!"
"They are heavyweights, am I not? I, the deputy commander and the supervisor of the Academic Affairs Office of the Zhennan Military University, are bad?"
Lu Shuai said coldly.
The adjutant went down as ordered.
Soon, a proliferating objection letter was transmitted to the military court.
At the same time, Zhou Jianlai, who was leading the Kyoto inspection group to patrol the Southern Wilderness Governor's Mansion, saw a piece of information that interests him.
Zhou Jian came and picked up the file.
"Hey, a calamity-grade spinyback dragon? Interesting, it was wiped out in a small city like Qianyuan City! The leader who participated in the annihilation was Du Qingke? This young man, unexpectedly, has grown to this point."
Zhou Jian came, slightly surprised.
The Secretary General of the Governor's Mansion, as an escort, added: "Inspector Zhou, do you know the head of Du Qingke?"
"It's a acquaintance."
Zhou Jian came and nodded.
"However, this Du Qingke is young after all. He is relatively unlucky. He originally made a great contribution, but he offended others. Originally, the military department’s award orders were all cancelled. !"
The Secretary General of the Governor said slowly.
"Slaying the disaster-level dinosaurs, this is a great achievement! Why, say cancel, cancel it! Who is behind it?"
Zhou Jianlai frowned.
"Inspector Zhou, you may not know it. It was Lieutenant General Lu Shuai, the current Celestial Army-Zhennan Army-Deputy Commander and the Supervisor of the Academic Affairs Office of Zhennan Military University, who issued the cancellation order."
Secretary-General, said slowly.
"The young team leader doesn't know where he offended Chief Lu."
Secretary-General, sighed slightly.
"Who am I supposed to be? It turned out to be Lu Shuai! Back then, this guy worked as a guard with a knife in my Zhou's mansion. He was promoted by my father before entering the Zhennan Military University's Academic Affairs Office as an officer. Now that I have climbed to the position of the supervisory commissioner and become the deputy commander again, can I do anything wrong?"
Zhou Jian came and sneered.
"Give me the call of Governor-General of the Southern Wilderness, immediately revoke Lu Shuai's order and maintain the original military award! Since Du Qingke and his subordinates have done their work, they naturally want awards!"
Zhou Jian came and said to the secretary general.
The Secretary-General nodded again and again: "Yes, I will contact the Governor. Since it is, Inspector Zhou, you have spoken yourself, and the matter will be resolved smoothly."
Now, Zhou Jianlai is no longer a master. With the advent of the end times-the era of catastrophe, Zhou Jianlai's cultivation base has broken through all the way, breaking through the master, grandmaster, and sage positions...!
Now, Zhou Jianlai's cultivation base has reached: half-step king rank, only half a step away from king rank.
Today, Zhou Jianlai has been appointed as the inspector of the Kyoto inspection group, and the news has been released. Zhou Jian's decentralized inspection is to immediately succeed the retiring Haijiang Governor.
Zhou Jianlai is already the new governor of Haijiang and the hottest candidate. Basically, there is no accident. After a while, there will be a formal "appointment letter".
Zhou Jian looked at the sky and said in his heart: "Du Qingke, you kid, I think it's because of the face of my daughter Xiaohong, and I will help you again. From now on, your path will depend on you!"
At this moment, Du Qingke had not yet entered Zhou Jian's vision.
After all, Zhou Jian will soon become the governor, and compared with a small group leader, I don’t know how bad it is!
Three days later, Lu Shuai was in the division, flipping through the official documents.
Suddenly, Lu Shuai remembered one thing, and he invited the adjutant.
"Adjutant, have you taken care of the Du Qingke Independent Group's affairs? The award order should have been revoked!"
Lu Shuai asked.
"Um, Chief Lu, this is really complicated! Originally, according to your wishes, the award order has been cancelled!"
"But, later, it was forcibly restored..."
The adjutant said bitterly.
"Forced restoration of the award order? Who did it? Give his name!"
"who is it!"
Lu Shuai, dumbfounded, asked angrily.
"Um, sir, this order is... Zhou Jianlai from Kyoto... issued...Among them, Governor Southern Wilderness, personally participated .........!"
The adjutant said hesitantly.
Hear the words "Zhou Jianlai"!
Lu Shuai was stunned at once, and he never dared to say half a "no"!
Three more days passed.
The commendation order from the military department reached Qianyuan City.
Herald, with a red face, came to the regiment headquarters.
"Head Du, congratulations!"
Herald, congratulations.
"The military department’s award has come down! Now, Captain Du, you have been promoted to: League of Legends-Baron, enjoying the corresponding aristocratic treatment worldwide. At the same time, the military department will award you a city -Within three thousand miles of Haitang City, Captain Du will be your territory from now on!"
"Your independent group and brothers will also be transferred to Haitang City for garrison!"
The herald took out a map while talking
The herald spread out the map.
Above, it is already marked: the location of Haitang City!
Haitang City, which stretches for three thousand miles, is located in a corner of the Southern Barren Mountain Range, from the entrance to the seashore in the east and the Canaan Mine in the west, all included.
Although, from the overall view of the satellite map, this Haitang City is a tattered small town hidden in the corners of the hundred thousand mountains in the Southern Barren Mountains.
However, the geographical location of Haitang City is really unique for Du Qingke!
There is a seashore in the east, and it is close to the sea, where you can explore abundant marine resources.
There is the Canaan Mine in the west. Although it has not yet been developed, it is more convenient for Du Qingke to mobilize his territorial soldiers and horses for mining, which can provide a lot of source stones in the future!
Haitang City will become Du Qingke's first territory of great significance!
"It's great! Mr. Herald, thank you for bringing this good news."
"Xiao Bai, give Mr. Messenger, prepare a table of good wine and food, and give it a treat."
Du Qingke laughed.
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