Chapter 347: : Little Sunflower Biotechnology Company

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Soon, there are specialized biological experts, botanists, rushed to the sunflower town.
The expert team used instruments to conduct a specific analysis of the mutant sunflower that has recently grown in Sunflower Town.
After several days of research, the team of experts also made some insights.
After laboratory research, the experts sent some data to Du Qingke.
Du Qingke took these data and analyzed it seriously.
Experts have clearly written all the data and drawn them into several detailed lists of tables:
Variety: Variation sunflower
Vitamin C content: more than ten times-sunflower
Vitamin e content: more than fifteen times-sunflower
Iron trace elements: more than twenty times-common sunflower
Zinc series trace elements: more than fifty times-common sunflower
Potassium trace elements: more than sixty times-sunflower
Magnesium trace elements: more than seventy times-sunflower
Comprehensive nutrients: more than one hundred times common sunflower
Special ingredients: unknown? ? Name it temporarily: (-Sunshine component???)
"This mutant sunflower is really special! It's better than the recent hot ones!"
Du Qingke, looking at these list data, was also slightly surprised.
A biological expert, Hui reported: "Lord Lord, after our preliminary research. The sunflower in Sunflower Town is really the most bizarre species we have seen in our life. It seems that the land in the whole Sunflower Town and The soil has mutated. The entire ecological environment seems to have mutated, and the ecological environment is different!"
"My lord, I ask you to allocate some more funds. Our expert team will conduct in-depth research and allocation."
Another botanist said solemnly.
"Yes, this mutated variety of sunflower is indeed very important. Be sure to research it as soon as possible."
For scientific research, Du Qingke made investment.
"Well, don't worry about funds. The City Lord's Mansion will establish a dedicated fund to ensure investment."
Du Qingke made a decision.
The mayor Harold also came with the expert team and gave a report.
At this time, Harold put forward a suggestion: "Lord Lord, our Sunflower Town has frequent incidents in recent days. Especially for these basic research and scientific research, I can’t let Lord Lord, you have been from the Lord’s Mansion. Withdraw funds. There are tens of thousands of people in our sunflower town. We can't eat idle meals all the time!"
"Furthermore, Lord Lord, you are very kind to the residents of our Sunflower Town!"
"We really can't, trouble you any more! We have to learn to be self-reliant! So, I have a presumptuous request. I also ask Lord Lord to give me a reply."
Mayor Harold, pleaded.
"What's the matter? Let's just say it! I'm very pleased that you can think of it and make a living by yourself!"
Du Qingke nodded.
"That's it. I beg the lord to allocate us a sum of money. As for personnel, it is composed of local farmers and farmers in my sunflower town. We set up a company to sell sunflower products."
Harold, said his plea.
"Oh, set up a company to sell sunflower products? This is a good suggestion!"
Du Qingke nodded and immediately expressed support.
"Let’s do this, I will first call out one million golden apricots from the city lord’s mansion for you! You sunflower town, run your own business! At the same time, the expert team in the city lord’s mansion, you choose and incorporate some into your company Anyway."
Du Qingke waved his hand and replied.
Harold was so excited, he did not expect Du Qingke to be so refreshed.
"Thank you, Lord Lord! You don't need to worry about the establishment of the company, some trivial matters. However, you are the most distinguished person in Haitang City. Please also give our company a name!"
Harold solicited.
"Well, the company name?"
Du Qingke twisted his brows slightly.
Soon, Du Qingke said: "Well! That name is: [Little Sunflower Biotechnology Company]!"
"Little Sunflower Biotechnology Company!"
"This name is not bad! Lord Lord, you can afford it, it's really a good name!"
Harold said happily.
"Haha! Hurry up and operate! Cooperate with the expert team to make the company look decent as soon as possible, and begin to take shape. In particular, some early products must be designed well, and at the same time, they must be put into the market as soon as possible. Xiaokuihua Biotechnology The company, in the future, will be your main source of income for Sunflower Town!"
Du Qingke, exhorted.
"Lord Lord, rest assured! I, Harold, have lived a long time, that is, I have enough experience. In fact, when I was young, I also went through business. I have traveled north and south."
Harold said confidently.
"it is good!"
Du Qingke also cast it with the look of "Haiyi".
Du Qingke's funds are also "fight" very well.
One million golden apricots were soon delivered to Sunflower Town.
Harold was also enthusiastic and began to arrogate.
Soon, the company, Xiaokuihua Biotechnology Company, was officially established!
Du Qingke also came to cut the ribbon in person on the day the company was founded.
It is a celebration of the establishment of Xiaokuihua Biotechnology Company.
The residents of Sunflower Town are very motivated.
Now, the output of mutant sunflower is very high, and the company has been established.
The good day of the big guy is also coming soon.
People roll up their sleeves and strive for a happy life.
Harold is now the general manager of Xiaokuihua Biotechnology Company, personally focusing on production and product design.
As for Du Qingke, as the main shareholder, he serves as the chairman of the company.
Don't look at him, he is quite old, but he is still very energetic.
Harold, together with the expert team all day, started plowing in the sunflower field.
Harold hasn't closed his eyes for several days.
In the end, everyone has worked hard to live up to it.
The company's first product is a preliminary design.
Harold held a bag of "sunflower seeds" that was made by a team of experts, and he was very excited.
At the company’s internal product launch conference, Harold took the finished sunflower seeds in his hand, and talked to some administrators in the town and said loudly: "Everyone, we are supported by the lord. The company. Lord Lord, gave us a team of experts and millions of golden apricots!"
"We must hurry up and take out the products! In this way, we can give back to Lord Lord!"
"This is a bag of melon seeds, seemingly ordinary! But, it is not simple! This will be our company's first-generation flagship product-[Du Shi-Sunflower Seeds]!
Harold announced!
Star Emperor of the Last Days
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