Chapter 418: : Inspection of Duyou

"Hehe, I didn't expect that my Haitang City would be divided into a separate combat area! The Southern Wilderness Governor really looks up to me!"
Du Qingke couldn't help but smile.
Of course, what Du Qingke didn’t know was that in the high-level planning resolutions in the War of the Three Governors, it was the Southern Famine Supervisor who took the initiative to put forward opinions and divided Haitang City into a separate battle. area.
This is also the sinister intention of the Southern Wilderness Supervisor Army. The other three major combat areas are the three provinces of the Southern Wilderness Supervisory Area-Nanpan, Nanxi, and Nanji Province!
Even if it is the smallest province of Nanji, its area is more than ten times larger than that of Haitang City!
Although Haitang City has developed well over the years, after all, it is just a separate city.
If you want to compare a city with a whole province, the gap is too big!
Becoming a separate combat area, although becoming a commander, the positions and powers will increase accordingly, but the responsibilities they should bear have also increased!
A separate combat area will have to solve the problem of supply and the increase of troops.
At the same time, some fixed assignments must be completed.
If you can't complete the fixed assignment tasks, you will suffer huge military penalties!
After the Southern Famine Supervision Army put forward this proposal, many people at the military high-level meeting also opposed it.
However, the Southern Famine Supervisory Army rejected all the opinions: "Begonia City is not an ordinary place. It is very necessary to divide it into a separate combat area..."
In the entire Southern Wilderness Supervisory District, the status of the Southern Wilderness Supervisory Army is comparable to that of the Southern Wilderness Governor.
The attitude of the Southern Famine Supervisor was so firm that the others in the meeting did not dare to speak.
With the Southern Famine Supervision Army speaking here, one word will determine the universe, and the division of combat areas will be settled.
"It's settled, Haitang City is a separate combat area! I will report to Kyoto, and the Kyoto Supreme Military Commission will file for the record! That's it! Nobody needs to say more!"
The Southern Famine Supervision Army snapped.
In this way, Haitang City has become a separate: Haitang Theater!
And Du Qingke also became: the commander of the Haitang Theater!
In this way, Du Qingke's military status is directly on par with the theater commanders of the three major provinces of Nanpan, Nanxi, and Nanji.
You know, the commanders of these three major war zones, without exception, are all served by the governors of their respective provinces!
The Governor of Nanpan, the Governor of Nanxi, and the Governor of Nanji!
Now, the commander Du Qingke has to be added again!
The four major divisions of the Southern Wilderness Supervisory District have been divided!
In addition, like the Northern Wilderness Supervisory District and Yunyou Supervisory District, the two major supervisory districts are also divided into separate theaters.
In summary, these three supervising districts are divided into ten independent theaters!
Among them, the respective supervising area is a major war zone. In the war zone, there is one: the commander-in-chief. Generally, the supervising army or the governor of the supervising area takes turns to serve.
Du Qingke also told Zhuge Mingliang, Tao Xiaobai, Wei Kui, and Xiong Weiting about this matter.
"Lord Lord, this is a big and good thing!"
After listening to the evil, after careful analysis, he came to a conclusion.
"Our Haitang City can become a separate theater. This is a golden opportunity! According to my original assumption, our Haitang City may be allocated to other theaters."
"If we are in other theaters, our operations in Haitang City are bound to be a lot of trouble! Moreover, if our Haitang City gains a lot of military exploits, then it will be robbed by others! Even some theater commanders The qi! Now that we are a single entity and a separate theater, these troubles are gone. Our Haitang City can also develop and act freely!"
"Lord Lord, as long as we work together with our enemies, we will make great contributions in the war of the Three Governors again. You will definitely be able to be promoted again!"
"At that time, there is a lot to do in Feng Hou Baixiang!"
Zhuge said brightly, slowly.
"Yes, it seems that this is really a big opportunity!"
Du Qingke nodded slightly.
Here Du Qingke received another letter in his dedicated mailbox.
This letter was sent by the Southern Famine Supervision Army Mansion.
The general meaning of the Supervision Army Mansion is: in the near future, a postmaster will be sent to the Haitang Theater to conduct an inspection and score the Haitang Theater. At the same time, based on the score, a series of ratings will be given to the Haitang City.
According to regulations, if the rating is not up to standard, the commander of the theater will be subject to military law.
This is a very severe punishment!
"Guyou? It was sent by the Supervising Army Mansion. Hehe, this time, it seems that our Haitang City can be played!"
Du Qingke's expression stunned.
The grievances between himself and the Southern Famine Supervisor have a long history.
After all, Du Qingke killed the Southern Famine Supervisor Army’s favorite Secretary Ruan, and, in the ensuing incidents, Du Qingke also defeated the powerful general of the Southern Famine Supervisor Army MansionPanshi Taishou, which indirectly defeated Nan. The spirit of the Desolate Supervisor!
After going back and forth, the Southern Famine Supervision Army has already formed a "deep hatred ~ No, the ambition is here.
The Southern Famine Supervisor will send a postmaster to inspect Haitang City.
Obviously, this post is the dog leg of the supervising army, and this post is definitely going to find Haitang City everywhere.
"I'll also inform everyone about the postal affairs. Everyone has brainstormed to see how to deal with this incident."
Du Qingke said.
After reading the document, everyone expressed their opinions.
Wei Kui was impatient and said directly: "Fuck! Boss, this is not obvious. Does the supervising army want to rectify us and put us on small shoes? This will send a postal supervisor to find fault. Just do nothing. Endlessly, as long as the post of the supervising military mansion dares to come over, we will kill that post!"
"No, the post of post-inspector is neither big nor small. It is appointed by the joint military conference of the war zone and is qualified to report directly to the supervising army and the governor. It is also a messenger on behalf of Shangfeng and inspecting various places! If, Openly behead the Duyou, our Haitang City will stand on the cusp of the storm. At that time, the Military Supervisory Mansion will have an excuse to send us to the military court!"
Tao Xiaobai said in a deep voice.
"Xiaobai is right, but the postal supervisor has obviously been bought by the military prison, and he will not act justly. Is it possible that we have to wait for death obediently?"
Xiong Weiting asked back.
"No hurry, there will be a way!"
Cheng Bufan said angrily.
"I'm stupid and can't think of a way. Why don't you listen to Mr. Zhuge and Lord Lord? What are your opinions? I just need to execute it!"
Dian Wei said honestly.
"In fact, it is easy to cope with the inspection of the postal supervision, we are like this"
Zhuge was bright and smiled calmly.
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