Chapter 491: : Don't be afraid, there is me

"What kind of woman is qualified to be called enthusiastically by so many people: Goddess?"
Du Qingke was also curious.
"Go have a look!"
With curiosity, Du Qingke walked over.
Looking at the fanatical snow people around.
At this time, a luxurious carriage appeared on the central street.
Around the carriage were fully armed soldiers encircling it.
On both sides of the street, there were also Captain Page and Captain Biqi soldiers guarding.
Soon, Lord Xuemang came over in person.
Lord Xuemang led a high level in the city and knelt down in front of the carriage.
Lord Xuemang, respectfully yelled: "Respectfully welcome Your Highness the Goddess!"
At this time, the carriage curtain was also lifted.
The curtain of the carriage was lifted.
From the carriage, came out a tall, graceful, icy, graceful and noble woman.
There is also a veil on the woman's face.
Although you can't see the true face, the mysterious atmosphere of northern ice and snow that comes with it, this style, can already fascinate thousands of people.
It really complied with that sentence: A beautiful woman in North China, peerless and independent!
Smile to the city!
Smile again!
Ning does not know the allure of the city and the nation!
Seeing this woman, Du Qingke's mind flashed.
In Du Qingke's mind, a familiar but unfamiliar figure flashed.
Have you ever remembered that Du Qingke once saw a concert when he was studying in Huali County.
(This part of the related content, if readers have forgotten, they can search for novels-[Chapter 33-Concert])
The concert was held by Murongxue, the big star at the time, the goddess of ice and snow.
Now, this woman with a veil is like Murong Xue.
Du Qingke thought it was a little funny.
How is this possible!
This is the Secret Realm of Snow Country, not Jiangnan Province. The two places are separated by thousands of miles!
"Lord Xuemang, get up!"
The veiled woman nodded slightly and waved her bare hand.
"Thank you, Your Highness!"
Lord Xuemang didn't dare to take a breath. The difference in identity made Lord Xuemang afraid to neglect.
Every king in the Snow Country has a sacred mountain, which represents a free force in the Snow Country.
When the Snow Country was founded, Holy Mountain made a lot of effort.
Now, after thousands of years of development, the status of the sacred mountain has long been "deified", almost on par with the palace.
The crowning of every king of the Snow Country must be blessed by the representative of the holy mountain, so that the throne of the Snow Country-King can be secure.
Then, the Lord of the Holy Mountain is: His Royal Highness!
Every goddess, in charge of the holy mountain, is the highest representative of the holy mountain!
According to what Chairman Ma Ku said before, the Ice Shrines distributed in major worlds are one of the affiliated forces of the Holy Mountain.
Of course, this sacred mountain is somewhat special.
The old goddess on the holy mountain did not "pass away".
Under normal circumstances, in accordance with past customs and traditions.
The inheritance between goddesses requires the older generation to pass on when they are dying.
Of course, this time, the old goddess did not die, she passed the position to the new goddess in advance.
This also resulted in the power center of the holy mountain, which is still dominated by the old goddess.
The old goddess is still behind the scenes, holding the real core power.
The new goddess is in the "newcomer experience" period.
But if this is the case, Lord Xuemang must respect him, and dare not show no respect!
This is the gap between rank and status!
"Lord Xuemang, you can arrange it. I want to walk around in your Xuemang city!"
The veiled woman said slowly.
"Okay, as you wish!"
Lord Xueman nodded.
Before that, he had already prepared.
Soldiers are now stationed around the streets and in some alleys.
Some fanatics could not help but rush over.
"His Royal Highness!"
"His Royal Highness!"
Captain Page and Captain Biqi’s soldiers did not eat dry food.
In the face of those who dared to rush over indiscriminately, Peppa and Captain Biqi would not be polite!
It was just a round of punches and kicks, automatically isolating the crowd.
At this moment, suddenly a senior guard from the orchard hurried over.
Originally, this senior orchard guard was not level enough on this occasion.
Captain Page stepped forward, preparing to drive away the senior orchard guard.
However, the orchard guard was obviously anxious, and he whispered a few words in Captain Page's ear.
Captain Page suddenly looked solemn.
Captain Page didn't dare to neglect, and quickly brought the orchard guard to the side of Lord Xuemang.
The orchard guard told the matter to Lord Xuemang: "Lord Lord, Head Situ asked me to tell you..."
Lord Xuemang's face was gloomy: "When is this, President Situ, what's going on with him? So ignorant?"
"Lord Lord, listen to me! A few days ago, the cart of slaves you asked Captain Peggy to send over ran away! Most of them disappeared out of thin air! Head Situ is also anxious now and has ordered us to be there. I searched around, but our orchard guards have limited power..."
The senior guard of the orchard confided the matter.
Lord Xuemang, after hearing the whole story clearly, he was stunned.
"Situ, that old guy, don't want to do it! You orchard guards are all rubbish! Watching some slaves, they are not good! Let them run? The Snow Country train transports the slaves, is there a lot of opportunities? A rare opportunity, How many years does it take to come to our Xuemang City once?"
Lord Xuemang, furious!
Slaves are also a big deal, not a joke.
The main output of the silver pine orchard in the future will be picked by these slaves.
Lord Xuemang's heart was uncertain, and he was very irritable. It was just a critical moment, but this incident happened.
Lord Xuemang did not dare to neglect, and immediately ordered: "Immediately find the slaves who disappeared out of thin air! Those slaves, it is impossible to run away, there will definitely be clues! Captain Peppa, you can deploy half of your troops to assist Silver Pine Orchard! "
Captain Page nodded, and immediately showed a hesitant look: "Lord Lord, it's easy for me to transfer people. But now, the Temple of Goddess descends here, I have transferred half of the staff to leave, is the security work?"
"no problem!"
"Go! Take advantage of the fact that the slaves in the orchard have just disappeared, and they have not ran away, so they will be captured all of them immediately! Without those slaves, who would risk their death to pick silver pine cones!"
"Xuemang City is here for the time being, I am here for the time being, Xiao Xiaozhi will never dare to make a second!
Lord Xuemang patted his chest and said.
Captain Page immediately led people away.
Du Qingke was hidden among the crowd. When he saw the guard coming from the orchard, he knew that Xuemang City must have learned the news.
Yinsong Orchard also found an abnormality, and now they must be going crazy, looking for themselves, Haitang City Defense Army, Chairman Ma Ku and others.
I don't know where Liu Wushuang and other sergeants have been teleported to!
Du Qingke secretly prayed that his sergeants stay away from Xuemang City.
"His Royal Highness, come to Xuemang City! Today, I will bring blessings to everyone!"
A red waitress next to the goddess said loudly, and then took out a flower basket from behind.
This flower basket contains snow petals from Snow Country!
In the snow country, the snow petals have symbolic meaning and are the high-level currency used in major cities in the snow country.
According to the instructions of the goddess, the red waitress began to grab these petals from the flower basket and spread them around.
The petals fell one after another!
It also attracted the surrounding ordinary Snow Country people to wildly.
This snowy petal is high-quality currency. A single petal is comparable to the wages of an ordinary snowy family for a year of hard work.
The lady in red is obviously superb. She has a wonderful technique, spreading the petals evenly, and the speed of the petals falling is also very cleverly controlled.
Some petals even flew directly to the hands of a civilian.
Especially the poor and unkempt snow races in ragged clothes, almost each of them got a snow petal.
The petals in the hands of the red waitress also seem to be endless, and her flower basket is actually a spatial artifact, containing a very large space.
The goddess walked all the way, and the red waitress followed by sprinkling petals all the way.
Du Qingke originally didn't plan to use guns, but a petal of petals floated to his hand.
It is estimated that the lady in red or the goddess saw Du Qingke's clothes not very expensive, and they gave it specially.
The snowy petals feel cold at the first tentacle, but after a while, the petals will naturally heat up, bringing a sense of warmth to people.
The most important thing is that the petal scent is not strong or weak, moderately neutral, and very elegant. With a light sniff, you immediately feel "fresh and refreshed" all over the body.
"This petal is very magical, and the wood spirit contained in it is at least a thousand points or more! No wonder, the people of the Snow Country grabbed it fiercely!
Du Qingke thought to himself.
"His Majesty Goddess, it is so righteous! Humble job for the people in the city, thank you for your blessings! Your arrival has given the people of our city an extra year of income!"
Lord Xuemang is a real person, he said gratefully.
The goddess waved her hand: "I'm here now, and I still need Lord Xuemang, your host, a lot of help. Lord Lord, you are welcome!"
The voice of the goddess just fell.
A blue waitress behind her began to sing softly.
From the little cherry mouth of the blue waitress, a string of graceful notes came out.
The beautiful notes flow slowly, like a trickling spring, flowing into people's hearts.
It also brings people a relaxed mood and an open-minded mood.
At this moment, the petals are falling one after another, and the snow country scene is covered with white snow, and it is unique in it!
Lord Xuemang is a person who has seen the world. He nodded happily and said: "Your Highness Goddess, this is the orthodox-blessing ode to the holy mountain! It can remove demons, open up the state of mind, and attract the blessing of the laws of the world of Snow. Bring good luck for a year!"
Lord Xuemang was shocked in his heart. He knew that the blue waitress who was singing should be the lofty leader in the sacred mountain-Liyue Master!
The waitress in red, although there is no special performance yet, her status should not be inferior to the waitress in blue.
"Thank your Highness Goddess!"
"His Royal Highness, Mercy!"
"Thank Your Highness Goddess!"
The people in Xuemang City knelt down, bowing their heads and thanking them.
Lord Xuemang is also grateful: "Your Highness Goddess, thank you for your gift!"
"For the rest of the day, I and the people in the city will definitely help each other!"
Lord Xuemang showed his attitude.
"Ah ha ha!"
There was a burst of crazy laughter, coming from nowhere.
"who is it?"
"Who is pretending to be a fool? Get out of me!"
Lord Xuemang shouted violently.
Captain Biqi is also commanding the soldiers, the snow soldiers, holding up their guns, ready to shoot.
"His Royal Highness, it's so magnificent!"
"This is a big deal, it really makes me greedy!"
A masked man flew into the air.
"who are you?"
"How dare to be disrespectful to Her Royal Highness Goddess!"
Lord Xuemang gave a cold cry, flew away, and slapped the masked man.
The masked man remained motionless, but Lord Xueman was forced to retreat a few steps.
"Your skill is enough to rank among the top 30 in Snow Country!"
"Presumably, you are the person I am looking for!"
Goddess, eyes burning.
"Looking for me? I'm poor and white. Where is the goddess looking for?"
The masked man gave a strange laugh.
The waitress in red and the waitress in blue had already rashly shot, attacking the masked man from left to right.
Captain Bi Qi also began to call up a group of soldiers, preparing to surround the masked men.
"Boom boom!"
"Boom boom!"
Bullets are like rain!
A large number of snowball bullets have begun to be Although the masked man is not afraid of these ordinary attacks, he can't resist too many people!
"Today, see where you go!"
Lord Xuemang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and attacked the masked man again.
The situation was suddenly very unfavorable for the masked man.
"Madan, I'm only going to come and rob today! It seems that I can't delay it anymore, maybe I have to be planted here today!"
The masked man pressed a black bomb from his waist!
The masked man slammed the bomb to the ground!
This specially-made bomb detonated immediately!
The dust in the sky swept in!
Moreover, it was accompanied by a strong black wind.
Everyone's vision was immediately blurred!
At this moment, the masked man flew up and looted His Royal Highness away.
The waitresses in red and blue have not reacted yet.
Only the bystander-Du Qingke, who has a profound cultivation, saw this scene truly.
"Come and see!"
Du Qingke flew away, quietly following behind the masked man, and followed the masked man out of Xuemang City.
Until the dust and black wind disappeared!
Lord Xuemang and the waitresses reacted, and everyone was shocked!
"His Royal Highness!"
"His Royal Highness was looted!"
Everyone panicked!
Du Qingke, now following the masked man, has come to a forest.
The cultivation base of the goddess was obviously far inferior to this masked man.
His Royal Highness was so anxious that she almost cried.
At this time, Du Qingke quietly flashed, and glanced at the goddess: "Don't be afraid of this girl, everything has me!"
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