Chapter 130: Internet addiction school

The six people in the bedroom looked at Xu Zifan. Xu Zifan scanned their numb faces one by one, and replied: "I won't hurt you."
Their eyes were full of suspicion and rejection, because Xu Zifan had obviously just been repaired severely, and repairing to this degree was definitely a sting. How can the thorn head not make a mistake? If Xu Zifan made a mistake, all six of them would have to be punished. As long as they thought of those punishments, they would reject Xu Zifan extremely.
The head of the dormitory is No. 516. He heard that Xu Zifan had a voice problem, and gave Xu Zifan a small cup of his water. Carry. You will give you three days of rest. After three days, you have to go to class and train with us. Be strong. Also, don’t even want to run! Do you see the button on the wall? That’s the alarm, just press it. , All the instructors will come, no one can run away. Once caught back, we will be beaten and starved in the dormitory, and we will not let you escape."
Some people who had just entered were crying, some tried to escape, some were desperate and numb. The dormitory manager has been here for a year and has seen many new students, but he has never seen Xu Zifan like this. Obviously he had been taught half his life, but he was extremely calm, which made him nervous, for fear that Xu Zifan was so desperate that he wanted to escape, then they would suffer.
After Xu Zifan finished drinking the water, he felt a little better, and nodded to him, "Thank you, I won't hurt you."
The second time he said this, it sounded like a guarantee. With convincing power, the head of the dormitory was not good to warn more. He and the others went back to their beds and lay on their backs to sleep neatly. Everyone had the same posture, and they didn't move a bit, and the bedroom instantly quieted down.
The bedrooms are all eight-person rooms. There is still one person missing in this room. I don't know what to do. Xu Zifan's eyes half-opened as if sleeping, slowly observing the bedroom. There was only one window in the dormitory, which was facing the corridor inside the school where he had just arrived. This is the innermost room. If you go out, you will be seen by all the people in the windows on both sides of the corridor. If one sees it, don't try to escape because he will sound the alarm.
Xu Zifan's mood was very calm, and he did not blame these students for their self-defeating. In such an environment, those who have ideas will be constantly repaired, and those who are afraid of being repaired naturally dare not have ideas. There have been countless examples showing that no one can escape and no one can resist the instructor. Therefore, their fighting spirit has been worn down, and only the instinct of not wanting to be punished is left. One person is punished in the entire dormitory for making a mistake, and they will supervise each other in order to not be punished and to feed themselves.
Xu Zifan looked at the barbed wire on the window again. The thick wire and dense mesh were welded to the iron window frame and could not be disassembled. There is nothing inside the door, the latch and the lock are all outside, and it takes some time to get out. Other places, such as the walls and under the bed, are all made of concrete. It is impossible to dig a tunnel out, not to mention that a few people in the bedroom will be watching, and big moves are simply impossible.
The environment here is very unfavorable for Xu Zifan. He roughly understood the situation in the bedroom and closed his eyes and recalled what he had just seen outside. The corridor is very long, with five surveillance cameras on each side, and a total of 100 dormitories, but some are not full. It is estimated that there are more than 700 students. With so many students together, but not together, every dormitory is locked from outside at noon and at night, and the students have no chance to discuss things when they want to gather together. They are completely divided.
Probably only in supervising the escape and making trouble, the students are united, very sad and helpless. However, Xu Zifan believes that there must be students who want to escape like him. He just hides it in his heart and does not say it. This can be slowly observed in the future to find such people.
At two o'clock, the wake-up bell rang outside, and the six people in the dormitory immediately got up, folded the quilt into tofu cubes, arranged their clothes and went to the door to stand in a row. Several instructors unlocked the dormitory doors one by one. Starting from the outer dormitory, they ran to the playground one by one. During this period, no students spoke, only the instructor's shouting and the students' walking.
An instructor saw Xu Zifan lying on the bed and said, "You raise three days, honestly, this is the best internet addiction school in the country. It is an honor for you to be here."
Xu Zifan didn't say anything, and the instructor was not as irritable as instructor Li, he shut the door and left at will. Xu Zifan analyzed the way the instructors spoke. They talked about the school and praised the school. It seemed that the students were able to come to find the treasure. In fact, this is all psychological hints, suggesting that the students here is the best school, and there are many people. They are rushing to come, because their parents spend high tuition fees to send them in for their own good. If they don't make a good reform, they will be sorry for their parents, school, and society.
If students hear this kind of voice every day, day after day, sooner or later they will be psychologically hinted at success. Coupled with the reality that every time they resist, they will be beaten severely, and they will never escape. The students' resistance will gradually disappear, their willpower will become weaker and weaker, and they will become puppets. The school will do whatever they want, and if they can finally get out. Of course, he became a well-behaved boy.
I really don’t know why the country doesn’t care about the persecution of normal people into psychological problems, and allows so many similar schools to pop up. It may take a few major events to get the country to pay attention. The tragedies in which the students died were not taken seriously by the state. Is it because the parents of those students didn't pursue it at all?
Xu Zifan had been thinking about these things, and when there was no movement outside, he stood up with his pain and walked out the door slowly. He held the door of the room as if at rest, blocked the surveillance camera with his body, and fiddled with the lock outside the door. The bolt was very thick, and the lock was also very thick. Brute force could not open it.
He bowed his head and walked out, walking very slowly, observing the situation of the bedrooms on both sides of the room. The dormitory is basically empty, there is nothing, everyone's simple things are neatly organized and orderly. Walking to the outermost part of the corridor is the bathroom. The inside is very simple, with a long row of squatting toilets, which smells very smoky. Several water heaters are installed on the wall, and it seems that the bath is also here.
There were two stacks of plastic basins outside the bathroom. Xu Zifan probably used them to wash clothes. This school is to use the worst environment to grind out the personal will of the students and completely obey the command of the instructor. I can imagine that it is also the identity of parents. Some parents dote on their children for fear of suffering and suffering, while some parents are cruel to send their children to this kind of place to live this kind of life.
He walked to the corner and looked at the playground from a distance, watching the trainees training through a row of trees. All the students are doing push-ups under the sun. If anyone is weak, the instructor will take a stick on his butt, and rant a few words.
Several instructors took sticks and patrolled around. Suddenly a student had a leg cramp. He couldn't help but crouched on the ground, curled up and begged for mercy: "Instructor, I have a cramp in my leg. I didn't mean it, please don't fight. I!"
The instructor stepped forward in two steps, lifted the stick and drew it at him, "Make an excuse! Make another excuse! If you are full of lies, you will know that you are lying. Am I hitting you? I want you to remember, even if it is true. You have to hold on to cramps. This is militarized training. Have you seen those soldiers who have moved because of cramps? You can't hold on to this little thing. I don't see your determination to reform!"
The college hugged his head and screamed and ran into the student next to him. The student stopped and moved around and couldn't help but glance at it. As a result, the instructor hit him with a stick, "Look, what to look at? How many times have you said that you are not allowed to distract? Did you have any ears? Did you move something? Did I tell you to move? The instructor didn’t order, so you are not allowed to move. How many times have you said it? How many times?"
The student hurriedly moved back and continued to do push-ups, but the instructor hit him again with a stick, "Did I tell you to move back? Just after you have finished listening to instructions, did your ears grow for nothing? Get up! Pull your ears. Run fifty laps around the playground! If your ears are not red after the run, it means that you are not tight, and you should report to me after the run!"
"Yes, instructor!" The student immediately got up and ran.
The student who had previously cramped had eased, but he was crying, and the pain of being beaten made him unable to support his body to do push-ups for a while. The instructor was tired, and panted and said with his arms on his hips: "Go and get twenty whips by yourself. Today, you are not allowed to eat in the small black room."
"Yes, instructor!" The students didn't dare to resist at all, getting up with hands and feet and preparing to leave.
At this time, a girl with very white skin stood up and said, "You are too much, right? I'm behind him. I can see clearly. He is obviously cramped. Isn't it okay to relax?"
The gazes of several instructors shot at her immediately. The instructor who beaten touched the stick and said coldly: "It's another disobedient. I'm tired and take a rest. Let's take care of it."
Another instructor went over, grabbed the girl’s hair and threw her on the playground, stepped on her back and said,
No. 1017, new here, right? Have you memorized the school rules? The first is to obey the order. You are blind. ?"
The girl screamed: "It hurts! Let go of me, you let me go!"
"It seems that you pretended to be obedient before, but in just a few days it has been revealed? What you are so disobedient is the scum in the society, and going out is also harmful to society and shame your parents. Your parents paid you 60,000 yuan After paying the tuition for a year, you dare to pick things up if you don't make a good reform, do you sympathize with him? Then you will be punished for him!"
The instructor finished speaking and looked at the cramped student, "She was punished for you, what do you think? I think my decision is fair and unfair?"
The cramped student stood at attention and replied loudly, "Report to the instructor, it's very fair!"
"If you insist not to let her be punished for you, I can let her go. Do you choose whether you are punished or she is punished?"
"Report instructor, I choose her to be punished!"
The girl looked at the cramping student incredulously. She was clearly trying to help him. How could he be so cold-blooded? The instructor ordered the student to return to the team and said to all the students: "Right is right, wrong is wrong, whoever makes a mistake will be punished. This is fairness. Our school is absolutely fair. Self-righteous justice is stupid behavior. Remember?"
After the students answered, they continued to sit and push up hard, the instructor nodded in satisfaction, and glanced at the girl's original position, "Who shares the dormitory with 1017? Get out!"
Xu Zifan saw several girls trembling invisibly, and quickly stood up and ran to the instructor in a row.
The instructor pointed at the girl and said, "Newcomer, tell me you are optimistic about her and teach her well?"
The female student at the very end said loudly: "Report to the instructor, I confessed that we didn't teach her well, we made a mistake!"
"so what should I do now?"
"Report to the instructor and be punished collectively!"
"Very well, go there for half an hour to leapfrog and each person will receive five whips. If this happens again, the punishment will be doubled!"
"Yes, instructor!"
The other seven people in the girl’s bedroom went to leapfrog. The girl kept shook her head, "No, why is this? Assault is breaking the law. You are torturing me. I want to call the police. I need my parents. You can’t imprison me. Don't abuse me like this, let me go!"
"Come and someone will help me, get her into a small black room, talk nonsense like a madman, let her reflect on it."
Xu Zifan sighed. Maybe this girl didn't think it was terrifying when she first came here, and she didn't resist too fiercely. Only now has she been afraid of resisting, but it is too late. The walls here are very high, and there is a power grid on it. You can't see the inside from the outside, and you can't see the outside from the inside. Just like a prison, the girls must be cleaned up.
Newcomer stabbings are used by instructors to kill chickens and monkeys, and the instructors let the cramped students choose, that is, to eliminate the girl's "righteousness" heart, and let everyone see what is going to happen for others. And the repeated emphasis on the instructor's order to be able to move, is to require everyone to obey absolutely, and if you disobey, you will be afraid. The strictness of the cramping students is also to let everyone know that in this school, the students have to endure any difficulties, and can't do actions that don't conform to the instructor's instructions for any reason.
All of these have been designed and studied, and I don't know how many people have been hurt to find these "useful" methods. He looked at the branch, and probably all he could do now was to get a slingshot and shoot stones to make the instructor embarrassed, but there was nothing at all. Instead, it would make the instructor angry and vent his anger on the students. He can't do anything now. In order not to be found by the instructor, Xu Zifan quietly retreated and walked back slowly.
He had noticed before that everyone had a kettle, and the head of the dormitory was so reluctant to distribute water to him. The water in the dormitory may be rationed. When he returned, he drank some tap water in the bathroom sink, and went back to the dormitory to lie down and close his eyes.
If he can touch a cell phone or a computer, he can do too much, but how can he touch it? The head of the dormitory said that unless the condition is very serious, you can't go to the infirmary. There should be some equipment in the infirmary? He spent his entire life in the investment research room. High-tech research is not available for the time being, but research on mental power and psychology is very suitable here. These are intangible.
Xu Zifan took a rest for an afternoon, and the students returned at six o'clock. After that, they had free activities. Everyone lined up to go to the toilet, and then fetched water to wash and dry the sweaty clothes. They were allowed to speak at this time, but they didn't speak loudly to each other, for fear that they would stand out and be seen by the instructor. Sometimes instructors beat people for no reason, and the best way to protect yourself is to make yourself obscure.
Everyone had packed up at seven o'clock and lined up to eat in the cafeteria. Xu Zifan also went. He hasn't observed the situation in the cafeteria yet. The people in this school are very careful. There should be a lot of knives or other utensils that can hurt people in the canteen kitchen, but the door to the kitchen is behind the canteen, which is difficult for students to get through. The mouthpiece is very small, and only a stainless steel plate can be used. , It's impossible to reach out to take the contents inside.
There were more than a dozen instructors standing around the canteen, watching the trainees all the time. Whoever speaks loudly will be beaten, and if they waste food, they will be beaten. Disputes between trainees will be taken out for repairs, but there is no surveillance. Maybe it's because I think there are instructors who don't need surveillance after eating.
Instructor Li saw Xu Zifan frowned, "You, 1018, what are you doing here? Didn't you tell you not to eat today?"
Xu Zifan lowered his head and said, "I came to the instructor and asked if I could see a doctor. I was very uncomfortable."
"Squeamish! Are you a mother-in-law? You still have to see a doctor for nothing. Do you think the doctor is just as idle as you do? I think you are making excuses!" Instructor Li strode to him and grabbed. His collar took him aside, "Let me see, let me see, why are you uncomfortable? Pretend! You pretend to me again!"
Xu Zifan’s acting skills have been learned in the underworld from the big guys for several lifetimes. He has already been integrated into the bones and blood. He immediately held his breath when he heard the words. His face became whiter and paler, as if he was choked by instructor Li pulling the collar. same. Immediately, Xu Zifan retched at Instructor Li, scared instructor Li to let him go, and stepped back in disgust.
Xu Zifan's eyes were getting darker and darker, and when he grabbed the chair beside him, he made a loud noise and started to twitch.
The nearest instructor shouted: "Send him to the infirmary, what's the matter with him?"
Instructor Li frowned and said, "I don't know, he was fine before. Doctor Yang said he was a little weak."
With their habit of not taking human life as their own, Dr. Yang’s ability to utter the word "weak" means that it is very serious. Of course, the less deadly things happened, the better. Two instructors nearby immediately lifted Xu Zifan to the infirmary. Xu Zifan passed into a "coma", still maintaining the appearance of pulling out on the road, and was soon sent to the infirmary and put on the bed.
"Where is Doctor Yang? Something happened to the newcomer."
"Doctor Yang is not here, he has gone to work outside."
"Doctor Xiao Liu? Then show him, get an injection or something, we'll leave first."
"Okay, leave it to me." Doctor Xiao Liu saw that Xu Zifan's condition was not right, so he dispenses medicine quickly.
Xu Zifan heard the sound of others leaving, opened his eyes, and saw that Dr. Liu was the only one facing him in the infirmary. He sat up, glanced at the wall clock on the wall, and whispered: "It's seven ten ten? I thought it was seven thirty."
Doctor Xiao Liu was taken aback. He turned around and saw that he was no longer convulsing. He shouted vigilantly: "Lie down, your condition is not good, I will treat you now."
Xu Zifan looked at the medicine in his hand and got out of bed. "Doctor, I feel very uncomfortable. I want to tell you about my situation." Then he glanced at the wall clock again, "Is it half past seven?"
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