Chapter 131: Internet addiction school

Dr. Liu followed to look at the wall clock, frowning impatiently, "How can it be so fast at half past seven? Isn't it still seven ten?"
Xu Zifan walked up to him at this moment and reached out to touch the medicine, "Is this medicine for me? Is it good for my body?"
"Don't touch it! Go back and lie down!" Doctor Xiao Liu pressed his hand very hard. Of course, these powerful medicines that can produce sequelae cannot be seen by students.
Xu Zifan looked at the wall clock again at this time, "It's half past seven."
Doctor Xiao Liu looked over subconsciously. Xu Zifan suddenly pulled out his hand from under his palm. Doctor Xiao Liu was taken aback and looked at him in astonishment. At the same time, Xu Zifan stretched out and quickly poked Dr. Liu in the eyes. Xiao Liu The doctor closed his eyes reflexively, and Xu Zifan pressed his finger on his eyelid and let out a loud shout, "Sleep!"
Dr. Liu closed his eyes tightly and his breathing started to slow down. Xu Zifan let down his voice, "You are tired, but you can't open your eyes. You sleep and relax... Your body seems to be soaked in a hot spring, very comfortable and very comfortable. Relax, relax your whole body..." Xu Zifan helped him walk to the bedside, "You have to go to bed. You are too sleepy. You have to sleep for a long time and sleep very deep until half past seven..."
Doctor Xiao Liu lay flat on the hospital bed like a puppet, already sleeping.
Xu Zifan locked the door, closed the curtains and curtains, and leaned against the wall to wipe off the fine sweat from his forehead. This is a method of hypnosis in a moment of consternation. It requires the hypnotist to concentrate and consume his mind. It is a great burden for Xu Zifan's current body. Fortunately, it succeeded. Doctor Xiao Liu's eyes did not open. If he opened his eyes at that time, it would be a failure of hypnosis, which would produce defenses, and it would be more difficult to hypnotize again.
This is the time for the students to eat, the instructors are busy, no one comes. Xu Zifan seized the time to dig out a mobile phone from Dr. Liu's white coat. It is the latest fruit model. It just went on the market and costs nine thousand yuan. He remembered that instructor Li used this model before, and it seems that their staff members have very high incomes.
Also, an ordinary student has a tuition fee of 5,000 per month, and a violent student has a tuition fee of 8,000 per month. There are more than 700 students here, but the staff are only instructors, doctors and cleaners, so the salary is naturally high.
The latest mobile phone is good, fast, and easy to use. Xu Zifan sat in a chair and quickly surfed the Internet and copied the surveillance system of the Internet cafe he was taken away that day, and checked the relevant information. It is common for people who surf the Internet to be caught back by their parents. No one calls the police. Only the e-sports captain who invited the original owner to the team sent him several messages asking him how he was thinking.
Xu Zifan thought for a while, and anonymously posted on the hottest e-sports forum: [Looking for the e-sports genius "Breeze Xulai", he has been missing for several days, who knows where he went? ? ? 】Xu Zifan proficiently opened a few trumpets and started to scramble this post. Passerby broke the news that Qingfeng Xu Lai had an appointment with him two days ago to play a game, but he couldn’t contact him when he missed the appointment; Passerby broke the news that he was talking with Qingfeng three days ago When Xu Lai was playing the game, he was suddenly disconnected and he couldn't get in touch. Passer-by C jokingly guessed that Qingfeng Xu Lai might be locked up by his parents; passer-by Ding also joked, maybe he was sent to the internet addiction school. That's it.
At the beginning, it was a joking atmosphere. Other e-sports players and enthusiasts also came in to leave a message to join in the fun, and people who had played games with the original owner said that they could not contact Xu Zifan. This is too much to say, the post is hot, Xu Zifan used a trumpet to break the news that a boy who was very good at a game in a certain Internet cafe was arrested three days ago, he glanced at the boy’s screen, and he seemed to be called Qingfeng Xulai . Then Xu Zifan, a "good-hearted person", posted the monitoring of the day, and then his classmates who pretended to be Xu Zifan revealed his true identity, saying that he had a very poor relationship with his parents and had not returned to school for several days. I wonder if something will happen. , And then pretended to be a neighbor and broke the news that Xu Zifan was often beaten at home. I haven't seen him recently. His parents are busy taking care of their youngest son.
It took Xu Zifan 20 minutes to break the news step by step, attracting a large number of e-sports enthusiasts. Some people began to feel that something was wrong, and everyone who knew Qingfeng Xulai began to look for him. Xu Zifan took the opportunity to transfer the post to the original school's intranet, and then to other school networks like gossip, and then cleaned up all traces.
These are not enough. Even if the incident is hot searched, it will only be ignored. Just arguing on the Internet will not produce results. He needs more time. Xu Zifan set the phone to mute and stuffed it into his shoes, then poured the medicine that Dr. Liu had just prepared into the sewer, threw the medicine bottle and needle into the trash can, made it look like he had used it, and woke up Dr. Liu.
"Doctor, it's half past seven. You have slept for too long. It's time to wake up and give 1018 treatment. He was dying when he arrived. He must be treated with all his strength. You must be careful. Use good medicine and not inferior medicine. He died. Treat 1018, treat him..."
Dr. Liu woke up and looked at the wall clock on the wall for the first time, "It's half past seven, hurry up, 1018, you lie down, your condition must be treated immediately. I was too sleepy to sleep for so long."
Doctor Xiao Liu frowned and felt very annoyed. He had never been killed. Doctor Yang was not there. He would give this student first aid first. Xu Zifan lay down and watched Doctor Xiao Liu take out another medicine from the cabinet, and then pushed the instrument over for him to check. The trauma was cured, just use some good medicine. The sequelae caused by too severe electric shock require infusion.
Xu Zifan looked at the ceiling and suddenly felt that he should study medicine. The world he has been to before is not too dangerous. This world is still within control, but what if he goes to a world that needs to fight for life. ? He can fight fierce fights, and simple bazaars can also treat wounds, but this is not enough. If he becomes a doctor, his protection will be one more layer.
There is no end to learning. You must learn more, just like he studied psychology seriously in the last world, and he uses it now, otherwise he would not be able to get rid of this predicament. Medicine is useful. After finishing the task, he Go to medical school.
After Dr. Liu checked the infusion for him, Xu Zifan spoke weakly, "Doctor, I'm so hungry, I haven't eaten for several days."
Dr. Liu's mind was to try his best to treat Xu Zifan and treat him to the level of a normal person, so when he heard this, he got a bag of nutrient solution, added salt water and hung it on the shelf, preparing to give Xu Zifan an infusion. Xu Zifan said again: "Doctor, I will turn off the lights and close the dormitory immediately. I can't go back. Can I sleep here?"
Xu Zifan stared at Dr. Liu’s eyes,
I can only sleep here, there is no other place. Lock the door and let me sleep in the infirmary alone, because I am too ill and need to stay in the infirmary for observation. Doctor, You lost your phone when you got home. Go buy a new phone and buy a bearer number."
Doctor Xiao Liu was in a daze and nodded naturally, "You are in the infirmary tonight, I have to leave beforehand."
Doctor Xiao Liu locked the door and left. In his memory, Xu Zifan was dying of illness. The infusion was also a dead horse doctor, hoping that no one would die. So he just told the other instructors to stop Xu Zifan and take it back, and wait until tomorrow morning to see the situation.
Instructor Li cursed a few words, but said nothing. He thinks Xu Zifan is not pleasing to his eyes, and he always wants to help his brother vent his anger, but of course it is not good to be able to survive. Before, Dr. Yang said that Xu Zifan was in bad condition, but now Dr. Liu said so again, he has no doubts. In this way, Xu Zifan stayed in a room with no surveillance and no network shielding, and he was very free.
The nutrient solution made him feel full and feel more comfortable. He took out his mobile phone and went online to design a very interesting game he had designed before. Everyone who played said that this game is poisonous and makes people want to stop. He deliberately designed the game to be a semi-finished product that can be played, but the most critical level is gone. He needs to wait for the next update. He also implanted a notice saying that it will be updated in three days. The signature is "Breeze Xu Lai".
Later, he put the game on several major download platforms, but the hacked platform changed the upload time to five days ago, and the download data was also changed to popular numbers. After that, he hacked into Weibo and airborne the name of the game. I posted screenshots of the game in a trumpet, accompanied by exciting texts that I liked very fun and attracted a lot of people to watch.
It's already ten o'clock in the evening after finishing this, but the effect is very good. The popularity of hot search has caused the game downloads to increase rapidly. By twelve o'clock, many people who have played have feedback. The game began to spread.
Xu Zifan has also finished the infusion, has a lot of energy, and his body is less painful. Good medicine is still useful. He took another medicine to the wounded area, went to the bathroom in the infirmary and took a good bath. The whole person felt much better. After that, he hacked into the surveillance system of the school while lying in bed, did a quick operation, and packaged all surveillance archives and transferred them to a newly registered network disk.
He took a look at the surveillance, there were very few problems, because the school did not install surveillance in the playground, the canteen, the third room, and the small dark room where people would be hit. The surveillance over the dormitory can only see that the students are very obedient and wash their own clothes. Everyone is very well-behaved. At most, people think that the school is stricter when these surveillances are released. Parents of students may be happy to see such a "behaved" child, so it is useless.
With only a few videos, the instructor couldn't help but beat someone, and pulled the student away while beating, leaving the surveillance area. Of course the student will be taught a lesson later, but then it will not be recorded, only some bruises can be seen from the arm that the student showed when he returned to the dormitory. But there is no substantive evidence. It can be said that he fell or abused himself. If there is no evidence, there is no evidence.
Xu Zifan felt that he might need some monitoring and put it in the school where the punishment was imposed. But how can this be done? It's too difficult to operate, you need to think about it.
Xu Zifan looked at the infirmary while thinking about it, and saw several large folders on the desk. He walked over and opened it, and found that it was the student's medical record book, which recorded the student's number and the number of doctor visits, but did not write what their illness was or what medicine they used. However, this is still useful for Xu Zifan. The students who come the most are naturally those who are not convinced and are often taught, and they are also easily instigated.
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