Chapter 138: C little wolf dog

Xu Zifan took off the top hat on his head and bent over and bowed, "Thank you Teacher Bai! Your compliment has given me great encouragement, thank you!"
Bai Yuchen took the conversation, "I saw the video of you interviewing the staff. You were a little unconfident at that time, right?"
"Yes! After all, I participated with many excellent trainees. I actually had a little stage fright when I signed up." Xu Zifan shrugged and put on the top hat again.
Bai Yuchen said funny: "I didn't see your stage fright, since you came in, I feel that you are full of confidence, are you nervous now?"
Xu Zifan smiled calmly and said: "Don't be nervous, you will be at ease. With such a good stage for showing and learning opportunities, I think I only need to show my best state, if I can be commented by the instructors, point out My strengths and weaknesses, then I will feel very honored. If I still have the opportunity to study with the tutors for a few more sessions, I will feel extremely honored. So this road is only forward, not backwards. I am very happy now. Not nervous."
"Seriously, you're very happy about this, we didn't see it either." Bai Xingchen laughed at him, and patted his brother's arm, and asked several instructors, "Right, do you see it? He is simply Calm down the emperor."
"Yes, yes, it's too calm, and the performance is very stable and confident. I just thought it was an already famous artist performing, and I didn't even think about him as a player. And I was also electrocuted just like Sister Xingchen. Great!" Cheng Man kept smiling and gave Xu Zifan a thumbs up.
Zhou Peng asked, "Can you create your own? Can you rap?"
Xu Zifan shrugged and said with a smile: "I like creation and rap very much, but I haven't understood it well. I really just sang a few songs at school evenings before, and I haven't touched anything else. Now I am here, I want to study hard and hope that I can ask instructor Zhou on this aspect in the future."
Zhou Peng nodded, "OK! I will look forward to your performance later."
Yu Hai answered, "Do you know how to dance? Just now, your various small movements fit the lyrics and music, and the design is very good. But the idol men's group sometimes has some more intense dances with big moves. You used to be in school evenings. Skip it?"
The school party became a mess, and everyone laughed. Xu Zifan thought for a while and said, "I didn't skip it, but I can imitate. Yu Tutor, can you do a short jump and let me imitate it? See how my dancing talent is."
Yu Hai looked at Bai Yuchen. Bai Yuchen was actually very curious about how Xu Zifan imitated on the spot. This was equivalent to a problem. He immediately nodded and said: "I think it's ok, what do you think of Yu Hai?"
Yu Hai got up and laughed and said, "I also want to see if Xu Zifan has the talent for dancing. How about we choose a more explosive action?"
Xu Zifan responded happily and stepped aside to make a request, without any nervousness.
Yu Hai himself is a sing-jump idol. He asked the staff to play his own very burning and explosive song and jumped for about a minute. There were a combination of sliding, foot tapping, arm radio wave rhythm, kicking, etc. Music is particularly rhythmic. After the jump, he smiled and looked at Xu Zifan, "How about it? Did you see it clearly? Is this paragraph okay?"
Xu Zifan has just been watching every detail of his actions. Although his expression has not changed, he is actually very serious, and his unforgettable ability is not just bluffing. He nodded, bowed slightly and said: "Thanks to the mentor, I remember it, you can see how I dance."
Yu Hai raised his eyebrows in surprise, nodded and returned to his seat to watch him imitate. Xu Zifan said, "Teachers, it's rude." Then he started to move his arms and legs.
Everyone laughed again, and Bai Xingchen said amused: "You are going to fight, are you really imitating dancing?"
Xu Zifan said embarrassedly: "No way, I was still in a normal figure three months ago, and suddenly became so fat, I am a bit uncoordinated, get used to it first."
Bai Xingchen was surprised, "You really got fat in three months? How many catties did you use?"
Xu Zifan thought for a while, "I used to be about 150 jin, now 230 jin."
Bai Xingchen looked at him incredulously, "Well... that's really a lot fatter."
Xu Zifan put down the microphone after the event and said with a smile: "I'm ready!"
Next, he copied Yu Hai's dance perfectly. Although his figure can hold two Yuhai, the loose clothes like t-shirts will make him show slightly trembling flesh when jumping big movements, but his movements are extremely flexible, each movement is specially in place and full of rhythm. People can't help but follow the rhythm.
After jumping in a minute, Xu Zifan panted slightly, bowed to the instructor, and silently adjusted his breathing. Yu Hai pointed at Xu Zifan in surprise, "You really did it! I can't believe it!"
Cheng Man also had an expression of disbelief, "Because of your body shape, the segment that you just jumped was not as clean and beautiful as Yu Hai, but it's really amazing to jump to this level after just watching it. I think you Should lose weight, uh, I don’t like fat people, but I think if you lose weight, dancing will be very explosive. I look forward to that day."
Xu Zifan smiled and said: "Okay, I also feel that dancing feels great. Now that the weight is very tired, I will definitely lose weight successfully."
As the initiator, Bai Yuchen observed Xu Zifan very carefully from beginning to end, appraising him in all directions in his heart, and said with satisfaction: "Seriously, your balance is very good, the overall coordination is great, and you are still very good at dancing. Potential. Now we have a good idea of ​​your overall quality. Give us a little time and let us discuss it."
"Okay, thank you promoter Bai."
Bai Yuchen turned off the microphone and communicated with the four instructors. Bai Xingchen was the first to say: "He has a talent for singing, and he is more talented as an artist, and he said that he only gained weight in these three months. I don't think it is a problem in this respect. It will definitely be reduced. Then he is very good. I will give you the potential of being an idol star."
Zhou Peng said: "He has no performance in creation and rap. I can't judge, but judging from the results of his just imitating Yu Hai's dancing, I think he has a strong learning ability and is worth looking forward to. I will give him a first in this link, which is to encourage him. ."
Yu Hai and Cheng Man gave a without saying a word. In terms of dance, Xu Zifan didn't need to rehearse, he could imitate it once and dance so accurately. He definitely has a talent for dancing. Now they are a little worried that he won't lose weight, but for this performance, Xu Zifan has ignited the audience twice in a row. He is worth a.
Bai Yuchen himself likes Xu Zifan very much. He feels that he has a very good personality and has great expectations for his future. He glanced at the grade posted on Xu Zifan's clothes. "You chose a by yourself? What do you think we will judge?"
The players talked in whispers.
"I think it's a, right?"
"It may be b, and the appearance and image are also considered points."
"But he was very charming when he was performing just now, and his appearance should not be deducted."
"He himself thinks it is a, right? After all, he is the man who chooses the throne."
Xu Zifan smiled calmly and said: "I hope it is a, not arrogance or something, I just hope that I can get a from the strengths and circumvent weaknesses just now, which shows that my overall quality is not bad. But whether it is a or not, I will continue to work towards the throne. That is my goal here."
"Huh? I have never heard you talk about your dreams. What you talk about is always your goal. Is your dream to be a singer or an idol?" Bai Yuchen looked at him curiously.
Xu Zifan shook his head, "I think I have to stop myself from eating the soil before I can pursue my dreams, so compared to my dreams, I currently only have my goal, which is to debut as a star and earn money. But I like singing and being on stage. When acting, watching movies and TV shows, I also like to think about the characters in it. I think I will like this profession very much and treat it as a hobby. When I am free from financial pressure, I may have a dream and try to pursue it. "
This kind of topic is a bit like the very popular selling horror recently, but Xu Zifan is very relaxed when talking, smiling naturally, just like Bai Xingchen said, like a calm emperor. So no one thought he was selling miserably. Instead, he felt that he was telling the truth, which can be said to be very real, considering all practical issues.
Bai Yuchen smiled and said: "It seems that you are really eating soil, don't worry, you have been recording here for the past few months, and the program team is in charge of the meal. You don't need to eat soil for the time being. And..." He looked down at the folder. Form, smiled, "Your rating is a, which is in line with your psychological expectations. You can live in the best dormitory with a good environment. I look forward to the results of your efforts in the future."
Xu Zifan bowed, "Thank you mentors, you will not be disappointed!"
The players applauded to celebrate him, and most of them were not bad-hearted. Seeing a fat man who thought he was a rookie at first, behaved so well and got a, they all smiled kindly to Xu Zifan. Pan Yu's smile could not be maintained, which was different from what he thought!
He persuaded Xu Zifan to come to the competition to see Xu Zifan making a fool of himself! It was to make Xu Zifan more inferior and laughed at by everyone, not to make him shine! How could Xu Zifan behave so well? Is he still inferior to Xu Zifan when he lives a lifetime? Would Xu Zifan still make his c-place debut in this boy group? What's the point of what he did? He worked so hard to enter Shengshi Entertainment and became one of the best trainees. This opportunity is too important for him. Now, let him serve as a foil for Xu Zifan? impossible!
Xu Zifan walked up the steps in the blessings of the players. Pan Yu didn't want to face him at all, but Xu Zifan walked to his level and stopped, handed him the top hat, and smiled very cheerfully, "Pan Zi, no, Pan Yu, thank you for your top hat. You have added a lot of points. Thank you so much today. When I go out, I will invite you to dinner. I will order any street in the night market!"
Only the night market is the only thing for dinner. It's really delicious. Everyone laughed and was amused by Xu Zifan. They didn't feel so nervous anymore. Pan Yu could only hold up the smile with You Rongyan, leaned in and hugged Xu Zifan, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Then Irving will be welcome, you just performed great! Keep going!"
"Come on, too!" Xu Zifan hugged him back, calmly stepped onto the throne and sat down. Pan Yu interacted with him for an extra shot, and so did he. One hundred contestants, one episode lasts that long, and one more shot will leave an extra impression on the audience. Whoever has more shots will get more votes. Pan Yu is a very promising player of Shengshi Entertainment. He has posted songs and has a certain popularity. He and Pan Yu interact well. But the good brothers were set up, and when it was revealed that it was a plastic brotherhood in the future, he reversed more severely. Anyway, he is a victim, so don't worry.
The mentors also saw their interaction. Pan Yu and the others belonged to Shengxing Entertainment, a company with Yu Hai. Bai Yuchen simply said, "Since you are good friends, will Shengxing Entertainment be the second performer?"
Pan Yu quickly stood up and bowed with the trainees from the company, "Okay!"
They walked down together, but Pan Yu was in a deep mood. They and the five people in the company wanted to perform together, and he also won a chance to perform solo. But just now Xu Zifan made the scene very explosive, just because Xu Zifan is fat, so singing to that level is beyond everyone's expectations, everyone thinks it is a good list. And he is obviously better than Xu Zifan in singing and dancing, but because he himself is set in a high position by everyone, following Xu Zifan's performance will certainly not exceed expectations. Do you still think he is great?
Originally, Pan Yu was confident, but now suddenly he became very bottomless. Xu Zifan smiled and looked at Pan Yu from the throne, as if he was optimistic about a brother, but he was actually watching the excitement. He just deliberately talked to Pan Yu before going down and after coming back, so the instructor would definitely call Pan Yu to perform. Whether it was the pressure on Pan Yu or everyone's psychological expectations, there would be a big gap. Pan Yu wanted to calculate him, so he first dig a hole for Pan Yu.
Performance in the first period is a very important first impression. Whether this Pan Yu can seize the opportunity to show bright spots, it is not necessarily true. After all, his songs are copied from the original owner. What bright spots can there be?
Pan Yu and the others soon finished their self-introduction and began to dance group dances. Sheng Xing is worthy of being a large entertainment company. The trainees trained by them are of very good quality. They danced very well and cooperated well. The audience was exclaimed. , Following the rhythm of the body, only five instructors are calm.
After they finished the jump, Yu Hai said, "This junior is very strong. After watching the Yangtze River, I have a feeling that the back wave pushes the front wave, haha, what do you think?"
Cheng Man laughed and said: "The overall degree of dance is very high. I can see that it has been practiced seriously. I think it is not bad and has great potential. Especially Pan Yu in the middle has a good performance."
Bai Yuchen shook his head and said with a little disappointment: "The rest of you are all very good, but the balance is not good enough. If this is performed on a large stage, this level will appear very restrained, confined in a frame. I didn't let go. I can see that you are a little nervous, don't be nervous, you must seize every opportunity to perform well."
Bai Xingchen looked at them a few times, and said with a smile: "Your clothes, hairstyles, hair color are very good points, very suitable for this performance, the level of self-confidence is a little worse, you can strengthen it, and the expressions when dancing. And the look in the eyes, um..." She thought for a moment and nodded, "Actually it's not bad, keep working hard."
Turning off the microphone, she whispered to her brother: "The look and expression cannot be compared to Xu Zifan. He is really doing very well. I think Xu Zifan has raised my standards. What should I do?"
Bai Yuchen joked: "Then you can only lower the standard forcibly, after all, others may not be able to act."
Zhou Peng, who was next to him, swiped the information on the tablet and asked, "Will Pan Yu create, right? Two songs have been released, and both of them are good."
Pan Yu immediately answered, "Yes, I actually prepared a solo singing and dancing performance today. It is a song written by myself. Can I perform it?"
He was very humble, just like the attitude of the junior to the senior, Bai Yuchen raised his hand and said, "Of course it can"
Pan Yu brewed some emotions and said: "This song was written when I first had a dream and didn't know how to pursue it. It belongs to the confusion of the future, and then find the direction from it, and become firm a little bit."
"OK! It's time to start."
Sheng Xing's other trainees all stepped aside, the music rang, and Pan Yu sang while dancing. His lyrics are about dreams. There are slow and confused rhythms, and there are also fast rhythms in the burst period and the normal rhythm of steady, dynamic passion chasing dreams after firmness. The whole song has a sense of hierarchy. He remembers that Xu Zifan had performed this song since his debut in his previous life. At that time, fans said that he was very moved, and the evaluation of the industry was very good, and the singing degree was very high.
But Xu Zifan's previous performance was really sultry, making people blush and heartbeat, just like the feeling of blood becoming hot. Now Pan Yu is performing a song with such a connotation. Although it is very good, it lacks the feeling of igniting it. It seems that it can't rise at a certain point. If they did not exceed their psychological expectations, the impression score would be a little lower than Xu Zifan. And compared with the talented ones, the talented ones are more popular.
Pan Yu and the others soon finished their self-introduction and began to dance group dances. Sheng Xing is worthy of being a large entertainment company. The trainees trained by them are of very good quality. They danced very well and cooperated well. The audience was exclaimed. , Following the rhythm of the body, only five instructors are calm.
After they finished the jump, Yu Hai said, "This junior is very strong. After watching the Yangtze River, I have a feeling that the back wave pushes the front wave, haha, what do you think?"
Cheng Man laughed and said: "The overall degree of dance is very high. I can see that it has been practiced seriously. I think it is not bad and has great potential. Especially Pan Yu in the middle has a good performance."
Bai Yuchen shook his head and said with a little disappointment: "The rest of you are all very good, but the balance is not good enough. If this is performed on a large stage, this level will appear very restrained, confined in a frame. I didn't let go. I can see that you are a little nervous, don't be nervous, you must seize every opportunity to perform well."
Bai Xingchen looked at them a few times, and said with a smile: "Your clothes, hairstyles, hair color are very good points, very suitable for this performance, the level of self-confidence is a little worse, you can strengthen it, and the expressions when dancing. And the look in the eyes, um..." She thought for a moment and nodded, "Actually it's not bad, keep working hard."
Turning off the microphone, she whispered to her brother: "The look and expression cannot be compared to Xu Zifan. He is really doing very well. I think Xu Zifan has raised my standards. What should I do?"
Bai Yuchen joked: "Then you can only lower the standard forcibly, after all, others may not be able to act."
Zhou Peng, who was next to him, swiped the information on the tablet and asked, "Will Pan Yu create, right? Two songs have been released, and both of them are good."
Pan Yu immediately answered, "Yes, I actually prepared a solo singing and dancing performance today. It is a song written by myself. Can I perform it?"
He was very humble, just like the attitude of the junior to the senior, Bai Yuchen raised his hand and said, "Of course it can"
Pan Yu brewed some emotions and said: "This song was written when I first had a dream and didn't know how to pursue it. It belongs to the confusion of the future, and then find the direction from it, and become firm a little bit."
"OK! It's time to start."
Sheng Xing's other trainees all stepped aside, the music rang, and Pan Yu sang while dancing. His lyrics are about dreams. There are slow and confused rhythms, and there are also fast rhythms in the burst period and the normal rhythm of steady, dynamic passion chasing dreams after firmness. The whole song has a sense of hierarchy. He remembers that Xu Zifan had performed this song since his debut in his previous life. At that time, fans said that he was very moved, and the evaluation of the industry was very good, and the singing degree was very high.
But Xu Zifan's previous performance was really sultry, making people blush and heartbeat, just like the feeling of blood becoming hot. Now Pan Yu is performing a song with such a connotation. Although it is very good, it lacks the feeling of igniting it. It seems that it can't rise at a certain point. If they did not exceed their psychological expectations, the impression score would be a little lower than Xu Zifan. And compared with the talented ones, the talented ones are more popular.
But Xu Zifan's previous performance was really sultry, making people blush and heartbeat, just like the feeling of blood becoming hot. Now Pan Yu is performing a song with such a connotation. Although it is very good, it lacks the feeling of igniting it. It seems that it can't rise at a certain point. If they did not exceed their psychological expectations, the impression score would be a little lower than Xu Zifan.
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