Chapter 406: Unlucky stick (2 more)

Xu Zifan asked Chengzhuang and the housekeeper to stay in the car, and he took Jiang Tianxin to take a look.
Cheng Zhuang frowned and said, "Is my brother inside? If he is, I will save him."
Jiang Tianxin hated his disrespectful attitude towards Xu Zifan, and said in disgust: "If you want us to find someone, just shut your mouth. This must be the first and last time Qingfengguan has solved trouble for a family because you are so annoying! "
"What are you talking about?!" Chengzhuang looked at her incredulously. He did so much for her. Why did she say that to him? !
The butler saw that Jiang Tianxin's disgust was also a little surprised, so he pulled the handle into Zhuang, "Master, wait a minute, there may be kidnappers inside, it's very dangerous, you are still empty."
Xu Zifan was impatient to take care of this idiot, and had asked Jiang Tianxin to walk quietly towards the house. He just wants to figure out what's going on inside. If there is a ghost that harms people, it is also a merit to destroy the ghost.
Shaohua kept projecting the situation in the room to Xu Zifan. Xu Zifan saw that the little boy finally moved. He took a dagger and gestured at his limbs one by one, as if thinking about how to cut it off, and then aimed at his heart. The position is compared, and it seems to be estimating the force of insertion.
Xu Zifan was even more puzzled. The virtual screen could only see the scanned things, but could not see the evil spirits. Xu Zifan could only wait at the door of the room and wait for the opportunity. When the little boy just put down his dagger and was about to take the axe, he kicked the door open. , Flew over and caught the little boy.
Only then did he see that there was a thin layer of black mist all over the little boy, which was very light. This was not possessed by a ghost, but the ghostly spirit from the little boy's soul. It was incredible!
The little boy struggled hard, "Let go of me! Who are you? Let go!"
Jiang Tianxin was a little surprised when he saw the fainted strong man, "Master, there is a problem with this child? What happened to him?"
Xu Zifan shook his head, "I don't know." After saying that, he reached out and put his hand on the boy's forehead, the skin touched, and he saw a fragment.
Cheng Zhuang turned blue and returned to his family. The ghostly spirit on his body was very heavy. The little boy ran downstairs and accidentally fell and hit Chengzhuang. The ghostly spirit touched the boy, his soul. There was a ghostly spirit in the middle of the moment. When the little boy opened his eyes, he lost his original innocence, and became a little hostile, exactly the same as now.
Xu Zifan pondered for a moment. It was a bit like the memory of awakening from a previous life, but with a ghostly spirit, it was not the same as reincarnation. He posted a sign on the little boy to prevent him from moving or making any noise. He held him in his arms and prepared to return to Taoism. When he turned around, he saw Jiang Tianxin looking at them in a daze.
"what happened?"
Jiang Tianxin looked at them again, "No, it's just... I just thought you two looked like, but now I look closely at them and they don't seem to look like that again."
Xu Zifan looked at the little boy when he heard the words. The little boy was full of anger. The six-year-old child looked very cute even if he was angry, but because of the ghost, it was a little more gloomy.
Xu Zifan took a careful look at his facial features, and he also felt kind. Fate is a very mysterious thing. The cultivator's heart chords occasionally, it means that things have something to do with him, and he immediately decided to go to get married.
"Call someone to arrest the kidnapper first, and make a plan after the investigation is clear. Let's get married."
The little boy stared at Xu Zifan fiercely, like an angry little leopard. Xu Zifan chuckled lightly, wondering why not only did he not feel disgusted, but he found it interesting. He also thought that if he had awakened the memory of his previous life, the child's eyes shouldn't be so pure, he would still be a child.
Jiang Tianxin called the police to take the kidnappers away and left the police in the hut for inspection. She and Xu Zifan took the little boy to leave.
As soon as the housekeeper saw the little boy, he laughed excitedly, "It's really young master, great!" Then he realized that something was wrong, and said nervously, "What's wrong with young master?"
Xu Zifan held the baby without letting it go, and said, "He is not in the right situation. Let me start a family first. I need to learn more about his situation."
Cheng Zhuang squinted his eyes and looked at the child for a moment, then frowned, "Is he possessed by a ghost? Is there something dirty?"
"It's not clear yet." Xu Zifan said, closing his eyes, and hurrying to search for similar cases. After all, he has all the books in the world of cultivating immortals, and there are still a lot of records of various deeds, just to distinguish between true and false, some may just be written by boring people.
Cheng Zhuang hid the child as far as possible in the back seat. Jiang Tianxin saw it in the rearview mirror, and a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. This kind of person still has the face to say that Jiang Dong can't be an elder brother. What kind of thing is he, he doesn't care at all when he sees his brother has problems, and he is afraid that he will be affected.
The first two generations of the family were officials. The officials in Beijing are not very large, but the officials in the capital are powerful and powerful. Chengzhuang's grandfather didn't control their partners very strictly. Chengzhuang's grandmother made a lot of money in business, but later she was not allowed to be an official wife, so the financial conditions for getting married are very good.
The grandparents of Chengzhuang have passed away. It is the adult father and mother who are waiting for them at home. When the adult mother sees the little boy, she walks forward and hugs him excitedly. That's great, great!"
The adult father glanced at the little boy, frowned and coughed twice, and whispered to the adult mother: "Be careful."
The adult mother looked at Xu Zifan and Jiang Tianxin, only then slightly tempered her emotions.
The adult father shook hands with Xu Zifan politely: "Is it Qingfeng Dao leader? I am Cheng Bijun. The butler has already told me everything. Thank you this time and Miss Jiang. Thank you very much. Please sit down."
The adult mother waited for them to sit down and asked eagerly: "What's wrong with my son? Why doesn't he move or speak? The expression is still like this... so... strange?"
The adult mother met the little boy's eyes, her back was cold, and she felt her scalp numb. She almost let go and threw the little boy out. She was still stable because she was sitting on the sofa and did not lose her state.
Xu Zifan frowned slightly when he looked at the adult mother, but did not answer, but instead asked, "Is it convenient for Mrs. Cheng to give your name?"
The adult mother was taken aback and looked at the adult father. The adult found it very strange, so he couldn't help asking: "Does this have anything to do with Xiao'an? I don't know what to do when the Taoist asks my wife's name?"
Xu Zifan felt that the adult mother was very familiar, and also felt that the adult father and mother were a little bit repulsive to Jiang Tianxin, and also very repellent to him. He was not really grateful, but was guarded everywhere. He was impatient to talk nonsense with them and asked Shaohua to scan his ID card.
No matter how big the house was, it was within 500 meters. Shaohua quickly scanned the adult mother's ID card, with the date of birth written on it, and her name-Yu Cailan.
The name Xu Zifan was very impressive, because it was the name of the original owner's biological mother. He heard it from the curse of his uncle!
Xu Zifan's gaze turned around Yu Cailan's body, her whole body was stained with ghosts, and the thick powder on her face could not cover her haggard look. Others might think that she was haggard because she was worried about her son, but Xu Zifan could see that she had been attacked by ghosts for a while. And now the little boy she was holding in her arms was trying to invade Yu Cailan's body with ghost energy, as if there was a deep hatred.
When Xu Zifan knew her identity, he stopped asking. He looked at the little boy and said, "When I found him, the kidnappers were in a coma. He was looking for suitable weapons with the intention of self-harm."
The adult father and mother took a breath and looked at the little boy in shock. The adult father said in amazement, "This, how is this possible? Xiao An has always been very good!"
Xu Zifan continued: "He is very emotional and does not want to come back, so I temporarily made him unable to move freely, just to facilitate the search for the cause, and there is no harm.
Now what I want to know is whether there was any abnormal behavior during the period between his return home in Chengzhuang and his disappearance. Please think about it. This is very important. "
The adult mother keenly grasped the point, "You said that after Chengzhuang went home? Why did he go home?"
Cheng Zhuang sneered, "Auntie, what do you mean? What does this have to do with me?" After finishing speaking, he glared at Xu Zifan, "What does Qingfeng Daochang mean? Why did it get on me? Would you say that I took it away? My brother's?"
Jiang Tianxin said coldly: "My master's questioning is naturally for a reason. You'd better be polite to my master. There are too many people begging my master to do things. I haven't seen anyone begging with this attitude. Did you get it back and cross the river to demolish the bridge?"
The adult father ordered Cheng Zhuang to shut up and apologized, but the eyes that swept Jiang Tianxin were vaguely unhappy.
Xu Zifan raised his hand, and all the restraints on the little boy's body disappeared. He stood up and said, "Mr. Chengzhuang asked me to find someone today. The person has been found, so I won't stay any more. Xinxin, go."
"Yes, Master." Jiang Tianxin was very reluctant to get married and immediately followed up.
The adult's face changed suddenly, and no one dared to shame him so much, and he was angry and didn't keep him. The adult mother was kicked by the little boy and exclaimed anxiously: "Wait, you haven't said what happened to my son. Miss Jiang, did you just leave like this?"
The footsteps of the master and apprentice kept on, Jiang Tianxin sneered, "Don't stay here to see your faces? Married family treats the youngest son's savior like this, which is really interesting. Don't forget to send the rewards to Taoist temples. Take orders for a family."
When the voice fell, their figures were gone, and the Cheng family didn't see how they left. Cheng's father took a picture of the coffee table and said angrily: "Chengzhuang! This is the master you invited? He would click on the side-by-side things, and really regard himself as a god? Also, what did they mean by that? Your brother's What does it have to do with you?"
Cheng Zhuang got up angrily, "How do I know? My body is still uncomfortable, I went upstairs. Since you think that the person I am looking for is not good, you can take care of your precious son by yourself. I still find it troublesome."
Cheng Zhuang ran back to the room, his father was so angry that he patted the table. The adult mother dared not approach the younger son and couldn't help crying, "What can I do? Lao Cheng, Cheng Zhuang said that he was ghosted when he came back. Possessed, do you think the baby is evil?"
The adult father frowned, "Why cry? Go to the hospital first. He was frightened by the irritation. The others are waiting for the results of the police."
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