Chapter 416: Unlucky stick (3 more)

Jiang Tianxin was relieved to know that Xu Zifan was really okay. He couldn't help but laugh when Xu Zifan said that she still had to surprise her.
She can't find the shadow of the original master in Xu Zifan now. After Xu Zifan became a boyfriend, she was like a different person. Every time she made her blushing shyly, she talked a series of love stories, and there were endless surprises. You have to think about preparing a surprise for your boyfriend.
As soon as Jiang Tianxin told the Taoist people about Xu Zifan’s peace, a little Taoist ran out of breath and said: "Master sister, that Chengzhuang is here, and we have to see you. We stopped him and he was there. The quarrel is endless and it has already disturbed the pilgrims. Would you like to go and see?"
Jiang Tianxin frowned, Jiang Dong had already left, "Grandson Turtle! He even dared to show up, I will kill him!"
Jiang Dong's face was ugly. Jiang Tianxin remembered that Chengzhuang said that she liked her and felt Geying, and went out behind Jiang Dong, and said, "Brother, go to the backyard to solve it, don't scare others."
"Okay, you go directly to the backyard, so that the kid doesn't see you talking nonsense." Jiang Dong's voice hasn't disappeared, and the figure has disappeared. He hasn't practiced for nothing these months.
Jiang Tianxin paused and went directly to the backyard, while Luo Chen and Mo Jiani went to the front yard to comfort the pilgrims, and were not worried about this at all. Although they are merchants, they are also one of the best in the country. It is their own arrogance that they have always been in a family, but they are not afraid of starting a family.
When Chengzhuang saw Jiang Dong, he shouted angrily: "You told people to stop me, right? I want to see Tianxin! And that Xu Zifan, what is he? How dare Xiao miss Tianxin?!"
Jiang Dong clenched his fist, and went up with a punch!
"Grandma's! Shut up Laozi!"
Jiang Dong's fist hit Chengzhuang's mouth, like an iron fist, so that Chengzhuang spit out two front teeth and shrank into a ball in pain!
Jiang Dong kept pulling up Chengzhuang's collar and directly lifted him up and strode towards the backyard.
Luo Chen smiled and made up a reasonable remark to explain to the other pilgrims, round the matter, and gave them a 10% discount because they were frightened. Everyone was happy and stopped paying attention to what was going on in Chengzhuang.
Cheng Zhuang was brought to the backyard before he realized that he was beaten by Jiang Dong! Also knocked out his two front teeth!
He struggled violently, "You Fengkai! Jiang Dong! Fengkai me!"
Without his front teeth, Cheng Zhuang blushed when he heard his voice. He was not ashamed or angry!
Jiang Dong threw him to the ground abruptly, rushed over and punched him in the stomach, gritted his teeth and said: "I let go! How is it? You dare to use my sister as a shield, you are looking for death!"
Cheng Zhuang curled up in pain, the instinct of counterattack could make him catch Jiang Dong wanting to lift the person off, who knew that he tried his best but didn't lift the man. Then he was surprised: "You, how could you..."
Jiang Dong grabbed him by the neck and slammed the back of his head on the ground. "My practice was taught by Brother Fan himself. Do you think I am the weak chicken who can't beat and scold you? Chengzhuang, a human being. Be sober, don’t treat our brothers and sisters as soft persimmons.
Jiang Dong finally let go of him, stood up and sorted out his clothes, looking condescendingly at Chengzhuang, who had bullied him many times, and avenged his revenge.
Cheng Zhuang felt humiliated, he still gritted his teeth and shouted, "I didn't give in to Tianxun, I love her!"
Jiang Tianxin said in disgust: "Chengzhuang, you have troubled me over and over again during this period. I feel very annoyed. I hope you will stay away from me in the future and stop talking nonsense. Otherwise, it will not be as simple as beating you."
Chengzhuang got up excitedly, staggered, and clutched his stomach and said, "I really like to share you, since I was eighteen..."
Jiang Tianxin raised his hand and interrupted him, frowning and said: "Okay, I will assume that you really like me, then I will tell you now, I have never liked you at all, and I don’t have any affection for you, you These words will only annoy me. Please stay away from me in the future. I don't accept your likes. You can go."
Cheng Zhuang stepped forward to get close to her, Jiang Dong stood in front of him for a moment, staring at him with an unkind expression. Cheng Zhuang said angrily: "Four non-four Xu Zifan? Is he good? We have recognized four or four years, and we are young plums, and Xu Zifan is using you, using your brothers and sisters, using the Jiang family..."
"Chengzhuang!" Jiang Tianxin said in a cold voice, "Your eyes are only as big as a needle nose, and the world you see is only that big. Do you want to know what I like about Zifan? I tell you, we just met, he was saved My brother’s life saved my family’s life and helped us get rid of the biggest threat. All the connections that my Jiang family provided to him are for repaying kindness and there is no use.
I worship him as a teacher. He taught me more than any master in the world knows. He also gave me a lot of treasures. I dug up the treasures. Even the exchange of benefits would be a loss for him.
He was with me and never took advantage of me. On the contrary, I benefited a lot. When it comes to being a good man, I am the only one who upholds him.
Now that he likes me is the happiest thing in my life. If I can grow old with him, I am willing to give everything I have. "
Jiang Tianxin walked to Chengzhuang and said with extreme earnestness: "I don't allow anyone to insult him or look down on him, and let me hear similar things again, I will not let you go!"
Jiang Tianxin spoke clearly, and personally cut off the rotten peach blossom that appeared at some time.
What kind of use is what Chengzhuang said? Even if she knew that Xu Zifan was not unlucky when approaching her, she didn't think Xu Zifan had used her. Xu Zifan accepted her as a disciple in order to get close to her, but the name of a master and apprentice was never imaginary. What Xu Zifan taught her far exceeded her help to Xu Zifan, so good exercises and so many magic weapons. Anyone in this world, I am afraid that he can relieve Xu Zifan's worries.
This kind of trivial matter never left any bad traces between them. On the contrary, she was fortunate that she had this usefulness. Otherwise, Xu Zifan might not get close to her at all, might not stay at Jiang’s house, or accept her as a disciple. , Will not have any intersection with her again. Then naturally they will not have such an intimate relationship as they are today.
She somewhat understands what Xu Zifan said about fate. People will meet many people throughout their lives. The person who is suitable and has a good impression will not be the exclusive person, but if two people want to be together happily, the right time and place are indispensable. .
Unlucky physique gave them an opportunity to contact, and their respective personalities and everything they experienced together gave them a hotbed for budding feelings.
The mutual attraction of pure yang physique and pure yin physique became the catalyst of their feelings. Afterwards, she thought about it, if they didn’t like each other at that time, she would avoid suspicion when they found that these two physiques would attract each other. After all, Xu Zifan I have found a way to get rid of bad luck and have been doing charity with all my strength. It is only a matter of time to get rid of bad luck. There is no need for them to be tied together at all times.
She walked in the Taoist temple where she personally supervised the reconstruction, and she was suddenly very grateful for all of this, because it was all these interlocking things that made the two of them come together. This is really the happiest thing for her to grow up. If you don’t know it, you can smile happiness.
Jiang Tianxin's remarks made Zhuang spirits trance. He couldn't help muttering to himself, "No...I'm 18 years old, I just like...I have a mess with my family, turn my face with my family, and try to get my dad to agree. ...For so many years...I have done so much...why..."
Jiang Dong said in a deep voice: "Don't feel good about yourself. If you really like Xinxin, you won't tell me how to be a policeman every time you see her. If you really like Xinxin, you won't take her out as a blind date. As a shield, if you really like Xinxin, you will not disregard her danger and make trouble when she handles the case. All you do is to rebel against your dad and conquer Xinxin, who has never looked down upon you.
You are a person like you, born cold-blooded, and don't understand any emotions. Qingfeng View doesn't welcome you, and Xinxin doesn't want to see you again, get out! "
Jiang Dong threw the man to a little Taoist priest, who directly sent him out through the back door. As for how long he had to sit there, when to leave, and how to leave, it didn't matter to them.
Jiang Dongbianqiang and Jiang Tianxin's outright refusal hit Chengzhuang a great deal. He never found it again. Instead, he soon left the country, even his father who was still lying in the hospital ignored.
Jiang Dong just sneered when he heard this. This kind of person has been accustomed to being arrogant and arrogant by his family since he was a child, and he cannot bear the setbacks that cannot be changed. The first reaction is to escape from this environment, so he still has the face to say that he likes Xinxin? He doesn't deserve to say he likes it!
Xu Zifan traveled outside for a week, going to places with many people, occasionally meeting some activities or games and even participating in it, but nothing happened. Not only is it not bad luck, but he can also control the talent of seeing people in the past and the future!
This is all brought to him by his natural life style, because the Yin Qi is too heavy, and he has such a physique and talent. Now, he has more and more merits, and after the longevity is destroyed, he is eliminated for the world. A big disaster, the merits have grown a lot, finally let him get rid of the shortcomings of fate, and then can relax and enjoy the benefits of talent.
Xu Zifan thought about it and felt that this was also a kind of fate. If he hadn't inherited the Qingfeng view on a whim, he might not have done so many things to promote Taoism. Maybe he would not be an enemy of Changsheng and confront those zombies and ghosts. Then it is impossible to accumulate so many merits in just one year and resolve one's own calamities.
Although I was in trouble when I first came in this life, it was actually very relaxed and happy. I also found a suitable girlfriend, so my life should not be too good. In the future, he has no scruples, and his life will only be better.
After confirming that his unlucky physique was gone, he began to buy things to decorate the courtyard house. He was ready to surprise his girlfriend and went back. He didn't know if the little girl missed him.
In the love period, it always feels like a day is gone like three autumns. Although they have video chats every day, they seem to have not been separated for so long.
Xu Zifan was having fun outside, not knowing that Xu’s family has become a mess, and his uncle accidentally ran into Yu Cailan in the hospital. The two sides went from accusing each other to scolding and resenting each other when they met, both blaming the other for not strangling Xu Zifan. They are now a complete defeat. In their hearts, Xu Zifan was definitely the nemesis of their family and did not run away!
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