Chapter 451: Eating and Broadcasting King's Way (3 more)

No matter what you think carefully, going to the island did feel very fresh at the beginning. Even if the director asked them to hand in the salute, it was just a few complaints, which did not dispel their excitement.
Both Chen Zaimin and Song Yunjian are one big suitcase, Yi Xiao is a small suitcase, and Xue Ninglu and Su Yanchen are two big suitcases. Only Xu Zifan has the least stuff and none of the backpacks are full.
The program group allows each person to bring two survival items, and electronic products are absolutely not allowed. It's useless for everyone to bargain, they can only open the luggage and choose what to bring.
As soon as Xu Zifan's backpack was opened, the crowd once again attracted crowds. Chen Zaimin praised: "You are all useful. It is a pity to leave out any of them."
Xu Zifan asked, "Brother Chen, what do you bring?"
Chen Zaimin looked at his luggage and picked up a solar flashlight. "I think this should be useful. Nothing else can compare to your tools. Let me take one of your military shovel."
Xu Zifan gave him the military shovel and took the chopping knife and seasonings by himself. "There is no problem with these foods. It's a pity that we can't take wet tissues and rope. Then I will look for substitutes in the woods, herbs and vines. of."
He spoke too quickly, Chen Zaimin didn't stop him, and he whispered helplessly: "Zifan, don't always stand up fg, you will be scolded if you fall."
Xu Zifan smiled sincerely: "I always tell the truth and can do what I said. Don't worry, Brother Chen."
Okay, this is another fg. Chen Zaimin really thinks this kid is a bit stupid. Unexpectedly, the director suddenly smiled and said: "Our equipment this time uses the best equipment in the company, and the radio effect is super strong. All your private messages have been collected."
Only then did Chen Zaimin discover that there was an egg-sized photographic aircraft behind him. It was a photographic radio, which could record their real situation most comprehensively. Each of the six of them followed a photographic aircraft, and the wristband just issued on their wrist was used to locate the aircraft. use.
This means that they have no secrets. To go to the bathroom, they have to greet the program crew in advance, otherwise they have to be filmed. But this is also to protect their safety. You can call for help with a hand ring at critical moments.
Chen Zaimin shook his head and smiled: "This equipment is not cheap. I don't see that our program group is quite generous."
The director also joked, "The show I planned must be filmed well. This equipment was borrowed only after I asked my grandpa to tell my grandma to make a military order. Everyone must make good filming."
A few people joked with him and played with the camera for a while before choosing something. Song Yunjian chose a multi-function knife and a medicine box. The knife is a bit small, but he thinks eating all kinds of things should be useful. Medicine The box prevents someone from getting sick and is very considerate.
Yi Xiao chose a large bottle of insect repellent spray and a sleeping bag. He was allergic to insect bites, so he tended to protect himself.
Su Yanchen chose a pot and a dagger. The dagger can chop branches and hit things with the handle of the knife. The pot can boil water and drink and cook food and eat. He finds it very practical.
Xue Ninglu chose a watch and a backpack. He said that everyone needs to check the time. It is more convenient to put everything in the backpack, as if he was very careful and considerate.
Chen Zaimin felt that both knives and hammers could be omitted, and repeated a little, so he said, "Should we discuss it again? Change something useful? Sterilize napkins or something, so repeat."
Although he is the eldest brother, he has more experience and experience and should manage the entire team, but everyone has just met, is not familiar with each other, and can't gather together, so naturally he won't listen to him.
Su Yanchen smiled and said, "No, Brother Chen. We will definitely have to split up by then. It will be inconvenient if there are fewer tools. Besides, doesn't Zifan say that we can find a lot of things in nature? I believe him, we should bring more The tool is good, this one is not in nature. Zifan, can you find something useful?"
Xu Zifan nodded, looked at the sky, and said: "We must decide as soon as possible and then set out to find a suitable place to build a camp. We must also find water and food, otherwise we will suffer when it gets dark."
When he said this, he was more serious, because his appearance was high and his age was young. Such a serious look has a contrast and is particularly attractive. Especially since he just made the most suitable look for him, wearing a sportswear, he looks very energetic, more handsome and charming than the previous photos on the Internet.
Su Yanchen hated him in his heart. He wanted to take advantage of Xu Zifan's hagginess when he was hacked by the whole network. As a result, he himself is now Xu Zifan's foil, so he deliberately said: "Everyone listens to my brother, he seems to be very good at survival in the wild. If you have confidence, you should have experience. Let's listen to his arrangements and save ourselves from catching the blind."
Xue Ninglu also wanted to teach Xu Zifan a lesson, and echoed: "Then let's go, the youngest will take the lead and take us to explore this island."
Song Yunjian laughed irresponsibly and said, "I hope we can find food as soon as possible. I'm a little hungry."
Chen Zaimin saw that they had all said this, and he sighed and looked at Xu Zifan, "Zifan, do you have any ideas? Should we separate and explore the way in different directions?"
Xu Zifan nodded, and said earnestly without any refusal: "Since everyone trusts me, I will share my thoughts. We have just arrived on this strange island and we are not clear about the terrain and the distribution of animals and plants on the island. You can't place a single, it's best to go to different directions in pairs.
When exploring the road, remember the terrain and observe if there are dry branches, dry leaves, small trees with thick arms, food, water sources, and dangerous things.
Everyone must be careful, don’t go near where you think it’s wrong, return first, and talk about it. After an hour, we will come back here to gather, set a temporary camp, and then divide the work to find useful things to build a house for cooking. What do you think? "
Both Song Yunjian and Yi Xiao thought he wanted to behave, but they were quite organized when he said that. It was indeed a clear direction and was the first thing that should be done, and they both agreed.
Xu Zifan said immediately: "Then I will go with Brother Chen."
Chen Zaimin smiled and said, "We are the biggest and the smallest. It's quite suitable. I can just take care of the youngest."
Su Yanchen and Xue Ninglu want to fry CP. They naturally go in a group, and Song Yunjian and Yi Xiao are left. They choose a direction and set off.
Chen Zaimin saw Xu Zifan walking calmly on the road, and curiously asked, "Youngest, do you really know how to survive in the wild?"
Xu Zifan nodded, "Of course, I don't lie. Don't worry, Brother Chen, here is much better than I thought. I have seen two kinds of herbs and one edible wild fruit on this section of the road. There are plenty of plants and animals. "He pointed forward, "Brother Chen, look there, coconut tree, we still have coconut milk to drink. We can't get thirsty, so we don't have that urgency for water."
Chen Zaimin was surprised: "You saw the herbs and wild fruits? Where are they? Why didn't I see anything?"
Xu Zifan dragged him back for more than a hundred meters, walked into the grass and opened it to him, "This leaf can be crushed and applied to the wound to stop bleeding, and this leaf can be boiled with water to relieve the heat. They are all very useful. We will pick it up when we have settled on the campsite."
He walked for a while and pointed to the humble little fruit on the bush and said: "This is the wild fruit I am talking about. It is very sour and not tasty, but it is especially good when it is seasoned in the dish. When it is boiled, the sourness will be weak. If you really don’t eat it, you’ll be hungry if you just cook it. It can handle a meal. You see there are so many here. We’ll pick it when we need it."
Chen Zaimin asked hesitantly: "Really? How did you know?"
Xu Zifan laughed and said: "I have been interested in this aspect. I have been exposed to many things in the wild since I was a child. After I grew up, I checked the Internet and learned a lot. Don't worry, Brother Chen, this island is rich in products."
Chen Zaimin looked around. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that it was a messy island with nothing. It felt that the program group deliberately embarrassed them and wanted to record their embarrassed appearance. How could it be as easy as Xu Zifan said? But he saw that Xu Zifan was very sincere, so he believed it for the time being. He was a little worried about how he might be scolded if Xu Zifan didn't get it done.
He watched Xu Zifan leave that place without picking anything, and couldn't help asking: "Aren't we not picking some now? What if I turn around and forget where it is?"
Xu Zifan said: "I have a good memory and I will not forget it, won't this bring you back? The most taboo thing about survival in the wild is chaotic goals. Daytime is limited. We must put camp and food first.
Now that we want to explore the road, we must use this hour to explore the road as much as possible. The more we explore, the better we know about this place. Then we set the camp and quickly ran to collect the things we needed for the next step.
If we collect when we are exploring the road, and the time is up, and we haven't explored many paths, the things we collect may not be the best we need most. "
Chen Zaimin thought about this, and nodded clearly, trusting Xu Zifan more, and smiled: "I also said that I take care of you. Look at this, I have to rely on you to cover it. I think there is a growth around here. In this way, I can’t distinguish the north, south, east and west at all. To be honest, I’m afraid I won’t be able to find it again. Thank you for your good memory. You have good qualities, so I won’t have to struggle to remember lines later.
Xu Zifan smiled and said: "It can save a lot of time, and the time saved can be used to do many other things." He said while looking around, Shaohua was also scanning the 500-meter range around him, always alert to prevent dangerous situations. .
The two of them talked and laughed all the way, in Chen Zaimin's eyes it was like walking around, walking to the coconut tree. Xu Zifan looked at the sky and said that half an hour had arrived and it was time to go back. He was a little bit reluctant to find the coconut trees. He finally found them. He wanted to get a few back, but the coconut trees were quite tall and it was not easy to get them. Xu Zifan refused his request and took him back to the starting point.
On the way, Xu Zifan was looking around again, saying to see if there was anything missing. Chen Zaimin was still out of shape and didn't know what he could do. When they returned to the starting point, the four people were not even visible.
Xu Zifan asked the director, "Has one hour arrived?"
The director looked at his watch and said, "It's just fifty-five minutes after you came back, and now it's an hour and ten."
Xu Zifan frowned. The director waited for him to get angry or say something. This is black material. As a result, Xu Zifan opened his brows and said, "They are all inexperienced. Wait a while. Brother Chen, you rest, I'll go ahead and chop off. Chai, not far from here, I can hear them when they come back and call me."
Chen Zaimin was indeed tired. He nodded and sat on the ground to rest. He persuaded, "Don't go. You are tired after walking for so long. Let's take a rest and wait for them to come back."
Xu Zifan smiled and said: "I'm not tired, we have to hurry up, anyway, I'm idle at the moment, I will save time by getting some firewood."
He ran out with a hatchet, and immediately followed with the photographer and the camera aircraft. He accurately found the nearest dry tree and started to chop wood cleanly.
After a while, the four came back one after another, and Chen Zaimin ran to find Xu Zifan, and was surprised to find that he had already cut a large bundle!
Chen Zaimin sighed: "You are too capable! But how do you use this?"
"Tie it up." Xu Zifan put down the chopper and began to rub the grass rope. After two minutes, he the firewood and carried it on his back.
Chen Zaimin gave a thumbs up, "It's so amazing. They must be shocked when they see it. Go, go back and see what everyone has gained."
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