Chapter 454: Eating and Broadcasting King's Way (3 more)

Xu Zifan didn't mention anything on the Internet anymore. It was too late. The two sentences were enough topical and showed that he was open-minded. After that, he only needs to show sincerity and love for the island.
He picked almost two catties of wild fruits, sweet and sour, and also dug three wild vegetables. He pointed to one of them and said to the camera: "This is similar to lettuce. It can be used to roll barbecue and add vitamins by the way. In the wild. It’s not enough to eat meat alone. You must eat some vegetarian food. You can’t eat more seafood. Tomorrow, see if there is any prey."
He glanced through the straw basket, then looked at the sky. The director asked the photographer to ask him, "You often look at the sky, can you tell what time it is?"
"Yes," Xu Zifan gave him a strange look. "If I can't tell, what can I do with the sky? It's almost six in the afternoon, and it will be dark in two hours."
The photographer coughed awkwardly and didn't say anything. Some people were purely pretending to be coercive. Who would have thought that he would really look at it. How would he tell when the sky looked?
Xu Zifan turned his mouth with his back to the camera. He experienced so many worlds, he would watch a little bit, but the precise time is because he has the time. It can be accurate to the second. He really looks at the sky to pretend. Participating in a variety show this time makes people know that he is a treasure boy!
He ran back to the camp, and Chen Zaimin was also there. He happily showed them the things in the straw basket, "Don't worry about anything tonight. This kind of fruit is sweet, and we can still be sweet after dinner."
Chen Zaimin patted his shoulder vigorously, and smiled excitedly: "You are really capable of the youngest boy. I was worried that I would suffer from suffering these days. Maybe I have to go to the hospital when I go back. Now I have you. Big baby, I am not afraid at all!"
Xu Zifan smiled embarrassedly and sat down to rest, "I'm not as good as you said, I just happen to be good at it."
Su Yanchen saw that he had obtained so many things again, and the credit was almost entirely his. He was upset and deliberately dug a hole, "Junior, don’t be humble, you see that we didn’t do anything. You are so much better than us."
If Xu Zifan responds to these words, he will be arrogant and unpleasant. He waved his hand and said, "Brother, you really boast. I know this is useless, and I don’t usually need it. I’m not as good as brother, you can sing and dance. , It’s not as good as Brother Yi who can compose and write lyrics, and not as good as Brother Chen, I will do some work.
To be honest, I am relieved to be able to help at the moment, at least not as dumb as I am participating in other shows and wondering what to do. "
After speaking, he didn't give Su Yanchen a chance to speak again, looked around, frowned and said, "Are Song Ge and Xue Jie yet back?"
Chen Zaimin said: "They haven't come back, maybe they have gone a little farther looking for something."
Xu Zifan got up and said: "I don't know if they find it smoothly, I will go look for it, and do two-handed preparation. I will go to a place I haven't been before. It's best to find fresh water so that we can cook or something.
Chen Zaimin didn't agree, "It's too dangerous for you to go alone. Besides, you have to go to places you haven't explored before. No, let Yanchen go with you."
Su Yanchen didn't want to be with Xu Zifan anymore, Xu Zifan was too good at finding something, and he would definitely have to set off his incompetence. Upon seeing this, Xu Zifan spoke first: "Let the brother stay and build a shed with you. This is very important. Also, Song Ge and Sister Xue don’t know what’s going on. If you need to find someone, three of you. It is also convenient to deploy in the camp.
Brother Chen, don't worry, I won't go far. Besides, the cameraman will follow, there is nothing dangerous. "
Chen Zaimin didn't think that the cameraman would help. They were shooting live. Before the shooting, they said that as long as the danger is not too serious, the cameraman would not care. Xu Zifan's saying that was obviously reassuring him. But then he thought about Su Yanchen, who seemed to always want to dig a hole for Xu Zifan, so he didn't let them go together, so he agreed and told Xu Zifan to pay attention to safety.
Xu Zifan put the things in the straw basket under the shade of the trees, and then quickly left the camp with the straw basket on his back. He didn't set up a shed in the camp on purpose. Although the reversal wanted to highlight his ability, it had to be set off to show the contrast.
People who don't trust him and have opinions are the best opportunities. If they are not happy to listen to him, then give them the opportunity to let them do what they want.
In the end, there was a problem with the part they were responsible for, and the part he was responsible for exceeded the task, and even if they were to remedy the mess, he would be able to turn into a positive image as much as possible.
And the most important thing about a program is the program effect. With the effect, the original "Dead Island Survival" will definitely be popular. In the future, both the program group and the audience will find that he alone can drive an entire variety show, so that each guest can have a position that is conducive to the program.
This time Xu Zifan explored by himself very fast. The cameraman was very tired, but Xu Zifan had time to scan the map and didn’t need to explore a little bit by himself. He found hares and snakes and went around without disturbing them. Then he found fresh water along the trail of animals on the ground!
There is no pollution, the environment is excellent, and the water quality is also great. It is not so particular in the wild. Just drink it when it is cooked.
He didn't worry about finding Danshui. He knew where the things he asked Song Yunjian and Xue Ninglu to find were. Even at night, he could find them with a flashlight. It’s trivial to make a fire in the camp to cook, and it’s easy to build a shed. When they mess up, he can clean up the mess. There is no need to go back too early.
He sat by the water to take a rest, looked around, then got up and said,
It’s a bit far away from the camp and it’s not convenient to get water. I have to find a container. When I chose the tools I brought, if someone brought storage Water is fine, but it doesn’t matter, nature has everything."
He climbed up the tree and took a look, then came down and walked in one direction. He smiled at the camera and said, "Luckily, there are coconut trees over there. Just use coconut shells for water. Get more."
Sure enough, he saw the coconut tree shortly after he walked. He tied several thick branches with vines to form a long stick, stood up and stab the coconuts on the tree, and quickly stabbed several.
He cleaned the military shovel and opened mouths to a few coconuts neatly, only a small mouth, and then drank some coconut milk, the rest of the coconut milk was poured, and the coconuts were filled with fresh water. .
So many coconuts were not easy to handle, and the straw basket could not bear such a heavy weight. He began to look for vines to make net bags again, ready to carry the coconuts. Of course, the net bags were not so fast. He sat in the shade of the trees and made them slowly, just as a rest Up.
On the other side, Su Yanchen couldn't do anything. When did he do so much work with a little fresh meat? Besides, he came to participate in this show because he stepped on Xu Zifan's enthusiasm. He didn't do anything else at all. He also told the show team that he would secretly give him food. Why did he work hard?
So he pretended to knock on his hand, frowned in pain and went through the medicine cabinet.
Chen Zaimin went over and took a look with concern, and he could see his tricks at a glance, but he didn't break him, and let him rest after a few words of concern.
Su Yanchen felt that it was not good for them to work and let him rest, so he said: "Song Ge and Ninglu have been there for so long, I'll go find them, and I can help them with things."
Chen Zaimin objected, "We are not familiar with the island. It is better to make a comparison between the two. You can rest and don't look for it."
Su Yanchen sneered at this. With so many people in the program group, can they still cause trouble? Some staff members have explored this island before. What is so dangerous? The great principles Xu Zifan said are not applicable at all. Besides, why can Xu Zifan walk by himself, but he can't? He still looks for a chance to hype with Xue Ninglu.
He got up and said: "It's okay, I will be careful. I will come back together when I find them. It will be faster for us to build a shed together."
Chen Zaimin thought he wanted to behave, so he didn't object too much. Their small group didn't choose the captain. Although he was the oldest, he didn't manage them well. They are all stars. Whoever has more shots and who has more performance is very troublesome. If he doesn't talk too much or doesn't talk too much, he responded. Of course Yi Xiao doesn't care about these.
Su Yanchen took his dagger and set off. He was still thinking about what he could do and how much he could make a contribution. Since he filmed this show, he must have a good performance in order to step on Xu Zifan, not like a waste.
In fact, these are Xu Zifan's psychological tactics, deliberately doing something and saying specious words to stimulate Su Yanchen. Su Yanchen is young and unwilling to bury his head and work hard, so he must go out alone to find someone.
In this way, if he sees too little, he will definitely be cut off. If he is in danger, he will definitely not deal with it, and will be very embarrassed to affect his image. If he meets Xue Ninglu smoothly, he will definitely seize the opportunity to be ambiguous, no matter where it is. This situation is beneficial to Xu Zifan.
And let Su Yanchen, Xue Ninglu, and Song Yunjian, the three people who were dissatisfied with him, get together, and they didn't find anything. It is very likely that the conversation rushed to raise questions about him, that would be even better.
Su Yanchen didn't realize that Xu Zifan had dug a lot of holes for him, and he was still conscious of his random response. He walked in the woods with ease, smiling and talking to the camera while looking for Xue Ninglu.
His idol has a heavy burden, and he cares about whether he is handsome in front of the camera, but when looking for the camera angle, one of them stepped into a dirt pit without paying attention and immediately fell into a big horse!
Su Yanchen pressed his ankle to get up and moved for a while, and let out a painful cry with a twisted expression.
The photographer asked: "Have you sprained? Can you still go?"
Su Yanchen felt it for a while and waved his hand: "It's not hurt, but it hurts. I have to take it slow." He smiled bitterly, "I've been looking for them and I haven't seen any pits. I really have to be extra careful in the wild. Everyone. If you want to go out in the wild or explore, remember to be careful and pay attention to safety."
He rubbed his ankles and took the opportunity to rest. It took about twenty minutes to get up and continue walking. He was limping. He was really hurt.
Fortunately, they soon found Song Yunjian and Xue Ninglu. They were using a knife to cut the vines, but Song Yunjian’s multi-function knife was too small, and the vines were too tough to cut. They spent a long time here and tried various methods to cut them. Vines, consciously very funny, very hard work, very interesting, so I didn't look for anything else at all.
Xue Ninglu smiled as soon as he saw Su Yanchen: "You came just right, we lacked a sharp dagger, quickly cut off these vines, and then went to find something else. Huh? Why are you limping? You fell?"
"I fell in a pit on the road, it's okay." Su Yanchen looked at her up and down, and said with concern, "Are you OK?"
Xue Ninglu shook her head, "No, you are tired and hungry. Did you find something to eat? I think we should eat before we work. The weather is so good, even if we don’t build a shed at night, it’s fine? It's raining."
While cutting the vines, Su Yanchen said, "Junior brother made a few fish and a strange shell. I don’t know if the meat in the shell can be eaten. The younger brother said yes. I am also hungry. The weather is good. It shouldn’t be cold at night. , You can deal with it for one night, and I will get a place to live tomorrow. You don’t know. Brother Chen and Brother Yi have been doing it for a long time. They are so tired that they are not half done. I think this is a waste of time.
Song Yunjian heard them both say this, and also agreed: "It's a waste of time. Let's go back after cutting the vines. Discuss with everyone before talking. It is best to eat some food first, and then take a good rest overnight before busy. On the first day, there is no need to worry like a war."
"Yes, it's too urgent. We don't usually work. If we do too much today, we will definitely have a sore back and back tomorrow. We can't do anything at that time, and it will take time." Xue Ninglu's analysis was justified and the three hit it off, although it didn't. Speaking of Xu Zifan, but the implication is obviously that he is not satisfied with the current arrangement, and naturally he is not satisfied with Xu Zifan.
The three cut seven or eight vines, and one of them took some points and dragged them back to the camp.
Chen Zaimin was tired and sweating, and saw them three for a moment. "Only found vines? Are there no big leaves? Then what should we cover for the roof?"
Xue Ninglu ran to look at the fish hanging on the tree and said with a smile: "Brother Chen, let's eat first, and then look for it when we are full. We are all running out of strength. We feel almost dehydrated when we come back. By the way, let's have a coconut drink. Unbearable."
Chen Zaimin asked, "What time is it? It seems like it's dark at eight o'clock. We still have a lot of things to do, and the youngest one hasn't come back. How do we cook?"
Xue Ninglu rolled up her sleeves and smiled and said, "I can cook, and this can be given to me. It's almost seven o'clock, let's move faster, and we can go out to look for it before dark. I'm too hungry and dizzy to find it."
Chen Zaimin had no choice but to build a shed silently by himself, regardless of them.
Su Yanchen wanted to show concern for Xue Ninglu, so he went to open the coconut. He used a dagger to chop the coconut and couldn't cut it. He took a chopping hatchet to chop it. As a result, Xu Zifan's chopping hatchet was too sharp. He chopped the coconut in half at once, and the coconut juice was spilled. Besides, the knife was not clean and he couldn't drink it.
He took another coconut and opened it, but it was still unreasonable. Song Yunjian took it a few times and tried to open one with all his strength, but it made the opening so sparse that he could only pour it into the pot and drink it.
There was no place to brush the pot, and the coconut milk poured into it was mixed with coconut skin crumbs. It was uncomfortable to look at, but a few people were too thirsty, or one person had two drinks to quench their thirst, and then they had to get a meal.
Xue Ninglu frowned when she raised the fish and asked, "How to deal with this fish? The fish I bought are cleaned, and there is no water here. I can't wash it in sea water, right?"
Su Yanchen made a pyre next to him, and then asked the program team for a lighter, but the program team refused to give it, saying that they had to make it themselves. Su Yanchen was dumbfounded, "How can we make a fire with our bare hands?"
The two looked at each other, seeing that the food could not be eaten, and suddenly felt even more hungry.
Su Yanchen's heart moved, there is no fire or water, can Xu Zifan even solve this? He frowned slightly and said: "Junior brother doesn't know where he has gone, why didn't he come back? He is good at this, he will definitely be, we have to rely on him for dinner today, we can only wait for him to come back."
Chen Zaimin frowned. These words sounded like trust, but in fact they were like killing. If Xu Zifan didn't understand, wouldn't he let the audience down? He opened his mouth and said: "The youngest may not know this. He must have brought a lighter when he went to the field." He smiled and joked, "Director, you are a scammer, let us drill wood for fire? Or you guys. Try one of the drills first? Too bad."
Su Yanchen glanced at him and was very dissatisfied with Xu Zifan who always guarded Xu Zifan. He stepped forward to look at the shed that had not been built, shook his head and said, "Brother Chen, this shed must be unreasonable to build this way. Let's discuss it again."
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