Chapter 1029: Xiao Yi's arrangement

The two who flew in were not others, but Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin. Dust√Fate × 文 → 学 ↗ 网
At this moment, a group of undead humans are here but waiting for something here.
Seeing the arrival of the two, the other was very silent.
"God, they are here." At the same time as the words fell, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin also flew into the crowd.
Xiao Yi did not speak, but carefully looked at the people around him.
"Did you transform the world we live in?" The man called God spoke.
Xiao Yi nodded.
"Yes, this is not suitable for our survival, so I changed it."
"Are we humans now?" The other side asked again.
"Yes, but you are humans with memories of the undead."
"Can we be undead again?" The other side continued to ask.
"Yes, but the world has changed. I am afraid that the world can no longer provide you with the metallic elements that the undead need."
"It will be difficult for this world to condense the fire of the soul."
"Human beings' weak bodies will die after a hundred years. What do you want us to do?" Hear the question asked by the other party. Xiao Yi smiled slightly.
"Human beings have their own way of inheritance. You have to know what you are and what your roots are. You will have descendants, descendants and descendants. Each descendant will bring your wisdom and your flesh and blood in this world Grow. "
"Then what am I and what are you? What is the significance of our existence?"
"The universe evolves, there is no nobility, no matter where you are, where the world is, where you are!"
"I'm not as high as you are." He said, looking at the humans around him.
"I have so many subordinates now. I'm responsible for them. I must get the future for them."
"What future?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"Glorious city, we want one!" Xiao Yi was a little surprised when he heard this.
"You're talking about the Silver City."
"Well, you can, follow the rules, don't hurt other humans at will, tap your wisdom, and your wisdom will bring you a bright future."
"Thank you, is that city for us?" Pals, who was called God the next moment, pointed in a direction.
Xiao Yi looked at that direction strangely, but he couldn't see anything at all in that direction.
"The deity, at a very long distance, cannot be seen in the field of vision, but there is indeed a silver city over there.
"Besides, there are several black iron cities around. It seems that he has great ambitions." Hearing Ming Lei's words, Xiao Yi's mouth pulled a little.
"Oh, yes, those four black iron cities can also be included in your jurisdiction."
"I thank you on behalf of me and my staff."
"It's far from there. Is there any way for you to get past?"
"We can walk there, but through there, it will pass through the death swamp, there is a death dragon, there is already flesh and blood, and its power seems to be dozens of times more powerful."
"Hehe, smart guy, your choice is right. It may not take long for this place to be the domain of the death dragon. Since you are human, you will naturally move to the human gathering area. Here will be monsters and World of Warcraft. "
After saying this, Xiao Yi waved his hand, and the entire canyon was quickly shrouded.
The white light flashed, and everyone disappeared from the spot in an instant. When the crowd appeared again, they had already arrived at Silver City.
What they appeared at the moment was within the Silver Castle, which is a large castle. In addition to providing royal palaces, official residences, noble areas, civilian areas, trading areas, barracks, recreation areas, and a college, In addition to these large facilities, there are infrastructures such as sewers.
The only thing is that these castles are not modern castles. They completely follow the place where the ancients lived. The biggest difference is that all the places where magic crystals can be used are magic crystals.
At this moment a group of people appeared in a vacuum above the square in front of the royal palace. This is a huge square covering an area of ​​100,000 square meters.
Not far from the square is a huge stone pillar, and there will be a magic lamp at the top of the pillar.
As soon as the Chinese people appeared, they looked around, and were obviously shocked by the large-scale square and palace.
"This is really majestic," Pals said excitedly.
"A gift for you. In addition, there is a magic crystal in the palace. You can use it to connect with the main god."
At the next moment, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin appeared on the high platform of the palace.
Xiao Yi's voice suddenly became louder.
"From today, Pals will not be your god, but your king. Your king's territory will extend 2000 kilometers from the sphere of influence of Silver City to the surroundings. All of them will be your land, which will contain four black Iron City. "
"I hope you rule well, the people you govern, take care of them, so that they can survive in your kingdom."
"Your kingdom is called the Kingdom of Pals from today, and your main city is called the City of Radiance, and your king is naturally the King of Radars."
"Thank you," Pals hurriedly thanked.
After hearing this, Xiao Yi smiled, and then looked at Lu Xuexin beside him.
"Xue Xin, let's go." Said the two disappeared out of thin air.
"God, who are those two?" Pals asked at this moment.
"I don't know, but I think they are very powerful. I don't have the ability to resist, and I can't disobey their thoughts. It's a strange guy, but I really didn't expect that after Pars' death, I would go again Become human and have your own land. "Pals said this, and the next moment, his expression was solemnly serious.
"From today, I am your king, not your god, my strength has changed, but I will appear in your memory as your king, let us fight for Pals together."
"Long live the king, long live the king." There was a cheer from below.
"Hahahaha." Then Pals smiled heartily.
But at this moment, Xiao Yi was again in the underground space opened before Xiao Yi. As soon as Xiao Yi appeared, Xiao Yi found a group of people standing here, densely packed. If not for leaving an empty space on purpose, Xiao Yi guessed that I have No place to stand for myself.
"Mr. Xiao Yi, how do we get in, it's too small here."
Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded and waved, a door of space appeared in front of everyone.
"Come with me." With the words, everyone immediately lined up and followed Xiao Yi towards the space gate.
At the other end of the space gate, a silver city is still connected. Xiao Yi is now standing on the high platform of the palace.
As everyone walked out of the line, the crowd was all around this huge square.
"This square is much bigger than the Zongfa City." At this moment, a family official argued.
"Yeah, the decision of the city owner is okay, and I agree with it now." As everyone said.
At this moment, Xia Dongyi also appeared on the square with his wife and elders.
Seeing the arrival of the Lord of the City, the crowd made way out, and at this moment Xia Dongyi looked at Xiao Yi standing on the high platform.
"Xia Dongyi City Lord, how is this city?"
"It is as great as you, and naturally you are extraordinary. I am very satisfied with this gift." Xia Dongyi said with a smile.
"Just satisfied, I have a request." Xiao Yi said extremely solemnly.
"Please speak."
"From today, you will become a king in this world, instead of appearing as another city master, can you agree?"
After hearing this, Xia Dongyi's eyes turned to the people around him, but with his eyes, many people nodded.
As more and more people nodded, Xia Dongyi laughed.
"In this case, I will accept the result, thank you." Xia Dongyi said sincerely.
"There are many humans in this world, but I don't look at them. There is a Kingdom of Pars in the far west. What about you here is the Kingdom of Xia Dongyi, how about it?" After hearing this, Xia Dongyi immediately shake Shook his head.
"My tribe, surname Xia, you can just put yourself in the Xia Dynasty."
"It's up to you."
"I hope that you will treat the human beings under your jurisdiction. There is a city in the southeast and northwest of the Silver City. It is called Black Iron City. There are also some tree cities around Black Iron City. There are many humans in these tree cities. Under your jurisdiction, so I hope you will act as soon as possible to manage your kingdom. "
"Ok, thank you."
"Okay, transfer Zongfa City as soon as possible." After speaking, Xiao Yi glanced around, and then pulled and landed on Xuexin's white light. But it disappeared from its place.
Far north, this is a piece of frozen ground. At this moment, it has become white, and it is still snowing.
"Xue Xin, how is it here?" Lu Xuexin was surprised when she heard this.
"Why do you suddenly think of it and ask me, I'll just stand."
"Are you angry?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.
"I'm not that stingy, I just find it interesting to watch you do things."
"How is it here?" Xiao Yi asked again.
"The air is fresh and the aurora is beautiful. The only drawback is that it is simply not suitable for ordinary people."
"It's true that the temperature here is too low, but I have no plans to live in a city where ordinary people live here."
"What are you going to do?" Lu Xuexin asked in confusion.
"You'll know in a while." Said Xiao Yi, but pulled the landing Xuexin into electricity, shuttled directly into the ice.
The next moment, the sound of deep thunder sounded.
"Under this ice, there are some ruins."
Hearing this, Xiao Yi suddenly became interested, but he was moving towards a deeper place.
Time is not long, but Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin have come to a depth of 10,000 meters, and the surroundings have become dark.
"Ming Lei, did you find anything?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.
"Is Xiao Yi too dark here, a little scared." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi shook his head.
"It's okay Xuexin, is there me?"
At this moment, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin stayed in the depths of the water, and at this moment, Xiao Yi discovered that a luminous body floated in the distance.
Seeing this thing, Xiao Yi recognized it immediately, but it was a jellyfish glowing.
"Xue Xin, look, there are some amazing animals underwater."
"What's so nice about it, it's just this one."
"My deity, it was drilled out of a cave below." Xiao Yi was a little confused as to why the jellyfish had come out.
The jellyfish approached Xiao Yi.
Seeing this, Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.
Just when Xiao Yi was a little confused about what the jellyfish was going to do, suddenly the jellyfish was expanding rapidly, and at the next moment, there was a loud sound of "bang", but the jellyfish exploded suddenly.
Xiao Yi looked strangely at the ripples floating around the lightning element.
"Minglei, is this an explosive jellyfish?"
"No, deity, it's just water pressure that caused it to explode."
"Is it air?"
"Yes." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.
"Minglei, where is the cave you said?"
"My deity directs you to go." Just the next moment, Xiao Yi disappeared from the spot instantly, and when he appeared again, he had already reached a hole. I saw that the mouth of the cave was as bright as daylight, and there was even a trace of warmth coming out of it.
"I never imagined there would be such a warm place here."
At the next moment, Xiao Yi got into it.
Immediately after, he saw a large group of jellyfish moving towards Xiao Yi.
Seeing these things Xiao Yi frowned.
The brow jellyfish are all transparent, but at this moment they are all earning a pair of big eyes, looking at Xiao Yi in surprise.
"Are they wise? How do I feel they are looking at me?"
"Yes, the deity is indeed wise, but it is not their own."
"what is that?"
"Respect, they are collective consciousness."
"Collective consciousness?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.
"Yes. UU Kanshu" was talking, but these jellyfish left suddenly and quickly.
Seeing this, Xiao Yi was a little curious.
"Why are they suddenly running now?"
"My deity, 2,000 meters below the water, there is a jellyfish nest, and there is a very large jellyfish." After hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin.
"Xue Xin, let's go and see." Upon hearing this, Lu Xuexin nodded.
"Anyway, I'll just follow it. Just take me there, and I'll follow it, and I'm still busy. You can do whatever you want." After hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.
Then he hurried past the water.
Time is short, but Xiao Yi has reached a jellyfish nest.
The jellyfish's lair is not simple, but it is in an underwater volcano. What surprised Xiao Yi was that the underwater volcano was actually on the bottom of a large mountain under the sea, and at this moment Xiao Yi came here through the cave.
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