Chapter 1909: Absolute dimensions and strong rules

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"Why is this so?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"Respect, in fact, it has something to do with two lives, two lives, and three lives."
"One, there is no need for additional resonance, as long as it pulsates itself, it is a whole frequency."
"But as its shock reaches its limit, it will continue to differentiate itself, from one to two, from two to four, and so on."
"This is also the origin of everything in life. After this step, its frequencies will continue to differentiate, and only adjacent frequencies can resonate with each other."
"That's where the frequency range comes from."
"It's like the sound that humans can hear, and it's not comparable to the sound that bats can hear."
"Minglei, that is to say, with the evolution of the universe, this energy differentiation and frequency diversity are inevitable?"
"Yes deity."
"If the energy is relatively precise and can produce resonance, wouldn't such a world have a huge power?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"Yes deity, but that era can only exist in ancient times, such as the era of immortals."
"But with the passage of time, the big and the small in the heavens and the earth have become small, and the small has become extremely small.
"But at the macro level, in addition to the original source being able to resonate with all frequencies, the other frequencies of energy that jump out will be similar to each other, forming an analogy, and it is difficult for different distributions to generate resonance."
"There is one more point. For life like humans, we can only stay in one zone, and humans in the same zone cannot directly obtain the power of other zones."
"After a person dies, just like the dimension we once experienced, that is a behavior that reduces the dimension, and we enter a spirit world."
"Based on the spiritual world of the deity, but also in our bodies, we have discovered a lot of mysteries, and through this mystery, we have regained control of the body, and we have begun to show our cover from the microscopic to the macro. Asian power. "
"Ming Lei, the energy of a relatively large section of the macro world should always be decreasing, is that so?"
"To be precise, diversification, such as Jin Mu Shui Huo Tu, these are actually five frequencies, and among these five frequencies, there are countless multiple frequencies."
"The more the things that correspond to these frequencies, the farther away they are from human beings, and then the human world is reduced from a multidimensional world to a three-dimensional world."
"What, when energy is rich, our world is also multi-dimensional?" Xiao Yi was surprised.
"Yes, this is not surprising. The origin has just evolved into the state of all beings, and the energy has been very abundant before everything has evolved."
"Then the chance of resonance at the same frequency is even greater, but as humans pursue desire, gradually the energy begins to separate."
"Speaking of which, this is the direct influence of instinct and intelligence on the frequency of energy."
"For the heavens and the earth, this kind of influence is actually delineating energy circles."
"But if there is too much energy in a world, it means less energy in our world."
"Minglei, what about the energy and material worlds?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"My dear, remember what happened to our time and space earth?"
"Is there an overlap between the spirit world and the earth?"
"Yes deity, with some chance coincidence, this is allowed to happen."
"Allowed within the rules?" Xiao Yi was surprised.
"Holy deity, this is mainly the rule of law within the planet."
"Extreme conditions such as proton collisions, road plate collisions, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, fires, etc. can actually be understood as a manifestation of reaching the limits of the law."
"What kind of reaction will it have after touching it?"
"High-dimensional energy leaks."
"Isn't that friction? Can you understand that it is a kind of rule boundary?" Said Xiao Yi seemed to think of something.
"Ming Lei, all this seems to be related to frequency." Xiao Yi said.
"Understanding from the ionic level, it is actually that the electrons have undergone a transition and become free electrons."
"But electrons also exhibit spatial properties under different densities. Only when the energy reaches the corresponding space, it will produce electron transitions."
"This means that after the limit of the law is created, after the density is reached, the transition speed of matter and energy is increased."
"It disrupted the original order, and then allowed the law to break through the original limits."
"If a meteor and a meteor collide in the starry sky, they will inevitably be impacted, and the expiration of this impact is actually the process of energy dissipation from macro to micro."
"And in this process, the process of micronization will make the energy at the micro level have power and then resonance."
"Resonance is not enough. It needs continuous resonance, which also shows that the birth of the energy world is actually very harsh."
"It needs a stable source to provide this resonance."
"Then continuous shocks and continuous force input have become the key to maintaining the energy world."
"So, resonance is everywhere." Xiao Yi sighed.
"Yes, resonance occurs everywhere in space, but relatively speaking, most resonances are some meaningless background fluctuations, that is, normal space fluctuations."
"But when energy fluctuates abnormally, frequency energy jumps will occur."
"This is very common for nature, just based on nature, which is more about the pursuit of balance."
"For example, the thunder and lightning that appears when it rains, these are actually natural background waves. Although there is life here, such a space is not stable. Only life like the Lightning Elf can be born in such a space. And it is very difficult to continue. "
"Can that extreme space be maintained?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"It is natural to want to maintain it. Like a human-made power station, this is the case. It can well maintain an electromagnetic field and then generate lightning space."
"But in nature, the chance of such a problem is actually very low."
"But don't humans see lightning every day?"
"My dear, the planet is so big, the weather must be different everywhere, and it is normal for it to rain and snow at all times."
"But it is obviously impossible to say that it can release the energy world."
"The coming of the energy world, how does this problem generally happen?"
"If the energy world is to come, there must be a source. Usually there is no such energy, it can only be an explosion of the source."
"Like getting extra fuel for the Earth's core, the machine accelerates the rate at which matter is converted into energy."
"Then the entire planet will generate a lot of particle dissipation."
"This will also provide a channel for the energy world to spread."
"With the spread of the energy realm, as long as a living body is in a resonance range with energy, its soul will directly enter the energy realm and then lose control of the physical body."
"It's like a human signal masker, but it's the same truth."
"The interference of energy is to change the rules from the rules, and then it can't express its original information."
"That said, is there any rules for energy, is that so?"
"In a low-quality environment, there is a high-quality object that is easy to find."
"But finding a low-quality object in the middle of a bunch of high-quality objects is actually very difficult."
"In the world where humans live, in fact, such spaces are everywhere. For example, the quality of stones is higher than that of soil, but it is mainly because stones are macroscopic, and the quality of soil is not necessarily lower than stones.
"The air seems softer than stones, but that's because the density of air is low."
"Everything in the world has a state that touches the limits of the law."
"And this state, once touched, is equivalent to opening up an energy world."
"Energy will resonate, and when this energy disappears in one place, it will let other areas of energy jump over."
"It's like water in a well, which is always maintained on a horizontal line. When a person takes a bit from the well, the water level will drop, but after a period of time, the water will return to the original horizontal line."
"If we continue to fetch water in a well, it will cause water in other areas to constantly move to this location."
"That's the rule of moving from high to low."
"The energy transition between heaven and earth is actually the same."
"When it is lost, it will naturally replenish its balance and then return to its natural state."
"This is actually a natural force, but if it is destructive and continues to restore the balance, it will definitely not be restored for a day, which will then cause a material imbalance between heaven and earth.
"Without one kind of energy, the original space is actually replenished with another kind of energy."
"Another one?" Xiao Yi was surprised.
"Yes, the only kind of gathering is the priority of energy transitions. When one kind of energy is gone, there will be another energy to supplement it."
"Humans also call this effect the butterfly effect."
"And if the butterfly effect occurs at the limit of the primary law of heaven and earth, then the energy of a certain section of the entire planet will jump together."
"It may also happen that the physical world coincides with an energy world."
"Like a volcanic eruption, the energy world must be underground. For example, if it rains, the energy world must be in the sky."
"Join and meteor fall to Earth, then the natural energy world comes from space."
"It is precisely for human beings that the small energy world is actually the transmission of information."
"Only a large energy world can interfere with human existence."
"So the big energy world is actually very dangerous." Xiao Yi said.
"Yes deity, the large energy world covers a relatively large area, and there will be a chance to change the original energy properties."
"For example, the energy level of the corresponding substance is increased. When humans use the corresponding substance again, the original low-frequency transition state of the substance, or even the non-transition state, is due to the energy penetration and then the energy transition.
"So, isn't the advent of the energy world changing the large-scale environment?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.
"The deity doesn't just change the environment. It can also speed up time."
"Oh? How do you understand this?" Xiao Yi was curious.
"Our deity, when human beings face disasters, many technologies that were originally needed in the future will also face the human world in advance."
"This is also an acceleration of human civilization."
"In a sense, this is equivalent to accelerating human time."
"But human beings, time has not changed?" Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, but from the perspective of civilization technology, it will accelerate the process of civilization."
"So, aren't any crises urged by nature to urge humans." Speaking of this, Xiao Yi hesitated.
"Ming Lei, then you said, wouldn't it be possible to meet this kind of high-dimensional advent phenomenon?"
"Meeting is a means of seeing through the future. Observation of energy, observation of high energy can itself avoid danger."
"When the high energy arrives and you resist it, the necessary losses are already inevitable."
"For example, a volcano will erupt ~ ~ and its temperature will definitely increase."
"Many dangers can be analyzed and interpreted through changes in temperature, magnetic field, pressure, and electric field."
"Different life comes from different energy intervals, this is inevitable, and this inevitable, if it occurs in another life interval, it means that different lives will have to fight."
"The imbalance in nature is generally caused by the butterfly effect, that is, when a problem is found, a small problem is not dealt with immediately, but two things in one life, two in three, and three in life, and then a series of ecological problems, Mankind only knows this later, and this is the terrible thing about the butterfly effect. "
"Isn't that, as long as energy detection devices are placed around the planet, it can reflect the danger of discovery?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"Yes, you can even achieve control by artificially reducing energy."
"But it requires the civilization level to reach the peak of level 2 or to have the ability to use large-scale machinery at level 3 or higher."
"For example, a volcanic eruption, humans can use various detection techniques to achieve artificial magma-guided extraction or even cold treatment."
"For the various disasters in nature, as long as human technology reaches level 3, it can basically be avoided or even dealt with by means of science and technology."
"Ming Lei, what if you don't deal with it?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"That is when the energy world comes to the material world, which may break the order of the original material world."
"If the chaotic energy rules are not stopped immediately, it will lead to great ecological changes."
"Many civilizations were destroyed at the peak of Level 2 civilization, in fact, they were caused by their habit of relying on nature."
"And with Level 3 civilization, it is already normal to use strong rules to interfere with nature."
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