Chapter 1845: Resonant life

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"There are too many things that can affect its spatial fluctuations."
"Then the three-dimensional grace? Is the space relatively more stable?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"The deity, relative to the space within the bounds of a law, is the most stable component within the bounds of a law."
"If it is more stable, only a higher-dimensional three-dimensional world can surpass its existence."
"So, within the limits of a law, is there actually only one material world?" Xiao Yi said puzzledly.
"The deity has only a three-dimensional world of intervals, not just a material world."
"There can be many, but their density is similar."
"But Minglei, according to this, wouldn't things in the more distant starry sky jump over, in fact, it may belong to other things, such as a higher three-dimensional world?"
"It can be understood that a higher density three-dimensional world can be formed."
"Minglei, the legal limit of the planet and the legal limit of the galaxy should be different?" Xiao Yi said.
"It is indeed different. For example, the conditions for the birth of human beings are not actually dependent on the power of one planet. The material transition of other planets is also very crucial."
"So, isn't it the result of multiple planets and work?" Xiao Yi said.
"The deity, from the macro to the micro, the farther the energy is transferred, the more micro the energy is transferred, and the closer it is, the more energy is transferred."
"In this way, a legal ladder from the macro to the micro is formed, which lays a hungry foundation for the birth of life and has a multi-dimensional work effect."
"Minglei, are the things involved in the construction of life a parallel universe?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"The deity, as long as it is connected, there will inevitably be cause and effect. Once received, the cause and effect will be connected to each other.
"In the human brain, there are many standard templates. For humans, human eyes are sometimes deceived by these standard templates, and so is energy."
"For different worlds, we can also construct a visible phenomenon."
"Just like we see among stars, can we also modify stars into ordinary planets?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.
"Yes, the actual human being is also in a burning state, but with the frequency of human eyes, it is actually impossible to observe."
"How to judge this?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"The deity has red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, and the colors in the world are diverse, and the energy of the human body is essentially the same, and so is it."
"Only speaking, their frequency is much more stable."
"This also creates a standard term, which is the body, and the body is essentially composed of matter and energy. Conventionally speaking, the transition of matter is energy, such as the heat of the human body. If viewed from different energy ranges, The human body also burns with flames."
"So even the earth is actually in a burning state, but relatively speaking, such a burning effect is normal for humans."
"There are still many lives on earth?" Xiao Yi said.
"My deity, these are all normal."
"Anomalous life is basically from an alien system, such as aliens."
"Oh, the aliens, isn't it very dangerous to come to Earth?" Xiao Yi said.
"The energy zone where human beings themselves are is essentially a huge protective layer."
"But for 4D, all life has the same frequency conversion problem."
"For example, if high-dimensional civilizations achieve dimensionality reduction, they can appear in the human world."
"Although the four-dimensional world is four-dimensional, it is not entirely composed of four dimensions, and it also contains the origin of countless dimensions. Four-dimensional is a relatively broad term."
"The four dimensions outside of the earth, as we see it, actually come from these strange dimensions."
"It may be a five-dimensional world or a six-dimensional world, which is mainly related to its density."
"It seems that they are all about the same size." Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, but the fluctuations released by these worlds are actually different."
"Oh? What do you want to say?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"My deity, look at the densely packed bright spots in the surrounding starry sky." Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.
"Are they different?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"In some dimensional worlds, when the deity receives enough energy, it will cause the deity to resonate. This resonance is called passive resonance."
"In other words, these latitude worlds, or the energy that jumps out of the latitude universe, are actually different?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.
"The deity, you are in the starry sky of the four-dimensional world, do you see a sun in the deity?" Minglei said.
Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin both looked around.
Immediately they both shook their heads: "Although there are many bright universes around, they don't seem to be stars in appearance." Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, there are indeed no stars, but why is this?" Lu Xuexin also asked in confusion.
"The deity, Xuexin, although there are no stars in the four-dimensional world, these universes actually have stars in them, and the energy transitions we see are actually wrapped by the laws of these worlds."
"And the appearance of these planets that we see is the four-dimensional structure of this world."
"The four-dimensional world in the starry sky actually contains an endless universe."
"But depending on the deity, the energy that these four-dimensional beings can actually jump out of is different."
"Minglei, how do you tell that the universe contains more energy?"
"This deity, this is impossible to judge. It can only be said that the latitude world temporarily jumps out of more energy, because all the universe movement is actually in a periodic state."
"So what we can judge is how much energy is temporarily jumped out."
"And when we fly in such a four-dimensional world dimension space, the visibility from the surrounding space transitions actually has energy reaching us. This actual transmission is instinctive energy. When it can accumulate to a certain extent, Will attract the attention of intelligence, so this is also called instinctive resonance."
"Minglei, there is instinctive resonance, is there also intelligent resonance?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"Yes, the deity, but intelligent resonance is actually a selective way for humans to receive energy."
"It's like, the energy of a world that already has a dimension has instinctively resonated with you, but you will not pay attention to it, but continue to explore, then look for higher energy, and then choose to resonate. In this way, you can have a purpose and achieve a certain goal."
"Minglei, you talked about the resonance of instinct and intelligence. Does this kind of resonance phenomenon also exist in the human world?" Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, there is this kind of resonance relationship between people, people, and heaven and earth."
"It's just that, relatively speaking, many people have not paid attention to this change in the law."
"Minglei, what happens if you control this kind of change relationship? That kind of change relationship is better? Is it intelligent resonance or instinctive resonance?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"The deity, this mainly depends on the frequency of one's own life, and then the harmony with the right time and place."
"If you are not in harmony with the right time and place, you need to use intelligent resonance to solve all problems."
"Because of your instinct, you are incompatible with this world."
"Minglei, can intelligent resonance transform human instinct frequency?" Lu Xuexin asked suspiciously.
"Yes, but first understand what resonance is."
"Oh? How do you understand this resonance?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"The deity, the heavens, the earth, the people, everything has its own frequency range."
"And if you can match the corresponding interval, it will form resonance."
"It's like the same piece of music, some seem to be playing the piano to a cow, but others are involuntarily sighing, how can there be such wonderful music in the world, the body dances to the music."
"In addition to music, are there phenomena such as the shock of the picture being too beautiful, the taste being too beautiful, the drooling, etc., the five senses, and even the six senses, or the seven senses and eight senses, can actually be included in it." Xiao Yi Said.
"Yes, the deity is only relatively speaking, the law of resonance is essentially different."
"It is also very difficult to generate the corresponding resonance."
"Minglei, in that case, human resonance is actually very important, right?" Lu Xuexin said.
"Yes, Xuexin, resonance is divided into two states: affected and unaffected, and these two states are divided into active resonance and passive resonance."
"For example, to instinctively influence others is a state of instinctive active resonance, which refers to the initiative of one's own energy."
"There is a choice to influence others. This is the state of intelligent active resonance, which can control the range of influence of energy."
"There is another state, which is the state of being affected by resonance."
"Affected by the instinct released by the surroundings, this is the passive resonance state of instinct, which can be understood as passive acceptance of the influence."
"The other is to be affected selectively. This is the state of intelligent passive resonance, which can be influenced by choice, that is, by adjusting its own frequency to make itself resonate or not to resonate."
"This is really amazing." Xiao Yi said with a sigh.
"Yes, once you understand this rule, you can control the energy, and then resonate with the surrounding space."
"But Minglei seems to want to actively influence the surrounding space. It's very difficult when there is no power." Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, this deity is determined by the law of geography. Only with the law of geography can there be intelligent active resonance."
"So, the first stage is actually receiving energy, right?" Lu Xuexin asked.
"Yes Xuexin, learn to accumulate energy first, and then learn to release energy."
"This resonant argument is really peculiar." Xiao Yi said with emotion.
"Yes, from the perspective of heaven, earth, people and things, it can actually be a very systematic understanding of resonance."
"The understanding of resonance is very mysterious. First of all, you can have a clear understanding of yourself."
"For example, if you resonate your stomach and intestines, you can know if you are hungry. For example, if your eyes resonate, you can dilate your pupils, and then you can see more microscopic things. If your ears resonate, you can correct the disturbing factors in space and hear A more diverse distance."
"If your legs resonate, your body will become lighter."
"But Minglei, why is this?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"The deity, resonance, is essentially an energy transition."
"When resonance occurs, it will generate feedback on a large scale."
"And once these feedbacks enter human consciousness, they can also gain super senses for humans."
"In addition to super senses, what else can you get?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"The deity, heaven and earth, people and things, just talked about people."
"Heaven and earth can be said to be contained in it, mainly the resonance of itself, whether it can be produced."
"Minglei, can the resonance of human beings really match the resonance of all things?"
"The deity, everything is naturally possible, but everything is also the limit. There are still infinite things in so it can resonate, generally speaking, it is within the range of energy."
"Outside the energy range, naturally it can't be sensed."
"At this moment, can't you adjust your own frequency?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"The deity is naturally possible, but after adjusting the frequency, the feedback it constitutes has actually exceeded the limits of this world."
"Adjust the frequency actively. In fact, human beings have become superpowers."
"Minglei, how does it resonate with something?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"If it is a thing, resonance can actually occur through physical means, but if it does, it will actually be a lot of trouble for a long time. The main thing is whether it is closely related to oneself, if it is closely related to oneself, in general, it is natural It will resonate."
"Even at this time, if the resonance caused by too much energy, it may even put itself in a state of collapse."
"Does energy resonance also govern the law of energy potential?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.
"Yes, the deity, all things in nature must speak the law of position."
"It's like a weak person. Once faced with big things, he will appear weak and weak, and then completely collapse."
"This is actually caused by strong resonance."
"You said that, I think of a lot of cutting machines, but they actually use the resonance principle." Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, the deity, the treble, can even break the glass, in fact, these are all high-level blows."
"Then Minglei, so to speak, a person who can control resonance is too powerful." Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, the deity is like one person grabbing another person's weakness, and the position between the two will immediately form a strong and weak contrast."
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