Chapter 1914: Force of interference

"Affecting the movement of the surface layer from the bottom layer requires layers of cause and effect, and even the transmission process will still be delayed."
"But from the perspective of a period of time, this is a historical inevitability."
"It's like, the temperature of a planet is destined to enter the frozen age one day, and the entire world enters the stage of genocide. As long as there is an expression from the bottom, the macro level will naturally convey the corresponding performance. "
"The rest is just a matter of time."
"Minglei, what about below the 100th floor?" Xiao Yi seemed to realize something at this point.
"Minglei, below the 100th floor, according to this, the Gaia element actually modified the causality of the universe." Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, the deity, to be precise, intercepted the origin, and then gradually explored the origin."
"Minglei, I'm a little curious, is there an end to the microcosm?" Xiao Yi said.
"If it is of the same level, there is naturally an end, but every time we explore, we enter a layer of the universe, so this is endless."
"But if energy is obtained from one level, there is naturally a limit. It is only relatively speaking. When it is consumed, the micro world is also replenished. It is only relatively speaking that its quality at the macro level is essentially limited. "
"Minglei, does this happen in the human body?" Xiao Yi said.
"The deity, the human body, is generally a layer of universe, if you dabble in the energy world, it will have a second layer of universe."
"According to this, when humans explore the energy world, they should actually go deeper, so that they should be able to understand the origin situation better," Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, but the spiritual power of human beings wants to cross the level of the universe. This requires the formation of the corresponding level of intelligence. For the formation of intelligence, it itself is machineized. As a human instinctive life body, it is for machineization. This mode of operation is essentially difficult to last."
"Minglei, how about using the spiritual extension of humans to build an energy world?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"It is still very difficult to explore. Although the human soul can cross space or even time, it still reflects the adjacent energy interval, but it must cross the interval, especially the universe."
"The first level is okay, but even if the first level is achieved, it is already very remarkable."
"Like Gaia, it can build a mechanical model, explore the microcosm, and quickly find the corresponding material in the corresponding universe to quickly assimilate. It is difficult for the human soul to do this."
"But the human soul can control such a machine, just like the relationship between the deity and Gaia."
"But the deity has been given Gaia for so long. In fact, the deity rarely dabbles in the ethereal microcosmic evils. They are too small. If you have nothing to do, you should observe such a world. Perhaps the deity is equivalent to the soul sinking into it. It’s the reincarnation of a lifetime."
"The moment is eternal, but the content it can show is extremely vast."
"Minglei, in Gaia's microcosm, does the universe have an end?"
"The deity naturally has an end, but in relative terms, the law of time has always been there. It is a circular system, so as long as there is a way to the law, you can know everything that may happen in that world."
"Can the road of Minglei's law collapse?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"The deity has a chance to collapse, but it requires a big change in the road of law. Relatively speaking, it is very difficult to change the road of law, but once it changes, it will split into multiple worlds. It is said that the origin of this world will also be reduced."
"Minglei, is this a parallel world?" Xiao Yi said.
"The deity, from the perspective of energy, the path of law is just the direction of energy movement, just like a river divided into two branches and diverging, but from the interpretation of the energy world, this river is still an energy whole ."
"The only difference is that there is actually some energy that cannot be intersected within a period of time."
"You say that as if two people are separated?" Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, the deity, and the one that can interfere with the operation of the path of law is actually the element of chaos, or chaos."
"In this way, the chaotic element can interfere with the existence of cause and effect." Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, the element of chaos can control the life and death of human beings, and naturally it can change cause and effect."
"It seems that these are essentially problems with the degree of human control of energy." Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, if human beings control energy, if they only stay on the surface of energy, there are bound to be many hidden dangers."
"The truth has no end, and no matter how precise it is, in fact it can go on indefinitely."
"Affecting the movement of the surface layer from the bottom layer requires layers of cause and effect, and even the transmission process will still be delayed."
"But from the perspective of a period of time, this is a historical inevitability."
"It's like, the temperature of a planet is destined to enter the frozen age one day, and the entire world enters the stage of genocide. As long as there is an expression from the bottom, the macro level will naturally convey the corresponding performance. "
"The rest is just a matter of time."
"Minglei, what about below the 100th floor?" Xiao Yi seemed to realize something at this point.
"Minglei, below the 100th floor, according to this, the Gaia element actually modified the causality of the universe." Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, the deity, to be precise, intercepted the origin, and then gradually explored the origin."
"Minglei, I'm a little curious, is there an end to the microcosm?" Xiao Yi said.
"If it is of the same level, there is naturally an end, but every time we explore, we enter a layer of the universe, so this is endless."
"But if energy is obtained from one level, there is naturally a limit. It is only relatively speaking. When it is consumed, the micro world is also replenished. It is only relatively speaking that its quality at the macro level is essentially limited. "
"Minglei, does this happen in the human body?" Xiao Yi said.
"The deity, the human body, is generally a layer of universe, if you dabble in the energy world, it will have a second layer of universe."
"According to this, when humans explore the energy world, they should actually go deeper, so that they should be able to understand the origin situation better," Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, but the spiritual power of human beings wants to cross the level of the universe. This requires the formation of the corresponding level of intelligence. For the formation of intelligence, it itself is machineized. As a human instinctive life body, it is for machineization. This mode of operation is essentially difficult to last."
"Minglei, how about using the spiritual extension of humans to build an energy world?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"It is still very difficult to explore. Although the human soul can cross space or even time, it still reflects the adjacent energy interval, but it must cross the interval, especially the universe."
"The first level is okay, but even if the first level is achieved, it is already very remarkable."
"Like Gaia, it can build a mechanical model, explore the microcosm, and quickly find the corresponding material in the corresponding universe to quickly assimilate. It is difficult for the human soul to do this."
"But the human soul can control such a machine, just like the relationship between the deity and Gaia."
"But the deity has been given Gaia for so long. In fact, the deity rarely dabbles in the ethereal microcosmic evils. They are too small. If you have nothing to do, you should observe such a world. Perhaps the deity is equivalent to the soul sinking into it. It’s the reincarnation of a lifetime."
"The moment is eternal, but the content it can show is extremely vast."
"Minglei, in Gaia's microcosm, does the universe have an end?"
"The deity naturally has an end, but in relative terms, the law of time has always been there. It is a circular system, so as long as there is a way to the law, you can know everything that may happen in that world."
"Can the road of Minglei's law collapse?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"The deity has a chance to collapse, but it requires a big change in the road of law. Relatively speaking, it is very difficult to change the road of law, but once it changes, it will split into multiple worlds. It is said that the origin of this world will also be reduced."
"Minglei, is this a parallel world?" Xiao Yi said.
"The deity, from the perspective of energy, the path of law is just the direction of energy movement, just like a river divided into two branches and diverging, but from the interpretation of the energy world, this river is still an energy whole ."
"The only difference is that there is actually some energy that cannot be intersected within a period of time."
"You say that as if two people are separated?" Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, the deity, and the one that can interfere with the operation of the path of law is actually the element of chaos, or chaos."
"In this way, the chaotic element can interfere with the existence of cause and effect." Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, the element of chaos can control the life and death of human beings, and naturally it can change cause and effect."
"It seems that these are essentially problems with the degree of human control of energy." Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, if human beings control energy, if they only stay on the surface of energy, there are bound to be many hidden dangers."
"The truth has no end, and no matter how precise it is, in fact it can go on indefinitely."
"Affecting the movement of the surface layer from the bottom layer requires layers of cause and effect, and even the transmission process will still be delayed."
"But from the perspective of a period of time, this is a historical inevitability."
"It's like, the temperature of a planet is destined to enter the frozen age one day, and the entire world enters the stage of genocide. As long as there is an expression from the bottom, the macro level will naturally convey the corresponding performance. "
"The rest is just a matter of time."
"Minglei, what about below the 100th floor?" Xiao Yi seemed to realize something at this point.
"Minglei, below the 100th floor, according to this, the Gaia element actually modified the causality of the universe." Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, the deity, to be precise, intercepted the origin, and then gradually explored the origin."
"Minglei, I'm a little curious, is there an end to the microcosm?" Xiao Yi said.
"If it is of the same level, there is naturally an end, but every time we explore, we enter a layer of the universe, so this is endless."
"But if energy is obtained from one level, there is naturally a limit. It is only relatively speaking. When it is consumed, the micro world is also replenished. It is only relatively speaking that its quality at the macro level is essentially limited. "
"Minglei, does this happen in the human body?" Xiao Yi said.
"The deity, the human body, is generally a layer of universe, if you dabble in the energy world, it will have a second layer of universe."
"According to this, when humans explore the energy world, they should actually go deeper, so that they should be able to understand the origin situation better," Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, but the spiritual power of human beings wants to cross the level of the universe. This requires the formation of the corresponding level of intelligence. For the formation of intelligence, it itself is machineized. As a human instinctive life body, it is for machineization. This mode of operation is essentially difficult to last."
"Minglei, how about using the spiritual extension of humans to build an energy world?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"It is still very difficult to explore. Although the human soul can cross space or even time, it still reflects the adjacent energy interval. But it must cross the interval, especially the cosmic interval. "
"The first level is okay, but even if the first level is achieved, it is already very remarkable."
"Like Gaia, it can build a mechanical model, explore the microcosm, and quickly find the corresponding material in the corresponding universe to quickly assimilate. It is difficult for the human soul to do this."
"But the human soul can control such a machine, just like the relationship between the deity and Gaia."
"But the deity has been in Gaia for so long. In fact, the deity rarely dabbles in the ethereal microcosmic evils. They are too small. If there is nothing to observe in this world, perhaps the deity is equivalent to the soul sinking into it. It’s the reincarnation of a lifetime."
"The moment is eternal, but the content it can show is extremely vast."
"Minglei, in Gaia's microcosm, does the universe have an end?"
"The deity naturally has an end, but in relative terms, the law of time has always been there. It is a circular system, so as long as there is a way to the law, you can know everything that may happen in that world."
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