Chapter 1917: Instinct and wishing

"That's not said, that is to say, if there is a problem in a part of the body, it will also eat back the heart, does that mean?" Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, the human body is a cyclic system, not a separate and independent system. If there is a problem in one link, the whole body will actually reflect it."
"Even if it is a small wound, if it is stimulated, the brain will be too painful."
"Why is this? Can a small part affect the whole body?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
"The deity, this is about the multi-living body structure in the body composition."
"In the human body, it is said that there are seven emotions and six desires, but the use and release of these emotions are essentially dominated by corresponding instincts."
"In this way, the body's instincts have their own ownership and management rights," Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, if you don't pay much attention to this kind of management right of the body, the body will go to instinct or even instinct destroy one day."
"Then how to manage these instincts?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.
"The deity naturally uses intelligence to manage. In fact, the instincts in the human body can interact with it using the thoughts in the heart, but many people have not discovered the beauty of interaction."
"Then how to use the intelligent management instinct?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.
"The deity, for instinctive management, it can be said that it is really what you want."
"Oh, what you want to do? How do you understand this?" Xiao Yi was curious.
"That is the thought in the mind, that is, the instinct that governs the body. For example, if you want to see it, such as what you want to do, this is a means to govern the instinct. It is only relative to the of the outer limbs and the of the inner organs. Human beings are negligent, and this has led to constant civil strife."
"Minglei, is it possible to manage the body and formulate rules?" Xiao Yi asked.
"The deity, whether it manages the country or the human body, is essentially similar, but relatively speaking, the formulation of the laws in the human body requires gradual progress. It is difficult to obtain instruction from others. You can only discover your own instincts, and then To manage these instincts."
"Minglei, what are the benefits of good management?" Xiao Yi was curious.
"The deity, good management instinct, the most powerful embodiment, all instincts are like the most obedient soldier."
"As a result, the chances of physical problems are reduced, and even if there are any problems, they can be found and resolved in time."
"Why can it be discovered immediately?" Xiao Yi asked.
"Intelligent management instinct, first you have to discover instinct, and after discovering instinct, you will know how many instincts you have."
"Then you can give it orders, and instinctively you will have feedback when you get the order."
"Will Minglei's instinct go out of control?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"If the instinct is out of control, it means that there is a problem. If there is no problem, the instinct will not be out of control. Even if the instinct is out of control, it is also a limited time and space. Once the energy within it jumps out, the instinct will return to intelligent again. In the scope of management."
"At this time, it is also necessary to manage it, so that you can understand all kinds of information from the spiritual level."
"What about the instincts that often have to be managed?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.
"For example, hunger comes from the spleen and stomach of the five internal organs. Once the subsequent sensations appear at this time, if you only feel the subsequent sensations, this effect is instinct. But if you can communicate with them, such as communicating with them in your heart, then the spleen and stomach In essence, you can understand what you mean, and you can avoid the damage of the strong hunger signal to the brain. In addition, the heart language promotes the spleen and stomach."
"It can promote digestion. For example, you want your spleen and stomach to transform energy as soon as possible, so that your body can get energy. At this time, using heart language to communicate with it is still effective, and you can even clearly feel the corresponding energy transition. ."
"Minglei, are there any other characteristics of Xinyu's instructions?" Xiao Yi was curious.
"The deity, the power of heart language, essentially comes from desire. Use your own spiritual power to make a wish on your own organs, that is, your spiritual power will also satisfy your desire."
"Of course, this is directly related to the strength of one's mental power. If the mental power is weak, then naturally no wish can be fulfilled, but the spiritual power is strong, and even when the body is injured, it can also promote wound healing."
"Could it be possible to communicate with wounds using intelligence?" Xiao Yi was curious.
"This deity is naturally the case, but the recovery speed of the wound is relatively slow, which requires a relatively long period."
"It is not a spiritual energy signal. If you want to be satisfied, you may be able to immediately recover in a few moments."
"The physical body is relatively a material body. It is impossible for such a material body to get immediate feedback."
"This is like the revolution of the earth and the revolution of Pluto, and there is a huge gap in its cycle."
"Substances belong to the macro level. As long as they are not directly connected to the nervous system, their response delay will be very large."
"And this delay also leads to the body's recovery efficiency, which is so fast."
"But relatively speaking, as long as you make a wish and maintain this idea, your body will actually recover faster."
"Minglei, what you said seems to be very similar to magic." Lu Xuexin said from the side.
"Yeah, it feels like those mantras and so on."
"The deity, Xuexin, these are essentially applications of the spiritual level. Gods are omnipotent. The essence lies in the power of desire. As long as they have sufficient divine power, they are naturally omnipotent."
"Only speaking, if energy becomes materialized, it will fall into place."
"Energy is valuable only when it is used as energy. If a person has divine power and transforms divine power into matter, he will lose divine power. Will he transform? Obviously this will not be possible."
"In that case, isn't it the of divine power, in fact, the cost is very high." Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, the deity, so the divine power and mental power in the human body seem to be endless, but in fact the total amount is not much."
"Because it is in the body, it appears to be very powerful. It actually relies on a single spark to start a prairie fire. This also causes the human body to actually have a certain delay no matter what it does."
"Of course, if the spirit is strong, this delay will actually be reduced accordingly."
"Minglei, in that case, wouldn't it be that the faster the person reflects, the stronger its mental power will be," Xiao Yi said.
"This deity, it may not be necessary, it mainly depends on the storage of elements in one's own body."
"If there is a large amount of hydrogen in the body, once the mental power blends with it, the human body will naturally generate huge power, but this power comes fast and goes fast."
"That said, the slower the element, the higher the endurance?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.
"The deity can only say that the element with relatively low efficiency will release its origin for a relatively long time, but relatively speaking, its existence time will be longer, but this is also closely related to the density of the element of matter. The lower the frequency, the lower the frequency."
"The time of existence increases with time, but the spatial changes it can show are also less."
"Minglei, such things as wishing a wound, it should be able to accelerate the change of the wound." Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, but its changes still need to follow the upper frequency limit of the corresponding interval organization."
"Because wound healing is not, only one organization is responsible for this. If you want your whole body to make way for the wound, this requires instinctive adjustments. This is equivalent to the distribution of energy in the body. Made adjustments."
"If the desire to accelerate wound healing is to be realized quickly, it also requires cooperation between the various tissues of the body, and each additional node is equal to a little faster."
"For example, wishing for blood vessels, wishing for the heart, wishing for the liver, wishing for the kidneys, making illusions on the limbs near the wound, adjusting all channels, so that the maximum coordination of the major instincts can be reached, but this is only Extreme cooperation cannot achieve the goal of life and death in a moment."
"It can only be said that the priority of wound recovery should be adjusted as much as possible, and this kind of thinking will exist for a long time, which makes it impossible to do without strong mental power."
"Minglei, for example, a certain organizational structure is painful. Doesn't it mean that as long as the cause is found and the adjustments are cleared one by one, the corresponding problems can be improved?" Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, you must know that the formation of similar problems is actually caused by the loss of control of instinct. As human beings get older, the risk of such loss of control will increase little by little, and who can control the body? Instinct, this is equivalent to finding the key to longevity."
"Of course, this longevity is not immortality, but it can be made longer than the life span of ordinary people."
"Minglei, can this state be sublimated?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.
"The deity, to talk about spiritual sublimation, it needs to change the composition of the body. Only by doing this can it be possible. Even if the star has its end, it can only be continued by swallowing other stars to rejuvenate. Life."
"Cell phagocytic cells?" Xiao Yi asked in astonishment.
"Yes, but it is actually not easy to cultivate this aspect of the cell's instinct."
"But it is still possible to achieve instinctive changes to the cells in the body by making a wish. It's just how long this process can last."
"Minglei, do you want to maintain this process?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"Yes, the changes on the material level are slower than the changes on the energy level."
"Like human beings grow slowly, it takes decades from birth to death. Even if the order of Nirvana rebirth is given, it requires endless years of support."
"And in a human world, if you make a similar wish, it's just that you can't see the effect."
"Because this requires too much energy, so most people start a wish by enhancing their own energy."
"Minglei, are there any techniques for making a wish?" Xiao Yi was curious.
"My deity, the accelerated digestion we just said is actually improving energy circulation."
"After we have energy, we will fix various problems in energy transmission."
"It seems that this is another step-by-step process." Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, one link is connected to another link. In fact, it is a circular system."
"This also leads to the possibility of gradual enhancement, and then unlimited enhancement."
"If the whole body reaches the limit, then it is no longer the limit, because the limit has been broken, and then it is infinitely strengthened."
"Minglei, wouldn't anyone have a chance to become a big stomach king?" Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, the deity, but if it really reaches this level, the food should actually be changed. Different sections require different food grades, and the digestion speed is too fast. UU reading may completely backfire itself. "
"Minglei, for example, when there is no need to transform, can you make a wish through mental energy to slow down the digestion speed of the corresponding organs?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.
"The deity is naturally possible, but relatively speaking, the energy transformed by its corresponding structure also needs to be reduced. This is an instinctive adjustment process."
"Generally speaking, by adjusting the food to improve its digestion speed, and then achieve the purpose of the human body's 24-hour circulation, rather than easily changing the strength of the digestive system."
"Minglei, what will happen if the intensity is changed?" Xiao Yi was a little puzzled.
"The deity, if there are evolutionary cells in the human body, then the evolutionary cells will also enter a state of degeneration. If they are repeated frequently, they will also transform back and forth in the process of degeneration and evolution. In this way, over time, the evolutionary instinct may collapse. Of course this is It is generally not caused by management instinct. With the intelligence of management instinct, you can easily solve these problems, but you need to find the problem first."
"The existence of life lies in instinct, and the growth of life lies in the management of instinct by intelligence."
"It's like a tree. If you want it to be tall and straight, you need to trim its branches. In fact, the same is true for humans."
"Wrong instincts must be corrected, and even their own instinct system must be upgraded, so as to achieve the purpose of strengthening instincts."
"Minglei, I feel that if this method is used well, wouldn't it be true that as long as you use food, you will be able to eat a lot of energy," Xiao Yi said.
"Yes, but don't forget, the energy ladder, the higher the energy, the more difficult it is to acquire it."
"One day you can't get it, then you still have to bear the possibility of the high law collapse."
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