Chapter 951: Gaia Element

"According to my understanding, the elements of this world should be called Gaia elements, that is, a collection of many original will information. Elements that are formed, everyone is expressing their own form, what eventually formed, what it is. Dust, Martial Arts, Learning ↓ Net "
"It's really complicated." Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head.
"Minglei, do you find anything else in this world?"
"The deity, the space of this world is not simple, it may be a Gaia consciousness space."
"You mean, this world is completely different from our previous world?"
"Yes, dear, you can understand that."
"Well, that's great, Ming Lei, then we will speed up the deployment of this world, I think I need to stand in this world."
"Yes, dear, this is very necessary."
"Ming Lei, what you and Xiao Yi said, I think it should also be a microcosm of the microcosm, right? This rule should have been seen this way."
"Yes, Xuexin."
"Okay, I won't discuss these anymore. Now we have to look at it. What is going to do with the root of Ming Lei?"
"The deity, there are many elements in the root system of this tree. The individual elements are very large, and the elements contained in them are even more complicated."
"Is there any difference from the elements in space?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.
"More stable." Xiao Yi heard this, but hesitated.
"Ming Lei, is there anything we have overlooked?" Xiao Yi's words made Ming Lei think quickly.
Before long, the sound of Minglei sounded again.
"Holy deity, in accordance with our previous rules, we can assign these elements in various colors and regroup them, but in this world, it does not need to be this way, it can adapt to this rule, but the world can still maintain a very It ’s unimaginable. "
"Why, is there anything wrong with this?"
"The deity, for example, is incompatible with water and fire, but in this world, there is no such problem. The two elements can be fused together."
"Fire and water can be fused together?" Xiao Yi opened her mouth a little.
"Of course not. It's just that two adjacent fires and waters don't cancel each other out."
"It's incredible. Is there a way to find out why?"
"Deity, it takes time." At the next moment, Ming Lei was silent again.
And for a while, Ming Lei's voice rang again.
"My deity came to a result. This may be because the gap in the space is too large, which leads to the isolation of the elements, and these elements in the root of the tree are not the whole of the elements, but extracted."
"Minglei, have you made any new discoveries?"
"Yes, dear, now the root of the tree can be controlled by me, and it can be probed, but because of the influence of time rules, there is currently no way to conduct high-speed exploration."
"Will it be slow?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.
"It won't be too slow, just like the deity directs the body."
"Oh, that speed is already pretty good." Xiao Yi smiled.
"Yes, but for us in the past, this speed is really too slow." Hearing this, Xiao Yi laughed.
"We are now in the origin world, with such speed, and it is very good to control such a huge tree, and there are many vines on the root of the tree, can you command it together?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile. Road.
"Yes, this is a new feature that incorporates Gaia."
"So what can we all do with this now?"
"My dear, if these roots can find the root systems of other trees around, I can use these root systems to invade other giant trees, but for now, I can only use the energy obtained by these root systems to accelerate the growth of this giant tree and let the giant The area of ​​the tree keeps getting bigger, and the larger the envelope, the more energy we can obtain. "
Hearing this, Xiao Yi smiled and nodded.
"Then I look forward to what you have done."
"Yes, deity."
In Xiao Yi's consciousness space, at this moment, it is still an underground image, and there is nothing in the image.
However, Xiao Yi soon began to control the screen to change, and gradually the light color gradually appeared again, and then the sound of Minglei also sounded again.
"My dear, these green ones are basically the roots of our giant tree."
What Xiao Yi appeared at the moment was not a real influence, but a projection.
"Xiao Yi saw a large green branch seriously and densely.
"It's just an underground forest." Xiao Yi sighed.
"Ming Lei, how do they work?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.
And at the next moment, the picture moved. Xiao Yi's eyes widened. The huge rattan, like green snakes, started to twist and twist like that, but the weird thing was From time to time, some influences are passed back.
But the picture is a bit weird, some are blue, some are red.
"My dear, blue places are hard, and red places are soft. These root systems judge the geological conditions of the ground by the pressure of the root system and even the temperature contrast."
What appeared in Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin's consciousness space were not real-time images, but were obviously processed by undermine processing, more like a piece of simulated information.
"My dear, there are very hard stones in many places underground. These stones present various colors. Should they be the energy stones we found before ~ ​​ ~ Is it an energy gem?" Xiao Yi Asked curiously.
"It is, but it is very close to the big trees, and it is deep in the ground. I have marked the places where gems may appear based on the detection results."
"Ming Thunder, can we mine?" Lu Xuexin asked suddenly at this moment.
"Of course, the energy inside these gems can be drawn by the tree heart to where we are now and form an energy crystal."
The picture is a turn of "唰", but Xiao Yi's consciousness space is a large area of ​​vacant land.
Just when Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin were both curious about what Ming Lei was going to do.
And just at the next moment, pieces of crystals appeared on the ground of the tree heart.
"My dear, this is how this giant tree draws its energy. Of course, if it is an ordinary giant tree, the efficiency must not be so high. This giant tree has been merged with Gaia. Now this tree can no longer be regarded as a tree."
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