Chapter 1124: : Meeting with Elder Tellus

"Say hello to you is a respect to you, I don't necessarily need your consent." Xi Xi was no longer smiling at this time, her expression became cold, making people shudder.
   "What kind of attitude are you, in our Camille Star Rao Star Territory, it is still so big!" The next one could not help it.
   "Camille Xingrao Xingyu? If according to the contract, do you still think that this is Camille Xingrao Xingyu?" Yi Xi coldly said.
  Like the words, all the Camille stars present were silent, indeed according to the requirements of the contract, don't go here, even if the entire Ladabona Galaxy Alliance will probably become the planetary star Rao.
   "Since you asked to see me, then I will go back and talk to the star, as to whether he is willing, it is up to me to decide!" Mayor Erkesri said.
   "That's trouble, but you can rest assured, he will definitely agree!"
   Then Captain Erkesley left the cabin. The expressions of several attendants were very angry. They did not expect to be looked down upon so much in their own Star City.
  A majestic mayor has no majesty at all.
   went back to his command hall, and Erkesri immediately contacted Elder Tellus, and asked Xixi to meet for a moment.
   The elder heard that Mu Xi was actually in the Star City, and he immediately agreed to meet. He himself was very reluctant to go to the solar system. In the face of low-level civilization, he always advocated the use of force to conquer.
  Now the earth star has come so boldly to the Camille Star Rao field, which makes Elder Tellus somewhat surprised.
   Mayor Erkesri naturally did not want them to meet. After all, the elder has a special status. In case of an accident in the Tachengya Star City, then he will not be able to escape his accountability.
   So he mobilized the most elite guards and activated the first-level alert state, blocking all the meeting areas, and any civilized race could not be approached without his instructions.
After    three, after Erkesli arranged everything, he informed Muxi and sent an to greet him.
  When Morainesha learned they were meeting with Elder Tellus, they were also very surprised, but after they were used to the abilities of Melissa, they knew that anything could happen to this Earth Star woman.
Although Elder Tellus looks a bit skinny, he still has strong power. These Zerg civilization races, when they are young, cross between galaxies, and they do not know how many essences of other civilizations have been drawn in each war. Over time, they have become their own abilities.
  As a member of the Zerg, the ability to be a great deal depends on how much war they are involved in, so this is why the Zerg civilization has spent its entire life in the war.
  Then the guards who arranged this meeting are also elite among the elite. They have extremely rich combat experience and strong personal abilities. They are also carefully trained by Erkesri after becoming the mayor.
When Xixi arrived, all the irrelevant people left the meeting hall. Except for the guards, only Elder Tellus and his two most trusted assistants, even the mayor of Erkesri was not qualified to stay. .
   Although Elder Tellus is in a disdainful attitude towards low-level civilization, but when he sees Shi Xi, he can't help but blink his eyes, and Xi Xi converges his aura and tries to be as low-key as possible.
  Because she knows the character and temper of the elder in front of her, let’s say that this time, Xia wanted to see Elder Tellus not just a simple negotiation, but to integrate the Camille into her earth defense system.
   "Respected elder, thank you for your willingness to accept the visits of Shimei!" Shimei smiled and saluted with a smile on his face.
   "Are you the owner of the shuttle?" Elder Tellus saw the face of Muxi so respectful, and the tension on his face seemed to be loose.
   "Yes elder!" Mu Xi replied respectfully.
   "Listen to Mayor Erkesri, you can decide all the contracts on behalf of the Earth Star, so I want to meet here directly and talk about some of the things that have happened between us." Elder Tellus said again.
   "That's right, this thing started because of me, and I will naturally take the responsibility!" Lu Xidao said.
   "Yes, since that's the case, then you represent the planetary star, what are the conditions or requirements to talk to us? Or what method do you want to use to solve this time?" Elder Tellus asked.
   "I naturally want to negotiate with you sincerely, but can I know if you are going to our Earth Star this time, are you going to negotiate or let us surrender?" Hu Xi said with a smile.
   "Do you think a low-level civilization can talk to us?" Although the voice of Elder Tellus was calm, the arrogance of the high-level civilization revealed was uncomfortable.
   "Yes, peace is very difficult, but we are just out of our own galaxy. In your eyes, I am afraid that even the energy consumption of a galaxy war cannot be maintained. Even if you surrender to you, it doesn't make much sense!" Lu Xidao said.
   "Whether it makes sense, does not care about the level of civilization, but lies in the responsibility that must be taken for this matter! Since this matter is your intervention, you must think about this consequence!" Elder Telos stared at Xiudao.
"Yes, I'm involved in this matter, but now it's a little bit influential. I can understand your reaction to UU reading Is there no other solution!" Zhan Xi knew the excuses before The elder had no effect in front of him, and readily admitted his motivation.
   "Other solutions? Of course you can come up with it!" Elder Tellus said.
   "Cooperative Alliance!" Lu Xi smiled.
   "Are you kidding me?" Elder Tellus looked at Muxi for a long time, his tone slightly mocking.
   "択浠 has no joke!"
"A low-level civilization that has no effect, what is it worth us to go to the alliance? Civilized races like you can only become a supply station in our galaxy war, if you don't look at the face of Mayor Erkesley, you There is no talk between me at all! When I reached Earth Star, it was also your surrender!" Elder Tellus' voice increased a lot!
   "Is this your result or the result of the commander and the House of Parliament?"
"Is there a difference? The power to deal with low-level civilization can be directly determined by the captain, and now I am still standing here and talking to you, don't you think I have given you enough patience?" Elder Télès Road.
   "What if we fight back? You know that the Earth star is not a star field that you control! Once it is discovered that there is an intrusion, you are not facing us!" Lu Xidao said.
   "I admit that your shuttle is powerful, but your mother star is only one!" Tellus said deeply.
   "Does there have two Camille stars?" Shi Xie asked diametrically.
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