Chapter 1249: : Shimoai Black Market

The lazy voice didn't reply, it seemed to fall into silence.
   "Does any of you know what kind of abilities the seed gives to him?" Long, long time later, the lazy voice asked.
   "It should be the ability to dominate the entire universe!" The evil voice replied after thinking for a long time.
"I'm afraid it's more than that, maybe like you just said, the seed has replaced that person's existence. We underestimated the seed's ability, or we didn't expect that person would make such a decision!" lazy voice Continue to say.
   "Maybe it's just the endorsement of this universe. It is absolutely impossible to place the entire universe system under the control of the seed. The genes we give cannot withstand such a strong pressure, let alone she is just a woman."
"I hope so, but I hope it will be like this, because we have nowhere to go! The eye of the universe can't suppress our dissipation. Only by entering the barrier of quiet space can eternity be reached. And the seed is the only hope!" Laziness 'S voice sighed.
   "If we achieve this ability, we can't suppress her naturally, even if we hide this secret, it will not help!"
"There is no perfect race. Desire and greed are their motivation and the best tool to suppress them. At this moment, we have waited for hundreds of millions of years to get back the metal block, and the plan can start!" The lazy voice seemed to be determined Made determination.
   "Zu, get it!"
   Then the star field returned to dead silence, and at the same time an unprecedented crisis of the universe system quietly opened.
   At the same time, the Vermilion has reached the nearest black market.
   Shimoai Black Market is located in the Aria star field. The resources of this star field are relatively barren, and the civilized races are also very rare. It belongs to one of the relatively backward star fields of the Dalord Galaxy Alliance.
However, the black market here has a large volume of transactions. The long-term galaxy wars with the Moseleys have given the ghost fleet a good living environment. In addition, the civilized races here are generally not of high rank, so the black market is The large amount of advanced technology and equipment traded in China has been favored by these civilized races.
  Of course, any movement of the two galaxy alliances will be known here for the first time. In addition to technology, almost all valuable information is also traded here.
   Shimoai Black Market is medium in scale, almost within the orbit of Pluto in the solar system, and the nearest civilization is about fifty light years away.
   This is also to prevent these civilized races from causing unnecessary influence on the black market when they conflict with each other.
Unlike most black markets, the Shimoai black market does not have a unified management system and is divided into countless areas. These areas are controlled by certain forces of civilized races, and these controllers have been expelled or by other civilized races. Individuals or organizations abandoned.
  In this black market, everything takes power as the right to speak. Of course, if you want to obtain the trading items in the black market, you can also accept some tasks in addition to the corresponding exchange items.
   Anyway, this is a typical low-level black market, but also a paradise full of opportunities and adventures.
   Within the scope of the black market, all kinds of aircraft can be seen everywhere, from large assault ships, shield ships and transport ships, to small aircraft.
   However, almost all of these ships are damaged or damaged. It is impossible for brand-new ships to appear here. Even if the Ghost Fleet can clean the battlefield, they will be traded away by certain civilized races in advance.
   There are three areas with the most power in the black market of Shimoai, and together they control nearly half of the black market's trading volume.
The arrival of the    Suzaku did not arouse much attention. After all, hundreds of thousands of ships are in and out at all times, and no one will pay attention to a small shuttle.
   Flying in the black market, there will be no patrol fleet, nor will there be malicious interceptions by civilized races, unless there is a conflict in the transaction, but this is rarely encountered.
Because once it is notified by the black market to become an untrusted civilized race, it will be banned from trading, and it will also be known to other black markets. In addition to going to Star City, this will give many hopes to trade in the black market for cost-effective technology The civilized and ethnic interests of China are damaged.
   And the civilized races that come to the black market to trade will also consciously abide by certain laws, which is one of the reasons why the black market can survive.
   The Vermilion bird moved slowly. It did not need to enter the trading city suspended in the starry sky to obtain the necessary trading information.
  Because these messages are free and open, any ship can receive and read them. As long as they see a suitable and interesting transaction announcement, they will stop by the trading city and enter the transaction.
   This also greatly facilitates the transaction process and will not cause ship congestion.
  Although there are many types of transactions in the black market, which involve almost all aspects of wisdom and civilization, they are not of much value to Zhixi. She also knows that the information she needs is not much available in the black market.
   But she also knows that if there is such information trading in the black market, UU read www.uukanshu. Com will definitely be genuine. After all, this kind of strategic information is classified as a secret of a civilized race, and the price to be paid is also huge.
   "Sister, it seems that there is no information we want. Why don't you go to other black markets?" The Vermilion bird wandered in the black market for several days without receiving any goods.
"The information on the black market is shared, even in other star regions, unless certain technologies are restricted and blocked in a special black market. We have to wait patiently, this kind of strategic level information will not Easy to be traded out. Besides, we are currently investigating the Mar Argon star. The scope is too narrow. Maybe we need to get information about the test planet in this star field." Sai Xi.
   "Then when do we need to wait?"
"We don’t lack time. Now that we are here, we have to resolve this matter naturally. And I think this matter is not only about the Marargonians, it may involve more civilized races, but their genetic defects may not be exposed. , Or it hasn't started yet." Zhixi said.
   "Sister, what do you mean? Haven't started yet?" Heina asked in surprise.
"This is just my guess, maybe I think too much, but it's not non-existent. If there is a civilized race, in order to control the universe, in the early stage of birth or using their own technological advantages, they continue to experiment and cultivate new Civilized races, and then continue to modify and control the genome map, no matter how many years have passed, once these taboos are turned on, then they can be mastered without any effort." Zhixi said.
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