Chapter 12: : Capricorn ?? Qiao Shuo flash? / A

'S dialogue with the whole body has benefited every time, and the knowledge gained from the creator is almost the most mysterious thing in the universe.
However, after each conversation with the body, he disappeared. Luoxi understood very well. After all, the creator was not facing a Vata star.
Perhaps at this moment, a brand new universe is being born, a brand new intelligent civilization has entered the evolutionary erroneous path, an interstellar war that will destroy the entire universe is happening, and it is necessary to control it all the time.
Luoxi also wanted to see how a new universe was born, but she did not have too many extravagances. The various substances, energies, and high-energy fundamental strings covered by a universe are of unimaginable magnitude.
She is just an extremely ordinary human being, and she absolutely cannot bear the energy field that erupted when the new universe was born. I am afraid that no creature can bear it.
Besides, the birth of the universe is not overnight, far from being the singularity universe studied by human beings, it only formed from the explosion of a singularity, and the truth inside may only be known by the complete body or higher-order civilization.
There are also linear universes, balanced universes, what kind of state these universes are. As soon as Luoxi thinks about these, his heart is a little crazy, and he is crazy about curiosity. He really tortures people.
The evolution progress on Vata Star seems to be getting faster and faster. Judging from the information graph monitored by the main system, I am afraid that it has entered the outbreak period in advance. Although these changes will take thousands of years to appear, it will cost millions for the entire need. Years, tens of thousands of years, and even hundreds of millions of biological groups that have evolved, this speed is a miracle.
At this time, a large number of silver starships appeared one after another over the sky of Vata Star. From the appearance, all were expedition ships.
Does not have any artillery system on it, and the hull is a rectangular parallelepiped, all of which is several kilometers in size, and it looks bulky and thick.
The outer surface of the ship is marked with the Capricorn logo, which seems to be their ship.
And many expedition ships chose the direction, separated countless small ships, and formed a team across the sky.
Obviously they had planned for a long time. This time they will visit Wata Sing, and they will conduct comprehensive observation and biological intervention.
"Should we fly away from Vata Star?"
Although Luoxi is eager to meet the alien wisdom civilization, when it can actually face it, it is still very anxious. Regardless of the scientific and technological ability, personal ability and other aspects, she must be crushed at present, in case if it is discovered by the Capricorn people, this consequence may be afraid.
"No, they are just technology ships, we can hide in the deep sea. Moreover, they cannot leave in a short time. If we fly away, how can we witness this wonderful magic!" The main system replied.
"Again, you can shield yourself with superstrings. Although it is not very skilled, but it is still more than enough to deal with them. Moreover, the Capricorns are not very belligerent." The main system obviously has already helped Luoxi think about it.
"Also, in case it is found, but we can't beat, we can still run!" When thinking of running away with the rebuilt shuttle, Luoxi couldn't help laughing.
Capricorns have reached the level of top civilizations, dominating the Gaspard galaxy clusters in the Kula Rifa cluster.
Booker-wheel galaxies are located on the edge of the Zhan-2 galaxy in the Gasbah galaxy group to which the Capricorns belong.
Capricorn civilization pays attention to the development of science and technology. Among the top civilizations in the Kulafu galaxy cluster, the scientific and technological strength is the strongest and belongs to a highly intelligent civilization.
They have a perfect system of power division. In the long process of civilization development, they have formed a very solid power hierarchy. Because they do not advocate force, their star range is much smaller than that of several other top civilizations.
But it does not affect their influence in the Kula Lef galaxy cluster.

Capricorns are petite, generally about 1.5 meters tall, and have delicate and hairless skin, which is almost the same as the earliest human civilization.
The only difference is that the body of the Capricorn star is translucent and possesses a strong nerve mind.
Wata Star is an experimental planet for their biological evolution. This visit not only sent a large number of scientific and technical personnel, but also brought some samples from other planets to cultivate and reproduce completely new species.
It did n’t take long for the Capricorn Stars ’first batch of separation ships to reach each of Vata Star ’s predetermined locations.
The ship is very smooth and floats on the sea. The original cuboid ship is like a transformer, and the combination is transformed into a huge open research center.
Various kinds of very advanced equipment are available. The Capricorns are wearing protective clothes, and of course there are many security guards armed with weapons.
During the period of time, many small aircrafts successively dived into the sea. Before long, a huge dark green water drop was hung under each aircraft and flew out of the sea.
There are captured creatures in the water droplets, no matter how struggling, these creatures can not pierce the water droplets to escape.
"Last time in the K-M Thai galaxy battlefield, you harvested a super-liquid titanium Italian-shaped protective clothing, and now you can come in handy." The main system said.
"You don't say I have forgotten that this piece of clothing is both offensive and defensive, although it is only super civilized technology, but it is absolutely no problem with super strings." Luo Xi slammed his head and cried with joy.
"Yes, after my adjustment, its power drive and dark energy link, the core intelligence has been assimilated with your nerve elements and can be perfectly connected. It is much easier to control than superstring, and it is the most suitable at present." The main system is in On the full interest chart, all the data of this super-liquid titanium garment are listed and explained in detail.
"Too perfect, this is exactly what I want, can completely hide me!" Luoxi nodded constantly.
For the super-liquid titanium protective clothing, Luoxi has a deep memory. When he was first brought to the wreckage of the galaxy war, he lived alone for more than three months.
This protective clothing was also discovered by her accidentally. At that time, the protective clothing was thrown into the cabin of the wreckage of a warship.
It should be that the battle was very fierce, the cabin was hit by high-energy artillery, the UU reading directly penetrated, and the hull exploded. All weapons and equipment in the cabin were destroyed.
This garment was hanged solitaryly on the cabin door, and the appearance was intact. Luoxi originally thought it was just an ordinary alien protective clothing, but after the main system scan, she was told that it was a liquid titanium type Italian protective clothing.
A kind of combat clothing that is very mainstream in super civilization. It uses special technology to change the metal structure of the ultra-titanium alloy. The built-in core intelligent system can change the shape arbitrarily and can also change the fighting weapon. Especially in the battle of the galaxy, even if it is a battleship After being destroyed, you can also escape with liquid titanium protective clothing.
Of course, this kind of protective clothing, the higher level is liquid titanium artificial intelligence, known as an active battle fortress.
Can also sneak into the enemy's hinterland without any vitality and transform into super weapons for large-scale sabotage.
Titanium, as a universal high-performance metal element in the universe, is the most widely used in super civilization, with various contents derived from super-titanium alloy technology products with different properties and attributes.
Later, the performance of this suit was tested by Luoxi, and the effect was very good. It was like a layer of armor wrapped in the body, but the texture was very soft and comfortable. The gunfire test was very strong, and the high-energy attribute of the gunfire could not penetrate. Block the radiation wave of cluster refocusing nuclear energy explosion.
The main system is very satisfied with this suit. Although the properties of titanium metal can not be compared with the cutting-edge weapons created by civilizations above the level, after all, there are too many super performance elements in the universe. But it is possible to integrate superstrings into it, not to mention running across the universe, but there is absolutely no problem with self-preservation.
Next, the Suzaku was quietly appearing all over the world. In addition to observing the progress of the biological evolution that has been recorded in the system, Luxi also secretly captured the creatures exiled by the Capricorn.
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