Chapter 13: : Hunting of Cosmic Law

Surprisingly, to Xixi, these exotic species of Capricorn can actually fully adapt to the living environment on the Vata Star, and the evolution rate is not slower than that of the native species.
Is more shocking to her. The evolution of these creatures can be described as horror. In just a few decades, the offspring of alien creatures and native species have spread throughout several important areas on Vata Star.
From the high altitude region to the hinterland of hot and scorching heat, the offspring of these mutations have few natural enemies.
This is clearly beyond the time course of the evolution of life, and it is more obvious that they seem to be evolving beyond the instinct, in addition to instinct, there is also wisdom.
"What the are these Capricorns, they feel that their purpose is not to really evolve the life process of Wata Star, but to cultivate these creatures purely." Luoxi was increasingly puzzled.
"Based on the genetic material extracted from these captured species, they are accelerating the evolution time of Watastar. And these alien species should be successful in repeated experiments. To be precise, when these species are in Watastar They have formed an overwhelming development, and they will put these successful populations on another planet. "The main system analyzes the data on the super interest map.
"You mean, they are really purposeful in cultivating some species and adapting to different planetary environments?" Luo Xi questioned one of the fierce new species captured in the super interest video.
This new species, Luoxi called it poisonous arrow cunning, three meters long, covered with thick bone armor, the skeleton that originally supported the body, part of it evolved into a hard shell.
A row of sharp bone spurs on the back. The bone spurs are hollow, with poison arrows hidden in them. They are launched by contracting their own muscles.
Luoxi has tested the speed of this poison arrow, almost reaching half the speed of sound. Equal to within 100 meters, no creature can escape its attack.
Poison arrows are well-proportioned, with well-developed hind limbs. At the moment of attack, they can cross over ten meters of gully. The speed is surprising.
Minister looks like a wild wolf on earth, but his mouth is wider and more protruding. The four exposed fangs are very long. It is estimated that there is no prey to tear.
Poison Arrow cunning makes Xixi feel terrible, it seems to have evolved thinking, and can store memory, and preserve inheritance for the next generation.
Is equivalent to saying that the losses it has eaten will be passed on to the next generation through the genes as lessons.
Once, Luoxi captured a small poison arrow cunning and marked it on it. A few years later, when she faced this poison arrow cunning again, the other party would actually call for help and use strategies to siege Luoxi.
Similar to this kind of situation, it is not a case, but it actually happens to each new species.
"It is not clear exactly what purpose they have for cultivating these species. However, in many types of civilization, some use hunting as the evolutionary power, and they will ransack all the resources on the empty planet every time they go. And the captive alien civilization , Will become the object of their pleasure. "The main system said.
"I know this is the same as the war between the tribes on the earth, everyone in the losing side will become the slave of the other side." Luoxi said immediately.
"Yes, I guess the Capricorn people should be cultivating a killing machine for a civilization or alliance. It happened that the original life on the Vata star burst, and they used the purest genes to breed the most powerful species." The main system also Approve the Luoxi statement.
"If this is the case, Wata Star is not suffering. When the species population is out of balance, it will bring catastrophic species destruction."
"Don't worry, Capricorn people understand this truth, they won't let Watastar destroy." The main system said.
"But they are cultivating killing machines. Once exiled to low-level civilization, with the advantages of technology, who can resist such a terrifying creature. I think that the cultivation of Watastar is definitely not the last time, and it is impossible to imagine that they will evolve into the last. What kind of monstrous beast. "Luoxi is worried about low-level civilization.
"This is the law of the universe!" Then the sound of the whole body sounded.
"You are back. The Capricorn people are not helping Watastar to evolve life processes, but are cultivating killing machines." Luoxi seems to have found the backbone.
"The three-million-year-old alliance of the Kula and Blessed Galaxies has split, and all top civilizations have begun to prepare for war. The Capricorns are naturally no exception. They and the Kaji Stars chose 300,000 years ago. Ally, share galaxy resources. "
"The Kaji Stars are also part of the Kura Rhöf galaxy cluster, which corresponds to the Vidal clusters of the Gatsby Group. Compared to the highly intelligent civilizations of the Karz Stars, the Kaji Stars are much inferior, and they advocate military force. , Good at diplomacy, although it has also entered the ranks of top civilizations, but its overall strength is far from several other civilizations. "Speaking of the whole body here, on the super interest star map, all relevant civilization information of the Kula and Fu galaxy cluster is one by one. Is displayed and marked out.
"But what is the relationship between them and these new species on the Vata Star?" Luoxi is unknown.
"This is probably related to the development of the civilization of the Kajixing!" The main system took over the topic.
Kajisen is rude and ugly, with a strange humanoid taste. The skin is dark and wrinkled, looking like an old bark, with strong limbs and great strength.
Has a big one-eyed head, a flat skeleton protrusion on the hind brain, three fingers thick and short, and a circle of hard, qualitative hard skin on the arm.
The Kaji people are proud of force and belong to a predatory civilization. But the technological power is relatively backward, and it has barely evolved to the top civilization.
They like to nurture new species on various planets, used to hunt and kill low-level civilizations.
At this time, the details of the Kaji people are displayed on the super interest star map.
"Then the new species of Wata Star was cultivated by the Karji people and the Capricorn people?" Luoxi understood the connection.
"This is a simple superficial phenomenon, whether it is predatory civilization, intelligent civilization, or even higher-level god-level civilization. After conquering a civilization, such hunting will exist. As a victor, in addition to considering conquest In addition to the sequelae brought by the new civilization, there is the tyrannical heart after the battle, which needs to be quelled. Finally, many civilizations will use this method to deter the enemy who opposes them. The body said calmly.
"What do you mean in this way, what will be experienced in low-level civilizations, even primitive tribal civilizations, will high-level civilizations continue?" Luoxi felt incredible.
"The laws of the universe are big or small, high or low. When civilization develops to a certain degree, many of the obscurities inherited in the genes will still be passed on from generation to generation. Unless the intentional or complete civilization, what they want is to control the universe, eternal world."
"But!" Luoxi was dissatisfied with his body.
"This is also a way of continuation of civilization, and it is also a driving force for the development of civilization, I will not intervene." The whole body clearly expressed his thoughts.
"However, if you want to use your abilities to make some efforts, it is not bad. But the consequences must be considered clearly!" The tone of the whole body seemed a little indifferent.
"I'm just a low-level earth man, what ability can I intervene in between high-level civilization!" Luoxi seemed a little helpless for the whole body.
"Who just worried about the future of screaming Tivata!"
"I get it! Thank you for your reminder!" Luxi's brain circuit was quick, and she immediately understood the meaning in the whole body.
"Master, is she really capable of changing Watastar?" The main system asked carefully looking at the figure of Luoxi's departure.
"It has been tens of thousands of years on Vata Star, and no one knows everything here better than her. This earth person is growing up and is an interesting human being." There was a trace of intriguing smile in the finished words.
"However, the Capricorns and Kajis are not easy to deal with. If they are found, I am afraid that they will only escape." The main system is a little worried.
"Humans, although not the primitive life form of the universe, but !!!!!!"
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