Chapter 302: : Apply for reserve combat crew

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The main system has entered a deep hibernation state and started self-evolution. The Suzaku is also hidden in the depths of an unknown planet, and no civilization can find it.
As for the connection with the Gadi star, Luoxi has already been arranged properly. Another set of superstring energy point wave communication devices in the main system can allow Luoxi to get the latest information of the Morteba system at the fastest speed for any time Take control.
After a busy month, Luoxi also learned a lot about the recruitment rules for Tony's reserve crew. In addition to passing the life code review, a comprehensive test is also required.
However, although there will also be civilized races on the transport ship who want to sign up to enter the reserve crew, most of them will be rejected. In addition to ensuring the legality and security of the identity, it is more important that combatants need to undergo long-term training to master the control of various ships and the most basic combat skills.
This is not something that can be mastered overnight, so very few civilized races will be recruited on the transport ship. Even if the Staria battlefield can only be arranged in logistics support, there are very few opportunities to enter the battlefield.
There are exceptions, of course, there are several outstanding commanders on the Staria battlefield, also recruited on the transport ship.
When the night of the simulated planetary environment comes, the area where Luoxi lives will become quiet. Since there are not many entertainment projects here, most civilizations will go to the middle and high areas.
In fact, there are not fewer entertainment activities on the transport ship than on the planet, but it is more concentrated. After all, more cargo needs to be loaded in the limited space.
Luoxi has not been out for the past few days. Although all the residences on the transport ship are called rest cabins, they are actually larger in area because of the longer star flight time of the transport ship. Therefore, the interior functions of these rest cabins are very complete, and the area of ​​hundreds of square meters is enough for one person to live in it for a long time.
And these rest cabins are not fixed, they will only be assembled when there is a demand, one can save a lot of space, and the other can meet the guests from different civilizations.
In addition to providing daily needs, various advanced technological facilities in the rest cabin can enjoy better services according to the level of life code.
The dormant state of the main system makes Luoxi one less object to speak, but through the super interest interactive system, Luoxi still has many ways to pass the time.
After all, from now on, Luxi may need an extra long time to survive independently in the Portcian Galaxy.
On this day, Luoxi opened a large interactive screen, reading information about the Staria battlefield. At this time, a very prominent picture appeared in front of her.
This message was about the notice that the Staria Battlefield began to expand the recruitment of crew, and revealed in the message some intentions to begin to counter the Emperor Expeditionary Fleet.
Faced with this message, Luoxi was not surprised, or she felt that the time to fight back was a bit early.
According to the highest level of information obtained from the recent Luoxi, Sasrule intends to build up to about 400 million ships in six years. This shows that the Tonido Federal Fleet will start to fight back at least five years later.
Well, now that large numbers of crews are being recruited, although on the surface it is said that in order to increase logistics reserves, Luoxi feels that it is definitely not that simple.
Now that the Tonido Federation has begun to openly recruit crews, Luoxi naturally conducts application operations through super interest interaction.
The initial review speed is very fast, Luoxi naturally passed the first round.
In the reply message, the second round of testing will be conducted in the next two weeks, and this part of the test is mainly to assess the applicant's mental quality and other body structure and function, whether it is suitable for the control of the Tonido Federal Ship .
After passing the second round of tests, it is the third round of combat quality test.
Since not all applicants are good at war confrontation, this so-called combat quality test is divided into two parts. You can let the registered civilized races choose their own battle test. This battle test is the difference between theoretical battle and real-time battle.
Although it seems very simple from the reply message, Luoxi knows that it will definitely not be so easy. After all, the overall quality of the recruited crew is related to whether the entire Tonido Federal Fleet can defeat the Emperor Expeditionary Fleet.
The registration number of Luoxi is: 0034286, it seems that there are still many civilized races registered.
The entire test process is clearly written in the reply message, but the specific test content is not mentioned.
The scheduled test time for Luxi was five days later, but Luxi had long known about all the ships of the Tonido Federal Fleet on the Staria battlefield.
Except for some specially customized ships, the control of other ships has no problem for Luxi.
She knows that she will pass the review easily, but the third round of testing is subjective. As long as it is not particularly difficult to assess, she will have no problem with her ability. UU reading www.
Sure enough, in the second round of testing five days later, in the fixed recruitment area of ​​the transport ship, in the face of the simulation of various super-interest ship control systems, Luoxi passed without difficulty.
Of course, in order to prevent these reviewers from being suspicious, Luoxi will naturally make some mistakes, so as not to make them feel that a common alien cluster of civilized species actually manipulates the Tonido Federal Ship so skillfully. There must be a problem.
The elimination rate of the second round of testing is relatively high. After all, these civilized races on the transport ship are not all for the purpose of being combat crews.
Some are curious to sign up, while others are reported to have a try attitude, and more are the appearance of civilized races and some body structures that cannot adapt to the ship ’s control system and medium to high intensity combat status.
Hundreds of thousands of applicants, and only less than one hundred thousand people have passed the first two rounds of testing, but such a elimination rate is normal.
Within one Earth month after the second round of testing, the most rigorous third round of testing will begin.
All applicants participating in the third round of testing need to apply for the combat quality content of the test before they can make detailed arrangements.
For Luoxi, there is not much need for the battle theory test. What she needs now is to pass the test and enter the first-line battle sequence.
In order to control the front-line movement to the greatest extent in future confrontations and subtly dominate the war.
What's more, for her current identity, she can only go to the first-line battle sequence, or the logistics department.
The arrangement of the third round of testing was soon revealed. The real-time combat quality test content applied by Luoxi was an adversarial test.
The simple description is to quickly occupy the opponent's assembly area within the prescribed area, and the temporary commander elected to minimize the casualties of his own personnel.
The test time is forty-sixth round.
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