Chapter 356: : Trap of Luoxi

As for the plan of Sasrule, Luoxi had a clear understanding. Last time he suggested that Sasrule did not adopt it in public, but in fact he already agreed with the idea of ​​Luoxi, but in order to ensure the advantages he currently has, he was determined to give The Emperor Xingren was a illusion, so he officially launched the attack one year later.
In this year, the Xiluo team and the Liyao fleet will carry out a raid in preparation for a heavy blow to the opposing fleet.
Three days later, during the routine meditation, Luoxi suddenly felt that several powerful energies were approaching the Xiluo team starry sky, and these energies were very dangerous.
"It's really interesting, it can actually enter the range of the third defense network." Luoxi calmed down a little, opened the super interest star chart, and predicted the coordinates of the energy source.
"I can arrive in two days. I do n’t know if you can enter the fifth defense system. It seems that the emperor ’s determination is really great. However, I still admire your technological ability and can actually avoid the Tony ’s Federal Fleet. Detection system. There is also this familiar induction, which should be an elemental substance like superstring: string energy. I remember that this elemental substance was sensed in the logistics department of the base. "Luoxi said to himself.
At this time, the fourth defense system seems to have detected some unfamiliar aircraft entering, but due to too many ships, and the carrier-based fleet is constantly being adjusted, the entire assembly base is full of sight. Silver flow.
And this aircraft is really too small, the detection system still did not confirm anything in the end!
The fourth defense system, the speed of the aircraft is much slower, in order to prevent detection, almost synchronized with the carrier aircraft! First launch https: // https: //
"Everyone, we are about to enter the innermost defense system now. We will act according to the original plan and abandon the aircraft."
On this aircraft, Gute and they are making final preparations for leaving the aircraft!
"Our final meeting point is here. Everyone is scattered. If you have confidence in killing Xiluo, you can act in advance, but you have to think about the consequences of being discovered!" Gut was most worried about him.
"Rest assured that I will not be reckless, since it is a teamwork, I will not attack easily even if I can act alone!" Pied Ay laughed.
"That's good! After entering the fifth defense system, we still have to find a way to defend the starry sky through their Xiluo team. From now on, we will shut down all communication facilities. I will finally warn you again, what should you do if you are found?" Gu Swept across everyone's face.
"Give up and retreat immediately!" Said all the members of the assassination team.
"Yes! Well, good luck, and see you in 20 minutes!" Gutt said the last sentence, and opened the door and flew out quietly.
Now that Xixi has sensed the intrusion of the opponent, she will not let go of the tracking, but when she found that this powerful energy was divided into five shares, she quickly forbidden the starry sky to approach Captain Xiluo, she understood that this time it should be five Assassination team composed of civilized races.
"It seems quite worthy of me, and actually sent five strong men to come! Since the game started, we might as well play!" Luo Xi said to himself, while inputting instructions on the superb control screen.
The power of string energy is undoubtedly. The five assassin members disappeared into the starry sky. With the advancement of the battlesuit, they quickly searched for ships that entered Captain Xiluo's exclusive starry sky.
At this time, the detection system of the Tonido Federal Fleet seemed to find something. After all, the string energy is different from the superstring. Although it shields its own trail, the extremely weak starry sky distortion caused by it cannot be completely eliminated.
Because they are all on high alert, when the detection report is sent to the highest commander of the detection fleet, I do n’t know why. He actually thinks that it may be caused by the uneven mesh energy generated by the dark energy during the flight of the fleet. Ignore it.
They are naturally unlikely to think of anyone who dares to break into the heavily guarded warships.
Everything went smoothly. Gute and the others boarded the ships that wanted to enter the Xiluo team's starry sky.
Despite this, Gut seemed to feel a little uneasy. He carefully recalled all the details and found that there were no mistakes, so he was relieved.
When Luoxi arranged everything, he looked at the five marked points on the super interest star chart and smiled slightly.
Since the fish is here, I do n’t want to hook the bait. The captain of the Dyson fleet wants to add some tidbits before the war. Luoxi is naturally happy to accept it.
Of course, she will not despise these assassins. The commander of the Gubergaar Galaxy Alliance will naturally not be the weak. This will be a warm-up before the war.
However, Luoxi has already envisaged these factors in his own plan. Perhaps this accidental assassination will add a thick shadow to Dyson's psychology.
The time passed slowly, and there was not much movement in the five marks. At this time, it was compared with the patience of the two sides. If Gut and they could not even enter the exclusive starry sky of the Xiluo team, let alone assassinate Luxi.
So for Luoxi, this is just waiting for work.
Just now she has modified some small holes in the defense system through special permissions, and these holes will become an opportunity to assassinate the dark team into the exclusive starry sky.
But Luoxi won't let them in easily, otherwise the game will not be fun!
At this time, on the side of Sasrule, after releasing the public counterattack propulsion plan, he urgently held a meeting of the commanders of the most core fleet to discuss about the launch of a strong attack plan against the Emperor expeditionary fleet within three months .
Faced with the sudden change of Sasruhr ~ ~ these core commanders are naturally a little surprised, it is a taboo to change the plan temporarily, especially the current fleet of 500,000 or 600 million scales, once the changes are involved, the reality is It is too complicated, and it is easy to cause the fleet to be unstable.
Sasruhr naturally knew this, and when he put forward the suggestions made with reference to the Xixi a few days ago in combination with his own ideas, all commanders suddenly realized.
The original proposal of Captain Xiluo was already under consideration by Sasrule. No wonder Captain Xiluo did not notify the captain of such a large-scale meeting last time.
Although these commanders, including Miba Puya, expressed concern about Sasruhr ’s new offensive plan, they saw the role played by the Xiluo team and the Liyao fleet in this plan.
This surprised them.
Through comprehensive integration and supply, Liyao fleet now has a complete enhanced fleet establishment, the entire fleet has more than 15 million types of warships, and is the most advanced of all models.
The Xiluo team expanded to 200,000 ships based on the original 100,000 warships. Regardless of size and level, it can only be counted as a small team of complete fleet. Starting
Judging from this latest plan, it is these two most powerful swords that will tear apart the defense system of nearly 100 million ships on each other's frontal fleet.
Such a plan is undoubtedly made by a madman in the eyes of any commander. Without any operability, it is simply the rhythm of death.
But they know that behind this plan is the location of Luoxi, and they have no other ideas!
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