Chapter 38: : Trading duel

When the duel trading time is still three hours, Luoxi only drove the Suzaku to the designated super Qurei venue.
Luoxi is ranked in the fifth game. In order to ensure that the duel will not have an accident before the duel, Qurei will arrange a special place for them to rest and no one can disturb them.
The duel of the fourth game has come to an end, and the platform has been reduced to less than three meters in diameter, with blood stains on it.
Due to the fact that both sides chose the duel without any auxiliary due to their own strength, both sides were scarred.
But in the face of the final death, they all exerted their maximum potential.
This scene made the viewers extremely excited and expressed their encouragement to one of them in a unique way.
A few minutes later, one of them finally fell in a desperate sweep, his body flew out of the platform, and the powerful gravity field instantly sucked him into the abyss and pressed it into blood mud, even the screaming was too late.
The other one also fell on the platform, but he won the final victory.
The audience uttered a huge cry, and different alien civilization races vented this enthusiasm in their own way.
The platform returned to normal, the winner was carried out, the dirt on the platform was immediately cleaned up by the intelligent robot, and everything was quiet.
There is no host or opening speech. As soon as the time is up, the next round is ready to start.
There are millions of empty spectator seats in the duel field. All the visitors will not pay attention to the content of the trade duel? Nor did it pay attention to the way to duel.
They are only interested in the data of both parties, because it is related to the winning or losing of the bet.
And at the top of the Qurei site, Floy sat on a large suspended platform, standing next to a number of subordinates, all expressionless.
"This woman is really interesting, actually chose to duel with Casa! Really do not know life or death." Floy shook the cup in his hand.
"Maybe she wants to use her super titanium clothing to speculate." The next man said.
"Isn't Captain Moto from the Ghost Fleet some time ago to send in more armor, I specifically strengthened the base a lot, this time to see how much power, Captain Moto has boasted over the seaport. The performance is completely crushed and now super All the suits of civilization. "Floy said.
"Yes, but this Moto's asking price is also high, this guy's appetite is growing." The subordinate said softly.
"The appetite is a bit bigger, but the things are good, and the situation in the Willett galaxy is not good, we still have to rely on them. The scale of our black market is getting larger and larger, and the quantity and quality requirements of the trading products required are more and more Come higher. This business is not easy to do! "Floy took a sip and continued.
"The Lord is right!"
Although there is no one on the center platform, the huge super interest projection is playing the information of the Luoxi, the data of the battle and the highlights of the previous duel.
Casa, a wanderer from the planet Sodini, is not part of the Akodo galaxy group. At the intersection of multiple super-civilized galaxies, a long war.
Went out with the fleet from an early age, and was later defeated and captured by other civilizations, and escaped again.
Become a wanderer and survive in the black market by fighting a duel on the Bianjue-3 Exchange.
As the result of the duel in the black market is only life and death, Casa wins a lot of rights and interests, so that he can not play for a long time. So although Casa currently has only sixteen consecutive victories, the duel time is not short, and it is almost three years away.
This record is pretty good, ranking 18,000 in the entire Qurei!
To know that there are more than 200,000 duels who can enjoy the rights and interests of the Jue-3 exchange, which does not include the free duels of other Qurei venues.
Sodini star is burly and muscular, with an average height of about 2.3 meters, and looks like a gloved earth gorilla. It's just that he doesn't have that long jaw, his head is much bigger, and both ears are degenerating.
The two-meter-tall Casa is best at fighting melee, tearing the opponent with great strength.
If you put on a special protective armor, with a huge body of nearly three meters, and fight against the Xixi, it is completely a fight with children.
However, no viewer would suspect that this was a massacre arranged by Kureti, because with the strength of the Jue-3 Exchange among the top five black market exchanges, they are not worried about no viewers and no transactions!
The information when both parties register is displayed on the super-large screen. In addition to the basic information, it also includes auxiliary tools and weapons that are good at using.
Kureli's duel, once the two sides enter the platform, it will be endless, no matter what means is used. There is only one point, which is the absolute prohibition of the use of thermal weapons.
This is also to protect the safety of the viewer and to make the duel more exciting. It is not a beam of high-energy rays and a nuclear bomb that can destroy the world.
As long as both parties used the hot weapon first in the duel, they would be shot immediately without any chance of justification or appeal.
When Luoxi and Kasa were teleported in, the viewers screamed again. Although Luoxi could not understand and could not hear what they were shouting, but one thing is certain, these viewers are very manic.
"This head is really big, it feels bigger than the remarks on the data!" Luoxi said to the main system.
"The other party's armor is similar to Unati, it seems to be enhanced, you need to be careful!" The main system said.
"Isn't it just a second-hand generator, is it treated like this?" Luo Xi said while looking at the other party.
The distance between the two sides is two or three hundred meters, and a huge countdown of super interest is displayed between the two sides. UU reading
Luoxi can't understand this alien text, but knowing that these mathematics disappeared is the beginning of the fight!
"Casa, solve the battle within ten minutes, double the reward for equity." Floy told Casa.
Casa looked at Luoxi with his fingers and hummed heavily, indicating that there was no problem.
After ten seconds, the countdown disappeared and the audience immediately fell silent.
Casa has a lot of duel experience. In a venue like Qurei, the initiative must be in his hands. He took a deep breath and his huge body rushed to the Luoxi.
Luoxi felt a shaking of Chen at this time, and saw that the black figure gradually became larger, and when she came back, Casa had already rushed to her.
A fist bigger than a basketball blasted directly, with a black light, a feeling of death calling.
Since the last fight with Unati, Luoxi has been aware of his own shortcomings, and I am afraid that there will be more and more moments when facing the challenges of alien civilization alone.
So she is improving her fighting skills except the rest time.
In the training cabin, all kinds of combatants simulated by the main system are engaged in actual combat exercises with Luoxi
In the previous training of astronauts, the instructor said that usually sweat more and bleed less in wartime!
When he reached the black market, the fighting skills of Luoxi were greatly improved than before, and this time was the best opportunity for inspection.
Compared with his opponent who is three or four times larger than his body, Luoxi didn't panic.
When the fist was about to blast on the protective clothing, Luoxi crossed his hands. With the huge impact of the fist, a back fell into the air, easily resolved, and Casa was the first tentative attack.
"It's nice and a bit capable!" Frey saw a smile on the corner of his mouth.
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