Chapter 634: : Hospitable Kaya

The collection ship is very large, with a length of thousands of kilometers. The entire ship is irregularly shaped, and it looks like a large number of strangely shaped metal blocks.
But compared to other high-level civilization ships, this ship is very small.
The Suzaku was guided into the bilge of the collection ship. It should be the place where debris is placed. Although it is said to be debris, all of them are extremely advanced equipment in the eyes of Luoxi.
They are all backup facilities on the collection ship.
She was greeted by a relatively short Bunia star, and his appearance seemed to be slightly different from that of Kaya. The relative proportions were fairly harmonious, but with two arms missing, at least it looked pleasing to the eye.
There were several Bunia stars in uniform uniforms beside him. From the dress, they should be ordinary crew members who collected the crew.
The dwarf Bunia star is clearly the leader here.
"What did Kaya do, dare to pass the civilized race with no access to life codes? In case something happened, how could he bear it?" Obviously, the Bunia star was a little disgusted by the Luxi that he rode up.
"I'm sorry to trouble you, my shuttle was thrown here by a vortex of dark matter, and there was a problem with the power system. As long as there is a place to stop, I will leave after I have repaired it. There is no need for you to take any risk. "!" Luoxi said with a smile on her face. She knew that her life code was definitely not available here.
"We can't judge whether your identity belongs to the normal state of civilized race without a life code. Besides, there are no facilities for you to maintain on the collection ship." This Bunia star is still wary.
"Since you are embarrassed, I will leave now! Excuse me!" Luoxi did not show a dissatisfied expression. She knew that such a situation must exist, and it was the same for her. The civilization race of unknown origin appeared in the eye of the universe. The edge must have an unknown purpose.
"Slow down, Miss Luoxi, since I promised you to stay, I can naturally park the shuttle here for maintenance, as long as I don't leave the specified area, there will be no problems. Don't trouble him, Brel!" The ya passed over, he saw Luoxi turned and wanted to leave the bridge, so he said aloud.
"Kaya, this time we need to stay here for a long time. Although the collection ships have cabins, but our personnel is limited, and this time we need to collect a large number of people, who will take care of her?" The Blair said The meaning is that no one is monitoring the movement of Luoxi.
"I don't need your care. There is an energy capsule conversion device in the shuttle, which is enough for me to survive for a long time. If it's not possible, I can go to sleep until you leave the starry sky!" Luo Xi naturally understood the meaning of the other side and said quickly.
"Miss Luoxi, don't need to. There are enough survival energy capsules on the collection ship. As long as it does not touch the core area on our side, there are no secrets on the collection ship. As long as it is safe to return to the parent galaxy, we will give You authorize a temporary life pass code to prove that you are a reliable and safe civilized race. This is the command of the long voyage "Ka Ya is obviously very good at speaking.
"Thank you very much for your kindness! You can rest assured that I will follow your rules." Luoxi was really moved when he heard Kaya's words, and she said quickly.
Blair apparently wanted to say something, but he was helpless when he heard the command of the long voyage!
In addition to the captain, there are several navigators on the collection ship. They are responsible for the arrangement of everything during the voyage, and they need to coordinate the life and work of all the crew.
Although this collection ship of thousands of kilometers is not managed by a thousand crew members, the collection links involved are very complicated, so in some key transaction processing, manual screening is still required. Even if the si ultra-intelligent system has replaced all the most burdensome parts of the collection, the most relied on is manual.
Therefore, the power of the navigator is very large, which is related to whether the collection ship can successfully complete the collection task.
After the Suzaku was guided to the designated docking bay, Luoxi was invited by Kaya to the navigation room of the chief navigator. After asking some questions briefly, although they did not know the origin of the Luoxi from the known galaxy Read up, but the impression of Luoxi is still good.
After everything was settled, the collection ship turned on the superstring energy shield and accelerated towards the hinterland of the starry sky.
Without crossing through the space mirror, even if the superstring energy shield is turned on, it is difficult to resist the terrifying power of the eye of the universe.
Obviously the Bunia Stars have become accustomed to it, and they know what limits need to be reached in order to collect them most safely.
At the edge of the vast expanse of the universe's eyes, although there was only a burst of more than 10 million years old, the preserved crystal of the star field seems to have no signs of being consumed.
It does not exist in the form of ore, but floats in the starry sky in a semi-solidified and fully transparent state.
It is easy to find the crystallization of 鄄, as long as it is irradiated with pure particle light immediately, because it will reflect the dazzling brilliant light.
But collecting them is extremely difficult. Cutting with ordinary light energy is impossible. The indestructible attribute means that it is the hardest substance in this linear universe, and there is no one.
Fortunately, these crystals are in a mixed state, and can be cut with string energy beams, otherwise, they can only really sigh.
It also needs extremely strong and superb technological process to refine it into any defensive weapon parts.
If you are lucky, you can directly grab and collect the small piece of crystallized crystals ~ ~ Although it is a small piece, it is also a huge semi-solidified mass of hundreds of kilometers.
"Mayfair, I think this voyage is pretty good, and we don't have much preparedness for us. Maybe we can ask them to ask for some crystallisation!" Luoxi was lying in the rest cabin. She didn't want to do anything for the time being. After all, Ka Ya kindly took her in.
"If you think about it, let alone say that the time and resources required for collecting ships to sail here is an amazing consumption, and then returning after the collection is completed. In the event of an accident during the collection process, these ships are like The debris is generally destroyed by the power of the eye of the universe. And now with the continuous development of the civilization in the universe, the demand for crystallization of ions is increasing. You can see that with such an efficiency, do not It is said that the fleet equipped with the entire galaxy alliance cannot even build a fleet. And the probability of smelting failure is very large. It may be a whole ship of crystalline raw materials, which are finally smelted and decomposed into special-shaped crystals and common ions. And the most important thing is that the purity of the quenched crystal of yl is almost a nightmare. Only when it reaches the true monolithic body can it become the most powerful substance. Otherwise, its performance will be greatly discounted. "Mayfair patience Explained.
"Of course by virtue of a little advantage, you may still be able to get the crystal of Lu!" Mayer smiled again!
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