Chapter 782: : Interplanetary Hunting

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Although the riots were suppressed, the casualties were high, and many facilities in the planetary carrier were damaged, which was even worse for the survivors who were already struggling to survive.
After this riot, the princes strengthened the management of civilized races living in low-order areas and implemented stricter management measures.
In spite of this, for the civilized races living in the low-order area, many were originally the technology of god-level civilization, and they also tried every means to destroy and make trouble.
It didn't take long for the princes to expel part of the troublesome civilized race directly for the sake of nominal security, and gave the broken ship to let them leave the planetary carrier, and let them wander in the starry sky from then on.
When these civilized races saw the elders acting like this, they gradually stopped, after all, leaving the planetary carrier was equivalent to death.
If before the change, there were star cities everywhere, the stray interstellar is still an extremely comfortable way of survival, and now the entire sky of nearly 600 billion light years collapsed, the star city was completely destroyed, and the remaining wreckage could hardly survive. Odds.
The vast majority of asteroids have been destroyed, and the entire starry sky is as empty as the birth of the universe.
There are also distortions of the force field caused by the collapse of dark energy, and high-energy rays will easily disintegrate the living body.
Half a year later, the interior of the planetary mother ship tended to be calm, but the Ania Stars were still reluctant to spare. Thousands of warships disappeared, and they naturally let go of the elders.
However, they knew that this was definitely not done by the civilization races of the planetary carrier, the civilization race playing with them did not belong here.
But they naturally shirk this blame to the elders for the sake of face.
Faced with such a mess, they really struggled with their brains. Now that their intention to evacuate was exposed, they naturally couldn't retreat, but the Aniya star was under great pressure.
They knew that within three years, the fleet of the Ania Stars would appear, and they would have no chance to escape by then!
However, every move of their people is being monitored by other civilized races. Once there are unusual signs, they will definitely fall into a riot again.
Although they are not afraid of the riot itself, they are afraid of the consequences of the riot. If this is so long, even if the Ania star does not intervene, this planetary carrier will also be destroyed and become a death ship, which is not suitable for the survival of living bodies!
Sure enough, in less than three years, when they detected the appearance of an Armenian star fleet beyond five light years, the worry finally arrived!
Judging from the detection situation, this fleet is a complete attack fleet, a small planetary carrier of about 50,000 kilometers, plus shield ships, attack ships, and logistics ships. Such configuration instructions indicate that they are a team. fleet.
Although the number of the entire fleet is only more than 50,000, this configuration is enough to destroy the planetary carrier!
However, judging from this battle, they did not come here exclusively. A planetary mothership that does not have much counterattack capability is not worth them to dispatch more than 50,000 warships to destroy!
It seems that other star domains have more or less appeared like this.
The arrival of the Ania Stars' attack fleet naturally caused the princes to panic. They could only resort to the commander of the advance fleet and expressed their willingness to hand over the entire planetary carrier to them.
For such a commitment, the Anya Stars disagree. For them, these survivors are star beasts, only experimental items, which may be insignificant compared to the thousands of ships missing.
So I did not agree!
"Are you watching this planetary carrier destroyed?" Asked the planetary carrier that looked dim in the distance in the sky.
"I didn't expect things to develop this way, and since I'm the one that caused me, I'll be responsible! In the end, these surviving civilized races are not worthy of sympathy. Many of them are very enthusiastic in this galaxy war. So it ’s no accident that the planetary carrier was destroyed! But before I heard about the interplanetary hunt, I ’m very interested in this, and I ’ll borrow it to understand!
Luoxi replied.
"Do you want to go to the interstellar hunt?" Mayer asked.
"Well, with this idea, I now have leisure time, and I can understand what kind of treatment these civilized races will have on the post-war starry sky in the post-Italian civilization era!" Luoxi nodded.
"Also! However, the time and coordinates of the interstellar hunt are not fixed, and the scope of participation has been different. The civilizations of different alliances outside the star field often gather together to hold the interstellar hunt, ranging from a few light years to Hundreds of thousands of light years. If you want to participate, you must have such a planetary carrier. "Mayer said.
"I know this, so this planetary mothership is the most suitable!" Luoxi laughed.
"So you have already planned?"
"No, I just didn't expect the matter to develop to this point, and simply ended the matter, and then I can see if I can qualify for interstellar hunt!" Luoxi said.
A month later, when more than 50,000 warships surrounded the planetary mothership, the Aniya Stars issued a final warning to the elders ~ ~ Either destroy the planetary mothership or return the missing one Warship.
I did not pay any attention to the pleadings of the elders.
"Hallman ordered the commander to give each other ten hours of time. If there is no feedback, they will be destroyed! The masters have already made it clear that it is better to destroy them in the bud than to submit to the rebellious planetary mothership. "The commander of the remaining advance fleet said to the commander who came to attack the fleet.
"Understood, it's just that this planetary mothership is indeed very big. It's a pity if you destroy it directly!" This Hallman made the long figure burly, showing very strong!
"These survivors are not terrible, the terrible thing is that the black hand behind them, my thousands of ships are disappeared invisible, we can not search any trace at all, and there is nothing found in the superstring space! If you do n’t give them The lesson is absolutely impossible! The lives and deaths of hundreds of thousands of crew members are unknown! "Said the commander's teeth.
"Oh, I see. Now that we have enclosed all of it, every corner has been monitored in all directions, and absolutely cannot run!" Holman said with confidence.
"Really? What a great battle, more than 50,000 warships were actually meant to destroy a planetary mothership that has no counterattack capability? I thought how powerful and brave you Aniyas are now. It really disappointed me. "
Just then a crisp and sweet voice appeared in their ears, and a signal to force-cut was opened directly in Commander Hall of Commander Holman!
Luoxi's graceful figure, beautiful uniform, and a slight smile, said to the Aniya star.
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