Chapter 818: : War crisis

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"But if we go to war, it is tantamount to announcing a galaxy war against the Katharoni! This consequence may not be borne by our entire planet!" Zhou Tong frowned.
"Shall we just sit back and die?" General Zanariel asked.
"If there is only one probe ship gathering all of our forces, there should be no problem, but once their ship is counterattacked, it will naturally send a fleet to it. I am afraid that the earth will also be destroyed at that time!" Another said at the time.
"The Katharoni people are more than 30 million light-years away from us. We don't know the time between them, but it will definitely not be a long time, at most within one hundred years! We can delay this hundred years, but who Can we guarantee that after a hundred years, we can build a sufficiently strong interstellar fleet? Besides, the distance of more than 30 million light years can be achieved within a hundred years, and their technology is probably in the level of civilization! You probably also know our established civilization In the level, the god-level civilization is summarized in the high-level civilization, and the gap between us and them is not simply a high or low level. "Zhou Tong added.
"Academician Lu, do you have any different suggestions?" General Zanariel asked when he saw Luoxi, who had been silent for a long time.
"Now that the other party has expressed its intention to fight, what else can we do? Begging for mercy? Or let the other party destroy the earth once?" Luoxi said lightly.
"But you have to know this consequence, we can't afford it!"
"Unable to bear but also bear, the solar system has no retreat now, it seems they have intentions this time, it is just your wishful thinking!" Luoxi said.
"Now that they know that they have intentions, why don't they respond in time?" An old man asked aloud.
"Do you think if I said that the Katharoni were coming with destruction, do you believe it? The Earth Headquarters command I received was an uninterrupted connection to facilitate the completion of this historic meeting! I have already reminded Director Zhou that you should not be too optimistic about this meeting! "Explained Luoxi.
"Academician Lu, I did remind me, but the headquarters did not attract attention. After all, this time is of great significance. If you miss it, it will also be a loss to the civilization of the earth!" Zhou Tong quickly rounded the field.
"Okay, we do n’t need to discuss these issues. Now it ’s how to deal with the Katharonis. After 20 hours, we will face a round of blows. The Space City will definitely bear the brunt! I think it ’s better to withdraw first and follow-up reinforcements. The fleet is about to arrive, even if we cannot destroy the detection ship, but at least it can be retreated! "General Zanariel said.
"General Zanarell, their shields are not destroyed by our nuclear bombs, and there are too many levels of civilization. As long as the other party sends an interference field, don't say we launch an attack, the frigate can start flying!" Said Luoxi. .
"Then do we really have no trace of war?"
"Theoretically so!" Luoxi nodded.
In order to prevent the confusion from continuing to expand, the speeches in the center of this conference hall have been blocked, and the outside world cannot hear what they are discussing.
But from the expression of these people, the situation is not very optimistic. This is the conclusion drawn by the people outside, and at this time their respective organizational groups have already sent messages and hope to give correct action instructions.
As for the highest level of war warning that the Earth Defense Alliance has launched, the United Nations immediately held an emergency meeting of all members to discuss how to respond to the invasion of the Katharoni.
Although all the police were dispatched, some desperate people with weak resistance were unable to suppress them. They behaved a little crazy.
The situation seems to be out of control.
"Low-level civilization is low-level civilization. I just let them fall into the chaos of the entire planet on this sentence. It seems that I overestimated them a little! Clean-up operations will take place twenty hours later!" Bennett stood at this time In the cockpit, looking at the chaotic earth scene in the superb screen, the mood is very good!
The fleet around the space city all formed a formation, blocking the front of the detection ship, and all the personnel in the space city began to evacuate one after another.
"Academician Luo started to evacuate one after another. You leave. This thing is all wrong with us. I didn't expect it to be the result. The only way now is to hope to stop the other party's offensive, regardless of the future Katharoni. How many warships are dispatched to come over, at least we have to pass the level before us! "In Tongxi's cabin, Zhou Tong looked at the ship outside the space city busy preparing to leave and said with great shame.
"Evasion is not the way. Since the frigate wants to stop each other, I naturally want to try again!" Luoxi said calmly.
"Do you still want to talk to the other party? Or persuade the other party not to attack the earth?" Zhou Tong asked.
"The other party's purpose of coming to the solar system this time is to take away the items left by other civilizations at the base of the moon. This item contains our origin secret. Although we are not sure why we came, I feel that this item is not just our origin. The mystery may also include other content that may even threaten higher-level civilizations! "Luoxi said ~ ~ You mean we will get this item first, and then use it as a transaction Chips? "Tong Tong said in surprise.
"Trading chips are not possible. Let ’s not talk about whether the other party is willing to trade with us. The question is how do we find this item. We ca n’t open these metal blocks so far. Even if we can open them, we have to crack. It will be an extremely long time Twenty hours is definitely not enough! "Luoxi said.
"In this case, even if the item is in the moon base, it is just a piece of scrap metal for us." Zhou Tong sighed.
"That being said, why did n’t that civilized race take it away when it left? Is it just waiting for our technological level to be strong enough to crack all the secrets of the moon base? If we are now destroyed by the Katharoni, then this secret It has no effect! "Luoxi said again.
"So what do you mean?" Zhou Tong asked.
"I remember the last time I went to the moon base before the accident, that is, Ouyang Ruo found a very strange metal block. This metal block still makes me remember it! And it is very special. I also published a post A paper about this metal block. "Luoxi did not answer Zhou Tong's question, but said otherwise.
"Yes, I have read this paper! Do you mean ...?" Zhou Tong looked at Luxi inconceivably.
"Well, although I am not sure, but if I think of something special, this metal should be the most special one in the lunar base! Perhaps it is the item that the Katharoni will take away!" Luoxi Point Nodded and said.
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