Chapter 335: Format (4,000 words)

The dark black sky and the white giant hands, when combined, are so striking.
So weird.
It is even difficult to determine for a while whether it is a mistake in your own judgment.
Perhaps it was not a human hand, but a pale plant that looked similar and dropped from the sky.
Compared with the former, this guess is undoubtedly more "reasonable."
However, when Lin Tuo's voice fell, it overwhelmed the explosion, squally wind, and the "tsunami" below, and entered the ears of the rest of the Empire.
These distant guests finally realized what had happened.
At this moment, many people are sure that there is indeed an enemy with a clear consciousness in this world, and the opponent even masters their language.
Come to think of it, this giant hand that covers the sky is probably a kind of "tactics".
Although limited by energy supply, the Ueno Star District does not have a "transcendent level" human powerhouse corresponding to the spirit world lord, but this does not mean that they lack the abilities of "tactics", "spells", "dao skills" and the like Cognition.
"Is it the mob who destroyed the base? Or is it their companion?"
In the huge hall of the command ship, a dozen high-ranking officers used the camera to look at the outside world through the screen, giving birth to the same guess.
By this time, how could they know that they and others might have fallen into some kind of "trap" set by the other party?
After guessing this, they did not panic or fear, but calmed down.
For imperial soldiers, it is obvious that there is a clear enemy situation that is better to deal with than the weird unknown.
If they don't understand what happened, they are likely to be afraid.
But since it was determined that this was a trap, the tension in my heart eased.
This sounds weird, but the logic is actually very clear.
They are confident enough in the strength of the fleet, believing that a battle with a backward civilization or some detached powers will never fall short.
Although now the opponent has displayed a certain ability, destroying dozens of them in one blow.
It looks tragic.
But in fact, those caught and exploded were either peripheral defensive ships.
Either it is a low-level aircraft with a low energy level and a slow escape speed, and there are not many people inside.
The most important thing is that since it is a long-planned trap, logically, the opponent's first shot should be the strongest and the most successful.
But this is the case, and it didn't hurt the core of the fleet, so naturally it was time to counterattack next.
"Passing orders, dynamic formation free strike! No matter what the ability of this hand is, destroy it first!"
Commander One quickly made the order.
As his voice sounded on the public channel, the entire fleet of ships scattered in the sky because of evasion took action.
The surface of the warships opened up the ether defensive cover, and at the same time they began to move freely in the sky in an unfixed orbit, at extremely fast speeds.
Avoid the attack of that bright white hand.
At the same time that the word "kill" came out, the big hand was already spread out, stretched, and waved again, trying to destroy the rest of the battleship.
The air made a heavy, tearing explosion.
However, the silver and white battleships that were prepared were extremely agile. Although there were a few that couldn't escape, they were shattered by life, turned into flames, and fell toward the sea below.
However, most aircraft flexibly avoid the edges of the fingers and palms.
At the same time, the flat muzzles mounted on the surface of these futuristic creations were pulled up, flexibly adjusted their directions, and blasted hot etheric rays toward the white giant hand!
In an instant, densely packed incandescent light, carrying terrifying heat energy, bombarded Lin Tuo's big hand with a dazzling light, as if to melt it.
In the face of the counterattack, the surface of the bright white hand shook the cascading ripples of water.
In the sand table's rules, Lin Tuo, the manipulator's body was originally invisible.
It is only because the ether flowing out of the skin's pores envelops every inch of the skin and coats it with a thick layer, which shows what it is now.
At this moment, the two strands of etheric energy collided with each other, and the energy consumption rate of both parties was instantly full.
In the central command ship, the countdown that originally jumped to 80 seconds was restored to 150 seconds due to energy changes, which lengthened the process of returning to the spirit world.
And with the opponent's counterattack, even with ether defense, the intense pain inevitably spread upward from the palm.
At this moment, Lin Tuo only felt that his hand seemed to be placed in the burning stove, and the tens of thousands of ethers in his body also fell at a terrifying speed.
However, the expression on his face did not change at all, as if he could not feel the intense pain, but stared at the inside of the sand table.
Only the sudden red skin and the sweat rolling down from the forehead seemed to declare the danger and difficulty of this confrontation.
Having thoroughly understood the Imperial battleships, he knew very well that these steel creations themselves had extremely strong spell resistance.
Moreover, the release of spells from the sand table dimension will make the opponent highly resistant, and secondly, the delay of the shuttle dimension is enough to allow the opponent enough time to escape.
Not to mention, the time that Immaculate Flower can keep the opponent will not be too long.
Once it successfully escapes from the sandbox and returns to the spiritual world, the opponent is on guard, and it will be difficult to repeat the trick again!
Therefore, when time is short, he would rather use this physical attack method.
However...As the Imperial fleet became more and more adapted to the rhythm of the battle, the scale of battle became more and more inclined to the Imperials.
"Gather energy! Maintain the attack! Fight with it!"
Inside the No. 6 sandbox.
The battle between the two sides has become fierce, and the ripples on the surface of the white giant hand show signs of fading under the continuous attack. From time to time, there are warships that have been smashed, burning and falling.
Light up the dark sea briefly.
Then it was swallowed by countless pale plants waiting to be fed and extinguished.
In the command hall, the countdown on the screen slowly counted down at a speed that was many times slower than the normal second rate... It would take several heartbeats before the numbers on the screen beat.
But this is the case, the countdown has only reached the point of time of twenty seconds.
The dozen or so senior officers standing here showed different expressions, from the solemnity at the beginning, to the consternation later, to the present, seeing the big hand in the sky showing fatigue.
Their expressions also relaxed.
"It looks like it won't last long." An officer laughed.
At the beginning of the battle, they were also nervous for a while because of the surging, nearly endless supply of ether.
However, compared to the battleship group bombarding with high-energy beams, although that big hand looked terrifying, it was ultimately too clumsy.
"There are powerful energy reserves, but they don't know how to use them reasonably. It really is a barbaric and civilized style." Another officer commented with a winning posture.
Someone next to it reminded: "Don't take it lightly. Even if we can win, we may not be able to easily catch it. Up to now, we have not found the enemy behind it."
After a pause, the man said again:
"Furthermore, I remember the last time the Governor made an interception, the opponent was not the only one who was detached."
"Indeed." Officer No. 1 exhaled, "Don't underestimate the enemy. For the sake of caution, keep attacking at the highest intensity. When the countdown is over, the entire fleet will return to the spirit world. Don't fall in love with each other. Keep your distance and re-enter the material universe!"
In the field, although some people disagreed, they did not violate, and nodded: "Yes."
At this time, the countdown on the screen has only the last ten seconds left.
In addition to the etheric defense layer on the surface of the entire battleship group, that layer of spiritual energy cover also showed signs of reappearing.
"No." Suddenly, from beginning to end, Governor Ueno, who had been standing next to him quietly, said.
Attracted everyone's attention.
"What?" someone asked.
Wearing a classical robe, the governor in the form of projection did not turn his head, but fixedly looking ahead, a little doubt appeared on the face voted by all citizens:
"The surrounding space seems a bit chaotic."
Before everyone showed their doubts, suddenly the situation on the court suddenly changed!
In the sky, the surface of the big hand, which was entangled with the densely dense battleship group, appeared to be a little dull, suddenly there was a strong ether overflow, which was added in the blink of an eye.
Hey state was restored.
Unleash the brilliant brilliance.
"Dodge all!"
"Pay attention to the blockade to prevent it from escaping!"
In the public channel, the voice of the conductor sounded.
In everyone's eyes, this scene is obviously some kind of "returning to light" of that giant hand. Perhaps it was the other party who felt his own defeat and injected the remaining ether.
Fight to the death before "death".

Or, try to escape by using a brief state of heyday.
In the face of this situation, confrontation is obviously not a wise move. Containment and blockade are the better tactics.
No matter it was the commander, the staff officer, or the captain of each warship, there was nothing wrong with this strategy.
Only the doubt on Governor Ueno's face became more and more obvious.
In the next second, the movement of that giant hand exceeded everyone's expectations.
No crazy attacks.
Did not try to escape to the sky.
Instead, it crashed and fell towards the dark earth!
Yes, down!
This is somewhat beyond the expectations of the imperial soldiers.
Are you going to flee downward?
Still not moving?
This is a question to think about.
Because the endless, creeping, and aggressive plants below left a deep impression on everyone.
In their view, those plants are undoubtedly part of the "trap".
"Trying to lure us to chase? Could it be that another detached strongman is hiding below? Or... simply borrowed the power of some extraordinary item?" Command Center, Officer No. 1 frowned, hesitated for less than a second, then Made a decision:
"Everyone, raise the height and prepare to return to the spirit world!"
As the "superior" party, he felt that there was no need to take risks.
As long as he returns to the spirit world, he can arrange tactics more calmly.
Upon hearing the order, the warships in the sky stopped one after another, floating in the air, and the spiritual energy cover on the surface became more and more obvious.
At the beginning, while watching the giant hand fall, he waited for the evacuation.
"Ah...below..." But soon, someone on the channel exclaimed.
Then, more and more people discovered that something was wrong.
Below, it was originally pitch black, but as the big white hand fell, it also illuminated part of the area.
Originally, the "ocean" that had submerged the earth did not know when, there were signs of exhaustion.
The pale plants, dense like weeds, did not seem to be as active as before, like a python paralyzed in a swamp.
Only when the big hand got close enough, did he move again and try to attack, but he obviously couldn't hurt the big hand.
The big hand flew across the ground.
In the blink of an eye, he came to a "col" and pierced into the ground fiercely, destroying a dense pale forest. At the same time, the palm of the giant hand was invisible to everyone.
Lin Tuo's clone appeared suddenly, half of his body was hidden in the palm of his palm, and when he grasped it, he spit out a ball of flames, then wrapped it in the depths of the dense forest, releasing the radiant unsullied flower.
Immediately, the flower stems were torn apart!
And put it inside the palm.
Then, without a second stop, the whole big hand suddenly rose, outside the encirclement of the battleship group, fleeing towards the dark sky at a terrifying speed!
Without the nourishment of the unsullied flower, the pale plants that covered the entire planet began to rot, decay, and wither rapidly.
The ones on the ground are fine.
But the vines that were originally attached to the "boundary wall" around the sandbox fell one after another, and what was revealed were cracks full of starlight!
The originally solid and airtight "boundary wall" of the sandbox was already full of cracks at some point.
It absorbs the brilliance of the universe, the sun, and countless stars in the distance.
And this crack is still growing, spreading, spreading from all directions toward the sky.
In the dark sandbox, it is very eye-catching, it looks like it is the horizon, countless lightning spreading slowly!
"This is... what?" Someone asked in the channel.
However, no one can answer.
Only a strong anxiety began to spread.
Li Shanwu Hall, in the study.
Lin Tuo withdrew his painful palm, but he had no time to pay attention to his physical injuries. Instead, he stared at the virtual panel in front of him.
To be precise, it is the crazy flashing text above.
The "familiar" sirens echoed in my mind.
【caveat! caveat! 】
[A large amount of abnormal redundant data detected! 】
[Operation logic error! Operation logic error! 】
[Sandbox computing power has been overloaded! The sandbox computing power is overloaded! Please deal with it now! 】
[The "creative model" development environment has been destroyed! 】
[Isolation cover is broken! Data breach...]
Familiar and unfamiliar messages flickered wildly.
However, Lin Tuo didn't have any surprises or worries. On the contrary, his eyes became more and more radiant!
This is the real ultimate move he prepared for the imperial army!
He never felt that only by relying on dimensionality reduction strikes, an advanced civilized stellar army could be destroyed.
That would be too naive!
From the beginning, the real ultimate move he planted was this!
Once appeared in the No. 2 sandbox, pray for the rupture of the sandbox in the candle disaster!
At that time, the frantically proliferating cake destroyed the derivation environment, causing the black box to shatter and global projection in the Pacific Ocean.
The reason why Lin Tuo just endured the pain and used this seemingly "clumsy" method to fight the opponent was to forcibly interfere with the sandbox environment!
You know, for the sixth sandbox, he did not allocate any additional computing power!
In other words, its own computing power and stability are not high.
Earlier, when he used the unsullied flowers to collect ether, he found that once too much watering, pale plants grew too fast, the sandbox would become unstable.
After the system was upgraded, he had a deeper understanding of the functions in his toolbox, and an idea came into being.
Through battle, make yourself and the empires consume a lot of ether in the sandbox!
Through battle, make the battleship run to increase the complexity in the sandbox!
Through the battle, the sandbox that is no longer stable due to the injection of too much water is getting closer to the limit of collapse!
Thereby pushing it to the danger threshold of breaking!
And withdraw at a critical moment, and then... will activate the "safety measures" of the derivation sand table.
Just like... when the No. 2 sandbox was damaged.
"It's just that what I want this time is not to stop it, but to speed it up." Lin Tuo whispered in his heart, and saw that the "familiar" prompt appeared again on the virtual panel:
[It is detected that the abnormal value of the sandbox environment has breached the warning line, whether to enable "format"? 】
[Note: "Formatting" will irreversibly delete the current sandbox environment data, and all life and matter will return to elementary particles]
The real ultimate move he prepared for the empires was not the so-called dimensionality reduction attack, but...
Lin Tuo sighed, thinking at the moment the prompt appeared and gave the corresponding instructions:
"Format... Open!"
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