Chapter 23: Crayfish: Why target me?

Lu Yuan gave a very simple psychological counseling to the young master Mo Mo, and promised that as long as she obediently participated in the training every day, Lu Yuan brought her a lot of snacks every week, and she began to work hard. Come up.
Although I will still say something in the process of plowing the land, why not use me to laugh at me and destroy me is not to reduce the level of arrogance and make people laugh.
But Lu Yuan can only be attributed to complaints among adolescent children.
It was noon until noon. The owner of the flower shop, Zijing, went out during this time. She contacted the doctor during her illness to buy a bunch of Chinese medicine and various dishes for cooking and gave it to Lu Yuan.
There are so many traditional Chinese medicines and ingredients used for cooking. Basically, the ingredients that can be used in the vegetable market are swept away by aster.
菀 When Zijing came out of the vegetable market, he had too many things to take, so he called to let Lu Yuan go in the past and put them in Zizhi's car.
The purchase also caused the flower shop of Ziyu's family to stay open for most of the day.
Kushiro can only say sorry to those customers who visit the flower shop.
Grizzly Daisen's medicated food is too slow to wait until the crops in the medicinal fields are mature, so Lu Yuan decided to buy these common ingredients in the early stage for Grizzly Daisen to make medicated food.
路 When Lu Yuan moved a lot of ingredients and Chinese medicine to the tree house of Grizzly Daisen, Grizzly Taisen also made himself a medicinal diet ... the alchemy furnace was moved out.
I really am an alchemy furnace ... Lu Yuan feels that this alchemy furnace is nothing special.
From the perspective of materials and breath, in the ancient times, this alchemy furnace was definitely a top-level fairyware.
Regarding the quality of these magic weapons and equipment, Lu Yuan feels that there should be no distinction between them. Ask Brother Ningqing to estimate that the answer is also 'feeling'.
However, Lu Yuan had some difficulty in distinguishing this way, so Lu Yuan planned to build a magic weapon level by himself.
Everything comes from far away.
The simplest distinction is from Jiupin to Yipin.
Jiupin is the Mohe's fairy crane and those flying birds. These are the most basic magic weapons. There is no substantial role for the ornamental department. Up to the eight-pin Qiongling plate of Bapin has a certain auxiliary effect. And ordinary monks can drive with a little aura.
灰 The Grizzly Daisen's alchemy furnace road is far from being graded well.
Because of the lack of reiki, the alchemy furnace itself is like a sickly patient.
虽然 Although the breath above is long and mysterious ... But Lu Yuan can still have a sense of weakness.
"It is an old friend who has been with me for a lifetime, named Jiuxiao Purple Thunder Furnace, and has also gone through a scourge of the calamity, and it can be called a holy thing in the hands of a monk outside."
Grizzly Daxian stretched out his paw and patted this alchemy furnace gently. It sounded with emotion and pride in his tone.
In ancient times, it was not only monks who could survive the calamity, but also magic weapons.
Brother Ningqing's Feijian Broke had spent the time of a scourge of heavenly calamity and had been improved in all aspects. This alchemy furnace can also survive once and it is certainly not extraordinary.
But ... to what level? Second grade? One product?
Kushiro still needs to contact more magic weapons to make the coordinate axes of this magic weapon classification.
"Mr. Shu, bring me all the ingredients you bought."
The Grizzly Daisen is now wearing a bear apron that Lu Yuan gave her.
熊 The appearance of a bear wearing an apron ... Lu Yuan could not feel any violation.
The voice of Grizzly Daxian is really full of motherhood. Just listening to it feels like a very gentle and virtuous wife.
Of course ... Ignore her bear claw, which was like a dagger.
"This is all the ingredients you can buy on the market. I don't know what Grizzly Daixian thinks those ingredients are better?"
Kushiro asked a bunch of ingredients on a wooden table.
Refining and refining is a process of promotion from mortal things to immortals. Lu Yuan prefers to call it 'mutation', a kind of mutation caused by the aura.
这些 "These are mortal things that have not been conceived by Aura. I need to spend a lot of energy if I want to refine."
"What ... reiki?"
Although Kushiro knows that this is a bit impolite, the grizzly bear's energy consumption is not a big problem.
The key is to make the most effective medicated meal with the least reiki now.
"It is precisely because I consume less aura, that I need to expend double energy, Lord Tree ..."
The grizzly bear fairy said with a paw to pick up a cabbage.
"If I want to refine this amaranth into a Ling Amaranth, the easiest way is to take a pile of spirits to make a spiritual gathering, and put this amaranth in the center of the gathering. It will turn into a gazella over time. "
This road knows that the simplest way to produce elixir and spirits in ancient times was to build a spiritual formation and gather the heaven and earth aura to support those herbs and herbs. Once they have enough aura, they can be promoted .
But now ... Lu Yuan doesn't have so much aura to toss.
"Now there is a lack of reiki. If I want to turn this amaranth into amaranth with half aura of aura, I need to personally transform each part of this amaranth with aura. This is an extremely delicate operation." Saying, "It takes as much energy as picking up tens of millions of dust with a pair of chopsticks."
Kushiro probably understands what Grizzly Daisen means ...
In simple terms, if the Julingzhen is to passively absorb this Chinese cabbage, Grizzly Daxian is forcibly plugging the aura into the mouth of this Chinese cabbage.
Wrong ... It should be said that the cells of this cabbage are rebuilt with aura.
"If a dish is half a ray or a ray of aura ~ ~ How many Grizzly Daxian can make a day?" Lu Yuan asked the key to the question.
不 "Not much, it depends on what Mr. Tree wants to eat, or what people in this world want to eat, and this is what I hope to hear from Mr. Tree."
A grinning grin appeared on the face of the grizzly bear, "I haven't been out of the fairy world for thousands of years. I don't know how the taste of people in the world has changed."
什么 样 What has the taste of modern people become?
Kushiro's target users are actually college students and office workers nearby. What do office workers like to order for takeaway?
There are only four big words in Kushiro's mind ... fried chicken, barbecue.
I was really fried chicken.
When Kushiro was in the university dormitory, the roommates had four meals a day, breakfast in the school cafeteria, noon, evening and supper. The first two meals were all fried chicken, either fried chicken or burger.
There is indeed a health choice in the recipes of contemporary young people, and that is milk tea.
Of course, this is a more extreme situation, but Lu Yuan now opens his mobile phone app and searches for several takeaway shops next to Century Building.
KFC, McDonald's, Burger King, Wallace ... Four King Kongs go hand in hand, all the other takeaways should stand by!
Can Grizzly Daisen use the alchemy furnace to make fried chicken? Does this alchemy furnace have the function of making fried chicken?
And Lu Yuan felt that the medicated diet and fried chicken were not a match at all, so this was rejected directly.
If you do n’t choose from the popular, then choose from the delicious. It happened that Grizzly Daisen picked up a poor crayfish and stroked it with a bear's paw.
Kushiro saw the scene and suddenly had an idea.
"I wonder if you can make crayfish?" Lu Yuan asked.

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