Chapter 120: our world

In fact, when Ji Chen got up and left, Lin Zi woke up. +++ Ranking of the latest Danmei novels:
He thought that Ji Chen was going to the bathroom. Who knew that Ji Chen was getting dressed and going out, at that time he thought, did Ji Chen hide something from himself...
Instinctive suspicion prompted him to follow him quietly, who would have heard such a secret.
Ha ha.
But in this way, all my own puzzles, doubts...all have an explanation!
Yuan Huai is a game designer. He can even interfere with the light brain and affect the progress and plot of the game. Then he naturally has a way to let Ji Chen and himself enter the same game...I thought it was a helmet for winning the prize, thinking it was a pie in the sky. Now, it seems that from the beginning, it was the plot of Ji Chen and Yuan Huai!
And if those npcs are all Ji Chen, then their abnormal behavior, why do they like themselves, there is a reason...
Reminiscing about the life of being ashamed and unscrupulous in the game, Lin Ziran couldn't think of it. The courteous and polite Ji Chen usually has such a face in private...If you don't have a memory loss, you don't know how many tricks you have. Isn’t it a lot of thoughts in my mind?
However, this is not the most important.
The most important thing is that you actually deceived my feelings and made me fail to get credit!
I take the plot and do tasks so seriously, why? Isn't it just for credits?
I have worked hard for credits, I am tired for credits, I bleed for credits, I fight for my credits...
What did you tell me, you just want to fall in love with me, don't want me to take credits? !
Falling in love is not a problem, and bang is not a problem...but you can’t cheat me with credits! This is the bottom line of my principle!
I am so hard, in fact, it is impossible to get credits, because the plot will always collapse, be put on a halo of thousands of people, and forced to play forced love games...
Lin Ziran smiled angrily, his voice quiet: "Why didn't you say that?"
Ji Chen's expression froze on his face, his lips moved, and there was no sound.
Lin Ziran smiled, turned and left!
Before I lost my heart, I felt guilty and thought that I had greened you in the game, and made up for you with guilt...Bah, now it seems that you have taken advantage of me and cheated me!
Big liar and big jerk!
Yuan Huai looked at this scene, his face pale, he ripped his lips, and laughed: "I, I was just kidding, you know me, I can't betray you..."
Ji Chen looked at him fiercely and chased towards Lin Zi without hesitation!
Lin Ziran went back and forth, the more he wanted to get angry!
He felt fooled!
No, I can't go back to Ji Chen... If I go back to Ji Chen's room later, how can I show that I am unhappy?
Lin Ziran turned and walked to his room.
Without taking a few steps, Ji Chen was suddenly caught by Ji Chen, Ji Chen looked at him guiltily, his face blamed himself, and his lips moved slightly: "Sure, you listen to me explain..."
Oh, also explain.
It's just a scumbag-only opening speech, do you think I want to hear your explanation? In order to satisfy one's selfish desires, you have caused me no credit!
Don’t think I can forgive you so easily!
Lin Ziran sneered: "Let go."
Ji Chen pondered for a moment and said seriously: "The plot of the collapse is wrong with me, but don't worry, I can give you a make-up lesson. Credits are not a problem..."
Lin Ziran: "..."
He suddenly remembered one thing. At that time, he met in the library once. Ji Chen took the initiative to focus on himself. At that time, he felt that he was really a good person. It must be guilty to want to come to this big liar!
He made himself unable to get a, so he focused on him and helped him pass the final exam... So, then you knew that you were wrong, but you still didn't know how to repent! Knowing crime plus one grade!
And in fact, now it seems that his acting skills are not so bad?
During this time, the director was also very satisfied with him...
If it wasn’t for Ji Chen’s chaos, he might be able to earn credits by himself! I don’t need to make up for anything at all. It was originally my own credit... I’m so miserable that you are pitting me. Now I’m going to make up for it a bit, and I’m going to expose it?
Who seldom makes up your class!
Lin Ziran was even more angry, throwing Ji Chen's hand away, and said angrily: "I don't think you will help me earn credits."
Said in front of Ji Chen, slammed the door!
Ji Chen: "..."
Lin Zi was angry, the kind that couldn't coax it!
He started a cold war with Ji Chen.
The filming came to an end.
Although it was almost autumn, the weather was occasionally sultry. Lin Zi sat under the awning and fanned the wind. When he looked up and saw Ji Chen coming, he stood up without hesitation and left.
Ji Chen: "..."
In the evening, when everyone had dinner together, when he returned to the hotel, Lin Ziran saw Ji Chen coming, beckoning without hesitation, he left the car first.
Ji Chen: "..."
When he got up the next morning and opened the door, he found that Ji Chen was standing in front of him. Lin Zi turned a blind eye and walked past Ji Chen.
Ji Chen: "..."
After a few days, the crew of the crew began to feel that something was wrong. Didn't the two have a good relationship before? A few days ago, some people speculated whether Ji Chen was in a relationship with Lin Ziran. The two handsome guys were also very eye-catching...
Why did you get into trouble now?
Moreover, it seemed that Ji Chen was chasing Lin Ziran, who disregarded him.
Everyone is very curious, what happened?
There are many curious people, but there is only one who dares to ask. Gu Dao stopped Lin Ziran that day and worriedly said: "What happened to you and Ji Chen?"
Mother Lin had long asked him to help him look at the children. Lin Ziran looked like this, could it be bullied by Ji Chen?
Although Ji Chen is also a child of his friend, if he bullies Lin Ziran, then he must still talk about him.
Lin Ziran has been thinking more about things since he recovered his memory. Gu Dao is not normal for him, and he doesn’t seem to be looking towards Ji Chen. Wouldn’t his parents say hello?
He thought about it and said, "Nothing."
Gu Dao frowned: "Really? You can tell me something, I will give you justice."
It doesn't have to be...
Lin Ziran smiled: "Thank you Gu Dao, I'm really fine."
Gu Dao saw that Lin Ziran really didn't want to say it, so he had no choice but to forget it. For those young people who don't want to intervene by themselves, don't intervene...
"Then pay attention to yourself." Then he shook his head and left.
Lin Ziran exhaled.
Although it is in conflict with Ji Chen, how can this be publicized? What a shame... I was slept without credits, and I lost a lot!
Under Lin Ziran's cold treatment, more than a week passed, except for the lines, Ji Chen failed to say the last sentence with him.
Moreover, the crew was so miscellaneous, it was really inconvenient to make inappropriate actions, and Ji Chen was also reluctant to let Lin Zi provoke rumors.
time flies.
Soon the filming ended and everything went smoothly.
This evening the crew held a banquet.
Lin Ziran and everyone are familiar with it. They ate, drank and drank together. The atmosphere at the scene was very pleasant. Near the end, the actor who played the heroine came over. Smiling and Lin Ziran said: "Zi Ran, I have the opportunity to cooperate with my sister in the future. At that time, we will not act as love rivals, how about acting as a couple?"
Lin Ziran blushed: "...Sister Xian laughed."
And I am not a rival with you!
Sister Xian smiled slightly, with a variety of styles: "No, I am very serious, we have contact information, if there is a suitable drama in the future, you can not quit."
Lin Ziran smiled humbly: "That's for sure."
Halfway through the conversation, Ji Chen walked here with a dull face.
Sister Xian concealed her lips and smiled: "Hey, someone is jealous. I'm gone. I'll talk next time."
Just after she left, Ji Chen came to Lin Ziran, with a vigilant voice in his voice: "When did you become so familiar with her?"
Lin Ziran thought, we are on a set every day, what relationship can I see with her? In general, the relationship between friends!
But he didn't want to explain to Ji Chen, he turned around and left.
Ji Chen pursed his lips and chased him out.
At this moment, everyone was almost gone, and the scene was over. Ji Chen couldn't bear it anymore. He took Lin Ziran's hand and pressed him against the wall. His voice was low, with a hint of grievance: "When are you going to hide me?"
Lin Ziran snorted: "I should ask, when will you be bothering me?"
Ji Chen's eyes darkened, and he seemed sad. He slowly said: "I'm sorry... I didn't lie to you deliberately, but you don't remember me... I..."
I don’t remember you anymore, you can tell me directly, what the is going on?
Bah, I think this is your selfishness, want to play a shame game with me!
Clearly, it is taking advantage of people's danger!
Lin Ziran frowned, very ruthless: "Let's break up."
He pushed Ji Chen away.
Ji Chen was shuffled, his face pale, his thin lips tightened. This sentence seemed to make him very sad...
Lin Ziran looked at him like this, for some reason, his heart softened, but he had let go of his ruthless words, how could Ji Chen be miserable and shake himself?
He gritted his teeth and walked past Ji Chen heartily.
Although the shooting was over, Lin Ziran returned home from the school, and spent time with his parents.
Lin's father and mother are very happy.
The child returned home and his memory was restored, so that they finally let go of their minds... but the good times didn't last long, and after a few days, the two began to worry again, because it seemed to be awkward to Ji Chen.
Dad Lin said: "It's all you, what did you do to hide from him before? They shouldn't really be awkward."
Mother Lin was dissatisfied and said: "How can I blame me, but haven't you remembered it all? If it's still awkward, Ji Chen must have done something wrong."
Dad Lin: "Shall we ask?"
Mother Lin: "Forget it..."
Lin Ziran took a cake from the kitchen and walked out, and saw his parents standing sneakily outside, wondering: "What are you doing?"
The two laughed aloud: "Passing."
Lin Ziran: "..."
He touched his head and left with the cake.
Father Lin and Mother Lin sighed with relief, and then appeared worried again.
Speaking of course, I remember most things. I just forgot about Ji Chen. Wouldn’t Ji Chen bully him?
If this is the case, then break up.
Lin Ziran went back to the bedroom, eating cakes, while sinking into contemplation. Has it been obvious that he has recently shown his parents’ attention?
Does he really look like a crush?
It's clear that he doesn't want Ji Chen's big liar anymore, how can it be a crush?
Huh, so affectionate in the game, the result came back to reality, and gave up as soon as it was pierced, I said that you agreed to break up, and it did not appear, but I said that you love me, I think you are a lie ...
It hurts me that I didn't get credits...
Lin Ziran bit his fork hard, you said I have been home for several days?
Not to mention people, there is not even a phone.
Lin Ziran was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, he couldn't sleep, and he was inexplicably agitated.
Looked at the time, it was less than ten o'clock, go out and relax...
Lin Ziran put on his clothes and went out.
The air at night is much cooler.
Because it was night, there was no one on the street. The rare quiet, Lin Ziran walked leisurely alone.
Somehow, his thoughts drifted away.
He remembered the things in the game. Although sometimes he was angry, sometimes annoyed, and sometimes crazy, but he insisted on playing six games... and he couldn’t say he was unhappy...
After all, there are still many happy and attractive places...
But as soon as I think of it, this is a bureau set up by Ji Chen and others, and this level can't pass.
I feel very distressed.
Forget it, not in a good mood, let's go back.
Lin Ziran turned around and was about to go back. When passing by a black car, the door suddenly opened, and he stretched out his hands and dragged him in!
Lin Ziran was frightened, raised his hand and hit it, and was caught by someone-holding his wrist, and pressing heavily on the top of his head!
Take a look.
Ji Chenjun's face is very deep, the look in the dark black eyes is inexplicable, the Lin Zi who sees is all covered with sweat, and so on... What are you doing, here is the real world!
Don't mess up...
Lin Ziran was a little flustered in his heart. He remembered the side of Ji Chen in the game and suddenly reflected on himself. Wasn’t he irritating Ji Chen himself? He opened his eyes wide and sternly said: "What are you doing?"
Ji Chen's tone was calm and indifferent, saying: "I'm here to apologize to you, because you have been hiding from me, so you have to make a decision."
Lin Ziran's face turned black. This posture made him very passive. He didn't make any effort after earning it, and are you an apology? !
He gritted his teeth unhappy: "I don't need your apology!"
Ji Chen looked at him, suddenly his lips twitched, and the tone of his voice laughed playfully: "Okay, since you are sure you don't need to apologize... then let's discuss it, you are carrying my derailment."
Lin Ziran: "???
Ji Chen's tone was clear, and he said slowly: "When you haven't officially broken up with me, you will fall in love with each other and go to bed with different people in the game. Strictly speaking, you are sorry for me."
If you don’t say this, I’m not angry yet, Lin Ziran immediately defended: "Those people are you!"
Ji Chen: "But you don't know."
Lin Ziran: "..."
Ji Chen approached Lin Ziran and looked at his eyes, saying: "In your eyes, those people are not me, but you still go to bed with them, don't you."
Lin Ziran: "..."
He looked at Ji Chen's dark eyes, his expression embarrassedly solidified on his face. This is indeed the place he most disappointed... but wasn't it your intention?
You used me to lure and confuse me, but now you accuse me of this, is it not fishing law enforcement...
But this is his reason...
Lin Ziran coughed: "That's because I have amnesia, yes, that, I don't remember I have a boyfriend, how can this be called betrayal."
Ji Chen said lightly: "But you think of it now, have you ever thought of confessing to me about what you are doing in the game? Have you ever had any idea of ​​concealment? By the way... I asked when did you learn Cook, you told me that you secretly learned from my back."
Lin Ziran: Oops...
Sure enough, Ji Chen continued to speak with a sneering tone: "That's right, you did learn from my back, and you have a wild man by the way. Have you been happy?"
Lin Ziran: This man is so cruel that he scolds himself, isn't that wild man just you...
Ji Chen's eyes were sharp and he looked at Lin Ziran: "Besides, even if you have amnesia, but have you really been honest with me?"
If you asked me back then, or you told me... I will tell you everything.
Won't lie to you.
Lin Ziran was guilty again, his eyes flickered, and the sudden wits, decided to struggle, said wronged: "I am just for credit, not for men, and... and I am forced, clearly you are Strong-forced me!"
Lin Ziran really felt a little wronged, although he did sleep a little bit better... but he meant that he really wasn’t a sleeping man, he was for the plot...
Did you blame me for falling in love with me...
"Forced?" Ji Chen raised his eyebrows and repeated these three words.
Lin Ziran nodded madly: "Yes!"
"Have you really thought about refusing?" Ji Chen suddenly leaned down-and exhaled in his ear, his voice was hoarse and low: "And... don't you enjoy it? If you really don't want to, why not just Quit the game and reject me."
Lin Ziran stammered nervously: "...I, I don't."
"Really not?" Ji Chen chuckled and looked at him playfully. "Or, you need me to help you recall, eh?"
Lin Ziran: ⺪, I almost forgot that the system is a traitor!
If I knew this, I wouldn't talk indiscriminately. As a result, now I have become the handle.
I regret not being able to describe his mood qaq
Lin Ziran was speechless, he moved uncomfortably twice, and smirked: "We have something to say, don't be impulsive..."
Ji Chen gently bit his ear-lobe, and his tone implied danger: "Do you still break up?"
Lin Ziran: "You can discuss again...Woo, you just click..."
Ji Chen let go of his mouth, Lin Ziran's ear-drops had a tooth mark on it, the young man was wronged, and looked at him pitifully. He didn't open his teeth and dance his claws at this moment, nor was he ruthless.
It's lovable and tight...
But Ji Chen did not let go. He looked deeply at this person because he would never give this person a chance to leave him.
Ji Chen sighed in the throat overflowing for a long time, gently holding Lin Ziran's face, slowly and seriously said: "Don't say that again..."
He just bowed his head and kissed his lips.
Lin Ziran stunned, and then his eyes softened, letting the man kiss him obediently.
Familiar kiss, familiar hug, familiar taste.
Actually do not want to refuse, do not want to leave.
Maybe he didn’t remember him during those times, but deep down in his heart, he never forgot...
The kiss was gentle and soft, and both of them tried their best, as if they could not wait for both to be integrated into their own blood...
In a trance.
Lin Ziran heard the low voice of the man in his ear: "I have always loved you."
Lin Ziran raised his mouth.
I always knew.
Sorry, I briefly forgot about you, but I am glad that those people are all you.
Fortunately, whenever and wherever.
You are always by my side.
[End of text]
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