Chapter 13: Brothers grabbed brother in love

Lin Ziran clutched his (chest xiong) mouth, and after a while, he trembled and picked up the mobile phone that fell on the ground. He looked at it up, down, left, right, and back again and again. .
Wen Yu actually admitted to love!
He felt distressed for Wen Yu, what are you doing? It’s good to directly deny it at this time. It’s just a matter of being calm for a while. Isn’t it still too messy now?
Lin Ziran's heart was ashamed: "I am afraid this plot is not saved."
[System: Are you going to give up? 】
I don’t want to give up, but what should I do? Lin Ziran felt very dazed, can he still fall in love with Wen Yu Lu Sui? Can emotions (strong qiang) come?
Now thinking of my confidence when I first entered the game, I just felt that I was too young.
This junk game is full of pits!
Lin Ziran's expression was in a trance, and said quietly: "System, do you know what the biggest obstacle in love is?"
[System: What is it? 】
Lin Ziran said:
It’s not identity, money, age, (sexuality), etc.. None of these! It’s because of three different views that can’t communicate! Such as Wen Yu and Lu Sui.

Lin Ziran dragged his head in frustration.
Wen Yu has already issued this kind of bib. Should I call and ask? But I am a president, and I am not a girl who wears a bib all day long. I don’t know if it should be strange? Lu Zhen doesn't even have a bib account!
Yes, I just pretended not to know.
If Wen Yu had no news in the afternoon, he would take the initiative to ask him about it, because even if he didn't watch Weibo, someone would tell him sooner or later.
As expected, Zhao Mingze was the first to sit still, and his phone came over quickly.
Zhao Mingze: "Did you see the news online?"
Lin Ziran confused: "What?"
Zhao Mingze: "Wen Yu announced your love affair. Didn't he tell you beforehand?"
Lin Ziran came here thinking about it. If it were not for you, how could Wen Yu do this? I thought it was God assists, who knew it was a pig teammate...
I have to wonder if you are undercover sent by the enemy!
Lin Ziran (Qiang Qiang) Yan Huan said with a smile: "Really? He is willing to disclose that I am very happy, not to say maybe I want to surprise me."
Zhao Mingze heard silence for a moment, and his voice was slightly mute: "You are just happy."
After talking, he hung up the phone directly, and did not greet him as usual. Lin Ziran looked at the phone inexplicably. This villain also seemed not too happy? Is it because the strategy failed?
Until the afternoon, Lin Ziran picked up his phone and called Wen Yu.
It took a while for Wen Yu to answer the phone. It seemed a little noisy there. He lowered his voice quickly and said: "Wait, I will tell you again at night."
Then the phone hung up again.
Lin Ziran froze for a moment, and vaguely heard the voice from the opposite side, as if many reporters were asking.
Forget it, now we can only take one step at a time.
Wen Yu sent out the Weibo, which almost didn't paralyze Weibo. His assistant was desperately beside him. He wished to grab Wenyu's mobile phone and send a stolen message to rescue him!
But... I didn't dare to do it.
The assistant is very puzzled: "Brother Yu, why are you doing this? You can deny it." Why should you tell a world about a relationship? Is it low-key?
They managed to control the situation!
Wen Yu looked down at the phone and said lightly: "Paper cannot cover the fire."
Moreover, he did not want to deny.
He clearly understands that his identity as a (sexual xing) is not conducive to the development of his career. For so many years, he has been carefully hiding his direction (sexual xing), and he has chosen to begin his underground relationship with Lu Zhen who is willing to move in all kinds of ways, not because of How much I love Lu Zhen, but I think Lu Zhen will be a suitable partner. He always calculated everything too clearly...but then he realized that he was wrong. At first he thought he was counting others, but he didn't want to be counted in the end.
Because feelings are not business, they are not so clear after all, even if he is, there will be a day when he is willing to be impulsive.
I would like to be with a person without fear of obstacles.
Will get tired of endless lies and hiding.
Wen Yu clenched his phone tightly. In fact, when he sent that message, he was uneasy. This unrest was not due to the reactions of fans and parties, but what Lin Ziran thought.
I disregarded his ideas and did not ask him for advice. He unilaterally announced his love affair. In fact, it is a bit selfish...
He was afraid to talk to Lin Ziran, Lin Ziran would refuse him to do so, he must not be reluctant to make him embarrassed, he would know that he didn’t need to announce it, he wouldn’t want him to be so sexual...
But I want to be reckless.
Instead of always doing what you should do step by step.
Besides, he still carries a little calculation. Lin Ziran may be a little angry at the beginning of his behavior, but then it should be more moved... moved by his willingness to announce his love for him. After all, if he loves a person, he wants to have a name. Isn't it a copy?
In Lin Ziran's (sexuality) style, seeing what he has done for him, he will definitely want to make up for himself. After all, he is such a gentle and soft-hearted person, and he never wants to owe anyone.
I used this despicably.
Trying to tie each other to yourself in this way...
Wen Yu breathed out slowly, closing his eyes tightly.
He started working again and arranged assistants to do public relations. He was used to blackmail on the Internet. Every star will experience these, but Lin Ziran is not an insider. He does not want Lin Ziran to experience these...
Without Lin Ziran’s consent to unilaterally publish his romance, Lin Ziran will inevitably attract public attention and even bear some of the attacks on the Internet. This situation is inevitable, but he will try his best to maintain Lin Ziran.
The assistant thinks that this is hard for (qiang qiang) people. When you announced your relationship, it was cool, but now you expect the netizens to let go of the other half? ! Don’t you know how many people are waiting for melons? How many people who hate you are waiting to fall into the rock? !
Don’t want Lin Ziran to be scolded and not announce it!
But the assistant has followed Wen Yu for many years and knows that it is not easy for Wen Yu to start from scratch. This time I am afraid that it is true love... what can I do? Can only be put on the scalp.
The hot search of the water army took two steps, and desperately controlled the whitewash, creating a special situation for Wen Yu-personal setting, and (strong qiang) tuned Lin Ziran to be an boyfriend outside the circle, let the fans respect Don’t over-investigate......
Wen Yu was busy until noon, and did not know whether Lin Ziran had read the news or not, what attitude he is now, and some can't wait to go home, but he was surrounded by paparazzi and reporters when he went downstairs.
It happened that Lin Ziran's phone came over, he could only hurriedly hang up, and then drove (qiang qiang) to break through.
In order to get rid of the paparazzi, he drove for a long time. He also parked the car in a public parking lot on the way, and finally let other staff come to pick him up.
When it came to Lin Ziran's house, it was already late.
Wen Yu took a deep breath before finally opening the door.
Lin Ziran was not idle while staying at home. He continued to think about Lu Zhen's identity. It was more appropriate to think about what to say. He thought for an afternoon, and he didn't think of a perfect way.
The plot development has completely lost control...
Then Wen Yu returned.
Lin Ziran looked at him from afar, brewing for a moment, (exposing) a complex expression, and said: "Why are you doing this?"
Wen Yu looked at Lin Ziran's expression, and his heart was awkward, for a while, he walked step by step and looked directly at Lin Ziran's eyes: "Because I love you, I don't want to keep hiding."
Lin Ziran (lu) expressed an anxious look (sex), and said, "Do you know how to blame us online now? I don't care... But what do you do, I don't want to delay your career because of our love, I Do not mind as before, really."
He is not really Lu Zhen, so he can not care about these, but Wen Yu bears it is true.
Wen Yu listened to these words, stunned slightly, and then his expression softened: "So, are you just worried about me?"
Lin Ziran: "I..." Also, not...
Wen Yu smiled suddenly, and his voice was cheerful: "No (guanguan)."
"Even if someone doesn't agree with that, I love you. I'm not afraid of anyone knowing." Wen Yu paused, and said softly: "Sorry, I should have made it public earlier, not because of this kind of thing, Say it in this case..."
If he knew that he would love this person one day, he would not choose to be so indifferent at first.
Lin Ziran was about to cry without tears. He suddenly missed the warm reputation when he first came to this world, but he was kind and indifferent. In fact, what did you say about what happened to you?
Please think more about yourself before you do anything!
And I don't need you to publish the true love relationship qaq
Lin Ziran was about to die, struggling a bit, and said sadly: "I understand your intentions... but you really shouldn't be so impulsive!"
Wen Yu smiled and raised his eyebrows slightly: "If you are talking about my acting career, there is really nothing (guanguan) department, I originally planned to reduce filming in the past two years, and slowly transform behind the scenes."
This sentence is not to comfort Lin Ziran, but really planned so, now it is just to advance the plan a little bit.
He is no longer a fresh rookie (meat rou), he doesn't have to market himself for a little traffic, and he doesn't have to live as carefully as before. Now he is very cautious in taking plays, and he will not hesitate if he is not a boutique or if he likes it. The focus is gradually shifted to the direction of investment. The filming is more just fun. Although the openness (sexuality) orientation is bound to be subject to some malicious attacks, but it is He is harmless and will not affect his resource network...
When you have enough capital and strength, you will not be easily knocked down by a little setback.
Being a perfect person is actually very tiring.
Tired of endless acting, acting in acting, acting in life, gradually forgetting what he really looks like.
Now, he just wants to be himself and love the person he wants to love.
Lin Ziran didn't expect Wen Yu to say such a thing. It seemed that he was very determined and suddenly speechless.
Then he heard Wen Yu say: "Let's live together."
Lin Ziran: "..."
Lin Ziran rested his hands on (chest xiong) and lay on (bed chuang), his eyes were hollow, and he looked like a hairspring.
[Lin Ziran: This is over. 】
A week ago, Wen Yu proposed to live together. Lin Ziran was so swayed that he was now on the cusp of the storm. If they lived together and were found to be too unsafe, they rejected Wen Yu’s proposal. …
They are so affectionate than Jin Jian, cohabitation is sooner or later, unless they break up!
But if you now break up, let alone set up, it is simply unreasonable...
How to do……
Lin Ziran lay until his stomach growled, before drifting downstairs ghostly, ready to give himself a bite to eat...
Suddenly I heard a knock on the door.
Lin Ziran has been like a startled bird recently, but when I think about Wen Yu's key, he won't knock on the door.
When I opened the door, it was Zhao Mingze.
It was this guy who was so weak, not only failed to break them apart, but also let Wen Yu open his love affair, it was even harder to break up!
Lin Ziran was in a low mood and said, "Is there anything wrong with you?"
Zhao Mingze pursed his lips and looked at Lin Ziran. He has seen all the things on the Internet recently, and to be honest, when he learned that Lin Ziran and Wen Yu went on vacation, he really thought about the shot... …
But just when he hesitated whether to do so, Lu Sui first shot.
It seems that simply taking away the company does not satisfy Lu Sui.
So he chose to wait and see the changes. He thought Wen Yu would not hesitate to deny the relationship, so Lin Zi could see clearly that Wen Yu was nothing but him, who knows... Wen Yu even admitted the relationship, this result is very unfavorable to him .
He thought for several days before finally choosing to come over.
Because he understands that if he doesn’t speak again, he won’t have another chance...
"I am worried about you these days." Zhao Mingze's eyes focused.
You are worried about the use, but you can’t help me. Lin Ziran is in a low mood, but with a smile on her face: "No (guanguan), Wen Yu has been with me."
The hand on Zhao Mingze's side was clenched, and the shadow of the bird of prey flashed away.
After a while, his eyes drooped and said slowly: "You are fine, but I think about something, I still think I should tell you."
Lin Ziran said, "What's the matter?"
Zhao Mingze sighed: "Have you ever thought that this time the incident is not accidental, it is someone behind (fuck cao) to control."
Lin Ziran was stunned. He could certainly see this behind the scenes, but what do you mean now, do you want to surrender to me? !
"It's Lu Sui." Zhao Mingze said.
Lin Ziran: "..."
[Lin Ziran: This classmate has a clear mind, and he even came up with this method of stolen and framed! 】
[System: Are you so sure that he lied to you? 】
[Lin Ziran: Of course, do I look like a fool? I'm a man with a script! 】
Isn’t it just acting, who won’t!
Lin Ziran looked at Zhao Mingze with incredible eyes, his lips trembling-shaking, it seemed very unacceptable: "No..."
Zhao Mingze (sex) was helpless and directly said: "He can do that kind of thing, there is nothing he can do."
Lin Ziran didn't believe in evil either, and asked: "Why did he do this? I have no plans to fight with him anymore, he got everything he wanted."
Zhao Mingze was silent for a long time and said: "Don't you know the reason?"
Lin Ziran's expression was blank: "?" What should I know?
Zhao Mingze: "Last time you told me that you suspect that Lu Sui might like Wen Yu."
Lin Ziran: "..."
Tall, superior, attack his shield with his spear.
If Lu Sui really likes Wen Yu, with his scumbing style of acting, love you to abuse your unique thinking, it seems really possible...
First destroy your relationship with Wen Yu, let yourself break up with Wen Yu, and then recover Wen Yu?
The ideal is beautiful, the reality is cruel!
I am afraid that Lu Sui has not fallen in love with Wen Yu yet.
Lin Ziran looked at Zhao Mingze with a straight face. I know the purpose of your coming today. You are here to provoke me and Lu Sui, really a competent villain...
"Lu Sui he..." Lin Ziran (luo) expressed a distressed expression (skin), and smiled palely: "I should believe you at that time."
Zhao Mingze (sex) gently and seriously persuaded: "The past things have passed, I still say that, as long as you need help, I will be here at any time."
Lin Ziran looked at his sincere look and almost believed it. The expression (sex) moved: "Thank you, you have always been my best friend."
Zhao Mingze looked at the man in front of him, Qing Jun's elegant face was a grateful expression. He trusted himself like this, never doubted that he did so, maybe for other purposes...
"I am good to you, not because you are my friend, but because--" Zhao Mingze's throat knot rolled, his eyes (color) dark, and suddenly he said: "I like you."
Lin Ziran's movement stiffened, and his expression almost collapsed. This time he was really shocked.
What are you doing?
What story is going on?
Wait, aren't you satisfied with pretending to be my friend and planning to deceive my feelings? ! This is really terrible, I won't believe you bad guys!
Lin Ziran took a deep breath and said, "I just treat you as a friend. Don't say that again."
Zhao Mingze's eyes were dark and his voice mocked himself: "Really? But I didn't treat you as a friend that night."
what? You didn’t treat me as a friend, that is to say, that night was not an accident, but that you had planned for a long time?
You can't justify me if you're not angry.
Lin Ziran stood up and said angrily: "Do you know what you are talking about?"
"Of course I know, I know every word I say now, and I don't regret that night." Zhao Mingze's eyes were mixed with a kind of paranoid and dangerous (color), his voice was deep and mute: "I just don't want to Keep hiding your heart."
"Enough, you say this again -" Lin Ziran was interrupted halfway by Zhao Mingze.
Zhao Mingze grabbed his wrist, approached suddenly, approached his eyes, and said in a playful tone: "If I say this again, we don't even have friends to do, do we?"
Lin Ziran's throat stagnated, and his eyes fell into the depths of Zhao Mingze's double pupils, as if bitten by something terrible, his back spine stood up, and his lips shook slightly.
If you said that you just acted, but now it is an instinctive reaction, this person is like... really love him.
Love him, but want to eat him.
"I've always been by your side, why can't you try to like me...Where is Wen Yu better than me?" Zhao Mingze said to herself gently, and the dark clouds rolled over her eyes slowly gathered.
"You..." You let me go first and say something!
Lin Ziran's pupils shrank sharply, his chin was snapped, the whole person was pressed hard against the wall, and a very aggressive (sexual) (kiss wen) fell.
He was completely stunned. What happened?
Why didn't even the villain take the plot?
He is so hard!
Wen Yu had just returned home, and when he entered the door, he saw that Zhao Mingze pressed Lin Ziran to the wall (Qiangqiang) (kiss wen), and Lin Ziran was shocked.
Without thinking, he rushed to pull Zhao Mingze away, and in a rage, hit his face with a punch!
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