Chapter 70: Days of rivalry with the emperor

Lin Ziran looked at Feng Yuanji, shocked, and at the same time (exposed) a vigilant expression.
He knew that Feng Yuanji would rebel in the future, but that was because he read the script! At least for the moment, Feng Yuanji shouldn't show (expose) such a side at all, his words are ridiculous!
What's more, he is still a hard-core confidant of Feng Yuanchong. Is he really crazy to say such things to himself?
Feng Yuanji looked at him deeply, (gougou) smiled and said: "Where did Master Li think of it? This king just regrets it for you, anyway, you can count on him for his hard work, but now even you He doesn’t want to leave it to you if he likes it. He has to send someone to the palace..."
Lin Ziran frowned, slowly saying: "Ye Yeh's words are bad, I have never said to the emperor that I like Qi Xuan... Furthermore, even if I really like him, I will not order one as long as the emperor wants. The proton disobeyed him, but it was better for the prince to be cautious and careful, and Mo Yaoping to cause trouble for himself."
Feng Yuan laughed lightly: "You're very faithful..."
Lin Ziran gave him a cold look, no longer entangled with him, turned and strode away.
He returned to his home, thinking left and right, not understanding why Feng Yuanji did so.
However, judging from Feng Yuanji's attitude today, Lin Ziran became more convinced that he didn't really like Qi Xuan! Although he said that he liked it verbally, he never said anything. Even if he stopped him last time, he easily let go. Today, when he announced that he was in the palace, he did not respond. Instead, he was in a mood to talk with himself. Language... If you don't really like it, you can explain it!
Qi Xuan really was just an excuse for Feng Yuan's treason. He may have been ambitious and conspiracy...
I have been hidden in the plot several times!
In this case, Feng Yuanji cannot like Qi Xuan to do this task, but fortunately Feng Yuanji is only a villain male, as long as he is defeated by the end (Feng Sha), Feng Yuanchong and Qi Xuanhe, The plot is considered successful.
Fortunately, the protagonist is still reliable.
Lin Ziran re-listed the plan for himself, the next step: to match the feelings of Feng Yuanchong and Qi Xuan.
Qi Xuan's successful entrance into the palace is a great thing for Lin Ziran.
Next is a copy of Gongdou.
Feng Yuanchong has a harem, which is logical. The emperor who is over 30 years old has a clean body and is not close to a woman (color). That can only be an eunuch... Even the brain-dead dog blood script does not dare to write this.
In fact, for the emperor who stands at the top of rights, (sexuality)-resources are at his fingertips, and there is also the obligation to pass on the lineage, and there is no reason to be indifferent.
However, although Feng Yuanchong has a harem, it is not an emperor who is addicted to women. For the emperor who is in a good position, the harem is nothing more than a place to relieve boredom. Feng Yuanchong's harem is also harmonious.
Until the appearance of Qi Xuan disrupted all this.
Qi Xuanjin is not a harem, not to mention his male favorite. Feng Yuanchong invited him to the palace in the name of talking about poetry and eloquence. His name looks elegant and distinguished, and he is distinguished. Discuss political affairs with Feng Yuanchong.
Qi Xuan's distinctive status and Feng Yuanchong's favor for him quickly made him hatred in the harem, and the jealous concubines and concubines began to shoot him, causing him to struggle in the palace.
However, Lin Ziran felt that if Feng Yuanchong really took Qi Xuan in his heart, he would not be able to protect him and let him be bullied by his concubine. This shows that he is not in love at this time. ...Feng Yuanchong is well-rounded, so where can he focus on whether Qi Xuan has been bullied privately?
Qi Xuanxin was proud and arrogant, and he would not go to the court to report such a result.
This gave Li Ji, the affectionate man, a chance to shoot!
According to the plot, Li Jihui secretly helped Qi Xuan when he was bullied, and secretly took care of Qi Xuan, but Feng Yuanchong was originally caught on the spot by an accident. For the sake of Qi Xuan, his confidant and courtier actually did (insert cha) the hand palace, and he became furious. After punishing Li Ji, he became aware of his exclusive desire for Xuan Xuan...
I am a stepping stone to help Zha Gong to recognize his feelings!
Lin Ziran went into the palace happily.
Of course, he couldn't go directly to Qi Xuan, so the job of entering the palace was to report.
Feng Yuan Chongzheng was sitting in the Imperial Study Room watching the show, watching and throwing a show on the table, and said angrily: "A bunch of waste, there will be nothing, only know that money is required."
Lin Ziran said with respect: "The emperor is angry."
Feng Yuanchong took a deep breath and looked at the docile man in front of him. His temper slightly eased slightly and said warmly: "What's the matter with Zichu?"
Lin Ziran said: "Zheng Jitong is dead, but he hasn't explained anything, and Xu is not in the same party."
Feng Yuanchong's eyes were low, and he said: "Now that he is dead, then this case will be closed."
Lin Ziran was relieved in his heart. If Feng Yuanchong would continue to investigate, that would be a real trouble. Now it is best not to investigate.
Lin Ziran said with respect: "The little minister retreated."
Feng Yuanchong smiled and nodded, watching Lin Ziran leave.
Although Lin Ziran won his trust, he was inconvenienced about some things. Even if Zheng Jitong didn't speak, he knew who he was in his heart... It didn't matter whether he said it or not.
But who let Zheng go must find out, Feng Yuanchong did not think it would be Lin Ziran who betrayed him, but this matter is inconvenient to continue to be handed over to Jin Yiwei to investigate...
Lin Ziran left Yushu Study, turned around and found a little eunuch, stuffed him with a piece of silver, and asked, "Where is Qi Gongzi?"
The little collected the money and smiled, "The slave-servant took the master."
Li Ji is Feng Yuanchong's powerful confidant. He basically comes and goes freely in the palace. The eunuchs are good at observing words (color), and naturally will please Li Ji.
Lin Ziran came to Qi Xuan's place smoothly.
This is a very quiet palace garden, it looks like the environment is not bad, but the little tweeted, said: "This son Qi has also been here for some time, looks like the emperor likes it, in fact it is not equivalent to a A male pet... It’s a soft persimmon without a backer. Yin Guifei doesn’t like him anymore. She secretly deducts his food intake, and he endures not to say anything..."
Even a little said this, it seems that Qi Xuan did not live well.
Feng Yuanchong really didn't know how to pity Xiangxixiyu.
Lin Ziran (lu) showed mercy (color), and took out a piece of silver to the eunuch, saying: "Help me take good care of him, don't let him lack food and clothing."
Yo, it turns out that Qi Gongzi also has some backers...
The held the silver and weighed whether Li Ji was important in the emperor's heart or Yin Guifei was important in the emperor's heart. Then he did not hesitate to take Lin Ziran's silver and laughed: "Master, rest assured, this matter The childcare plan will be done for you."
Qi Xuan was sitting in the courtyard reading a book. Except for a few days after he entered the palace, Feng Yuan Chong Ri summoned him, and he rarely came over.
The food and clothing here are excellent at first, and then gradually become worse. The other party seems to be trying his bottom line a little bit. In the past few days, he has only been sent to a little leftovers.
Qi Xuan knew that the harem was a place where people ate and didn't spit bones. This was just the beginning, but he didn't mind, and still lived his life in spite.
Neither rebelled nor complained, but disappointed many people watching the drama.
Qi Xuan casually looked at the books in his hand. These were originally collected by Lin Ziran. He had everything in the history books. It was great to pass the time. What Lin Ziran gave him, he would Only brought these books into the palace...
The who delivered the meal at noon came on time, but it was not the previous eunuch, but a new face. The little was very flexible at first glance. He placed a lunch box on the table and laughed: "The son is eating. "
Qi Xuan put down the book and opened the food box to see it. It was meaty, steaming, and the most important thing was his favorite taste.
The stood there in a calm manner.
Qi Xuan didn't move, and said lightly: "Is this?"
The little smiled and said: "The son is a blessed person. In this palace, those servants are blind to dare to neglect you."
This was ambiguous, as if Feng Yuanchong had instructed...
Qi Xuan raised her lips and chuckled, "Li Ji let you give it away?"
The eunuch's expression stiffened and his eyes rolled: "I don't know what you're talking about, of course there is only one master in this palace." He said and raised his finger to the sky.
Qi Xuan picked up the chopsticks and said, "Let him not be bothered next time, I don't need it."
Eunuch: "..."
He watched nervously after Qi Xuan finished his meal, and walked out with the food box. His heart was very worried. Master Li specifically told him not to vent (lu) him, but how did Qi Gongzi guess? And what does that last sentence mean?
Let him not bother...who is this ‘he’ referring to?
A few days later, the little stepped into Lin Ziran who entered the palace. He embarrassedly laughed and said, "Master, Qi Gongzi seems to guess you are. I said no, but I don't know if he believed it or not. Don’t bother you, he doesn’t need..."
Lin Ziran was a little surprised. Did Qi Xuan guess it so quickly?
This person is still so stubborn, even if it is painful, do you bother to help yourself...
Lin Ziran said in a deep voice: "I personally went to see him."
The eunuchs along the road had already got through, and Lin Ziran went there carrying the food box himself.
Qi Xuan was still reading in the courtyard. He heard the sound and raised his head. He saw Lin Ziran stepping in with the food box. He sighed indifferently and said, "I said it was unnecessary."
Lin Ziran did not expect the violence (dew) to happen so quickly, and asked, "How do you know it is me?"
Qi Xuan said nothing.
The corner of the lip (gougou) (gougou).
Who else besides you? Could it be Feng Yuanchong?
But this is not necessary.
He (lu) showed a cold look (sex) and said, "I'm fine here, I don't need Master Li to take such care, and this is the palace, even if Master Li is favored, you should also pay attention to your identity. Some are not Don’t come where you should... If you are seen by the emperor, it’s not good for you or me."
Lin Ziran's thoughtfulness, this is Qi Xuan's consistent attitude, cold and alienated (guanguan) line... But as an affectionate male partner, how can he bear the heart to see him so miserable?
Lin Ziran (revealed) with concern and concern, and said again: "If you want to leave... I can go to the emperor and ask him to let you out of the palace."
Qi Xuan's hands tightened suddenly, and his eyes became sharper, and the words said coldly, "I am not clear enough? I don't need you to take care of my affairs."
Lin Zi couldn't do anything else. He had a thick skin. He put the food box on the table and said softly: "Okay, I don't care, but you have to eat well."
Looking at his appearance, Qi Xuan suddenly showed anger (color), and he swept the food box to the ground with a wave of his hand, and the food was scattered on the ground.
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo big fresh food, don’t waste it if you don’t eat it!
Lin Ziran was terribly distressed to see the food on the ground. The protagonist who didn't like this kind of food waste was suffering. He was hurt and said: "I just care about you..."
Qi Xuan looked at the wounded (color) in his eyes, and his heart was dull for a while, but his face was still cold (color), as if he was unwilling to get in touch with him (guanguan), coldly said: "You go Don't come again."
Lin Ziran's (sex) is very sad, I can't leave, who will let you spread my food! I am going to avenge my food today!
He stepped forward and grabbed Qi Xuan's wrist, acting intimately, possessing an affectionate and strong attitude, and resented: "You should not stay here at all, I will take you away..."
Qi Xuan (chest xiong) cavity slightly fluctuated, lips moved slightly, but did not make a sound... Do you know what you are doing?
Suddenly, he looked up behind Lin Ziran, his face (color) changed dramatically: "Emperor."
Lin Ziran was stiff and lying down. Although he was waiting for Feng Yuan Chongcao, he was not ready today!
Is it too sudden?
He also grabbed the protagonist's hand!
Lin Ziran turned pale, turned and knelt down on the ground, "Emperor."
Feng Yuanchong looked at him coldly, his eyes full of anger, he hadn't been angry like this for a long time.
The reason why he let Qi Xuan into the palace is because Lin Ziran likes him, and wants to break Lin Ziran's thoughts... Another reason is that Qi Xuan Nai proton, if he wants to take the Anhe country unexpectedly, he needs To appease Qi Xuan to confuse Anhe, so he pretended to be a favor to him.
It doesn't matter whether Qi Xuan has done it or not, as long as he lives alive.
In fact, the last time Lin Ziran bribed the in the palace to take care of Qi Xuan, he already knew that there was nothing in the palace that could hide his eyes, but he didn't want to be here for a few days. Lin Ziran came again...
Even if he has clearly stated that he likes Xuan Xuan, he still obeys Yin Yin, secretly (inserts cha) the hand palace, and now even privately publishes Qi Xuan. He will take Qi Xuan away at the risk of his anger...
Do you like him that much?
Recalling the scene I saw just now, Feng Yuanchongxin's head was bitten by a poisonous snake, and his anger was unstoppable. He had to admit that he was jealous.
In order to have a proton, you not only defy my orders, but also take him away from the palace privately... Where do you put my emperor, the princes in your heart are humble? !
Lin Ziran knelt down on the floor, sweating nervously, Feng Yuanchong came too suddenly, he was indeed not ready... but the matter was so far, he could only continue the plot.
Anyway, affectionate male matchmaking can not collapse.
Lin Ziran (sexuality) knelt down on the ground and said in a deep voice: "It came from his own initiative, and it has nothing to do with Qi Gongzi."
Do not hesitate to take all the blame!
Resolutely want one person to carry everything for Qi Xuan!
Feng Yuanchong was so angry in his heart! Good, good, good! What a deep affection! For the sake of a proton, ignore the friendship between you and me...
Feng Yuanchong's eyes were cold: "You can be guilty."
Lin Ziran: "Secretary knows the crime."
Feng Yuanchong (thin bao)'s lips were tight, and his eyes were dark, and you didn't understand the lonely heart, but...even if you understand, the person you like is also his...
You are really infatuated with him, but you have to destroy this heart alone, like Qi Xuan, is something he absolutely can not tolerate!
Feng Yuanchong looked at him, his voice was no temperature, slowly said: "Lonely see that you have not really confessed, you just kneel down and confess."
He said in line, "Come here."
Since the appearance of Feng Yuanchong just now, Qi Xuan did not look at Lin Ziran again, as if he had nothing to do with himself, nor did he plead for Lin Ziran... He walked to Feng Yuanchong's side and stood standing.
Feng Yuan looked up at this docile beauty and chuckled softly to comfort: "The lonely affairs are busy during this time, but I almost neglected you and made you wronged, so you move into the lonely palace to live, like this It’s easy to take care of it, so you won’t be fooled.

Qi Xuan (lu) expressed a surprised expression. He was hesitant and frowned, saying, "This is not good..."
Feng Yuanchong said indifferently: "It's okay to say it alone, can anyone dare to question it?"
Qi Xuan fell silent.
Feng Yuan Chong glanced at Lin Ziran on the ground, snorted, and left Qi Xuan directly, leaving him alone in the empty courtyard.
Lin Ziran lowered his head and knelt straight up there.
It looks sad, sad and sad.
Xiao Xiao Suo Suo.
It's actually like this...
[Lin Ziran said excitedly: I almost thought I would roll over today! It turned out to be careless (cha) Liu Liu Chengyin, I didn’t expect it! 】
[System: Yes...] He was also a little surprised...
Although it was accidental to be broken by Feng Yuanchong, the result was a smooth spur-excite Feng Yuanchong and let Qi Xuan move into his bedroom. This is a supreme grace!
The Queen has no such treatment!
Entered Feng Yuanchong's palace.
No one dared to bully Qi Xuan anymore, and the two got along with each other for a long time, and the evolution of feelings is not difficult.
What does it mean to punish yourself for kneeling?
Please beg you for a long time!
Feng Yuanchong took Qi Xuan back to the palace, and Yan Yue (Serile) comforted him, so that people would take him down to live.
The Pei Gao dared to speak, and worriedly said: "Emperor, it is really impolite for you to let Qi Gongzi live here. I am afraid that many people will have to think more about this..."
Originally in the name of talking about poetry, there was a layer of shady cloth, this time directly into the emperor's palace, even if it was pure and white, various patterns had to be spread.
Qi Xuan's reputation was really ruined.
The first beauty is about to become a evil princess.
Feng Yuanchong said indifferently: "Lonely is to let people know the favor of lonely to him. As for whether to put it there, or to put it here, it is nothing more than a place to put it, and what is the relationship."
He is an emperor, who can pet a person to the sky or let one fall into the dust.
It was Qi Xuan who was grilled on the fire, not him.
When Pei Gao thought a little, he understood Feng Yuanchong's thoughts. For Feng Yuanchong, Qi Xuan was a decoration. The decoration didn't need to consider his thoughts.
But he heard that the emperor punished Li Ji for this...
Pei Gao cautiously said: "Master Li is still kneeling there. If you just show it to Qi Gongzi, the slave-servant will make people call him..."
Feng Yuanchong said suddenly, "No!"
Pei Gao was startled, and immediately knelt on the ground, giving himself a palm: "It's a matter of being a slave-servant."
Feng Yuanchong (chest xiong) cavity fluctuated a bit, the man was so stubborn (strong qiang) hard bones, in order not to speak up against Qi Xuan, he did not mean to be soft at all, don’t look at the conviction that he said on the mouth, meaning He will not give up Qi Xuan anyway.
How dare he do this!
Feng Yuanchong said coldly: "It's so lonely to him that he couldn't recognize his identity. Let him kneel for ten hours and let him go."
Pei Gao ordered: "Yes."
He bowed his head and sighed. The emperor always looked at Li Ji. This time he was so cruel, afraid that he was really angry...
Lin Ziran knelt there alone, was a little bored at first, and later became sleepy (sleeping Shui), his legs were soft and tingling, the pain was masked and the feeling was not obvious, but he couldn't do anything about it... Rao is his body. Lian Jiazi's quality is not bad, but it is almost unsustainable to kneel for a few hours.
Almost fell to the ground confusedly.
Quickly pinched himself and cheered himself up.
Keep on clenching your teeth.
As a result, it rained again, and I was drenched...
Waiting until the afternoon of the second day, a little finally came and said, "Master Li, you can go."
Lin Ziran was like an amnesty, and wished to run back now, but he stood up slowly and said slowly: "Okay."
He really couldn't walk fast, so he could only go back step by step, holding his breath without falling down. After returning to his home, he finally couldn't hold it anymore, and slapped on (bed chuang) (sleep Shui) !
Not good anymore! Too sleepy!
That’s right, he doesn’t feel much pain... but sleepiness and fatigue are felt, he really misses (sleeping Shui)!
Because it was too sleepy, Lin Ziran didn't change his clothes, and he fainted (sleeping Shui) on his head (bed chuang).
I don’t know how long it has passed, and it seems that someone picked him up, his eye tremor twitched, opened his eyes and looked at it, then he faced a fierce and deep face, and suddenly his face (color) It's all white: "..."
I go! ! ! You are so scary!
Lin Zi calmed his head slightly and said sharply, "Why is the Lord here?"
Feng Yuanji gently hugged him with one hand, and his eyes were heavy, his expression was not as frivolous as he used to be, and it was a bit unclear (Mo), he said lightly: "Why can't this king be here."
Rogue logic! Lin Ziran said angrily: "Get out."
What this said is irrational, but Feng Yuanji was not angry, but sighed slightly inaudibly.
He loosened Lin Ziran and put him on (bed chuang), reached out and lifted the hem of his robe directly, and even more, he started to lift his pants up. Lin Ziran had no strength because of the injury, he It has been 20 hours since the grain of rice has not dripped, and it has been so weak to kneel for so long that it was easily controlled by Feng Yuanji!
Feng Yuanji pointed to the side of his neck, and the whole person softened, and he couldn't lift any more energy.
Lin Ziran was almost stunned, you (gan)!
Feng Yuanji's face didn't change (color), and Lin Ziran's legs came out, and blood stains had appeared on his knees, and his eyes were black and blue. ) Passing by, pursing his lips coolly and opening: "I said what you do in the palace, it turned out to be a punishment."
Lin Ziran's face (color) is ugly, but here is ancient, brother, you are not so suitable!
But he couldn't move anymore, and he was at his mercy, biting his lips and saying, "What are you going to do?"
Feng Yuan stared at the man on the couch, his black hair was scattered, his eyes were staring at himself fiercely, his red lips bit gently, the corners of his eyes were red with anger, but because of his weakness, there was a little coldness, a little more ( Yan (yan) (color), charming but not soft (hook gou), as if wishing to eat its bones (meat rou).
Feng Yuan laughed suddenly, his voice softly: "Don't move."
He grabbed Lin Ziran's ankle, pushed it up with a gentle push, and then began to give him medicine.
Lin Ziran: "..."
Although I know that you are only helping me take medicine, but this action still makes people feel embarrassed!
Lin Ziran’s ears were flushed with anger, so he had to hide his embarrassment instead of looking away. He couldn’t help thinking, how did he do it, and he fell into wanting his old enemy to come to him in the middle of the night? ) The trousers are on medicine...
I knew that I wouldn't be greedy when I came back (sleep Shui), so I took the medicine first (sleep Shui), wouldn't Feng Yuanji have no reason to lighten himself? !
Feng Yuanji glanced at him, and the man looked embarrassed, and his crimson ears appeared. He seemed very annoyed and helpless. There was no trace of the coldness of the past, but a lovable look...
Feng Yuanji's lip angle could not help rising slightly, which was really weird. He obviously didn't like this person, but he couldn't help caring about him, worrying about him, and came to Baba when he learned that he was punished. Without pitying yourself, even if you don't even deal with the injury, you will faint (sleep Shui) in the past, people can't sit back and watch...
I didn't expect the subconscious approaching temptation, but in the end it was my heart that made waves.
Feng Yuanji thought of this, his eyes were dull, and the struggling (color) surfaced, this person, but Feng Yuanchong's confidant......
What are you doing?
Feng Yuan was very silent, and was about to let go... Suddenly his ears moved, his eyes (colors) changed suddenly, the next moment a light smile appeared on his face, Lin Ziran's clothes were pulled down to cover his knees, and he took him again. Embracing himself in his arms, he smiled indiscriminately: "Master Li is so arrogant on weekdays, and even dare to be arrogant to this king. Why not be arrogant today?"
Lin Ziran opened his eyes in doubt, frowning at Feng Yuanji, did this man change his face too quickly...
Feng Yuanji squeezed his chin, opened his shirt with one hand, and sneered while moving: "Ben Wang can be regarded as your honour. You are so unkind, so many times you hit Ben... I’ve done it to let you know what happened to offend the king!"
Lin Ziran: "..."
I don’t know why, I always feel that this guy is acting a bit too much, and people can’t get into the drama, but he should still show a little bit of shame and anger, right?
Feng Yuanchong is in the Imperial Study.
Pei Gaogong said: "Emperor, late at night, it's time to rest."
But Feng Yuanchong didn't have the slightest (sleep Shui) intention, one day and one night passed, but what emerged in front of him was still Li Ji holding Qi Xuan's hand, with a deep sense of affection, the scene of taking him out of the palace...
This is the first time he has seen Li Ji care about a person like this and care about taking the risk of disobeying himself. He is not unaware of the consequences of doing so, but he is willing to pay such a price for Qi Xuan.
Feng Yuanchong rarely angered like this, he was angry at the man's actions, angry at his choices, so he punished him.
Let him know that he is the master he should be loyal to.
However, why hasn't peace of mind.
Why, after the anger, can't bear it?
Feng Yuanchong called out with a deep breath, and stood up with a pale face, "You go and get the best medicine in the palace."
Pei Gao knew that Feng Yuanchong still couldn't let go of Li Ji, and said, "Yes, slave-maid will go."
Feng Yuanchong took the medicine, and even served the night out of the palace.
When he arrived at the door of Li Ji's house, hesitated for a moment. He punished him yesterday. He came to visit today... Feng Yuanchong laughed bitterly, and for this man, he was almost gone.
But after a long thought, Feng Yuanchong finally pushed the door and went in.
When the doorman saw him, he knelt down to salute quickly, and Feng Yuanchong said lightly: "You don't need to report, just go in by yourself."
Speaking and went in.
When I first entered the courtyard, I found that the light was still on in the house. Lin Ziran should have not rested yet... Feng Yuan Chong paused, preparing to push the door in, and heard that Feng Yuan was frivolous and wanton. Sneer.
"Ben Wang will do you today, let you know the end of offending Ben Wang!"
Feng Yuan Chong Boran (color) changed, quickly stepped forward and directly opened the door!
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