Chapter 9: Brothers grabbed brother in love

Wen Yu was pushed away suddenly, staggering by surprise, he was confused and was about to ask why, he saw Lin Ziran looking at him with disappointment, sadness and anger, and threw a stack of photos on his Body. +++Mobile phone reading visit
He glanced down, his face (color) suddenly turned very ugly.
Lin Ziran stood up, looked at Wen Yu painfully and said, "Do you have anything to explain to me?"
The evidence is like a mountain, you have all the photos you kissed (kiss wen), see how you quibble! Lin Ziran deliberately (exposed) this look, waiting for Wen Yu to break up with him in a showdown! Today, Lu Sui and you must choose one!
Wen Yu was really surprised at first, but he quickly recovered his composure. He bent down and picked up the photos on the ground slowly. After carefully looking at each one, he looked up and said to Lin Ziran: "Someone followed me."
Lin Ziran said coldly: "What's the matter with you and Lu Sui, don't you have anything to tell me?"
Wen Yu's eyes were clear, he looked at Lin Ziran's eyes calmly, and slowly said: "This is just a misunderstanding, I can explain it to you."
Lin Ziran:?
Wait why you explain to me, shouldn't you just break up with me directly? Say you are sorry for me, and say you are in love with my brother...
Wen Yu didn't play cards according to the routine, Lin Ziran was immediately alert, frowning: "How do you plan to explain?"
Wen Yu said slowly: "Lu Sui has been back for more than two months, but from these photos, it can be seen that in such a long time, I have only met with him alone twice, if we are really improper (Guan Guan) Department, how could you only see it twice?"
Lin Zi stunned for a moment, but Wen Yu’s entry point was so different, he actually caught such a loophole, but when he saw the move, he was sad with his face: "Maybe you met, but there is no... How do you explain the picture of (Kiss Wen)?"
Wen Yu suddenly stepped forward, his head came to Lin Ziran's ear, very close, warm breath fell on his ear: "That's it, it's like shooting (kissing wen), and the movie The misalignment here is almost the same. Do I need to show it to you again?"
Lin Ziran: "..."
No, little brother, what's the matter with you? Why not mention breaking up...
Lin Zi took a step back and still seemed to disbelieve. He gritted his teeth and said: "When I asked you to eat that day... You were clearly with Lu Sui, but fooled me into saying that there was a traffic jam. If you really have nothing, Why did you lie to me that day? Why did you meet in private?"
In order to express his sorrow, he tried to squeeze a few tears out, but failed. In the end, he could only desperately open his eyes and said with red eyes: "There is also that day in the back garden, you and Lu Sui... It’s not you Is that right? You met him there intentionally, and I should have discovered it long ago... even believed your previous lies..."
I don't care, you are cheating!
Wen Yu pursed her lips tightly, a little helpless, and sighed: "Not what you think."
Lin Ziran was indifferent and said indifferently: "Also, since you are not willing to tell the truth, I will ask Lu Sui to see how he explains this."
Lin Ziran said this, Wen Yu finally saw a trace of confusion, he reached out and grabbed Lin Ziran's wrist, said: "Wait, next."
Lu Sui is so brazen, he doesn’t even care if Lin Ziran knows about it. If Lin Ziran asks hurriedly, he might still fall into the rock, and (dry gan) admits to the boat, so Lin Ziran must not be asked to ask Lu Then.
Wen Yu thought of this and took a deep breath, seeming to be struggling, slowly said: "Okay, I will tell you everything."
OK, I’ll see how you can explain it, Lin Ziran said, "You said."
Wen Yu said: "Actually, I have known Lu Sui for a long time, and I knew him seven years ago."
Lin Ziran thought Wen Yu would continue to make up and fool around. Unexpectedly, he was so sincere, and he planned to start talking about seven years ago. He was very surprised, but he felt a little bad...
Is it true that he really has a way to fool it?
Wen Yu's eyes narrowed, Lu Sui, since you are so indifferent in your work, don't blame me.
"You probably know a thing or two about the entertainment industry." Wen Yu's eyes were faint, with a hint of self-deprecating meaning: "I just debuted, and some people proposed to support me-to support me, and Lu Sui accidentally came across... He was jealous at that time, and he shot up to help me. Then he quickly went abroad to study, and I haven't seen him again."
So far, it is true, Lin Ziran listened very fascinated.
"I haven't met and contacted for so many years, and I naturally have no relationship with him..." Wen Yu paused and sighed, "I didn't see him again until the day you said you would introduce my brother to me. At that time, I was very surprised, but I didn’t think too much, even thought he didn’t remember me anymore, but who knows..."
Here is about to start making up, Lin Ziran thought.
Wen Yu seemed to suppress his anger and sarcastically raised his lips: "He knows that I am now your boyfriend, but says he is interested in me and likes me. Of course I rejected him, and he was angry and said that I was You can go out to sell, is it okay now? I also said that a person like me is not worthy of you, that day he spoke again in the garden, and I almost impulsively started to deal with him...I asked him to meet yesterday, I also wanted to Make it clear to him in private, so that he will not bother me anymore, but some people have taken such pictures.
Fortunately in front, Lin Zi in the back was stunned, and the black pot was desperately buckling on Lu Suitou! It's really merciless...
But the more half-truth lies, the harder it is to dismantle, and Wen Yu actually filled all the loopholes!
Lin Ziran's eyes were complicated, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.
After Wen Yu said this, it seemed very embarrassing. He let go of Lin Ziran's hand and smiled bitterly: "This is what happened. The reason why I don't want to tell you is that I don't want you to be embarrassed. I didn't expect it to be..."
Lin Ziran sees today's great situation but is about to fall short, and trancely said: "How is it possible, I don't believe that Lu Sui would do such a thing..."
"I know it's hard to believe, but that's what it is, and what I said is true..." Wen Yu looked at Lin Ziran's eyes, and the divine (color) faint pain was dim: "Still, you see it the same way Me? Do you think I'm lying to you?"
of course not! I am an affectionate man who loves you so badly! Wen Yu is so weak that Lu Zhen is expected to eat soft but not hard.
Seeing Wen Yu's enthusiasm, Jedi survive, not only spoiling his reputation, but also living under such disadvantages, he used his wit to reverse the situation, and also handed the black pot to Lu Sui... Lin Ziran's tears that did not come down, finally Start to circle in the eye socket.
Lin Ziran's lips moved slightly, and his voice trembled: "How could I not believe you! I just, didn't expect Lu Sui to be so absurd..."
Wen Yu saw Lin Ziran's angry and sad eyes redden and sighed. Lu Zui's behavior must have been a great blow to Lin Ziran, would he feel betrayed? This was also the reason why he was reluctant to say at the beginning, but now he is forced to help but has to resort to this kind of trick that hurts the enemy by one thousand and damages himself by 800.
With Lin Ziran's love for Lu Sui, even if he believes in himself, I am afraid that he will be in a hurry.
Thinking of this, Wen Yu's heart inevitably showed a trace of anger, but in front of Lin Ziran, it was covered up very well.
His eyes were sad, and he twitched his lips: "I'm sorry."
Lin Ziran saw that he had failed today, and then he was so arrogant that he collapsed, so he changed his attitude and loved to blame his guilt: "You don’t have to feel sorry, this is not your fault, I shouldn’t have figured it out. Doubt you."
Wen Yu finally calmed Lin Ziran down. As soon as he left, his face (color) completely cooled down, and Lu Sui called.
Lu Sui is probably already in (sleeping Shui), his tone is lazy and impatient, "What are you doing with me?"
Wen Yu gritted his teeth: "I didn't expect you to be so mean!" He had previously said that Lu Sui was just a bit arrogant, but he didn't expect to be so unscrupulous.
Inexplicably, Lu Sui said lazily: "If you have something to say, make it clear, so I don't know what it means."
Wen Yu said: "You sent those photos."
Lu Sui finally got a little spirit and curiously said: "What photo?"
Wen Yu said: "It's the photos I met with you, isn't it someone you secretly photographed?"
Lu Sui said strangely, "You said someone took a picture of me meeting you and sent it to my brother?"
Wen Yu finally realized what was wrong and frowned: "Don't you do it?"
Lu Sui laughed: "Who is so empathetic, I haven't had time to tell Lu Zhen that he can't wait to undress us."
Wen Yu: "..."
Lu Sui smiled for a long while before saying: "Although I think this trick is really talented, it is very good, but it is not what I did. I will not admit that the photo was not sent by me."
Wen Yu Shen said: "Isn't it really you?"
Lu Sui snorted: "You believe it or not."
Wen Yu lowered his head and pondered. He thought Lu Sui did it, but now it seems that there is another person hiding in the dark.
Lu Sui was in a very good mood, and had a gossip thought: "My brother must be very sad and disappointed to see those pictures? How did you explain it to him? Would he really break up with you? Gee... still big. What story did the film emperor compose today? Tell me to listen."
Wen Yu angrily hung up the phone.
Lin Ziran saw Wen Yu leave, sitting alone in the house, dejected, and began to deeply reflect on whether his acting was not good enough, or Lu Sui was too weak, causing the plot to deviate more and more.
Obviously such a good opportunity, but he was screwed up. If he hasn't broken up with Wen Yu, how can Wen Yu and Lu Sui develop their relationship? What's behind the abuse-deep relationship? Has Lu Sui's wife chasing crematorium yet?
Zhao Mingze handed him all the knives, but he still cut his own feet. Lin Ziran (lu) showed a toothache expression, he thought left and right, suddenly stood up from the sofa.
[The system witnessed Lin Ziran's process from loss of soul to self-abandonment and rebirth of hope to rekindle hope. Curiously asked: Where are you going? 】
[Lin Ziran: I'm going to find my allies. 】
He couldn't do it alone. It seemed that he still had to turn to Zhao Mingze. Judging from the photos, Zhao Mingze was still very reliable. He was not only cunning but also focused on the plot. Today, this matter should also let Zhao Mingze know that, ventilation, Zhao Mingze knows that this time the plan is not successful and will definitely shoot again.
Besides brainstorming, maybe a way out came out?
It was already late at night, and Lin Ziran did not know whether Zhao Mingze had a rest or not. He would take care of himself, but he still called him and said, "Do you have time now?"
Zhao Mingze's voice was low and dumb, and he seemed to be puzzled: "What's wrong?"
Lin Ziran sighed: "I want to meet you."
The voice from Zhao Mingze seemed to come down from (bed chuang), he said without hesitation: "I am coming to your house or are you coming to my house?"
Lin Ziran was reluctant to risk Zhao Mingze to come to his house now and said, "I will come to your house."
Zhao Mingze said, "Okay."
Soon Lin Ziran came to Zhao Mingze's house, remembering the situation last time was a bit embarrassing, but now the overall situation is important, embarrassment is not important, right.
Lin Ziran took a deep breath, pressed the doorbell, and soon Zhao Mingze came to open the door. He was wearing a black (color) silk (sleeping Shui) dress, and his hair was scattered casually on the forehead, laughing: "You are here. "
Lin Ziran said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I came to you so late..."
Zhao Mingze saw Lin Ziran's sad look, but he was clear in his heart, but (exposed) a concerned expression, said: "No (guanguan), I haven't (sleep Shui). It's you, what's wrong, what did you encounter Is it something?"
Lin Ziran looked at his tender concern, and almost cried aggrieved. Although he knew that the villains were all pretending, it was sincere to help him walk the plot!
Thinking of his failure at Wen Yu just now, his eyes were dull without acting, and Lin Ziran said bitterly, "I don't know where to start..."
Zhao Mingze's eyes changed, he paused and asked in a low voice: "Well, drink?"
Lin Ziran was alert as soon as he heard a drink, no, he can’t drink today, drinking is wrong and drinking is wrong! Quickly refused: "No."
Seeing Lin Ziran's uncomfortable appearance, Zhao Mingze chuckled softly and turned to pour a glass of warm water to Lin Ziran. Only in a gentle tone of encouragement: "What the is going on."
Lin Ziran pondered for a long time, and his voice was painful: "I found out today that Lu Sui may also like Wen Yu."
Does Lu Su like Wen Yu, but not Wen Yu also like Lu Su? In a short sentence, Zhao Mingze was keenly aware that the development of the matter might not be the same as he expected, but he was calm and (exposed) a surprised (sex) said: "Lu Sui likes Wen Yu, won't he? ..."
Well done, you will not know what exactly is happening? Thinking that all the npcs in this game are better than his acting skills, Lin Ziran became more and more depressed. "It was Wen Yu who told me personally. He said that Lu Sui was pestering him."
Lin Ziran's eyes struggled and pained, and said in a dumb voice: "I understand Lu Sui, if he doesn't really like someone, he won't do that kind of things, nor will he persecute him when he knows Wen Yu is my boyfriend Tangle Wen Yu. I also know that Lu Sui did something wrong, but he is my brother after all...
Lu Sui has been angry with me all these years, blaming me for not looking for him when my father sent him away, and blaming me for ignoring him. Now it's not easy to come back. I want to make up for him, but I didn't expect to have such a thing. I don't know what to do with him..."
Zhao Mingze listened silently, it seems that Wen Yu deceived Lin Ziran to pursue him, and the possible way of pursuing was not very good-looking. He also concealed his responsibilities by unwilling Lin Ziran to be sad, and pushed all his responsibilities-down to Lu Sui. Lin Ziran loves Wen Yu deeply and believes in him so that he is entangled in the fact that Lu Sui likes Wen Yu and feels dilemma.
Oh, Zhao Mingze sneered in his heart, but he underestimated Wen Yu.
Lin Ziran finished looking at Zhao Mingze, and the question was thrown, it depends on whether the friendly army can help.
Zhao Mingze pondered for a moment, raised his eyes and stared at him and said, "Are you sure that Lu Sui likes Wen Yu?"
Lin Ziran sighed: "Yes."
But I don't think so. Compared with Wen Yu, Lu Sui's real purpose should be you, and he didn't really let go of the past. If you don't take precautions anymore, the consequences will be serious, but Wen Yu can never stay...
Zhao Mingze's eyes narrowed slightly, and he slowly said: "Since Lu Wen knows that Wen Yu is your boyfriend, he still stabs him in love. Like Wen Wen may be one of the reasons, but have you thought about another possibility..."
Lin Ziran said: "What?"
Zhao Mingze said: "You have never thought that Lu Sui is still blaming you. If he really let go of the past, he would not be able to do such a thing even if he knew he would disappoint you."
Lin Ziran was startled.
"As for Wen Yu, if he really does not have any relationship with Lu Sui, he should make it clear to you earlier, isn't it? It is the safest way for you to come forward and talk to Lu Sui." Zhao Mingze Frowning: "But he kept concealing it until you found it, you have to say, it's impossible...Is it going to work hard between you two?"
Lin Ziran thought that what you said made sense, but you can't discredit my beloved one. Suddenly (dew) expression of vitality said: "Wen Yu is not such a person!"
Zhao Mingze suddenly approached, raised his hand and held Lin Ziran's shoulders, his deep dark eyes stared at him: "Do you really understand Wen Yu? Why have you not seen the reality? In fact, I wanted to tell you long ago, don't be too Get in easily...If Wen Yu really cares about you, he should handle his own affairs, not make you so embarrassed."
Lin Ziran: "I, I..."
Zhao Mingze did not give Lin Ziran the opportunity to avoid it, his voice was low and hoarse, "You think about what I said, even if Wen Yu said it is true, he has no other meaning for Lu Sui, but Lu Sui's behavior? Is it too much? Selfishness (sexuality)... You haven't seen it for so many years, maybe he hasn't been the one you remembered."
After listening to Zhao Mingze's analysis, Lin Ziran almost stood up and applauded. Sure enough, it was still you. This is a double-edged sword. Wen Yu and Lu Sui went black together! While implying that Wen Yu's three minds and two intentions are between our brothers, he also implied that Lu Suiju was deliberately deliberately squandering love.
Although Zhao Mingze made sense, Lu Zhen was not only a love brain, but also a younger brother demon. It was impossible to be moved by Zhao Mingze all at once, but although he does not believe it now... but the seeds of suspicion are buried in his heart, just wait until At the right time, are you still afraid of breaking up? What a great move!
Lin Ziran was content, and today it really didn't come in vain.
Huo Ran stood up and said angrily to Zhao Mingze: "Enough is enough... If we say this again in the future, none of our friends have to do it."
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