Chapter 1267: War of the gods

The world of elements.
"The little girl of Shengyang is not surprised, she should be in the world of the undead."
"Huh? What's wrong, what's wrong with Sheng Yang?"
"You also know that the battle of the gods has broken out in the world of the undead, and the little girl in Shengyang feels that he can take the opportunity to make a big profit in the world of the undead.
Then the girl led a group of little guys and killed them mightily.
Then, there has been no news of Shengyang for a month.
With that girl, flamboyant and flaunting character, if she really gets something in the world of the undead, she will definitely come back.
And with that little girl's temperament, if the undead world hasn't gotten anything, she won't have the patience to stay there anymore.
So, that girl, there is no good fortune. "
"Tsk, this kid."
"If the nine sisters of Shengyang know that their sisters have been unpredictable, they will probably drag their families and kill them to the world of the undead."
"Sure enough, the battle of God will spread.
The Holy Sun should not go to the world of the undead, and the battle between us and the world of the undead will not break out. "
"No, you are wrong.
God war is a matter of time, not only the world of the undead, but also the sky world because of the guy who claims to be the son of the creation god, the war broke out.
This time the world of the undead and the world of the sky broke out at the same time, and it was only a matter of time before the war of the gods spread to other worlds. "
"That means the new-born upper named'Gaia'?"
"Yes, and the Holy Spirit God and Demon God have already noticed this son of God.
Hey, the battle of the gods will surely break out again.
In the war between the three upper gods, the realm of gods will suffocate the creatures, let alone non-spirited realms. "
The ground level world spacecraft, the control center.
"Um hum hum hum ♪
Today is also a good day, I hope every day is a good day~♪
Ah, my Kangkang♪
The world of the undead has ignited a battle of gods because of the composite body of the MH1112 universe.
The undead life is worthy of being the most dazzling civilization in the MH1112 universe, more eye-catching than most human beings in the universe♪
Oh, the 5 countries from 19 earths seem to have performed a good show in the world of the undead♪
Hum hum ♪
Has it begun to transform the undead into creatures? "
As the voice said, he immediately moved his gaze to a strange screen, on which was the information of the entire horizon world spacecraft, the control center of the undead world.
"Transform from one life form to another life form, huh, huh, huh, it’s totally incomprehensible with the current technological level of this group of people on Earth♪
But these guys are working hard enough♪
Compared to the guys in the galaxy who were born with countless golden keys, it seems that the guys on the spaceship 2 are working harder♪"
Talking about the weird liquid screen, the picture turned into a picture of the entire galaxy.
The earth countries that have obtained the jump technology have broken out of the restraint of the atmosphere and are expanding their territories in the galaxy.
And in this galaxy, the countless civilizations happened to be the "skill book" prepared by Naga for them.
The "energy shield" and "omnipotent crystal" that the group of people on earth call are the "magic shields" and "magic crystals" called "magic shields" and "magic crystals" by the indigenous people of this group of swords and magical world on the spacecraft 2.
When the picture fell in an inconspicuous corner of the Milky Way, the voice paused, with a hint of surprise: "The 42nd planet was discovered by humans?
So fast?
It hasn't been long since human beings came out of the earth.
Um hum hum, forget it, if there are 3 AIs like "Valkyrie", "Flower of the Century" and "Water Elf", that group of humans should be fine ♪"
The picture turned, and he returned to the spaceship No. 2 again.
"Um hum hum hum ♪
The little guy in the sky world is also acting according to the script, and the battle of the gods has broken out♪
The next step is to spread from the undead world to the elemental world, the sky world to the underground world, and then to one world to another world, hum hum ♪"
The outbreak of the battle of the gods will be a complete reshuffle of the flat world.
It is not only a consideration of the alternation of old and new gods, but also a consideration of the "devil army" that has traveled through this world.
If they can survive this large-scale battle of the gods, then they can be regarded as obtaining the qualifications of Naga.
"Uh-huh-huh, but the earthlings chosen this time are pretty good♪
Maybe they exceeded the expectations of the naga, maybe they hope they can hand in a good answer♪"
As soon as Xiaoyue's voice fell, the screen shifted to another spaceship, and the voice was a little lost and said: "Abandoned spaceship No. 1 ♪
What you didn’t do, just leave it to me, hehehe♪"
The voice hummed a small song, and the various systems of the entire control center began to operate quickly.
All kinds of symbols and characters, all kinds of calculation methods, and all kinds of programs.
The sound is just like the final check before the game version is updated, carefully checking every detail on the ground-level world spacecraft.
Of course, in the petri dish of the control center, ripples agitated in the liquid in the petri dish.
The voice floated faintly, penetrated the petri dish, entered the liquid, and felt the contents of the liquid.
Colorless, tasteless, and intangible things.
"Um hum hum hum ♪
The battle of the gods, the alternation of the old and the new upper gods, is also a consideration of the five earth countries this time.
‘Holy Spirit’, ‘Devil’, ‘Son of God’ and you who have no name.
The battle of the gods has begun♪"
Feeling the beating of the life of the nameless in the liquid, the voice revealed a hint of joy: "Do you feel the power of other people?
Can't you wait any longer?
Ah, the gods created by the atheism of 1.4 billion people ♪
You are also a god♪
But what is your position? ♪
I really look forward to your appearance♪
What changes will you bring to the world♪
Then, see you later♪"
A pleasant voice came into the ears of the invisible and no-name in the vessel.
When the "breathed" himself for the first time, the picture before him had turned into a sky.
The created through the faith of 1.4 billion people looked blankly at the surrounding sky, the earth and sea with its head down, and the strange hidden world that could be vaguely sensed.
"who am I?
where am I? "
The little guy is obviously very confused. He doesn't know anything or knows anything.
But directly below him, on the ocean, a trace of divine power vaguely spread.
"That thing?
Is it the power of God?
I hate that feeling?
Ah, why do I hate it?
Forget it, I don't know, let's get rid of that guy first.
Ah, by the way, my name?
What's my name?
I miss my name.
Let's call it Lin Dengwan, it sounds nice, hehe. "
The realm of God, the realm of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit suddenly looked into the distance, frowned, and said in surprise: "Wait! How is it possible!?
Why is another upper born?
The ghost of the devil? Or is it the ghost of Gaia? "
God domain, inside the palace of the devil.
The Demon God, who was concentrating on playing chess, jumped in his heart, and unknowingly grabbed his hand placed in the chess basket.
The "click" sound naturally attracted the attention of the fallen angel in front of him.
"Master Devil, what's wrong with you?"
This fallen angel is the guy An Rui accidentally rescued when the Five Kingdoms had just traveled.
The demon squinted his eyes, looked into the distance, and muttered: "The new high-ranking is born. This power is so strong just after birth, I don't know if it is an enemy or a friend."
The fallen angel smashed his mouth: "Huh?
Isn't there Gaia? Why is this world still being born a new upper god? "
The Demon God shook his head: "I don't know, maybe the adult from Shandora has his own ideas."
Sky world.
The birth of Linden Wan also attracted one person's attention, and that was Gaia.
Although Gaia was born much earlier than Linden, Gaia did not believe that this newly-born was weaker than him.
Because he can feel a sense of intimacy from him.
It's like the kind of closeness between two little guys born in the same baby room.
Gaia's little mouth raised slightly, looking at the direction that power came from, and muttered: "No matter what your purpose is, the power of the God of Creation, I'll take care of it."
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