Chapter 1279: Explorer Team

The question of "divine nature" and "human nature" has made the gods present more or less think about it.
And time is running out, and the next day's course will also be over.
But at this time, some students questioned the theory of celestial bodies.
"Teacher, although what you said sounds very reasonable, I think you are deceiving us."
The lecturer looked at the bravely questioning classmate with a smile, and slowly said: "The questioning of things is correct. It is necessary to maintain your own point of view when you have not really investigated one thing.
We pursue the existence of objective facts.
Use your own eyes to witness the authenticity of things.
We do not believe in gods, but only adhere to materialism.
What it is like is what it looks like. "
The classmate continued: "So teacher, I can stick to my point of view. Before seeing the universe you are talking about with my own eyes, I believe that above the sky world is the realm of gods."
The lecturer was not annoyed because the classmate raised his own doubts about the fact that the considerable existence was.
With a smile still on his face, he slowly said, "Of course.
But wanting to prove this matter is actually very simple.
That's all of you flying into space. "
Not only the brave classmate, but also Zhengkui Daojue, Mo Qiuli, and the "nerd" classmate looked at the lecturer curiously.
And Diofe next to Mercury couldn't help getting excited.
Hearing what the lecturer said, it means that everyone has a chance to go to space, my God!
Diofie blushed and went to space. She had been in a science fiction movie when she was shooting a science fiction movie.
If you can really go to space, experience the wonderful sense of weightlessness in space, ah, ah, will it be very comfortable to grind tofu in space?
Thinking of this, Diofe couldn't help blushing, and glanced at Mercury next to her.
Awesome! o(▽)q
The lecturer continued: "We happened to consider this situation when we were giving lectures.
Just recently, our country is cooperating to open a tourist route to the United Spaceport.
Although it has not been officially opened, there are places in our bureau.
Instead, you can choose some lucky classmates and follow our testers to experience the experience of ascending from the ground to space and playing in the United Sky Harbor for a while. "
"Fuck, great, great, great!"
After hearing this, Diofi couldn't help but yelled out, and used the transfer to send a message to An Rui under the table, asking An Rui, the rich man to help arrange arrangements.
An Rui, who was "suppressing bandits" in the undead world, not only asked his family to sponsor a large amount of scientific research funds for related institutions, but also immediately contacted the bureau and raised Diofi's request.
Xue Yang made arrangements long ago, and the names of Diofi, Mercury, and Zhengkui Daojue were written on the heavenly personnel early.
An Rui quickly returned a message to Diofi: "Ann, Sister Fei, there are you and Sister Li. The bureau has already arranged it.
In the undead world's "suppression bandit", you are busy, don't return. "
Diofi happily took a welfare photo and sent it to console her, a serious welfare photo.
And staring at the lecturer among the teachers happily.
Non-governmental tourism is also China's first attempt. The materials separated from the mimetic ball have accelerated the development of aerospace technology.
Moreover, the shuttle technology exchanged from Scardi and Lucia also enabled China to become the forefront of the five countries in the field of aerospace.
Coupled with the continuous expansion of the space platform of the United Spaceport for several years, private space travel is naturally on the agenda.
The lecturer said: "Because this is a test, my place is limited.
Although you can take everyone to Qiongzhou, there are not many students who can really get on the rocket.
Of course, don’t be sad if you don’t get in. After the civil space travel is officially opened, the bureau will naturally arrange for everyone to go to heaven.
So that's all for today's class. Let's go back to the dormitory to rest.
At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, we will gather in the parking lot of the bureau on time, and then we will fly to the launch site in Qiongzhou.
Okay, get out of class is over! "
"stand up!
Say ‘goodbye teacher’! "
Zheng Kui Daojue stood up with a "wow", and the majesty of the "squad leader" immediately brought up the spirit classmates in the classroom.
"goodbye teacher-"

Galileo returned to his dormitory, which was a 4-bed dormitory.
For the gods, it was quite crowded.
After all, people usually live in palaces and so on. Just a toilet is bigger than the area of ​​this dormitory.
But there are so many modern equipment in the dormitory that the gods play with electronic products and have long forgotten the area of ​​this "snail house".
The Internet, a different-dimensional space, provides an infinite area for them to use.
The first thing Galileo did when he returned to the dormitory was to turn on the thin-screen computer and prepare for casualties to check information about the stars.
The second deity who returned to the dormitory was Cora. ​​That guy was a spirit deity who walked directly through the wall and floated in.
Immediately after the third came back, a guy named Magellan.
As for the last one to return, it was a lower named Amundsen.
Magellan sat down on the bed, holding his head, leaning against the wall, knocking on Erlang's legs and said: "According to what the teacher said, didn't I go from west to east, keep walking, and then I can go back to the original point?
If so, can I prove that the world is a ball, or ring, or barrel, not a disc?
I'm such a genius. "
The spirit named Kola said: "Didn't the teacher say that, this world is a plate, it is flat, and there is a satellite map."
Magellan snorted coldly: "Does the teacher mean what he says? Wouldn't you question it?
Didn't the teacher also say that the facts are considerable.
Before seeing things with my own eyes, I will stick to my point of view, and I will stick to my guess.
So I decided to start from one point and walk eastward to see if I could get back to the original point.
If it is the flat world of the disc, then I have been walking in one direction, and I will definitely fall. "
"Ah this..."
It seems to be such a reason, if you walk in a straight line, you will walk to the edge and then fall down.
But this flat world is made by Naga, the north pole is in the center of the disc, the south pole is on the outermost circle of the disc, and the equator is in the middle of the north and south poles.
The north, south, east and west are fixed. Even if you go eastward in a "straight line", you will eventually be calibrated to the "ring".
Seeing Magellan's triumphant face, Cora did not continue.
But for another thing the lecturer mentioned, Cora was very interested: "The teacher said that except for the ground, sky, and underwater world, other worlds exist independently and are located under our feet.
Since Magellan has such an exploratory spirit, I think I can too.
I plan to go all the way down to see what is under our feet.
Is it with other worlds, or something. "
Magellan chuckled and said, "Brother, I have an idea. We are a group of people."
As they said, they looked at the two remaining people in the dormitory again, and saw that the lower named Amundsen opened his mouth: "Since you two have done this, I also try to explore this world.
The far north is Shandora, the cemetery of the gods, I dare not go.
But in the far south, no one has been.
So I plan to find some time and go all the way south.
See if there is a rolling iceberg tens of thousands of kilometers high, built by naga, just like what the teacher said.
Maybe I can climb up and then cross the dome from the South Pole into the universe.
If all of this is real. "
Galileo, who had entered the web browsing interface next to him, said, "The sky should be real.
If Amundsen climbs a mountain from Antarctica through the dome and enters space, you have to be careful. The universe exists in a vacuum. There is no so-called ‘oxygen’ there. Perhaps you will die if you cross the dome. "
Amundsen shrugged his shoulders: "Who knows, first go to the Antarctic and then talk about it."
"How about you, Galileo?"
The three roommates looked at Galileo. They only listened to Galileo for a while, and said slowly, "Well...I, if I didn’t choose to sit on a rocket this time, I might give it a try and see from the ground. The world, flying up, is it really into space?"
"Okay, the four of us are all explorers, hehehe..."
"In this case, let's make an agreement. Use the eyes of the four of us to witness this world. Is it really just like what the Huaxia people said."
"From today, the four of us will be called the "Explorer Team"!"
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