Chapter 1394: Recreation Island Crack

24 hours after the water angel was killed, near the ocean dome of Rest Island.
A battleship is cruising around here, and scientific research ships are driving various inspections and exploring the dome.
In the sky, there are drones responsible for alert and drones responsible for exploration.
These warships were all directly teleported from a distance through the targets established by the Yama Strategic Support Base on West Ham.
The sea dome with a diameter of 10 kilometers, from a distance, looks like a huge bowl, buckled on the coast.
But this bowl is made entirely of sea water.
"Ready to release the deep-sea submarine!"
A scientific research ship sailed to the edge of the ocean dome, and the bow of the ship even disappeared into the dome of the ocean dome.
A scientist walked over, looked at the wall of sea water in front of him, stretched out his hand, stirred in the ocean dome inside, and then pulled it back.
Throwing away the seawater in his hand, he looked at the submarine on the side of the ship.
The scientists and operators on board are carefully hoisting a cautious yellow submarine.
"Be careful! Be careful!"
"Slow down! Slow down!"
As the submarine fell into the water, the operators also breathed a sigh of relief.
"Get ready to enter the dome."
"it is good."
Following the manipulation of the ship's operators, the propellers of the unmanned submarine began to "puff" and move.
In a short time, he sailed from the scientific research ship into the ocean dome.
"When will the guys from the bureau come?"
"It should be soon."
Although the unmanned submarine is good, but these scientists do not reject those powerful guys, carrying cameras into the dome.
In case of an unmanned submarine's accident, at least you can rely on those guys.
After the submarine was launched, half of its body was exposed on the surface of the sea, and it slowly sailed towards the ocean dome in front of it.
Although it has been tested, entering the dome directly from outside the dome will not be affected much.
But for the safety of the submarine, the overall sailing speed is still very slow.
A minute later, when the submarine touched the dome, the entire hull also sank in everyone's eyes.
"The submarine has entered the inside of the dome!"
"Start sonar!"
"Turn on the searchlight!"
"Pay close attention to the movements of the submarine!"
With a diameter of 230 kilometers, the entire height of the dome has reached as much as 5 kilometers.
Not long after the submarine entered, the light from the outside sun dimmed.
The submarine's own camera needs to take the picture, which completely needs to rely on searchlights to complete, and it is not particularly clear.
The sea turned over to form a huge dome, which seemed to have little effect on the fish on the facade.
The fishes are still as usual, swimming freely in the dome.
Sonar can occasionally catch a few giant sea beasts or fish, passing not far away.
Some unseen deep-sea fishes in the central sea were also discovered by submarines.
However, the scientists restrained the hearts of collecting these central marine fishes and sea beasts, and controlled the submarine towards the direction of the resting island.
"Continue to the rest island."
According to the scene captured yesterday, after the water angel was blown up, the shock wave released from the body turned the entire rest island over and constructed such a dome with the rest island as the center of the circle.
I still don’t know what the rest island at the center looks like.
"The sonar has captured the islands under the sea. It should be a resting island."
If you compare the 230-kilometer-diameter ocean dome, the outer layer of sea water is the flesh of lychees, and the resting island is the seed.
It didn't take long for the submarine to sail near the rest island.
"The pressure is normal!"
"The connection is normal!"
As the submarine scanned, the outline of the resting island gradually emerged, forming a holographic 3D projection in the scientific research ship.
However, a scientific research ship can not observe the full view of the rest island, which is a huge island after all.
Of course, near the dome is not just a research ship.
There are many other research ships and submarines, as well as naval submarines.
After the submarine scans the information it can scan, it continues to move toward the depths of the rest island.
"Good fellow, the entire rest island has also turned around."
In the previous battle, the joint command headquarters saw with their own eyes that the rest island followed the entire sea surface turned over.
If the sea is aside, the island and the part under the sea is a mountain.
But the energy of the water angel broke the entire island directly, and the island came over.
If you insist, the rest island has now completely changed from a serious island to a floating island upside down.
"Irregular cracks have formed on the back of the rest island, a lot of strength."
The researchers sighed while controlling the submarine towards the deep back of the island.
Above the dome, drones also began to use the sonar system to scan the entire northern side of the island to determine the topography.
A few hours later, when I was driving into the deep back of the rest island, the magic detector that could be equipped on the premise suddenly issued an alarm.
"Detected a magic reaction ahead!"
"Record the coordinates!
Hurry up and notify the navy! "
If there is a magic reaction, it means that there may be danger ahead.
Although some sea beasts also use magic, there are others that are more dangerous.
After the navy was notified, the navy also began to directly issue orders to the scientific research ship, asking the submarine to move toward the place where the magic energy reacted.
The scientists hesitated, but still agreed to the Navy's request.
The submarine continued to drive in the direction of the magic reaction, and soon, the camera found a bright light in the dark water in the distance.
"There is light?"
The navy directly ordered: "Be careful to approach and investigate."
As the submarine continued to deepen, the light became brighter.
Scientists have also started to calculate. According to the magic monitoring and distance calculation, the luminous zone in the distance is at least 5 kilometers long.
The 5 kilometers of luminous zone, the ghost knows what it is.
After a short while, when the submarine drove to the luminous zone, the scene in front of them stunned everyone.
Where is the luminous band? This is clearly a crack.
Just like the crack in Varua, on the other side of the crack in the island, there is also another scene.
"It's a crack!"
"There are cracks in the rest island too!?"
The submarine did not dare to move on, but stopped on the side of the crack.
At the other end of the crack, there is also endless sea water.
It seems that the currents of the two worlds are interlinked, without causing any abnormality in the submarine.
The news also reached the headquarters of the Space-Time Administration. Xue Yang and the people in the analysis department looked at them and were surprised: "A crack like Varua's crack?
In other words, this is produced by the energy released by the water angel after the explosion? "
Outside the dome, on the scientific research ship, a scientist in charge of monitoring suddenly shouted: "What has passed by?"
Something jumped out from the crack. The speed of the thing was so fast that the sonar couldn't lock its shape at all for a while.
The guy looked like a human being, with the light source of the crack on his back, and he couldn't see what it was at all.
There was a sound of water driving, like a supersonic torpedo, it disappeared.
"What it is?!"
Then, there was a "gurulu" noise around the submarine.
"That guy is spinning around the submarine?"
The camera hurriedly turned around, but the bubbles in the sea water could not tell what it was.
"That guy won't destroy our submarine, will he?"
The guy seemed to be playing with a submarine, and finally stopped after a while.
At this time, the searchlight also hit the guy's body, and the camera was aimed there.
I saw a muscular man with a big beard, golden yellow fish scale armor and long steel forks in both hands, appeared in front of the submarine.
Holding the steel fork in both hands, facing the submarine, with a "grunt" sound, the submarine completely lost its signal.
"Oh, the submarine disconnected from us."
"Attacked by that guy."
The navy side also held their breath. What is certain at present is that there is a crack leading to another world under the dome, and the people on the other side of the crack have started working on the submarine.
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