Chapter 1435: Peaceful development

Undead World, Space-Time Administration.
Powell, Grosso, Konan and Greenland sat on a big round table in a proper manner.
Beside these four guys, there is the "law of thunder and lightning" Tetra who has "jumped back".
Obviously, Tetra, who had worked with the earthlings early in the morning, was the easiest guy among the five laws on this round table.
That guy was chatting with Newman, one of the three descendants of the "Lord of the Abyss", the representative of the gods in the underground world next to him.
On the round table, in addition to the five rules, An Rui, one of the three rulers of the undead world, was also among them.
As for the "Red Moon" Diofi, which represents the Supreme Council of Aghanim, the other two masters of the world of the undead, "Mingyue" Mercury, the "pen-holder" Zheng Kui Daojue, and the representative of the underwater world The gods all appeared on the round table in the form of holographic images.
In addition to the gods of the underground, ground, seabed, and undead world, the representatives of the personnel of the five countries of the earth have also been projected through holography one after another.
As the representative of China, Li Na said: "Everyone in the element world, I am very glad that you can participate in this conference that concerns the security of all the worlds."
The grumpy Greenlant snorted, can this not come, he was caught directly.
Greenlant was restrained by the despicable earthlings with a magic bullet, and was stunned by An Rui and felt dissatisfied.
But in the face of the CPA fighters with live ammunition and the field staff of the Spirit Division of the Time and Space Administration, even if there are five laws of the elemental world like Greenland, no matter how strong the temper is, they have to be suffocated.
Glancing at Powell next to him, the guy's shaved arm has grown back.
As the only one among the Five Rules of Law who has ever played head-on with Chinese people, Powell has also changed from an unruly appearance to a good student at this time.
It looks like "you say, you say", "I listen, I listen".
As for Conan and Grosso, one judged the situation and pretended to be dead on the spot, while the other was directly stunned by An Rui.
Powerful laws can't stand up at all now.
Devil bullets, the elements of the elemental world, are natural restraint weapons, even these gods will feel a headache.
Li Na continued: "Gaia in the sky world has made several shocks.
The first impact opened the gap between the underground world and the ground world.
However, we handled it properly and reached an agreement with the gods of the underground world soon, which prevented the possibility of a war between the gods of the earth world and the underground world.
The second impact opened the gap between the ground world and the underwater world.
Of course, we have handled it properly as always. The ground world and the underwater world have also reached an agreement. It is impossible for the war of the gods to break out between the two worlds.
The third impact, according to our understanding, was that Gaia used the'Skywalker' in an attempt to open the gap between the undead world and the elemental world.
Use the hatred between the two worlds to cause the two worlds to break out of the battle of the gods. "
There is indeed animosity between the elements and the undead. In the flat world, all creatures die, and there is a chance that they will be transformed into undead.
But the guys in the elemental world alone, their deaths are directly transformed into pure elements, that is, magic factors, and cannot be transformed into undead at all.
Therefore, the undead is hostile to the elements.
Likewise, the elements are as hostile to the undead.
The mutual hostility between the two worlds has been an unsolvable problem since ancient times.
Li Na looked at the expressions of the Laws. Although everyone can sit here, including Tetra, there is still a lot of hostility towards the undead.
However, Li Na opened a holographic screen to show the various scenes of the undead world captured.
Introduced: "Perhaps before, the two worlds were in a hostile relationship.
The undead are a group of existence without thoughts and emotions, which will only bring death and disaster.
There is a strong breath of death everywhere here, which makes the elements unable to bear it.
But now, with the spread of civilization, the age of ignorance in the undead world is about to pass.
Everyone of the elemental world, look at the current world of undead, look at the current undead.
Buildings of reinforced concrete and even bricks rose from the ground, and straight concrete roads led from this end of the undead world to the other end of the undead world.
Those undead who were once nothing are also transforming towards beings in this great era.
At the same time, the entire world is also going to be undead and transforming into the world of living beings.
Look at the lush trees, full of life.
Look at the animals in this forest. Many of them have migrated from the ground world or the world of other creatures.
Today's undead world is different from other places.
Feel the environment around you, you can even feel the existence of many elements from here. "
The element, as a magic factor, floats in the air.
This is the most basic raw material needed to cast spells.
The Five Laws slightly felt the elements around him. Although they were not as rich as the element world and not as abundant as the normal world, there were indeed more elements here than in the undead world before.
Perhaps this is exactly what the earthlings said in front of them, because the evolution of the undead world has caused tremendous changes in the ecological environment of this world.
At this time, as the representative of the gods of the undead world, An Rui also expressed his stance: "As Director Li said, the undead world has indeed changed a lot.
Not only from the ecological environment, the world of the undead began to reverse.
At the same time, in terms of the pattern, the world of the undead began to gradually move towards a normal path under the guidance of the earthlings.
We have established the Supreme Conference of the Undead World, we have unified the thoughts of the gods of the Undead World, and effectively restrained the internal movement of the gods of the Undead World.
We have established the Continental Conference on the continents of the Undead World. As the gods, we have the obligation to civilize the inhabitants of this world together with the people on earth.
Let them go from the age of ignorance to the bright modern day.
With the help and guidance of the people of the earth, the continents of the undead world are developing at a high speed.
And we gods, who claim to be the guardians of the world, also hope for a stable development of the world.
Therefore, on behalf of the Supreme Council of the Undead World, on behalf of the gods of the Supreme Council of the Undead World, I would like to extend my greetings to all of you in the elemental world.
The Undead World hopes to maintain peaceful development with the Elemental World, and let the five major cracks become a bridge between the two worlds.
Let the two worlds that could not be connected because of the existence of boundaries, be connected together.
At the same time, the Undead World is also willing to serve as a transit point for everyone in the Elemental World, whether it is the gods or the elements, to travel to and from the ground, underground, and underwater world through cracks and portals.
Let each of our worlds be closely connected.
Let us live together in peace, work together, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.
Let Gaia's evil plan go bankrupt.
Several of our worlds cannot be involved in the battle of the gods, our gods do not agree, let alone the creatures living in this world.
We should join hands to resist Gaia, the initiator of disrupting the entire world. "
The inside and outside of An Rui's words are very simple. The Undead World does not want to war with the Elemental World.
In addition, the underground world, the underwater world, and the ground world are also on the side of the undead world.
What's more, there are not only the existence of gods in the terrestrial world, but also people from another world.
Their strength is beyond doubt.
Huaxia and Lucia have already encountered the law of the elemental world.
As for the other three countries that have not been encountered before, they can still be judged based on the strength of Huaxia and Lucia.
Looking around the entire venue, this is a meeting where the earth, the ground, the underground, the seabed, and the undead world unite to exert pressure on the elemental world.
Force the elemental world and sign a peace agreement.
Once rejected, it is likely to be suppressed by the four worlds.
The rules looked at each other, and Tetra jumped back first and raised his hand: "I agree to keep peace, and the elemental world does not want war. All this is Gaia's fault."
Good guys, everyone wanted to be a conqueror before, but now?
Kong Nan, who fought against the Lucias, followed closely: "I second, live together peacefully."
Powell, who has been beaten up front, is quite honest. The Earthlings’ magic bullets have innately restrained the elemental world, not to mention joining hands with several other worlds: "I also agree that we should live together in peace."
Grosso saw that the three agreed and agreed: "We should sign a peace treaty."
Seeing that the general situation was gone, Greenlant held his hands and snorted coldly, turning his head to the side, as if it had nothing to do with him: "It's up to you."
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