Chapter 1475: Communicator Repair Shop

Carinthia Kingdom, in a communicator repair shop in Ann Ruibao, the shop owner is tilting his legs on the display cabinet, leaning back on the chair, staring at the stock information on the holographic screen in front of him, and there is nothing on the other side. Said to the Carinthia guests at the counter.
"Oh, you have an old cell phone.
Look, now Carinthias, who still uses this kind of mobile phone.
This mobile phone, placed 18 years ago, may still be popular in China, but it has been around for many years.
Even in Carinthia, wrist-type communicators have become mainstream.
Those high-ranking officials and powerful people have all used domestic holograms.
Your cell phone, tut tut, it's not easy to repair.
You see, running a program here takes a long time.
Like these apps now, how much support the previous mobile phones are there?
I'll give you 68 soft coins. Do you a favor and collect your mobile phone.
You go out and have a look. In the entire Anruibao, besides our house, there are several other companies that collect such old mobile phones. "
The standard of living of the people of Carinthia has been since the arrival of China.
First, An Rui became king and quickly unified the entire Carinthia, giving Carinthia a stable environment for business development.
Then, amidst the turmoil in the north, assisted China and quickly calmed the situation in the north, bringing the north into a long-term stable situation.
It is precisely because of the stability of the internal and external environment and the dedication of Huaxia to help that the economy of Carinthia is so prosperous.
The people's living standards have also been greatly improved as a result.
Fort Anri, the capital of the Kingdom of Carinthia, has also become the most splendid native city in the world on the entire continent of Aghanim.
Because of the arrival of a large number of Chinese people and the business travels between the east and the west, An Ruibao is not as modern as China's first- and second-tier cities, but the threshold of third-tier cities can barely be touched.
The customer in the shop is a new Carinthia immigrant who entered the Kingdom of Carinthia through labor export from a member of the Holy Aghanim United Empire.
Although it has been two years since I came to Carinthia, the wealth I saved was used to handle immigration and related procedures this year, and became an official Carinthia.
The communicator in my hand is also the first year I came to Carinthia. I bought a cheap mobile phone that I don’t know how many hands I bought from the Internet.
As my first mobile phone, I still remember the purchase price at that time.
Since it is a mobile phone that China has almost completely eliminated, the network price is 266.
Looking at the purchase price quoted by the shop owner, the customer looked at the mobile phone on the display cabinet blankly, with a trace of perseverance in his eyes.
But counting the usage time, this phone is also worth it.
"68 is 68, it's better than nothing."
The corner of the shop owner’s mouth rose slightly, and then he swept the phone down from the display cabinet:
Well, 68, you can have a good meal.

After Ma Liudi paid the recovered amount online, the shop owner said goodbye to the customer.
Mobile phones 18 years ago are useless to people today, especially for Chinese people who live well.
But for the shop owner, 68 receives a mobile phone, it is a blood profit.
At this time, a cheap home smart robot moved over.
Shop owners cannot afford expensive home smart robots and commercial smart robots.
Seeing that dirty, scarred robot swept the phone into the built-in storage box, even turned around, and entered the small warehouse behind the shop that was covered by a curtain.
The shop owner closed the stock information, and immediately opened the browsing page of the online shopping mall, and sighed: "It's time to get a new one."
Once he was very downcast.
Even as a Norther among the many Chinese people, they have not been able to dig up "gold" in this rich place in the north.
It just opened a small communication device repair shop to make money from the Carinthians.
But now, a new project was discovered by him, and the generous rewards of large sums of money gave him a feeling of being a late bloomer.
Seeing his online shopping mall's soft balance of 189416, the boss said to himself with a smile: "Who said I had failed in my journey to the north, but the Nuggets had finished digging.
The old paper is getting rich, this is just the beginning. "
The 300,000 shares that he lost in a week didn't make him care too much.
It seems that you can easily make money with a wave of your hand. Buying stocks is just like playing.
The balance in the online shopping mall is not his entire property. Among his several bank cards, he has a total of more than 5 million soft wealth.
This is only earned in a week, and has not yet counted those lavish expenditures.
After choosing a smart robot worth 18888 for adult bedroom use, the shop owner satisfactorily closed the web page.
At this time, a Carinthian came in.
He threw a holographic communicator on the display cabinet and asked: "Boss, can the latest hologram be repaired?"
The boss took a look, oh, the holographic communicator, the user is still Carinthia, this rich man.
Immediately he looked at the Carinthia in front of him, and said in his heart: "The Carinthia that can use the hologram is either rich or expensive."
However, repairing the hologram is very troublesome. After looking at the Carinthian’s dress, and confirming that this guy is not some of the powerful and upper-class Carinthians, the boss said with a little disgust: "This hologram, no It's easy to repair, you can find another house."
Now the boss who can find the big money doesn't care about repairing these things at all.
More in the name of repair shops, the recycling of old mobile phones that even Carinthias don’t want.
The Carinthian said, "Don't mention the boss, I can't find another house."
The boss frowned and twitched his mouth: "Hi, I'm sorry, I'm so ignorant, I really can't cultivate this hologram."
I clicked on the old mobile phone case in the display cabinet. Inside it was a shipment from a few years ago or even more than a decade ago, and said: "These communicators are not very complicated, I have no problem.
As for the hologram, forget it. "
After the Carinthian heard this, he got up and walked around behind the display cabinet, ready to take out his mobile phone to check it.
The shop owner suddenly sat up with a "wow" surprise, and yelled: "Hey, hey, what are you doing, who let you in, go out!"
The shop owner directly stretched out his hand to push the Carinthian, who knows that the Carinthian grabbed a backhand and directly pressed the shop owner's "bang" on the display cabinet.
"What are you doing!"
The Carinthias said unhurriedly: "I belong to the Carinthia Joint Investigation Team. Please be honest with me. We suspect that you are engaged in hostile activities, so we will check you."
At this time, several local special police officers from Carinthia surrounded directly and rushed into the shop.
The shop owner saw that this group of guys were actually playing and carrying guns.
With a "grumbling", he swallowed, too scared to speak.
At this time, a Chinese man in a suit and leather shoes walked into the shop, took a cold look at the shop owner who was pressed on the display cabinet, then turned his head and strode towards the small warehouse covered with curtains.
"do not…"
However, the man in the suit did not pay attention to his intentions, and opened the curtain with a "wow", and saw that the entire dark room was filled with old-fashioned mobile phone screens with dots of stars.
The robot in the small warehouse also ran over: "I broke into someone else’s room illegally, what do you want, I want to call the police..."
Before the words were finished, a Carinthia special police pressed the controller on his wrist, and the robot was immediately turned off.
"Mobile phones in the warehouse, good fellow."
He pointed to the mobile phone in the small warehouse, and then ordered the Carinthia Special Police behind him: "Take all the old-fashioned mobile phones in the warehouse for evidence."
Speaking out of the warehouse, he glanced at the repair shop owner who was pressed on the display cabinet, and said, "Bring this guy back for interrogation."
"not me…"
The shop owner originally wanted to say a few words, but suddenly he thought of a question. This group of guys seemed to be coming for themselves.
How long is this, as for?

Starting point city.
Chen Chaoren took the report of the joint interrogation in cooperation with the Carinthia Anriborg police, frowned, and murmured: "This is not easy, I thought it was Scardy."
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