Chapter 1516: Attack on Gaia Base Camp

Gaia base camp, outpost.
The angels didn't know that the Huaxia people and the Skadi people launched a pincer offensive towards the base camp, focusing on the angels in the control center, and there were not many troops remaining in the base camp.
Several angels were sitting on a huge cloud, holding the electronic telescope sold to them by Skadi, and observing the surrounding conditions.
"Except for primitive beasts, there is nothing else around here."
"You want to talk about those weird curses. The gods have set up a formation, so there is not much to worry about."
An angel was lying on the softly stomped clouds, knocking on Erlang's legs, looking at the tablet in his hand. The tablet contained adult articles written in English with some illustrations attached to it, and they were all of Scardy's different races.
Looking at the female Cyclops, the angel swallowed and said, "We angels, we are just to lay troubles with the Supreme. In fact, the real battle is not our turn."
Another angel carried the rifle on his shoulders, leaned towards the tablet and said, "That is.
We can't even count as cannon fodder against the guards of the World Tree.
Even if it's against Scary, we don't look at it enough.
The only function is roughly to watch out and collect information.
But brother, your XP is not quite right.
Female Cyclops, where is a female centaur that looks good? "
"You do not understand."
As he said, the screen of the tablet was shaking, and in a blink of an eye, the screen got stuck.
"what's the situation?
The tablet has been used for too long and the temperature is too high?
Or is your XP too weird, you can’t even see the tablet? "
The angel holding the tablet scratched his head and muttered, "It's not that it's something we stole from the nobleman. The nobleman's things can't be bad things, right?"
At this time, in the mobile headquarters of the 3rd battalion of the Huaxia Special Mixed Fleet Reconnaissance Battalion not far from the outpost, an officer reported to battalion commander Zhou Hengyonghui: "Report, electronic interference has been completed."
Zhou Hengyong furrowed his brows and nodded slightly, the Skadis were indeed disgusting.
Even the electronic communication equipment is sold to those angels, what else can they not sell?
Look at the angel outpost in the sky.
Above a huge cloud, propellers, radio communications, high-powered telescopes, plus heavy machine guns, air-to-surface missiles, and aerial bombs hanging below.
Directly build the cloud into a comprehensive battle outpost floating in the air.
The angels on the clouds shook their antennas, obviously because of their own electronic interference, which had a huge impact on the enemy.
The angels were also puzzled: "Not only is there something wrong with the tablet, there is something wrong with the antenna."
"Is the signal bad?"
"God knows."
The radio technology was given to the heavenly kingdom by Scardi, and at the same time he gave them a lot of repair technology.
However, if there is no serious cultural education in this place of the flat world, it is mostly illiterate.
Even Carinthia, which has implemented compulsory education, has been in China for 18 years, but there are still many illiterate people.
Not to mention the angels of the kingdom of God in the sky. Although Scary gave them the repair book, he couldn't recognize the words on it.
Gaia did not implement the same text in the book. In the entire heavenly kingdom, not only the people inside speak various languages, but even the nobles also speak the languages ​​of different places.
The only way these uneducated angels can learn is to kick the antenna with their feet or shake them with their hands, so the signal may be better.
However, these angels fought for a long time without any response.
At this moment, a light spot appeared on the horizon.
The angels were shocked: "Missile!"
Angels who have been exposed to modern weapons no longer regard these missiles as magic such as meteor showers.
However, the speed of the missile had already arrived at the moment they shouted.
There was an explosion, and the outpost was directly blown up.
Inside Zhou Hengyong's command vehicle, the soldiers reported: "Report!
No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, and No. 7 targets are all wiped out! "
Zhou Hengyong nodded, looked at the map in front of him, and said: "Further ahead is the enemy's base camp."
Although Gaia took the main force to enter the World Tree, there are bound to be many gods staying in the base camp.
Just a reconnaissance battalion, there is no way to kill the entire base camp.
"Report, Scardi's side has arrived at the designated combat position."
"Well, tell them that the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion is in place, ready to cooperate with the fight."
Skadi also rushed to the outskirts of the base camp. After confirming that all troops were in place, the commander of Skadi immediately issued the general offensive task.
Several tactical nuclear bombs took off directly and flew towards Gaia's base camp.
The roaring nuclear missiles sounded the alarm for the entire base camp.
Suddenly losing contact with the outpost made the base camp vigilant.
The gods on duty also appeared outside the base camp early, knowing that the people on earth like secretive officers.
Looking at the missiles flying in the distance, the gods who stayed behind shouted directly: "Missiles!"
A layer of magic shield was directly supported by the gods, and the tactical nuclear bomb hit the magic shield directly.
The little suns released a dazzling light.
The scorching temperature immediately burned the magic shield to red.
However, Gaia had been prepared early and caught a dozen gods in advance, threw them into a pool, inserted a straw on them, and extracted their energy to supply the defense of the base camp.
I have to say that Gaia has foresight.
"It's Scarti! They used nuclear weapons!"
"Damn it, go and inform the Supreme!"
"Go and find the Scarti for me!"
As the Skadis launched an attack, Zhou Hengyong also ordered, and the 3rd Investigation Battalion cooperated to launch the attack.
For a time, firepower from all directions greeted the past in the direction of the base camp.
At the same time, the garrisoned gods also began to take the angel troops, flew out of the base camp, and launched a counterattack to the surrounding coalition forces.
"The angels are out."
"Knock down those birdmen for me!"
The anti-aircraft artillery ambush in the dense forest immediately burst into flames, and the orange barrage directly rushed into the sky. The angels were beaten down before they could react.
The gods who led the team saw that they were enemies in all directions.
A 500-meter god, wearing a camouflage uniform, suddenly appeared in front of the god, and the jumped.
"Guys who take refuge in earthlings!"
After that, the killed the gods who were fighting on the earth's side in front of them.
There was a chant in his mouth, and one flew over.
However, what is surprising is that the spell flew directly from the body of the opponent's god.
"Ghost state!?
Something is wrong, I didn't feel the magic wave! "
The was taken aback, but the in front of him had already moved, his body fluctuated for a while, and with a "buzzing", a missile flew out of his body directly.
The missile exploded, and the magic seal wave directly covered the entire combat area, and the suddenly lost his magic.
At the same time, the hostile in front of the also disappeared, replaced by dozens of holographic unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.
"what is this!?
Deceived! "
After investigating the command vehicle of the 3rd Battalion, Zhou Hengyong quickly issued an order: "The target fell into the shelling area, shelling!"
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"
With a crisp sound, the shell flew directly out of the barrel, drawn an arc, and fell to the who fell to the ground.
The had no time to leave before the cannonball had fallen.
The thermobaric bomb dampened the surrounding air in an instant.
Even the gods can't stand it.
There was a hoarse voice in the god's throat, and every breath was a scorching breath.
The nasal cavity and mouth were burned one after another.
The whole skin turned red.
The high temperature was like a flame demon, pressing the down to the ground, leaving no chance for the guy to breathe.
After the thermobaric bomb, the magic bullet and other shells also fell one after another.
In less than 1 minute, the lost his vital signs.
The goal has been solved! "
The battle lasted for 20 minutes, and the angels in the base camp also gradually mastered their own rhythm.
Successful counterattacks have been launched one after another.
The three companies of Scardy were devastated, and the commander of Scardy quickly issued an order to retreat to Zhou Hengyong.
"The attack was successful. Allow retreat!"
Zhou Hengyong nodded and quickly issued an order to retreat. They couldn't win the fight if they continued. Their purpose was just to attack.
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