Chapter 736: Restart negotiations

"The temple! My God, it's the temple!"
The people in Luo Kaicheng did not expect that the Blue Moon Temple was half buried in the soil and could fly into the sky as a powerful war weapon.
When it flew into the sky and wiped out the strange "magic creatures" of the Chinese in the sky, it was quickly attacked by the Chinese.
Before everyone was happy, the temple’s magic shield was broken, and it buzzed down.
The falling speed was not fast, and a part of the floating array in the temple was barely kept running after being attacked by the magic bullet.
The temple at this time was like a helicopter, the propeller was damaged, and the pilot was trying to make an emergency landing.
"Everyone, run! The Blue Moon Temple has fallen down!"
"Oh my god!"
The huge black shadow of the Blue Moon Temple immediately enveloped Luokai City, and the residents and defenders below ran around in a panic.
In less than a minute, the Blue Moon Temple crashed into Luokai City.
The 300250-meter diamond-shaped temple fell from the sky, crashing and destroying houses in a large area of ​​the city.
Those Efa people who had not had time to escape in the future were buried directly under the ruins, or were crushed into meat sauce by the temple.
"Rumble rumbling rumbling..."
The whole temple stopped after sliding for hundreds of meters in Luokai City.
The Luo Kai defender below quickly shouted: "Quick, save people!!"
In the temple, Meneptacher shook his body and got up from the sloping floor.
The fall caused almost all the oil lamps in the temple to be extinguished, and it was even harder to see the dim temple.
"Master Visir! Master Visir! Are you okay!? Where are you?!"
At this time, the direction in the temple can only be distinguished by sound, and Meneptach's guards also shouted in the temple, for fear of an accident in Meneptach.
Meneptacher shook his head that had been groggy, and said in a deep voice, "I'm here, I'm fine."
After hearing that the eldest son was fine, everyone in the temple breathed a sigh of relief.
Those high-ranking priests were greeting other priests at this time, checking that the magic circle in the temple could continue to operate.
"No, we were silenced by the Huaxia people. The spells in my body are quite disordered!"
"There is also a problem with the magic circle here. The energy generated by the magic crystal begins to spread randomly, and we can't stabilize it at all!"
"The magic circles of the Blue Moon Temple are all invalid!"
No matter it is a person or a temple, spells can no longer be used at this time.
And this temple, under the blow of the magic bullet, temporarily turned into a building.
"What's over there?"
In the darkness, a faint orange light appeared.
The light flickered like a torch.
"We are Luo Kai's defenders! Are you all right?"
When everyone heard that it was the defender in Luokai City, he breathed a sigh of relief again and quickly responded: "We are all right, Master Visir is here, come and protect Master Visir!"
"Huh? Master Visier!!?"
The defenders quickly ran down with torches and protected Meneptacher: "Master Visir, are you okay?"
Meneptacher shook his head: "It's okay, what's the situation outside now?"
The defender took a deep breath and spit out slowly: "It's chaos."
Menep Tah squinted his eyes and muttered, "Take me out."
Although the drone in the sky had been knocked down by the Blue Moon Temple, Luo Kaicheng was plunged into huge chaos.
The fall of the temple, Luo Kai was attacked, this is the first horrible experience these people have encountered in their lives.
The rebellion of the sailors of the Port First Fleet has already made the defenders vulnerable to the Chinese people, and it has also made these guys feel desperate.
Under the protection of a group of guards and priests, Meneptacher walked out of the temple with a sullen face. Seeing the chaos in the city, Meneptacher quickly arranged and said: "Hurry up and stabilize the situation in the city!
Step up to prevent the Chinese people from attacking. Those guys have not appeared yet, they can attack us again at any time! "
In the sky, another missile flew over, and suddenly exploded in the sky. A dense swarm of rotary-wing drones fell from the missiles, and a piece of "buzzing" was like a swarm of insects.
Among this batch of UAVs, there are fewer combat models, and more are models for persuasion to drop.
They flew back and forth over the city of Luokai, broadcasting the radio in French over and over again.
He clarified the position of the peacekeeping force and called on the senior officials in Luokai City to lay down their weapons, and they all sat at the negotiation table peacefully to resolve the issue of Alabas’ invasion of the Emerald Forest.
Meneptacher looked at the drone in the sky and murmured: "While fighting, I persuade everyone to go to the negotiating table. You really have you."
At this time, a drone flew towards Meneptacher and his party, and the original broadcast was replaced by the voice of Dai Guoan, the commander of the Fifth Fleet.
"His Excellency Visier, I am Dai Guoan, the commander of the Fifth Fleet. I hope you can realize the seriousness of the problem and return to the negotiating table."
After all, the drone left everyone with a deep impression of killing, and the priests and soldiers reflexively prepared to attack this drone.
But he was taken down by Meneptach: "Wait, don't be impulsive."
Everyone swallowed as they looked at "Dai Guoan" who was speaking in a cold mechanical voice without emotion.
Visir even stared at "Dai Guoan" and looked at this strange Chinese man, and said: "Acting commander, I accept your negotiation, and please temporarily terminate the battle between you and me."
"Dai Guoan" then nodded: "No problem, I will arrange for our personnel to come to negotiate."
Immediately, the drone flew high and cruised around the city, broadcasting the news of Alabas Visir's acceptance of negotiations with the Continental Congress in Egyptian French, and the war between the two sides was temporarily terminated.
Those combat drones hovered over the city of Luokai, alerting the Egyptians for tricks.
Looking at the strange guys in the sky, Meneptach shook his head, and even a powerful weapon like the temple fell. He didn't believe that he had any power to fight the Huaxia people who were still invisible.
Meneptah arranged for personnel to appease the civilians in the city, and after calming down the chaos, he returned to the palace in Luokai.
It didn't take long for several helicopters to "buzz" over from the distant sea and land steadily in front of the gate of the temple.
The Marine Corps soldier from the helicopter jumped off immediately and established a vigilance.
Tong Tong, the chief of staff of the Fifth Fleet as the negotiator, also jumped out of the helicopter in a neat uniform.
Looking at the huge palace of Alabas, he immediately walked in with a few soldiers.
When Meneptah and Tong Tong met, Dang Even looked at the Chinese.
Just listen to Tong Tong said: "Hello Your Excellency Visier, I am Tong Tong, Chief of Staff of China's Fifth Fleet, and I will be responsible for negotiations with you."
Meneptacher felt strange, why he was a chief of staff, and immediately asked: "Why didn't the acting commander come in person, he was still in Luokai just now."
Tong Tong was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "Ah, the commander just talked to you through a drone. No one else is here."
Meneptacher had a meal with the priests who were protecting him, and he was also agitated.
What kind of spell is this?
The spell is parasitic on the strange creature called "drone", do you talk to yourself?
Or is it possessed by the soul?
Menep Tah suppressed his doubts about drones and briefly introduced the ministers of Alabas who stayed behind in Luokai City, and he started the Tongtong negotiation.
At the negotiating table, Tong Tong first expressed his intentions. On behalf of the peacekeeping forces of the Peace and Development Committee of the Akhalim Continental Conference, he armedly intervened in the invasion of the Emerald Forest by Alabas.
He also asked the Alabas army to immediately withdraw from the Emerald Forest, stop the war with the Emerald Forest, and restore peace to everyone.
At the same time, Tong Tong also brought out the temporary decision of the general army and asked Alabas to release all the slaves.
Although the general army only asked for the slaves of Upper Alabas, in line with the principle of bargaining, Tong Tong also included the entire Lower Alabas.
However, in the face of the two big demands of the Chinese people, Meneptacher said that he was just Visir, even if he was the prince, he could not call the shots.
Because he is not the pharaoh of Alabas.
In principle, Meneptach agreed to a ceasefire between Luokai City and the Fifth Fleet. As for the rest, Meneptach was helpless.
But Menep Tah is not a stupid, and the powerful combat power shown by China is not something that Alabas can deal with.
Although I have heard rumors about the Huaxia people, the two sides are too far apart. Neither Ramses nor himself took the Huaxia people too seriously, until now the Huaxia people came in front of them.
In addition, I got information from the Chinese that the army on the northern line of Alabas in the Emerald Forest had been defeated on a large scale, and Pharaoh Ramses was also fleeing south.
Regardless of whether this piece of information is true or not, at least Meneptacher believes that after the intervention of the Chinese, it is no longer suitable for fighting the Emerald Forest.
In addition, domestic food has reached its limit, and if we want to support the northward warfare, we can only increase taxes on a large scale. This will inevitably cause a backlash from civilians and nobles.
In addition, the patriarchs of the tribes who came from Lower Alabas have also become a headache for Meneptah.
The tax increase and the patriarch of Alabas, if the two-pronged approach, will surely throw the entire Alabas into chaos.
After thinking about it again and again, Meneptah proposed to write a letter by himself and pass it on to his father, so that Pharaoh Alabas would make a ruling.
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