Chapter 774: Three Kingdoms Axis

As matters in the Lord Mae Sot’s confinement were under the auspices of Queen Isabella and Duke Frankie, they began to get better.
In the western part of the furry empire, another event that changed the political situation broke out.
In the Ten Thousand Beast Empire Kyoto, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Woolly Republic Itachio and his diplomatic team were sitting in the car heading to the capital.
Looking at the streets on the left and right, the civilians who seemed to have nothing happened, the tail of the chaff shook his head.
For these civilians, whether it is a monarchy or a republic, no matter who is the emperor, it is a matter of indifferent to them who have not been affected by many new ideas.
As the convoy drove into the heavily guarded gates of the capital city, Zhuan Itachi could not help but exclaimed to the experienced staff from the governor's faction around him: "Last time I came here, the beasts were still the Republic.
Hey, things are wrong. "
In the ceremonial department of the capital, there are three national flags on a round table.
They are the flag of the Ten Thousand Beast Empire, the flag of the Fluffy Republic, and the flag of the Eastern Empire.
The representative of the Ten Thousand Beast Empire is the first class fish.
The representative of the Eastern Empire is a counselor under Liuhuang.
The three forces that were hostile to each other are now gathered together.
Nothing else, just because the three forces have the same enemy.
And this enemy is the furry empire that has absorbed the Bailong Dudu Mansion and its strength has soared.
In the western part of the furry empire, there was originally a melee of fluffy, ten thousand beasts, and white dragons.
But with the addition of the Bailong Dudu Mansion to the furry empire, this situation has completely changed.
The Ten Thousand Beast Empire will face offensives from east, west and south. The west is the offensive of the Furry Republic, and the east and south are the offensive of the Furry Empire.
Fortunately, the new fluffy republic is currently on the defensive strategically, not much offensive.
But even so, in just one month, the newly formed troops of the Thousand Beast Empire also suffered a lot of casualties on the furry battlefields on the southern and eastern fronts.
The Ten Thousand Beast Empire, the furry empire's insurgent forces, faced great pressure on the furry empire's "rebellious" forces.
Fluff is already incapable of fighting, and it is also very difficult for the Bailong Dudu Mansion.
Although Ten Thousand Beasts are now facing the furry onslaught, Kaoruzusugi and the elites of Fluffy know that once Ten Thousand Beasts are over, their group of reformers will also betray the party in Fluffy's eyes and they are also the objects that need to be eliminated.
The demise of the beasts will not do them any good.
Once Ten Thousand Beasts fell, the next one was now the weak fluff, and they still understood the truth about the coldness of the lips and the teeth.
Fortunately, the classmates headed by Kaoruzusugi are all people who have stayed in China, and distinguish the priorities of contradictions.
For the Furry Republic, the biggest enemy now is the extremely powerful Furry Empire.
Therefore, under the suggestion of Mr. Su and the discussion of the cabinet leaders such as Kaoruzusugi and Yi, the policy of Lianwan Kangmao was determined.
That's what happened. It's the matter of the Diplomatic Team, which arrived in Kyoto of the Ten Thousand Beast Empire.
Not to engage in diplomatic humiliation, but to put aside their own prejudices for the time being and deal with the common enemy together.
The Eastern Region Empire also had to face the enemy furry.
Although the external environment of the Eastern Empire is pretty good, only Ottoman's past across the sea and the furry empire in the west.
However, the interior of the Eastern Empire was not stable. It didn't take long for Ryuhuang to unify the eastern region, and many beast ears had yet to return.
Based on the principle that the enemy of the enemy is my friend, Liuhuang immediately focused on the two emerging political forces of fluff and beasts.
After trying to win the support of Bailong Dudu Mansion, Liuhuang immediately adopted to support Fluff and Ten Thousand Beasts.
The first is to recognize the independence of the two countries.
Although Liuhuang also wanted to dominate the world, it was a bit difficult.
Rather than letting the two actually existing regimes deny recognition, it is better to be generous, admit them, and draw to your side.
Secondly, he sent a diplomatic team to Kyoto of the Ten Thousand Beast Empire, hoping to reach a three-nation alliance with the two to deal with the furry problem.
The three countries, in this context, chose to join forces.
Of course, the biggest concession is the fluff.
The bran weasel tail represents the hair and recognizes the independence of the beasts.
At the same time, Zhouyu also admitted the independence of fluff.
In order to show friendship, Zhouyu released the detained classmates in the empire.
Zhou Yu's approach has won a hint of favor from the Fluffy Alumni Association.
Immediately after the dual convenience is the issue of delimiting the border, the western mutual insurance province that still maintains an "independent" existence between the two countries is definitely not necessary.
Therefore, the two sides combined together and sent troops directly to divide the province into two.
With the Ancestral River as the boundary, the western territory is owned by the Woolly Republic, and the eastern territory is owned by the Ten Thousand Beast Empire. There is a great tendency to carve up waves.
After determining their respective boundaries, the two sides also formally established diplomatic relations.
Following the temporary settlement of the contradiction between Rongwan and Wan, the representatives of the three countries also signed a military alliance agreement for furry.
"Maple Leaf-Kyoto-Yingtian Anti-Furry Power Axis".
With the signing of this alliance treaty, it also marked a new stage in the development of the furry empire's internal war.
It became a war between the Imperial Army and the Axis Army.
The two sides also quickly worked out a combat plan, with the West as the main source and the East as the auxiliary.
In the eastern battlefield, the Eastern Region Army holds the furry Central Army's forces in the east to prevent the furry Central Army from having enough energy and the White Dragon Army to attack the Ten Thousand Beast Army.
In the western battlefield, the Reformation Army and the Ten Thousand Beast Army jointly dealt with the White Dragon Army.
The eastern front of the Ten Thousand Beast Army and the furry Central Army are mainly defensive, and the main energy is to unite the French Reform Army to deal with the White Dragon Army together.
Although the Reformed Army and the Ten Thousand Beast Army are not very strong now and are both in a state of expansion, refurbishment, and reorganization, Zhou Yu still formulated an effective combat plan for the coalition forces.
Between the White Dragon Dudu's Mansion, the Ten Thousand Beast Empire, and the Furry Empire, there is a province with mutual guarantees in the west.
With the addition of the 7 Western Mutual Insurance provinces to the fluffy republic, a northern province was also divided by fluff and beasts, and the remaining mutual insurance province became a solitary province.
The governor of this status will not please which party he wants to join, and will become the target of the other party.
But don't join any party, stay neutral.
Unless your terrain is conducive to defense, the geographical environment is bad, the strategic value is not great, and you have enough strength, you can remain neutral.
However, this province lies between Bailong Dudu Mansion and Furry, separating the two sides.
Therefore, whether it is the furry Central Army, the White Dragon Army, or the Ten Thousand Beast Army, the competition for this province is bound to win.
Once Maorong takes this province, then the land traffic road between Maorong and Bailong Dudufu is opened.
Once the Ten Thousand Beast Army captured this province, the Furry and White Dragon Dudu Mansion were cut into two pieces, isolating the White Dragon Dudu Mansion.
Therefore, Zhouyu's plan is to focus on defense on the southern front, gather superior forces, and attack the only remaining western province with mutual insurance.
Although the western battlefield is the main battlefield, the current situation is still defensive.
During this period, the armaments of the Ten Thousand Beast Army will be purchased from Carinthia through the Fluffy Republic.
As time goes by, whether it's a ferret tail, a boat fish, or the Eastern Empire, they believe that solving the furry is not a problem.
At that time, it is time for the three parties to calculate the general ledger.
At the same time as the establishment of the Three-nation Axis was announced, Governor Wei also secretly arrived in Tianjing, the new capital of the furry empire.
Zhao attached great importance to this king who is not a king.
The Bailong Dudu Mansion is in the furry empire, with the most developed economy and the most cutting-edge place in contact with China.
In addition to appeasing Governor Wei and talking about loyalty to His Majesty Liucan and doing his best, he also represented His Majesty the Emperor by granting the title of First Class Duke Wei and promised that the empire will continue to implement the policies of the first emperor, and Wei will continue to serve. The governor of Bailong Dudu Mansion.
The true picture of the death of Xian Huang Liuyi gradually came to light, which was a plot by Xunquan's party.
With the death of Liuzhang, Liuhuang is not considered orthodox, and the five furry spy agencies have successively returned to the furry court.
Wei, who was born as a stick stick, hopes to obtain a part of the power to use the five major spy agencies in order to retaliate against Xunquan and assist the White Dragon Army and the Central Army to deal with the rebels in the west.
The empire was faced with such a civil strife, and at this time, it was no longer one way of employing people and doing things.
Chen Cheng quite agreed to the request of Governor Wei. The emperor of the above table granted Governor Wei part of the power to mobilize five major spy agencies.
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