Chapter 872: Expedition

In July, An Ruibao.
Batches of new-style weapons and equipment arrived in the army, and the logistics officers of the Carinthia Army were busy receiving batches of new equipment from China.
Although the undead in the Dark Iron Kingdom and the Dragon Region were basically eliminated with the help of CPA, many undead began to flee towards the Warcraft Forest in the west after the portal was controlled by CPA.
Therefore, the words and deeds of the commander of the undead war zone began to clear away the undead scattered in the west.
As for the portal to the undead world, both ends are firmly controlled by the CPA.
On the Aghanim continent, a large number of CPA entered the area to deploy defenses, and even the West Sea Fleet began to station in the west of the Dragon Sleeping Sea.
On the other side of the undead world, there are also a large number of CPAs building permanent bases to prevent the undead from appearing on the portal side.
The undead's invasion of the ground world shocked the entire position of Aghanim, and the Continental Congress also quickly passed various related laws against the undead.
A group of joint forces brought "new-style" equipment from the Chinese people and moved into the territory of the Dark Iron Kingdom from the north, and cooperated with the Dark Iron Kingdom to clean up the remaining dead in the kingdom.
In addition, the dwarven soldiers of the Dark Iron Kingdom will also be familiarized with the new equipment.
The same goes for Carinthia.
As Huaxia’s own son, Carinthia’s local boss King bought a large number of Cold War equipment from Huaxia at "low prices."
This is also the advantage of the Huaxia people step by step, starting with the most basic flintlock gun, mastering the basic essentials of using firearms.
Then switch to bolt-action rifles, so that these Carinthian forces, who have basically mastered the musket, are familiar with modern weapons.
Immediately after the new semi-automatic rifle 56 and a half, and automatic rifle 81 bars were also lined up.
Fortunately, the flintlock rifle has been used before, and the North 98 bolt-action rifle, the Carinthia Army has a certain basis for weapon use.
Even so, it is inevitable that there will be big problems in the mitigation of those 81-bar fighters at the beginning.
Guang Shixin’s troops arranged for a large number of military consultants to enter the Carinthia Army to explain how to use it.
Even if I told this group of Carinthia soldiers who were forced to literate by Anrui, the automatic rifle needs to be clicked, and it is necessary to shoot with "da" and "da da" instead of "da da da da da". , But after all, these guys are still pulling the trigger "DaDaDaDaDa".
Fortunately, Anrui's local tyrants, and the domestic production capacity is large, can be tossed casually.
Fifty-six half was favored by the Carinthian army, unlike those fighters who had just won 81, they kept pressing their hands on the trigger, and they shot endlessly.
Fix 10 rounds of bullets, hit them one at a time, and change the magazine when you are done.
There is no need to be criticized by the instructors from China like practicing the 81 bars.
Jumping from the bolt-action rifle to the automatic rifle, the semi-automatic rifle in the middle has naturally been praised by the Carinthia army.
Many soldiers of the Carinthia Army have this kind of thinking. The instructors of China do not want to exaggerate Carinthia’s steps too much, so they directly refer to the Dandan. After all, there are still quite a few soldiers who are still illiterate. Far away.
Therefore, part of the Carinthian army uses the 81 bar, and the trump cards in the Carinthian army, such as Richard's armored forces, and Aim's motorized forces.
Ace troops must look like ace troops.
The bolt-action rifle and the weapons that were made from the imitation of the tanks of World War I and World War II were not used in Richard's armored regiment for long, and a batch of 59 newly produced appeared in front of the armored forces of Carinthia.
Water tank, 59 iron hit.
Although all the 59 inside the CPA were not retired, they were basically changed to unmanned 59 tanks.
With a powerful command system, unmanned 59 tanks can form an unmanned steel torrent at any time.
This had already begun when she and Lucia were acting in the area near the Hualu Portal many years ago.
The final assembly also began to continue to change on the basis of the unmanned 59, and several smaller unmanned tanks were designed in parallel to adapt to the new battlefield environment.
It was only the invasion of the undead and the discovery of more and more clues about the Naga, which made Huaxia also feel imminent.
The five major countries alone may not be able to face future disasters that do not know when, where, and in what form.
However, Huaxia intends to pull the countries on the Aghanim continent and the entire Abhalim Continental Conference.
Unity is strength. How can the strength of one person be greater than the strength of a group of people?
Therefore, this is China's plan to arm the entire mainland.
Of course, this plan initially used equipment to upgrade step by step to extract money from the local nobles step by step.
And step by step improvement to improve local "technology" to a certain extent.
However, at present, even if it is taught by hand, it will take some time.
Therefore, Carinthia directly began to use Cold War weapons and equipment, and even tanks were directly replaced with 59 on the newly opened production line.
A 59, which has been modified for the Carinthias, is simple to operate and more foolish.
Although the Carinthian armored forces have been familiar with their first batch of equipment for a short time, their current experience is enough to open this batch of newly produced modifications 59.
As for the modern VT series tanks, uh, the level of modernization is too high, I am really afraid that the Carinthian army will not use it.
Originally, Richard and his soldiers thought that the Huaqing 1, 2 and Huazhong 1 tanks were already very coaxing, but when they saw 59, the "cross-age" shooting was a surprise.
Although as tank soldiers, they have also read magazines published by China and modern tanks on the Internet. They know that this type of 59 is almost a retired tank in addition to being transformed into unmanned and other functional equipment in the CPA.
But no matter what, the 59 tank is far stronger than their current tank.
Take the front face as an example, the tanks currently used by the Carinthian armored forces cannot penetrate at all.
However, for 59, it is simply a shot.
Strong protection, strong firepower, and strong mobility. This batch of new equipment makes the soldiers of the Carinthia Armored Forces love it.
In addition to Carinthia, China is also undergoing large-scale updates to the weapons and equipment of other countries.
Of course, this is only limited to the expeditionary force aimed at the undead in this expedition.
After all, suddenly jumping from the era of cold weapons, even the flintlock rifle, to the era of semi-automatic rifles, it is quite unsuitable.
And the reason why it is only distributed to the expeditionary force that counterattacks the undead is because the current unified training and command of the expeditionary force are all handled by the CPA.
If these weapons suddenly flow into various countries on a large scale, it may be possible that these indigenous countries, which suddenly possess powerful forces, will make a storm.
However, the weapon mall is still updating weapons, and the update speed has begun to increase.
Semi-automatic rifles have appeared in the weapon mall, including those tanks of World War II.
It's just that these weapons are quite expensive, and they were all fired up by An Rui.
Of course there are also bargains such as bolt action rifles.
In response to the invasion of the undead, the anti-dead bill passed by the Continental Congress is also convening troops one after another.
Carinthia alone formed an army of 300,000 people, and Anrui will continue to increase in the future.
In addition to the expeditionary forces formed by various countries on the continent of Aghanim, the local army of Aghanim for the entire expedition to the world of the undead has reached more than 1 million.
This is an army equipped with modern weapons, and the difficulty of the entire logistics support has also been greatly increased.
Fortunately, behind this expeditionary army is China, a powerful industry, and the huge granary of the Emerald Forest, which can fully support the needs and expenses of this more than 1 million army.
This is not a problem at all for China.
Even for such an army, multiplying the number by 10, even if it is 100, is not a big problem.
Guang Shixin, commander of the 33rd Army, who was in charge of the military training of the entire Carinthia Army in Carinthia, received an order at this time.
Lucia encountered a large number of dead souls into the group, and began to ask China for help.
The 33rd Army will enter the territory of Lucia as the first group of troops to fight against the extinction.
Guang Shixin looked at the command in his hand, and took a breath: "Rusians are so good? Don't you need reinforcements?"
I heard that Lucia has been playing wild in the mainland of Dagon, but I didn't expect Lucia to have fallen to this point.
But Guang Shixin looked at the information below, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "Hey, it's a bit interesting. Although Lucia's strength has dropped a lot, it's still not enough.
On the contrary, the undead is concentrating on attacking Lucia. "
Speaking of Guang Shixin, he issued an order, and all the soldiers, officers and soldiers responsible for teaching tasks in Carinthia returned to the troops and were replaced by other troops.
The 33rd Army is ready to expedition to Lucia!
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