Chapter 925: Magic Array Matrix

As a low-level in the underground world, the Dark Messenger does not have the same upward mobility as other low-level gods.
The birth of the dark messenger did not come from faith, as it was born out of thin air, like a who had absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon and popped out of a stone.
However, this was born out of darkness.
Regarding his birth, the Dark Messenger didn't know what was going on.
Was it the illegitimate child bred by the goddess of the night?
Or the reincarnation of the God of Starry Night?
Or was it turned into a small rock that fell when the creation was in the underground world to mend the sky?
Either way, the dark messenger thinks he was born extraordinary.
Although pretending to be born extraordinary, the Dark Messenger does not like to climb upward.
He is different from other gods. He has no support from faith, nor does he form cliques like other gods, nor does he create faith like other gods.
All the sources of power of the Dark Messenger are his innate.
It is precisely because of this that the dark messenger prefers to play with the world, playing with the mortals of these races in the palm of his hand to satisfy his own special hobbies.
The Empire of Light and the Empire of Shadow are the most proud products of the Dark Messenger.
And the plot of the light and shadow empire is also developing towards the discovery that you like, since the heirs of the two empires have developed feelings.
In order not to be punished by themselves, the rulers of the two empires would naturally split or kill them.
Who doesn't like this kind of plot of family ethics and gratitude and enmity?
Only now, the plot seems to have changed.
Originally, as envisioned by the dark messenger, the two empires not only fought for the two heirs, but also because of the encounter between the two empires, it did not happen.
On the contrary, the two empires even united, intending to support the love of the two heirs, and let the light and shadow empire merge into one in the future.
Faced with the rebellion of these ants, the secret messenger was naturally very angry if he did not act according to the script set by himself.
"The humble ants actually unite and dare to resist the will of the god?
Did you guys forget your ancestors and what fate?
Yes, after so long, you have forgotten it.
Let this punish you well, ants! "
As soon as the voice of the dark messenger fell, his entire body disappeared.
At the same time, a huge black vortex with a diameter of more than one kilometer appeared in the sky, lightning and thunder, as if an electromagnetic storm was about to come.
The powerhouses of light and shadow have long been waiting, and magic arrays have been constructed one by one.
Lance was riding on a war horse, holding a sword and wearing armor, staring at the huge whirlpool in the sky.
He is not strong enough, so he can only serve as a morale booster in this war.
As the hope for the future of the two empires, Lance shouted: "Come, here comes the evil god!"
"Starting to the magic circle like magic!"
"Ready to activate the magic circle!"
"Large array magic singing begins!"
The commanders of the various magic arrays also began to sing, all the magic arrays began to light up, and the magic power around them quickly gathered towards the magic array.
"Ats, do you dare to defy your own will?
You are dying, humble ants.
Then make you in itself! "
The dark messenger's huge divine body just poked out half of its head from the whirlpool, and the various magic attacks below it hit the dark messenger.
The greater the divine body, the greater the goal.
The Salted Fish Cthulhu, who had no actual combat experience, didn't know.
As soon as he appeared, his entire face was blown up.
"damn it!"
The Dark Messenger opened his mouth, and a powerful spell fell into the sky, aiming at the magic array below and directly blasting the past.
The Dark Envoy did not expect that this group of mortals in the underground world would have the courage to contend with themselves.
He even slapped himself in the face, making himself painful.
But what is even more surprising is that with the blow of his mouth, apart from killing the wizards in the center area, the surrounding wizards are safe and sound, and the magic shield in the magic array is still standing still.
However, at this time, two figures, one yellow and one white, jumped out from the magic array group below.
One left and the other hit the dark messenger's cheek.
"Boom! Boom!"
With two heavy noises, the Dark Messenger was directly beaten out of blood by the two figures.
The dark messenger looked intently, and saw a blond demon and a monster girl with long white hair flying in the air, looking at him with a smile.
The dark messenger sniffed, faintly smelling a trace of the demon from these two guys.
The Dark Messenger quickly shook his head, denying his thoughts: "No, the devil?"
It is impossible for a high-level like Demon God to descend into these worlds under normal circumstances.
If it is said that there is a relationship with the devil, apart from those of the devil, there is only the devil.
The word of God, the dark messenger is also pass, after all, God can also fight on the ground according to him.
And these two guys in front of them obviously don't have the strength of God.
Then there is only one possibility, that is, the demon king born in the underground world.
The dark messenger's slender hands tore open the swirling whirlpool, leaned half of his body out, and reached out and grabbed Yuffi and Nastasia.
However, there are two demon kings, one is a two-stage transformed demon, and the other is an evolutionary transformed monster girl. Both of them have extraordinary powers and are very fast. They are not the ordinary lower gods like the messenger of darkness. Easily caught.
"Devil? Go to death, Xia Xia Xia Xia!"
However, the actions of the Dark Messenger were quite "slow", grabbing them with one hand, Yuffi and Nastasiya slipped directly out of the fingers of the Dark Messenger.
Yuffi even took the communicator and reported to the command in the distance: "Report! The Dark Messenger is very weak, and it should be nowhere near the Red Moon!"
"Command received!"
Since the strength is weak, the 33rd Army and the 1st and 50th Divisions do not need to use conventional weapons for fire support. It is better to save ammunition. After all, there are a lot of undead to deal with.
Guang Shixin continued: "Try to cooperate with the army of light and shadow to kill the messenger of darkness. If it can't be done, immediately lure the messenger of darkness to the ambush area.

Yufina Stacia said: "Understood!"
Yu Fei and Nastasiya in the distance looked at each other, each snorted coldly, and after sending a magic spell to the dark messenger, they immediately walked away.
At this time, the magic array below has been charged, and the large magic array matrix has formed a super large magic.
The singing voice is getting louder and louder, as if singing all over the sky.
Circles of six-pointed stars emerged above the huge magic array matrix, stacked into five, ten, and twenty layers.
Immediately afterwards, the hexagram matrix began to compress rapidly, and the gap between the 20 multi-layered hexagrams with a diameter of hundreds of meters was less than 1 meter.
The red light dipped the entire colorful six-pointed star, and an incomparably evil force led to the 20-layered six-pointed star through the magic array matrix.
Use the power of evil to defeat the power of evil.
The 20-layer six-pointed star is like a rail, and it is estimated that the huge red beam of light shoots directly into the sky from the magic array matrix.
The beam of light pointed directly at the Dark Envoy, half of his body protruding from the center of the vortex.
At this time, the salted fish dark messenger who had no combat experience was being attracted by the two demon kings. The sudden evil power made the dark messenger feel quite uneasy.
There was a look from below, it was too late, the beam of light directly hit the door of the dark messenger.
The original day was made like night by this huge vortex, and the coming of the dark messenger seemed to bring the night.
However, the evil power of this red, because it was so red and white, it dilutes the black a lot, and faintly washed away a piece of day that it should have been.
In the beam of light, only heard the screams of the dark messenger coming from the whirlpool, the heart-piercing screams, and the light can hear the pain of the dark messenger.
The beam of light did not disappear quickly, but the voice of the dark messenger slowly weakened and slowly became inaudible.
After the red beam of light dissipated, the black vortex in the sky had been blasted out of a huge hole.
The surrounding lightning and thunder were also under the impact of the evil force, and stopped.
At this time, raindrops suddenly floated in the sky, and Lance looked at the raindrops on the armor, and it was indeed red.
Sniffing with the nose, the body can smell a trace of blood.
"Look at the whirlpool!"
The vortex was still spinning, but the scarlet blood around the hole that was blasted out dripped down the vortex hole.
"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!"
The armies on both sides of the light and shadow erupted with deafening cheers. They finally defeated this evil and finally ended their tragic fate.
However, Yuffi and Nastasiya were not as optimistic as the following guys, and the breath of that guy did not disappear.
"Stupid mortal!
I am completely angry! "
A majestic voice came down from the sky, and the entire whirlpool disappeared with a whirr.
However, in the next second, with a "bang", the entire ground suddenly burst, and the wizards and warriors of light and shadow were blown into the air with the stones.
A figure more than 10 tall, like a human figure, got black shadows appearing in the sky, and his eyes were full of purple light.
Yuffi and Nastasia knew that this was the body of the Dark Messenger, and he had already lifted the divine body.
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