Chapter 942: Empty city plan

Just when An Rui and others got the real eye from Mrs. Bone, it’s just that in the north, on the front line of the Death Forest-Forgotten Mountains, the coalition consisting of the Li Long Corps and the Red Moon Knights, and the Light and Shadow Empire Expeditionary Army began to face south from the north. The offensive of the Rhine pursuit troops.
Because the Li Long Corps entered and exited in the Death Forest-Forgotten Mountains before, the undead lords once believed that this Lucia troop, which had escaped from the Dagon portal, would move north.
As a result, the Rhine's pursuit legion changed its original direction along the route of the Long March troops to turn to the north, chasing the wrongly convicted Li Long Corps.
However, after the Li Long Corps united with the Knights and the Imperial Expeditionary Forces, and launched an extermination of the dead in the Death Forest-Forgotten Mountains, Rhein realized that he had been fooled.
Instead of going north, these Lucias combined with other creatures to create a relatively safe area along the Death Forest-Forgotten Mountains.
Rhein had to turn his spearhead at this time and swung his force south.
Rhein's movements were also discovered by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft of the Li Long Corps.
In the joint combat headquarters at this time, the Iron Triangle of the Lilong Corps, Gundarufu of the Red Moon Knights, Lance, Prince of the Light and Shadow Empire, and all the ministries will gather together.
The first speech was started by Ding Wei, commander of the 22nd Brigade. Ding Wei took the baton and drew a circle on the huge sand table, and began to analyze the situation: "At present, the coalition forces have already removed the death forest-the Forgotten Mountains line of the undead. To clean up, it can be said that this line is a safe area for us and an'inside line'.
However, during this clean-up operation, the ammunition supply of my Chinese Expeditionary Force was very serious, and my three brigades could support at most a medium-intensity battle.
Therefore, the main work of my three brigades, the 22nd, the 58th, and the 59th brigades, is to divide the troops as your military advisory group and to be responsible for the construction of civil engineering for you. "
Although the individual combat effectiveness is not very good, in the eyes of the generals of the Knights and the Empire, this group of Chinese people can not match the Knights and the Empire in tactical command and fortification construction.
It is precisely because of the command of the Chinese that the coalition forces in the operation of clearing the dead forest-the Forgotten Mountains line of undead progressed very smoothly, and the losses were quite small.
The Huaxia people rely on modern weapons. They know that once the ammunition of the modern weapons is exhausted, the Huaxia people are equivalent to losing their "combat power."
Regarding this group of Chinese brothers who were supposed to continue the long march towards the southeast with the large forces, but stayed to choose to fight with them, whether they were the knights or the generals of the empire, there was no complaint.
The Grand Commander of the Red Moon Knights Gangdarufu said: "Brigade Commander Ding, no problem, we will leave the subsequent battles to us. Your Chinese people are responsible for providing us with combat staff and assisting us in building fortifications."
The emergence of the staff member system also made Gangdaluf's eyes shine.
After Gundaluf made his statement, the prince Lance, who represented the empire of Light and Shadow, naturally patted the bear, saying: "Our friendship with the Chinese and Lucia is eternal. No matter what you choose, the Light and Shadow Empire will stand. On your side, help you.
Even if you leave the battlefield, we will silently wish you a safe return to your stronghold from behind. "
Li Long smiled next to him, and interjected: "Everyone, I'm serious, I'm serious.
Although our ammunition supplies are in a hurry, judging from the marching speed of the main force, if it goes well, they should have arrived at the stronghold by this time.
And our reinforcements may already be on their way. "
Ding Wei also nodded: "Although we have to prepare for the worst, we should not be blindly pessimistic. Let us also consider the optimistic situation."
Ding Wei moved the baton to the two undead cities to the north, and said: "Our current plan is to use Rhine's unknown situation of our combat effectiveness, not daring to advance rashly, and fearful of fighting and deploying.
So as to reach the time to delay the Rhine south, until our reinforcements arrive, everything is easy to say. "
Although the reinforcements of the empire stepped out of the portal one after another, they were faced with a god-level existence who possessed extraordinary powers.
If there is no powerful modern weapon and combat system, relying on the red moon and the empire, it is not an opponent of the Rhine at all.
Ding Wei said: "Therefore, I call this battle plan an'empty city plan'."
"Empty city plan?"
The knights and empires who have never seen "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" nor understand the history of China are naturally confused about the "empty city plan".
Ding Wei began to say: "The combat plan is as follows. The Imperial Flying Forces will take our corps personnel to the source of pain, the undead city that we emptied before, for nuclear bomb deployment."
Lance nodded: "No problem, I will arrange for the flying unit to take you over, then?"
Ding Wei said: "Then, of course, I left and returned to the Death Forest-Forgotten Mountains to build fortifications."
Lance was taken aback: "Brigadier Ding, don't you need to defend the source city of pain?"
Ding Wei shook his head and said, "Empty city strategy, what you pay attention to is empty city.
Let the troops going south to Rhine directly attack the source of pain and give them the empty city.
Didn’t we plant a nuclear bomb there? A ‘boom’ is a great gift for them. "
There are not many tactical nuclear bombs in the hands of the Li Long Corps, so I dare not use it indiscriminately.
Immediately after positioning, he moved the baton to a similarly emptied city south of the source of pain, the Forgotten City.
"When the undead army going south meets an empty city again, they, who were blown away from the source of pain in the north, will they go directly in without worry when facing the Forgotten City?
With Rhein's prudence, the undead might wait and see when facing another flight attendant.
He didn't even dare to advance, worrying that our coalition forces would set up another ambush on the road.
His caution gave us time to build fortifications, and at the same time, he also won time to wait for our army to reinforce troops. "
The generals of the Knights and the Empire clapped their hands: "This is a good plan."
However, Kong Jie on the side reminded: "Old Ding, in case someone suffers from the source of pain, when facing the Forgotten City, they will not be entangled in the same place, but will turn west, and then go south to attack the Red Moon Knights ?"
Ding Wei took the baton and said, "It's up to the coalition forces to work together."
Fortunately, the expeditionary forces of the Light and Shadow Empire arrived one after another, which enabled the coalition forces to be defensive and able to rely on the terrain and fortifications to barely fight back and forth with the Rhine's pursuit troops.
Ding Wei took the baton and swiped on the sand table: "What we have to do now is to let the two flight attendants drag the troops going south, and then seize the time to build fortifications based on favorable terrain, build magic arrays, and array arrays."
After the combat meeting, the coalition forces moved quickly.
An imperial flying unit directly carried a CPA to the source of pain, and deployed a remote-controlled nuclear detonation device, and then withdrew to the south to join the construction of the fortifications.
After Rhein reacted, the forward of the chasing troops quickly reached the source of pain.
Rhein, as always, was worried about the Lucian nuclear bomb, hiding behind him.
The former convenience is the source city of pain, which is an undead city occupied by Lucias and his coalition forces.
However, at this time the undead inside were all killed by these nasty creatures. After confirming that there were no Lucian troops inside, Rhein also asked the undead army to regain the "lost ground."
Although this "lost land" is not of the Rhine Empire, but of other undead lords.
However, after a large number of undead entered the empty city, the source of pain, with a "bang", a dazzling little sun directly exploded inside the city of pain.
The sky of the dark world of undead was also brightened by this sun.
Rhine looked at the rising sun from a distance, and breathed a sigh of relief. It was indeed fraudulent, but fortunately he didn't lead the team into the city.
Feeling the trembling of the earth that followed, Rhine gritted his teeth and said: "Abominable Lucia, abominable creature, treacherous!"
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