Chapter 1175: War, war never changes

The causes of many wars are caused by a small accident, even a small coincidence.
A gunshot in Sarajevo kicked off the first world war.
This proves that many times, the cause of a big war is actually far less important than people think.
The same is true of the current dimensional fleet.
At the beginning, when other fleets received help from the Fifth Fleet, most people thought that it was just that the Fifth Fleet was attacked by a force such as a robber in the outer area-the time and space administration Within and outside the scope of management, a variety of spatio-temporal criminal organizations emerge endlessly. Occasionally, some backgrounds are relatively deep or fierce, which is not incomprehensible.
Therefore, the first dimension of the Fleet support was to help the Fifth Fleet to repel the gangsters.
However, when they joined the battlefield and saw the fierce battle situation in front of them, the whole person was aggressive.
It was as if a group of police officers came to the police station with the idea of ​​"caughting criminals" and were surprised to find themselves involved in the World War.
Howling beams of light, missiles flying from all directions, explosions, fire, rapid sirens and screams from the communication loop from time to time, everything in a blink of an eye devoured everything.
"Damn, what the is going on?"
"Explore the shield now !!!"
"Back, back, call headquarters support !!!"
He was standing on the deck, staring coldly at the battlefield in front of him. At present, it has become a meat grinder. Almost none of the incoming dimension warships can go out completely. They were either blasted into pieces directly out of nowhere, or they arduously supported and tried to escape from the battlefield.
He founder did not destroy all of them, not because the dimension fleet was strong enough, but because the founder deliberately suppressed the firepower of the blue fleet. In fact, the blue fleets currently fighting are mostly cruisers, destroyers and battleships. I really want to say that the most powerful firepower unit is five warships and two aircraft carriers.
Dreadnought and Titan, and the Astral Ark, the Founder has not yet come up with it.
If you want the Founder to go to the Titan, one doomsday weapon will go down, all the dimensional fleet here will be finished, and none will be left.
However, Founder did not do this, as he told Iona, it was fishing. Since it is fishing, then long-line fishing for big fish is necessary. He would like to see what the warships of the Space and Time Administration have in their ability.
However, after careful observation for so long, Fang Zheng found that the aviation technology of the Space-Time Administration was far worse than he thought. In addition to their ability to master the "space-time" navigation skills and the rainbow light cannons, they are not even as good as other alien civilizations such as the Star Alliance and Serra Rui in the quality world ...
Huh, but at least it's better than Gundam World.
Frankly speaking, in such a magical world, the power of time and space is indeed a fairly high-level operation. No wonder the time and space administration coaxed Laozi to coax No. 1 bird in the world. In fact, the power of the Aurora Cannon is really amazing. Until now, although the Dimension Fleet suffered heavy losses, there were also several destroyers and cruisers on the Founder's side. They were destroyed by the Aurora Cannon and had to evacuate the battlefield. .
After all, the power of time and space is still terrifying. In the same volume state, even the blue fleet under the Founder's hands can hardly resist the attack of the rainbow light cannon even by the shield Gaklin force field.
But ... that's just it.
To be honest, this even made Founder somewhat skeptical. Could it be that archaeological examinations have been taken of the space-time technology of the Yuan Fleet this time? After all, according to the truth, there are more places where the power of space and time can be used. As a result, it is only used for navigation and main gun firing?
Frankly speaking, this does not look like a civilized and normal process of climbing the technological tree. It is more like the results of the extraterrestrial civilizations in the mass world who picked up the remains of the Procian civilization.
Thinking of this, the more Fang Zheng found it, the more he thought it might be the case. After all, why do you think that the Space and Time Administration is digging the graves of others? Take the seed of the holy stone, indeed, the seed of the holy stone is very powerful, and it is impossible to destroy the entire plane with a one-dimensional earthquake, but ... you don't have to dig?
为什么 Why do you dig?
Then there is only one answer, that is, the Space and Time Administration started by digging people's ancestors' tombs. All the technology they currently get comes from ancient ruins and civilization!
If that's the case ... then I'm afraid of a fart!
Thought of this, Founder was immediately relieved.
If you are a coherent system of space-time civilization, I'm really scared, but you are only a two hundred and a half monk, what am I afraid of you?
If that's the case ... Maybe the original plan needs to be changed?
方 While Founder is considering whether to temporarily change plans, the situation on the Dimension Fleet becomes more severe.
As long as they are not fools, the commanders of the Dimension Fleet have almost found out now. It is not a gangster or a criminal organization that fights with them, but a regular army!
哪个 Which country is the regular army?
After I realized this, almost everyone was stunned. You know, since Belka died hundreds of years ago, no force or country can fight Midgeland. But now, in such a border place, there will be a regular army of a country to attack the dimensional fleet?
What on earth happened?
Sometimes, the warships of the Dimension Fleet tried to leave the battlefield from time to time, but what made them desperate was that they traveled timelessly in space and time. They cannot open the space-time channel, nor can they withdraw from the battlefield!
This has never happened before!
Of course, they do n’t know what ’s going on. In fact, as Founder thought, the power of space and time looks great in this world, right, but in the main world, there are more skills to deal with it. .
For example ... the dimension anchor ...
As early as the beginning of the war, Founder fixed a dimensional anchor enchantment around this battlefield. Of course, he originally only tried it. Now it looks like ... Well, the mage's move to Yuan Anchor last time really made sense.
After all, space-time travel skills cannot escape from the dimensional space. However, the dimension anchor can prohibit all cross-dimensional movements, which also causes these dimension warships to be trapped in it. At the moment they had nothing else to do.
In desperation, they have no choice but to ... for help!
报告 "Report, Governor Halef asks for help!"
"Tirbit was destroyed! The captain and his men have been successfully transferred to the Golden Lion!"
At the moment, in the Dimension Fleet Headquarters of the Space and Time Administration, the atmosphere is as tense as fighting ... No, it should be said that this is a war!
"What a reason!"
A big-bellied wardie patted the table hard, staring at the screen in front of him.
"Since the establishment of the Dimension Fleet, it has never suffered such a great shame! This is simply incredible!"
"Which suggestion is for the 97th to manage the dispatch fleet outside the world? This is to go to the military court! Why wasn't the investigation clear before the fleet was dispatched?"
"What exactly does the Fifth Fleet do? Why not report it in time for a conflict !!!"
For a while, the entire meeting room of the Dimension Headquarters was noisy, and when seeing this scene, one of the men who was thin and wearing glasses reached out and knocked on the table.
各位 "Ladies and gentlemen, now is not the time to shirk one another's responsibilities, we must think of a way, otherwise, let's not talk about your face first, I am afraid that none of these dimensional warships can come back!"
那么 "So what do we say?"
When he heard the man in glasses, another person shouted loudly.
"The other party used a very strange method to block the space-time channel. Once we enter, we can't get out!"
"Do you want to die for your colleagues?"
"I just don't want to sacrifice for nothing!"
For a while, the whole meeting room began to quarrel again ~ ~ and saw this scene, the glasses man had to stand up and wave his hands vigorously.
"Everyone, please be quiet! I have a solution!"
"any solution?"
"I recommend…………"
I said here, the glasses man took a deep breath and looked at his colleagues.
"Call the Golden Fleet!"
Hearing the glasses man's words, the senior officials of the Space and Time Administration were stunned.
"This is very risky ..."
"Of course I know it's risky, but we can't save our colleagues from death!"
As he said, the spectacled man raised his head and looked at the screen in front of him-only in the air, three panels without any images were floating there.
"Please allow the Golden Fleet to dispatch!"
Hearing here, the three light plates flickered for a moment, and then a steady, thick voice sounded.
"Allow the deployment of the Golden Fleet ...... from now on, the Space-Time Administration enters a state of emergency, and the 97th non-managing world will be classified as a theater from now on!"
Hearing this sentence, everyone looked for a moment.
Is designated as a theater of war, that is to say ... this represents the Space and Time Administration, and officially fights against that mysterious force!
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