Chapter 12: 1 very bold idea

Each world has its differences.
In the dark world, the Founder saw nothing but endless darkness. Even in the daytime, the dark clouds over your head seem to be a huge coffin lid, which makes people breathless. Looking around, in addition to the wilderness, there is a dark jungle, and if I stay for a long time, there will even be an illusion that the entire world is about to be destroyed in front of my eyes. Desolation, darkness, despair, that is the theme of the dark world. As for hope? This thing may exist, but its meaning is only for destruction.
But in the Lord's world, what Founder saw was another look.
"right here?"
Sitting in a carriage, Founder looked at the city in front of him. From the original owner of the body, Founder learned that the city was named Kartus, which is "the place where the moon and the moon shine" in the elf language. People collectively call this city "Star City".
This is just a small city located in the country of the Holy Religion, but even so, it is enough to show the difference in the eyes of the Founder-up to nearly 20 meters, the city walls made of white stones surround the entire city, a beautiful The river flows across the city, bringing beautiful lakes and abundant fishery resources to the city.
"Yes, sir, this is Xingyuecheng."
Hearing Fang Zheng's inquiry, the driver in charge of the carriage said with a smile, and Fang Zheng took a meaningful look at the white temple in the city. Then he looked again at the dimensional code before him.
[Performer: Founder]
【Dimension points: 5】
Equip Soul Stone: Arthas
获得 [Gain: King of the Undead (50% increase in induction to undead, 50% increase in damage to undead, and 50% increase in protection against undead)
[Wearing title: Holy Guardian]
[Strength: E (There is no problem killing a chicken with a knife)]
[Agile: D (Run faster than others and always live longer)]
[Physique: E (If a person is killed, he will die)]
感知 [Perception: D (Eye view, six ears and eight directions are basic operations for you)]
魅力 [Charisma: D + (face value is a basic element to enhance mutual communication and understanding)]
[Equipment Skill: Royal Cross Sword Technique (A)]
After carefully looking at his information bar, Fang Zheng took a deep breath.
"let's go."
Soon, the carriage set off again and drove forward.
"Hoo ..."
Sitting in the carriage, Fang Zheng took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and began to stabilize her mind. He calculated time after leaving the dark world, and spent three days in the dark world, but only less than ten hours passed in the main world. Fortunately, the other side sent someone to guard him, otherwise the Founder might not be able to run out.
After leaving the forest, the first thing Founder did was to change his clothes in a nearby village, and then hired a carriage to the nearest city. To Fang Zheng's relief, in that village he did not see a wanted order about the original owner of his body. Perhaps the other party has not given up on his hunting, but once the search is unsuccessful, a warrant will be issued immediately. This is exactly what the party will never doubt. Although this world may only seem to be of ordinary medieval standard on the surface, in fact, the memory possessed by Founder tells him that the level of mere thesis in this world is not worse than the world before his rebirth.
Considering those horrible high-end forces, maybe they have never happened before.
After all, in the Founder's world, it is difficult to destroy a planet except for a nuclear bomb.
Before he came to this city, Founder had completely digested his physical memory, and at the same time, he also thought about what he was going to do.
It is impossible to flee. Saras, the Holy State, is one of the four most powerful nations in the world. The remaining three nations are Leon, the magical nation, and Karon, the nation of wealth. Among them, the country of magic is the country of the mage, the country of wealth is the paradise of merchants and nobles, and the last country remaining is the country of fire, Varian.
According to the memory of Founder's body master, Saras, the Holy Land, occupies nearly one-fifth of this continent, with a powerful army and priesthood. The reason why the country of holy religion can have such a position is that in the "chaos of chaos" thousands of years ago, the king of this country led humanity to break through the blockade of darkness and chaos destruction, and finally guarded the world. Therefore, the Holy Land became the owner of this land as the "guardian of humanity". The land and population it occupies are almost the same as those of Fang Zheng's own country before his rebirth. It is conceivable that in the face of such a country with a large population and occupying a vast land, it is impossible for Fang Zheng to have any chance of winning.
Of course, if Founder had a choice, he would rather go to Caron or Leon, but unfortunately it is just as difficult. Not to mention the fact that you are now in the hinterland of the Holy Land, no matter which country you travel to, you have to travel long distances and spend a lot of time. Even if he successfully crosses the border, he will not necessarily be accepted by these two countries. The magic country only allows the mage to enter, even if it is a merchant, he must have a formal mage qualification. And the requirements of the country of wealth are even more straightforward-there must be money.
But Founder now has very little money. As for the kingdom of fire? People are far away on another continent, and they can't get through at all. Even if the sea of ​​storms is not stamped, the Founder cannot swim?
As for the magic ...... he can't do anything at all.
Although there are many small countries in this world in addition to these four big countries, just like those small countries in the Founder world, when talking about big countries, you can only live with them ... oh no!
At least in the Founder's world, those small countries can still maintain superficial autonomy, but here ... well, they can also be considered to have their own land and national borders, don't they?
As far as the current situation is concerned, Founder cannot escape from the Holy State, and even if he escapes, he cannot ensure that he will not be caught by the followers of the Holy State. In all fairness, Founder and the State of the Holy Religion have no inherent and irreconcilable contradiction, but he is a bit unlucky and chose a wrong rebirth object.
But this does not mean that Founder ran to the temple of the Holy Kingdom and said to them, "You are wrong, the person you are looking for is long dead, I am just a bad-born rebirth", and the other side nodded "Ah, yes Ah, I ’m so sorry,
and then it ’s as easy as that. Anyway, Founder also killed several knights in the opponent, and from the memory of Williams, although the status of these knights is not very high, it is not low.
Belongs to the kind that does not have to be investigated to the end, but after all, it also gives a degree of argument.
方 In the founder's mind, the portal of the Wanjie Dimensional System has been closed and entered a cooling state. The next opening will be fifteen days later. It is impossible for Founder to hide in the wilderness and play hide and seek with the Holy State.
So after careful consideration, Founder has an idea.
A very bold idea.
But first, he needs an identity.
So, Founder came here.
"Here, sir."
The coachman's voice came from the front, while the carriage stopped slowly. Fang Zheng took a deep breath, then he sorted out his clothes, pushed open the door of the carriage, and walked down.
The first thing I saw was a two-story stone building. It looks like it has been around for some years. From the outside, this is not a magnificent building. There are only two ordinary guards at the door. It looks very deserted and seems to be very crowded.
However, Founder is very clear that this is the first step in his own adventure.
Here is the city hall.
"Da da da………"
Fang Zheng walked into the door and looked up. There was no crowd in the entire city hall. Only one old man was lying behind the table to snore. It's no wonder that in such a small city, nothing really happens on weekdays.
Fang Zheng coughed, then came to the counter and tapped his finger.
He heard the knock, and the old man who was snoring shook his body suddenly, then sat up in a hurry, his eyes widened, and he glared at Fang Zheng. Originally, he wanted to scold each other, but after seeing the fine-quality dress worn by Fang Zheng, he hurriedly hit him, and then quickly corrected his position.
"Hello, gentleman, may I need to do something for you?"
"I hope to be able to stay temporarily in this city, please give me a certificate."
Looking at the other person's expression, Founder smiled a little. It cost no money to buy this dress. This is the craftsmanship of the most famous tailor in the city, and it is also made of fine fabrics. It almost cost Founder this With the body I own nearly a third of the property.
However, Founder did not feel heartache. His previous experience told him that all people look at appearances. The so-called people look at clothes. If you are well-dressed and elegant, then whether or not you have a private belly, men and women, at least on the surface. The first impression is definitely not bad.
If you come here in ordinary clothes to go through the formalities, then this old man may not be so polite, and may even mumble and scold himself. If it is a guy with a dog-eye look at the low person, maybe he does n’t look well In this way, you will feel that you are a savage and revenge yourself, and may even give yourself a little obstacle.
现在 But now, before tracing his identity, he dare to work honestly.
"Of course no problem, this gentleman."
Everything Fang Zhengzheng showed obviously made the old man a little nervous. He looked at Fangzheng's dress and the broken sword behind him in surprise and swallowed instinctively.
"Please, please give me your passport."
"it's here."
As he said, Founder took out a pass paper and handed it over. It took him a lot of work to get this document. Founder is extremely lucky to be a master of this body as a cultist, and at least those three teachings and nine streams are in his memory. Menerqing. Because of this, Founder was able to find the thieves' union smoothly, and obtained such a "regular" official document after promising a large amount of remuneration.
Of course, the so-called formal document is naturally a formal pass certificate, which will indicate where the holder came from and where to go, and it will be stamped with the seal of affiliation. Because these passports are all made of special magic paper, they cannot be forged at all.
But it cannot be forged, but it does not mean that it cannot be obtained.
As long as there is enough compensation, it is never a big deal to "lost" one or two passports, isn't it?
"Mr. Founder from the Principality of Silver ......... um ..."
The old man put on a unilateral eye and took a closer look at the text and seal on the document. Then he coughed and looked up at the Founder.
"What are you doing here?"
"I am here to seek the guidance of the goddess of order."
As he said, UU Kanshu founder put his finger on his forehead, tapped it slightly, and made a gesture similar to a believer praying.
"I want to strengthen my resolve in the divine oath."
"alright, I got it."
I heard Fang Zheng's answer, the old man didn't get fuss. The Holy Land is the root of faith, and many people from other countries will make a special trip to the Holy Land to make a pilgrimage. To put it simply, in the eyes of most people, the beliefs and teachings of the Holy State are more "authentic", and it is easier to hear the goddess of order.
Of course, any educated person knows that this is just nonsense, but you can't stop people from going to the Holy Land Church to pray, right?
The old man was obviously not the first time to encounter this situation. He quickly checked the documents and filled out another form after confirming that it was correct. Then he took the seal at hand and pressed it with some effort. Then he looked at the Founder.
好 "Okay, young man, then you can take this document to the astrological room-you know what to do."
"Of course, thank you."
He heard the old man talking, and Founder nodded with a smile. He reached out to pick up the paper, and at the same time put a few silver coins on the counter. The old man quietly swept the silver coins into his sleeves, watching the Founder's smile more and more enthusiastic.
"My name is Pande. If you have anything, you can come to me, as long as I can do it, there will be no problem."
"Thank you."
Hearing the old man's answer, Founder nodded, then he picked up the paper and turned away.
Suddenly, a moment of coldness flashed in Fang Zheng's eyes as he turned around.
The first step has been completed, and the next step is the most dangerous part.
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