Chapter 1325: Resident Evil in Ancient Xianxia Edition Begins

Now that the water spirit beads have been obtained, the next goal of Founder and others is earth spirit beads and thunder spirit beads. So after leaving Montenegro, everyone took an airship and flew all the way to Baihe Village.
After a busy day, everyone was a little tired, but fortunately, there are guest rooms in the airship and showers. Although Zhao Linger and Lin Yueru have never seen such things, Fangzheng just asked Ai Ge to teach them They learned it soon, so everyone took a hot bath and went to bed. It wasn't long after breakfast the next morning that the airship had arrived at the location of Baihe Village.
"It looks like Baihe Village is not far away."
Standing on the deck, looking at the village in the distance, Founder nodded.
"Find a place where no one is, let's get ready to land."
Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Lin Yueru asked curiously.
"Brother Fang, why don't we land directly in Baihe Village?"
"Because of the trouble ..."
With regard to Founder's speech, Lin Yueru couldn't understand it. Her father Lin Tiannan also had some friendship with the head of Shushan Xianjian School. Lin Yueru also met the sword prince several times. The other party was a flying sword. It has never been a problem. And ......... Lin Yueru is also the age of Secondary Two after all, this airship is so beautiful and atmospheric, she naturally wants to show off to others, so Lin Yueru doesn't understand Fang Zheng's sneaky action like a thief. style.
However, for Lin Yueru's proposal, Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders.
"You don't understand? Well, I'll try it once and you'll understand."
After saying this, Founder also directly controlled the airship to fly directly over Baihe Village and began to descend slowly.
And the villagers of Baihe Village screamed in surprise when they saw this strange airship. After a short time, they saw a crowd of people around. The Founder controlled the airship to park on a meadow outside Baihe Village, and then he walked down with a few people.
Just after Lin Yueru had reached the ground, she was startled by the sudden roar. Before she could do anything, she saw a woman crying at her feet.
"The gods are showing their spirits. Please help us to save our family. My husband died early, there are old and young, there are dead corpses now, I, I beg you!"
"Yes, fairy, save us!"
At this moment, other people came around, and kneeling in front of Fang Zheng's group was a gimmick, while Lin Yueru looked at the crying people in this circle and was completely speechless.
"Look, I said it."
Fang Zheng opened his hands to Lin Yueru helplessly, and then he walked towards Baihe Village. The others saw Fang Zheng go, but they hurried to keep up, and did not dare to entangle with these villagers.
Fortunately, these villagers did not dare to stop the Founder's way. When they saw Founder going, they did not dare to do anything. The Founder walked directly to the door of Baihe Village, glanced around, and then spoke.
"Who is the village chief here?"
"Yes, it's me, fairy."
Hearing Fang Zheng's inquiry, an old man came out quickly and paid respectfully to Fang Zheng.
"Fairy, please help us ..."
"Lao Zhang doesn't have to."
When the old man was about to kneel, Fang Zheng hurriedly winked at Zhao Linger, and Zhao Linger immediately understood Fang Zheng's meaning and hurried forward to support the old man.
"Exactly what happened here?"
"The nearby Heihe Town has been making zombies recently, and it is very disturbing. We also suffered a disaster here. Many victims in Heihe Town came to take refuge here. Also ask the fairy to help ... "
"Where are those victims?"
Upon hearing this, Founder also asked, although he knew, but ... still asked if it is more in line with the game flow?
"Ah, most of these victims are now receiving treatment at Han Yixian. I will take you ..."
This old village chief is also a visionary, and after speaking, he hurriedly turned around and took the Founder and his party to the house of Han Yixian.
Halfway through, Lin Yueru saw a large group of people standing in line not far away, and it seemed as if it was lively, what she was buying, which made her ask curiously.
"Lao Zhang, what does the merchant sell? Why is the business so busy?"
Hearing Lin Yueru's inquiry, the old village chief sighed.
"That is a shop opened by Luo Yuan, who is selling glutinous rice ..."
"Why do so many people buy glutinous rice? Do you want to make dumplings?"
"Hey, the fairy people don't know. Recently, because of the zombies, everyone in the village is heartbroken. They heard that glutinous rice can restrain zombies, so they want to buy some self-defense. The acquisition was empty. Until now, only him here can sell glutinous rice! As a result, his glutinous rice is ten times higher than the market price! Hey ... "
"What? Anything like this?"
Hearing here, Lin Yueru suddenly opened his eyes.
"Wait for this unscrupulous merchant to see how I can pack him!"
"How are you going to pack him?"
Upon hearing this, Fang Zheng asked curiously, and Lin Yueru gave a righteous answer.
"Stop him and let him give all the glutinous rice to the villagers!"
"Aren't you afraid of his newspaper officer?"
"What are you afraid of!"
Facing Fang's inquiry, Lin Yueru patted his chest proudly.
"My dad is the owner of Linjiabao or the leader of Wulin League. Our Lin family is a famous person in the south of the Yangtze River, and a member outside, can you treat me?"
Oh, Founder has forgotten that Lin Yueru in front of him can be regarded as a genuine second generation.
"Besides, it was okay to beat him. If he changed his father, he might have to cut him down to make a difference!"
Wow ... this ancient is really terrible ...
But hoarding is indeed illegal ...
"Do not worry."
Founder turned his head and said to the old village chief.
"We're here for these zombies. After we remove them, you don't have to worry about corpses."
"So good! So good!"
Upon hearing Founder's answer, the old village chief nodded again and again, and while talking, everyone finally came to the clinic of Han Yixian. It is also crowded here, but the situation is obviously not so good. Most of them were lying on the ground and humming. And a young girl in a blue floral hexagram shirt hurriedly walked in and out with the medicine. Obviously, the situation here is not very good.
"Woo ... are these from Heihe Town?"
Lin Yueru was shocked to see so many patients for the first time. The old village chief nodded hurriedly.
"Exactly, many of these people were bitten by zombies and poisoned by corpses ... hey ..."
Alas, this whole ancient version of the biochemical crisis.
Looking at this scene, Founder could not help thinking of the zombie tide in the biochemical world, but the zombies are also scientific, but the zombies are not scientific.
However, if the Founder says, he can't say which side is better. After all, you said that zombies are easy to be infected, at least easy to deal with, just beheaded. But zombies are not so easy to deal with, but people are afraid of glutinous rice ...
I don't know if zombies or zombies are more harmful if they are placed in modern society.
"Woo ...... wow ah ah ah ah ah !!!"
Just as Founder's head was full of thoughts, suddenly, a patient yelled, and then he desperately rolled around ~ ~ The whole person looked quite painful. Seeing this scene, the people next to them screamed and avoided, and the old village chief changed his face.
"No, this is the corpse poison!"
"give it to me."
Founder has almost seen it. This so-called corpse poison is not so much a T virus in the biochemical crisis as it is a curse, so he stretched his finger directly, and soon an "elimination curse" hit directly on that one. The patient's body. The next moment, I saw a flash of magical light, and then the black gas on the patient's face disappeared instantly, and the blink of an eye fell to the ground, but it was already back to life, not as terrible as before.
Seeing this, everyone was surprised to widen their eyes.
"Fairy !!!!"
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