Chapter 1391: We can't learn from 1

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Touma and Sae looked at the keys at hand, feeling very sad.
Still can't catch up ...
Thinking of this, Dongma bit his teeth.
Under the founder's guidance, Dong Ma can feel that his skills have improved rapidly, much greater than the gains of practicing ten hours a day. However, because of this, Dong Ma became more and more aware of how much the gap between him and Founder was.
If before she just faintly felt that the gap between her and the other side was not a star, then now, Dong Ma can clearly feel that the two sides are almost like a world apart. She seemed to be standing at the foot of the mountain, and Founder was the king sitting on the mountain, overlooking herself.
This has nothing to do with skills, because skills are only related to talents and exercises. As long as you have enough talents and strong enough exercises, even if you can't catch up, there won't be much difference. However, it is not this objective gap that troubles Dongma, but a very subjective difference--the Qi field.
That's right, the same piece of music, performed under the Founder's hand, is the most vivid, even in the music room, it also gives people a kind of domineering as if in the golden hall of Vienna, commanding everything. However, Dongma could not do this no matter how to imitate it.
It's like an emperor and a person who has never been an emperor. The latter emulates the emperor by any means, and he cannot have the emperor's temperament.
Dong Ma can guess why this is, it is like a gap between a battle-winning champion and a fledgling contestant, but the problem is that she cannot find any information about Founder.
Yes, out of curiosity, Dong Ma used to find information about Founder through his contacts in the music circle, but there was no information at all. No matter what kind of occasion, from world-class concerts to local-level music competitions, there is no founder's name, which makes Dongma puzzled.
Who is he exactly?
What has he experienced?
How could he have such strength?
Unconsciously, her thoughts flooded Dong Ma's brain so much that she even inspired her heart.
The sound of the keys dropped heavily, and Dongma exhaled a long time, closing her eyes and lying on the piano.
Originally it was only a small question, but Dong Ma felt that he was completely trapped by the question now. It was as if she had entered a maze, but could not find an exit. Maybe for others, this is just a small question, and it is not worth exploring, but Dong Ma feels like he is a magic wand, and he wants to find the answer.
However, for Founder, he was equally troubled by another problem.
"You score ... I'll tell you the truth, you should say goodbye to school sooner."
He patted a pile of twenty-thirty test papers on the table, and Fang Zheng looked helplessly at Dongma and Shao.
"That's the bottom test? You're still a ghost sophomore, wait to repeat, then you should call us seniors!"
In the face of Founder's words, Dong Ma grunted and turned his head, aggrieved. Although Dong Ma's performance is not good, it is not so bad. If she was not thinking about the Founder every day, she would not have achieved this point!
So it's all Founder's fault!
However, Founder did not know what Dongma was thinking, even if he knew his pot, he would never carry it.
"Okay, don't say that ..."
At this moment the world came out with a bitter smile and hit the round, and then she suddenly lighted up.
"By the way, Kasugano! Let's have a study session. Before the final exam, let's work together!"
Hearing this, Xue Cai nodded.
"I heard that people who fail the exam will be compulsory tutoring in the summer vacation ... if winter horse is compulsory, then what can we do with LIVE?"
"This is indeed a problem."
Founder reached out and held his forehead, thought for a moment, then nodded.
"Okay, no problem."
"So, the study meeting is set for this weekend. How about Kasugano's house?"
"Okay, no problem ... eh? Wait, why is it my house?"
He nodded reflexively, and Fangzheng came back to life, and the world spat out his tongue with a smile.
"Because we all want to go to Kasugano's house ... ... of course, if it bothers you, that's all."
"......... well, no problem."
Fang Zheng currently lives in the ancestral house left by his grandparents in the world. He used to be a clinic, but now Fang Zheng does not plan to open the branch line of "I am a divine doctor", so the clinic naturally closed for a long time. However, the room was empty and empty. There were no problems with twenty or thirty patients. Of course, five or six people could pass the tuition.
Coincidentally, it is time for Founder to make up lessons for Qiong. Otherwise, with her current score, unless Founder hangs up cheating for her, it is estimated that she will have to go to tuition classes with Dong Ma to make difficult sisters.
Hearing Founder's answer, the world waved with excitement.
"So it's decided!"
In this way, at the weekend, everyone came to the home of Fang Zheng and Qiong--of course, in addition to the four people in the light music department, Qiong also pulled one person.
"That ... I'd like to meet for the first time, please give me some advice."
Gui Yanye still looks like a gentle ladylike girl, bowing respectfully to several people. To be honest, although I have heard the name of Gui Yanye for a long time, seeing this gentle and peaceful young lady in front of my eyes surprised everyone. After all, Gui Yanye doesn't look so much like the fierce evil that broke the school rogue with a wooden knife in the rumor.
"I didn't expect classmate Gui to be so beautiful."
As the most communicative person in the light music department, the world is naturally the first to jump out.
"Yes, are you going out to play with Qiongqi today? They are so beautiful ..."
While talking, the world was curiously looking at Gui Yanye. I saw she was wearing a light white suit that looked like she was going out to play. Although the brand is not visible, it is obviously expensive enough.
After hearing the world's inquiries, Gui Yanye was also stunned and waved his hands in a hurry.
"No, no, I was invited to the study meeting by classmate Qiong. This is just the clothes I wear when I go out ..."
"Well ...... it's so beautiful, it's a bit envious."
Staring at the clothes in front of Gui Yanye, the world couldn't help revealing envious eyes. How to say ... After all, it was a young lady, and it really was different from ordinary people.
"Nothing ......... you at Xiyuan Temple are also dressed very well, aren't they?"
"a ha ha ha………"
Hearing Gui Yanye's response, the world laughed bitterly.
"No, this is just the clothes we wear out ... right, Xuecai."
"Ah, that's right."
Xuecai next to him also nodded hurriedly.
"It just looks fancy, but it's just bargains ..."
Watching the conversation between the two parties in front of him, Dong Ma blinked, then lowered his head to look at himself. In the world, Xuecai even dresses very exquisitely. Even from the perspective of Dong Ma, they all dress up beautifully. The world wears blue blue T-shirts and short skirts. Xuecai was wearing a pink sweater and a white shirt, and a long black dress and stockings underneath. Even Qingpu instantly wore an elegant white dress.
In contrast, Dong Ma himself is wearing a long trousers and trousers at home, looks very simple ... Of course, if everyone else is just wearing daily clothes, then it is not surprising that Dong Ma is dressed up. But beside everyone who was well-dressed at the moment, Dong Ma felt somewhat uncomfortable.
Dome sat on the sofa next to him, hugging the black rabbit in her arms, and stared coldly at the girls in front of her. But she has always been like this, so everyone has long been used to it.
"Well, I said we should start learning, too."
At this moment, Founder also came in with tea and drinks.
"We are here today, not for fun."
"Ah, that's what it is."
Hearing this, Xue Cai nodded, and then took out his own reference book.
"let us start!"
Learning will be learning, naturally it is learning. However, among these people, Qiong and Dongma have the worst results. The world is considered to be medium, Xuecai, Founder, and all of them are in the top ten of grades, so they quickly become Xuecai Coaching Dome ~ ~ Counseling the world at once, while Fang Zheng counsels Dongma.
The only reason that Founder wasn't allowed to tutor the dome was that Dong Ma didn't listen to other people's words, even Xuecai was no exception. Except for Founder, no one could cure her, so Founder had to start with a textbook.
"You can't remember even such a simple passage, and you want to practice the piano? Don't you memorize the music score on weekdays?"
"What kind of Japanese is this? You might as well learn sign language, at least you won't tune!"
"Wow ..."
Looking at Dongma, who was knocked by the founder's book "bang", everyone could not help but cast a glance of sympathy, and at the same time secretly admired that Dongma could really learn. After all, if they were changed by the founder, I was afraid that they would run away with tears and tears, and Dongma would be completely so-called, and it even seemed like ... a little bit of enjoyment?
It should be an illusion.
"Goo -------!"
The study session continued until the world's belly rang.
"Well, that's it for now."
Founder glanced at the time in front of him.
"I'm going to make dinner."
"Let's help too!"
Seeing Fang Zheng standing up, the world jumped up hastily. At the same time, she pulled Xuecai calmly, and Xuecai hurriedly stood up and nodded.
"Yes, Kasugano, me, we too ..."
As for Qingpu, she didn't speak at all, because when Founder walked into the kitchen, she had already got up and followed.
For a time, only Gui Yanye and Qiong were left in front of the table.
Looking at the empty table, Dome snorted again, then stood up.
"Gui, let's help too."
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