Chapter 1506: You are not eligible to become consumables (Indulge in Alpha not ...

Deep, gloomy, dark underground holes, only the cold blue light illuminated the way forward.
Founder walked among them, while looking at the various weathered buildings around him, he was surprised.
But then again ...
"Why are you following me?"
Founder turned his head and looked at the blue-haired girl behind her—she wasn't Kodori. Right now Kodori, Noft and Aesya were helping the soldiers on the ground. Founder intends to go underground to find the node left by the goddess of order, but he is not alone.
Nephrine and Landorucci followed him down to the ruins.
Neveline is quite understandable. During this time, she has been with Fang Zheng, as if she was following her owner's puppy. Fang Zheng has also become accustomed to it. But Lan Duo Luke founder was a bit surprised. It was only a few hours before he met the other party, and before that, Founder had only answered her questions.
It turned out to be entangled.
That's right, unlike Neveline, who is always taciturn, Landorucci seems to be a girl who likes to learn and think. In fact, after asking Fang that she is human, she asked two questions.
How the Beast Appeared.
How did the golden goblin appear.
Of course, Founder gave the answer without concealment. Perhaps for the people in this world, this is a secret that needs to be kept with life. However, for Founder, it is not more valuable than the street magazine tabloid. .
Thus, Landorucci learned the truth of the world from the Founder.
The beast was transformed by the human beings of this world.
The gold fairy is an imitation created by the remaining humans in this world in order to imitate the former star to create humans.
"Because you are the same family of human beings that have destroyed this world, I must watch you do nothing dangerous."
Landorucci walked behind Founder and stared at him, and Founder shrugged.
"I said, I'm not a human in this world."
"I don't believe this."
"Believe it or not is your business."
Founder replied an understatement again, and then looked back, but Randoluk no longer spoke --- Nephrine, never spoke.
The three proceeded in this way, and after a while, Landoruk asked again.
"I heard about you from Kodori and Ethelya, why are you so gentle with our golden fairies?"
"Huh? Is there anything wrong with this?"
"of course."
Landolu nodded.
"We are weapons and consumables. Do you really treat us this way? Maybe one day, there will be a golden goblin saying‘ I do n’t want to fight, I just want to live ’.

"Hahaha ..."
However, to the surprise of Landuolu, when found here, Founder suddenly laughed.
"Isn't this normal? It is the instinct of life to want to live and not die."
"Why are you laughing?!"
At the sound of Founder's laughter, Landoro was inexplicably angry.
"But we are not living. We are just golden fairies. They are consumables."
"Do not."
However, just after she had finished speaking, she was interrupted by Founder.
"You are not eligible for consumables."
"Wh ........."
"I have an army of swarms, um ... you haven't seen them. In short, you can think of them as beast-like races. They obey my orders completely and are not afraid of death, but you know the number How much? "
Founder reached out and pointed to it.
"They are more numerous than the stars and reproduce faster than the rabbits. Their hearts and spirits are connected in the swarm network and share each other's thoughts. You kill one, you hatch two, you kill After two, four will hatch, endless. Because of this, each Zerg will fight hard, and I will put them to death. "
Hearing here, Landor Luc and Neveline were stunned. Although they had never seen the swarm, they could only tremble when they heard Fang Zheng's description.
"Understood? The quantity is the basis of the war of attrition. Your golden fairies are just two or three kittens, and I also heard Nicolan say that not every fairy can become a fairy soldier. So what do you have? Qualification to fight the war of attrition. People in this world are really mentally retarded. Only golden fairies can use relic weapons. At this time, they should be protected and cultivated. They should be treated as consumables. I really don't know that their brains are lacking in roots. How is the string ...... forget it, anyway, I have been to so many worlds, and I have seen more intellectually disabled things ... "
Founder walked in front, muttering, but the expression on the back of Lando Luke became more complicated.
"Wait, but you said you have an army of ... swarms, aren't they afraid of death?"
"The culture of the Swarm is different from yours, but they also know the concept of death, but it is normal for the Zerg to die for the entire group. They do not fear death, nor do they ignore death, let alone Ignore death. "
Having said that, Founder glanced at Landor Luc.
"So, you don't have to have a concept of death to be a warrior. To be honest, in my words, I would rather not have such warriors."
"Why, why?"
"Because you don't know death, you have no concept of death, and you don't have a qualified understanding of what you should do."
Having said that, Founder waved his hand.
"There are many companions around me. Many of them have faced the threat of death. They were afraid, wept, and escaped, but in the end, they took up their weapons and faced the battle and death bravely. Because they knew death. What is it? I do n’t want to die, I do n’t want to die, and I do n’t want others to die. That ’s why they have a powerful force to fight.
For the weird saying of Founder, Neveline was used to it, but Randoluke could not speak for a while. After all, what Founder said was completely inconsistent with her own three views. It can be said that she had a conversation with Founder. Dorok originally wanted to investigate this mysterious human race, but found that she was about to collapse in three observations.
Just then, Founder stopped and looked forward. There, a body full of blood appeared in front of everyone.
"A member of the salvage team."
Randoluk immediately recognized the man as a member of the salvage team.
"He was attacked by a beast and is dead."
"Speaking of which I did hear about it before coming down ..."
Founder tapped his head. He remembered that before entering the ruins, he did listen to the captain of a salvage team arguing with the army, because the army personnel sent two salvage teams to the depths of the ruins in order to save time. The captain of the salvation team is very angry. After all, according to tradition, more than seven people will die once they enter the ruins.
However, the officers of the army obviously just think that this is superstition-well, this is also an essential element for the opening of many horror movies.
So it would be normal to die.
"Well, let's move on, just ahead."
Founder just glanced at the corpse and retracted his gaze, and continued to walk deep into the depths, while Neferi continued to keep up, only Lan Duluo was a little worried-after all, it was underground, in case If a beast attacked here, the situation would be very dangerous.
But she couldn't change anything by herself, and was able to keep up with it.
Along the way, people found several corpses in succession. Obviously, just like horror movies, those who violated taboos died.
Finally, under the leadership of Founder, they arrived at their destination.
"This is it."
Looking at the scene in front of him, Fang Zheng whispered to himself.
What appeared to him was a space that looked like a square and some sort of religious hall. Of course, these were not important. Importantly, in the center of this space, there is a humanoid figure wrapped in crystal. It was a girl who was about seven or eight years old. She was wearing a thin white dress and long bright red hair. And on her body, from the chest to the abdomen, there was a dark, huge wound.
"what is that?"
Looking at the red-haired girl, Lando Luke's voice trembled a little.
"I feel ...... not quite right, as if something is calling me ..."
"Don't get too close."
Fangzheng reached out and blocked Nephrine and Landorucci.
"Remember what I said before? Humans killed Star God, and then tried to learn their methods, using Star God's soul fragments to create human beings. But they failed, and your golden leprechauns are their products, so ... ... "
"So, is it the Star God?"
At this moment, Lan Duluoke also immediately understood the feeling of being indistinct in his heart ~ ~.
She is the product of the soul fragment of the star god, and at this moment, the girl frozen in crystal is the last star god.
"Is she dead?"
At this time, Neferin asked.
"Dead, strictly speaking, fell asleep, those humans did not really kill her, but ..."
Fang Zheng stepped forward slowly, then he raised his right hand.
"—The ruthless steel queen, the holy sword that cuts demons and exorcists—-turn it into a steel sword, come on!"
Along with Founder's words, the silver-white short sword appeared in the hands of Founder.
That is the holy sword of annihilation-Esther.
The girl right now is the order coordinates where the goddess of order stays here, but she is "dead". But this death is not real death. Humans created the holy sword and used the holy sword to cast the curse of death on this last star god, so she will become what she is now.
And the Founder's Sword of Ascendant Astor can break all curses, even the curse of death.
Founder held up the silver and white short sword in his hand, and then stabbed hard at the crystal in front of him.
The dagger easily pierced into the crystal. The next moment, the ground began to tremble, and the crystal in front of it gradually cracked and shattered. Finally, a "bang" burst completely and disappeared into the air. At the same time, the red-haired girl also fell to the ground.
The huge wound on her had disappeared, and Founder reached out and hugged her.
"We leave here first."
The tremors of the surrounding earth became more and more violent. Not only did the Founder's sword break the seal, it also seemed to awaken some sleeping existence.
"The rest, wait until the ground."
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